Serial killers aren't serial anymore?

Why do we not hear about serial killers anymore? It was big news 10-15 years ago. Does the internet have something to do with them not releasing their urges onto people?

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Internet/porn/videogames have pretty much pacified all of the potential serial killers around today.

law enforcement is far more difficult to resist now. you can't evade detection long after the first murder

your pic related managed to escape from prison multiple times. try getting away with that shit now

It's now called "inner city violence" and people don't give a shit anymore. I guarantee you a random nog walking around the ghetto of Chicago's southside has killed at least 10 people.

I think the opposite is true and we just are less aware of serial killers. Please the media doesn't cover them like they used to

>serial kiling
>in current year?!
Spree killings and mass murder is now the trendy thing for murderous psychopats.

They are all in the government now, torturing kids in Comet PingPong under the protection of CIA

Definitely. I would have killed many people, and been jailed long ago, if i didn't have an outlet. I hate everything.
Of course it's only a matter of time until I become immune. Once I get to a certain point, I will have no choice but to kill, if not to even the score then simply for free food in jail. This will happen, if I don't find a wife. There is still time to find one and live a happy life, but not much.
I will not be a tax slave living a single life. The only option is to lash out at society for failing me in return for my own destruction.

>It was big news 10-15 years ago.

No it wasn't. Try 40 or 50.

They can't get the attention they want now that everyone tries for the high score plus there's so much degeneracy available online it takes them much longer to escalate to actual murder, if they ever do.

Those are some dark thought user

Justin wont be happy with this.

They got replaced by terrorists and drug cartels. That's where all the really nasty shit is nowadays.


"i see this as being some kind of retard job"

We have bigger problems today, like the end of our whole civilization.

>my whole life is just cold bitter hatred and I always wanted to die violently

Forensic science has come a long way since the 70's/80's, and many would-be serial killers get caught before killing enough to fit the FBI definition of what a 'serial murderer' is


they are still out there, we just stepped up our game

The FBI says there are something like 25 active serial killers in the US right now. There's the Long Island serial killer, possibly smiley face killers (probably a hoax), and murders with similar MOs all across our highway system point to several different serial killers.

MK ULTRA ended

>being 14 and posting on /pol

>die violently
Of course. It sure beats dying alone, with no family around to comfort me, as on old crippled man, so full of rage and hate, but unable to get it out. A violent premature end is the only logical end.

You should stop doing that then, especially if you're offering no input.

I just remembered I was hearing about a serial killer in Pittsburgh recently. Forgot about that.

There is literally nothing wrong with serial killers or any other killers.

There's just as many

They don't release news on them anymore; you'll hear "serial killer" caught, and that's it.

Sometimes certain people need to die, and SOMEONE has to do the job, since the police are such pussy ass moral fags.

I was on a thread on /x/ a few days ago about serial killers. Someone posted a link, but it is estimated that there are 100+ active serial killers in the united States right now.

Alot of the times, the police do not tell the media when they think a serial killer is active because of copy cat killers and because more often than not serial killers love that attention.

So there are still serial killers out there. Do not get it twisted. They just don't get any attention anymore, until they're arrested.

They're cowards that attack the weak.

What do you mean goy?

This guy just serially killed around 100 children using chemicals weapons

Kill Dozer 2.0. Do it.

Stop watching the electric jew dope. Tv shows have csi, in the real world almost none of that shit exists. Look at how they portray the CDC in movies and tv. Then we get an ebola outbreak and all they do is put up an ordinary tent in the hospital parking lot.

What is this nigger doing? Aiming for my left wrist? ROFL

... cool.

I think you may have overdosed on redpills, bud

I work as a forensic technician

Are those the stars thatgoogle sky blacked out between the legs of Virgo, right?

kys faggot


There never were serial killers. There was a narrative. And still there's a narrative.


Illogical. Esspecially when so many of you need to die.

Surveillance, advances forensics.. serial killers became less frequent in the 90s.

However! there are bodies turning up in Boston recently.

I've never heard something dumber

People go missing in the UK all the time , they think there is one in manchester who kills faggots at Canal St and the Gay Village, they have found way to many boddies in the Canal in the last 5 years

Most of those faggots get cought before they can crank out the numbers people used to get. Technology beats them. Just look at BTK: invincible like a ghost in the '80, got caught like a bitch in the '00.
Also i guess being a serial killer kind of lost its allure in an era of terrorist attacks. You can kill a dozen hookers over the years and end up being ignored becouse a muzzie ran over few times that number in random civilians in few minutes.
Dahmer wouldn't even get the national news with Omar beating his "dead faggots" record in one evening.

Anime and doujin too!


I bet you think hundreds of thousands of children go missing every year on account of your local pasty middle aged white perverts.

The vast majority of homocide cases that get closed are entirely because the murderer and the victim shared a relationship before the crime, regardless of whatever forensic technology is available. There is no reason to suspect that serial killers have gone away, just because we don't hear about them on the news anymore.

There are massive numbers of missing people and unsolved murder cases, and all of the public institutions which are charged with investigating these crimes actively AVOID trying to make connections since it is in their interest to keep cases from sprawling and no one wants to deal with a shit ton of extra work.

