As porn is not allowed on Sup Forums I won't link this directly, however the link below gives a summary along with a NSFW thumbnail for a video.


How should we react to this, Sup Forums? I feel like this could be a beautiful rabbit hole to go down.

Other urls found in this thread:


Is this what women like?

Who knows? You could always watch the videos and see if the women doing it look happy.


I admit it: I fapped.

>Is this what women like?
women don't have opinions

How was it user?


What the fuck

The manifesto is worth a Google, they've clearly not seen enough hentai.

I Googled it

>I call for the rise of an equally predatory monster as the ones existing, but equipped with tentacles referring to female anatomy. Convinced that the problem with mainstream tentacle porn is neither objectification nor domination. Rather problematic is how mass produced images repeating themselves, telling the same story over and over again, creates an educational narrative that tends to mainstream an audience. I believe that a female tentacle monster, and tentacle porn produced by females, carries enough radical potential to instead enlighten and inspire the same

If people put this much thought into something useful, the world would not be the shitty place people like this make it out to be

this is an abomination

>social commentary based on cursory understanding of subject matter
seems like the standard method

>lesbian porn with a handful of tentacles
>"new level"
this isn't even /d/ material
or maybe I've been on /d/ for so long, that sort of stuff seems vanilla

top fucking kek

I newer knew the Frenchmen on Sup Forums were so lewd.

No, feminists just do stupid shit to spite men even if they don't actually like doing what they're doing.

Feminism isn't about making women happy it's just throwing a public tantrum.

France can't do anything without a little bit of sexy.

I translated their manifesto, phone posting ruined it.
there's a porn video in which a mother teaches her daughter to masturbate
and it would be nice how they burn up as two inside-out
suns that burn holes in the world
but not even the shame we have to be free, not even in porn,
not even when together with her mother fuck away all their pain can be free
for there are men in every alley, waiting behind every door
newlevelofpornography is a new progressive movement that want to loosen up the concept
pornography and erase the boundaries between spectators, producer and actor.
the profit-driven pornography has always been a capitalist thrust that makes the patriarchal,
inhuman, degrading to women, capitalism is a machine,
a monster fueled by shame over their own development.
commercial pornography is not directed at us, not to anyone,
the people turn to a man who no longer yearn, dream, desire
We want to open up the borders, allowing oxygen to flow in between the legs, mouths, openings,
we want to give new life to pornography, get it to flourish as human beings,
that dream, desire, sexuality.
we want to create a room for a positive female sexuality in which everything
created from HER, the woman as a creator, as a target group,
as the norm, as the guiding principle.
we want to enter us in the shame, the horniness, sex and pornography.
the woman should be allowed to stand in their own light, it is shameful, in their own darkness,
the shameful, she will enjoy and lose yourself in itself.
it can be seen as a kind of gravity that is broken,
women and men who suddenly loses his footing,
eyes disappearing among lights go out
Pornography is the theory that every human being is magical,
it is our way of getting in contact with the incomprehensible,
where are our pictures at night,
why do they not control, attacking the wild dogs,
hungry animals driven by the sun and the darkness. we want to create new images, plant and erase, penetrate the surface layers and
build new universe

The vagina dentata is already a thing.

>I translated their manifesto
Isn't it available in English anyway?


Where? I went to their website and only found this one.

I assumed it was this.

The manifesto I got was from the site hosting the video, yours is the creator's manifesto about making tentacle porn.

Ah, fair enough.

Seems like shit I've seen thousands of times before, but shot poorly. Boring. When a tentacle fucks open her belly button, pulls out her uterus through the cavity and fucks it inside out, yeah we're pushing boundaries. I think it's funny how these lefties only know porn by the assembly line normie garbage you see referenced in pop culture.

If they knew this was already a common thing and couldn't take credit for it, they would still find a reason to screech and stamp their feet. Someone should really educate them on ryona, I would actually pay to see it and they would not pick up on the irony.

>The manifesto I got was from the site hosting the video,

Click on manifesto on the side.

...there's a kickstarter.

" €10
Trading Cards
A full set of the exclusive Feminist Tentacle trading cards! For every video, we also print trading cards with our heroes and monsters. Play with them, trade them, give them to your kids, put them on your fridge.. Choose between the Space Labia-cards, or the Destruction of Dude-cards."


The complete list of things women like