>Why do we not hear about serial killers anymore?

You never heard Ted Cruz mentioned during 2016? Never? Ever? Really?

We also have a massive number of people in prison and a thriving criminal culture in the US. There is every reason to believe that serial killers are thriving in modern america

>I bet you think hundreds of thousands of children go missing every year on account of your local pasty middle aged white perverts.

I think you omitted a few words if you were trying to satire-attack me

Cruz couldn't be the Zodiac. He wouldn't be satisfied with killing just few americans.

50-60 people go missing here each year and they are not found. But our police is under staffed so they don't really bother with missing persons.


>AVOID trying to make connections since it is in their interest to keep cases from sprawling and no one wants to deal with a shit ton of extra work

I think they want to avoid the serial killer panics of the past too . also if you know how to dispose of bodies it's easy to get away with it still

Its a 1 and done type thing now.


Basically they get caught immediately following the first crime. Back when, they would stalk victims at nights. Kill hookers. Break into homes. Etc. Most of the most famous serial killers did their thing before the science of DNA forensics or right in its infancy.

Today, 1 tiny knuckle hair puts an end the fun.
You dont even have to be in the database for a match to hot nowadays. They literally can match your DNA to someone in your immediate family that's already in the system, and the chances that a relative of yours has been arrested for something pike drunk driving and had a DNA swab is high.

Besides the DNA stuff, technology makes getting away with murder nearly impossible. Everybody has a camera/video recorder o their person at all times. Cameras on Every business, every street light, and many properties as well. Someone recorded you. Your car. You are literaloy on camera. They can trace every car has it hits alo the camera zones within a mile of the crime scene at the time of the crime.

And the science used for identifying the time of death has also advanced.

The police also handle kissing persons reports different.

More police. Better trained. More investors. Better trained.

Its not like it used to be when 1 guy could kill 10 hitchikers and leave the body around a town in the 1950s



You've become incoherent.

This spic killed a bunch of women and had groupies sending him love letters till the day he died.

More likely to get caught these days.

Son of Sam killed a bunch of people becouse he couldn't score. He still didn't get any groupies.

naw, children have separate statistics here, and you can get a 10-12 year old hooker easy here. So no point of kidnapping one.

>tfw that is in my city

>local pasty middle aged white perverts
Checks out. Children seem to go missing a lot, I have a few Facebook friends who share photos of missing kids constantly in an effort to find them. It makes me wonder what's actually happening to them; are they being killed or just abducted by the elites to use in their fucked up rituals?

This is CSI TV fantasy. You think a homicide detective in a town like Chicago, with an insanely high number of murders and a piss poor closure rate is going to spend time combing a crime scene for suspicious looking knuckle hairs? They practically ignore cases that don't have an immediately obvious suspect.

Same goes for your argument about proliferation of cameras, which sounds impressive, but is useless unless you know what you are looking for.

Asaad has gotten away with murdering hundreds of thousands of civilians so that's pretty serial.

How many times does this thread need to be fucking made?

News channels do not cover serial killers as much due to fear of inspiring copycats or spurring the killer with media attention.

There are still serial killers out there operating everyday.

that's because he wasn't tall and handsome like Ramirez.

THIS is what women desire


There was recently one in the UK who killed four guys he met on Grindr.

holy shit

No you dont dexter. Take ur fantasy elsewhere

white girls lust over aggressive latino guys. and you could thanks ramirez for that


>i'm not a specialist in anything and have never done anything remotely worth mentioning, therefore no one else has too

not a serial killer, he's a spree killer

learn your definitions newfags







Look nothing alike. Do you know what year the zodiac murders took place? Ted Cruz would be much older than he is now if he was the zodiac killer

That's because that creepy weirdo looks like a male model.

You can be a literal serial killer who rapes old women and still get laid if you're attractive.

That's what he wants you to think. Ted Cruz is clearly the Zodiac, only a fool would deny it. Why do you think he refused to confront something so significant, that dogged his campaign?


I doubt that there is much fun to be had in serial killing anymore.

Forensics as they are, you have to be careful not to leave any evidence at the scene of the crime. That's a pain.

You can't have any sort of connection to the victim or they'll eventually catch you. That sucks.

You can't scout the same area or a patrol will inevitably catch you. That's inconvenient.

You can't kill the victims or dispose of them in any sort of unique way, or the crimes will become linked. That takes the fun out of it.

Is this all the same girl? Sad.

... Sometimes I burn myself with hot water because it feels good. And no, the wounds do NOT heal.


Please deposit your self under a moving bus

>are they being killed or just abducted by the elites to use in their fucked up rituals?
all of the above.

yeah I wish we lived in time where a guy could easily enter somebodies house, murder them, leave, and do the same thing the next night. I was born in the wrong generation.

Ian huntley (pictured) raped and killed 2 little girls in England and he regularly receives romantic mail from women.

It should be noted that serial killer has always been an almost exclusively American phenomenon anyway. Murcia is truly a degenerate and disgusting society.

Its not hip anymore


no they're all different girls who will eventually racemix with a latino men and have caustizo kids.
Thanks Ramirez!

The long island serial killer is still at large. Israel Keyes (faggot) got caught four years ago.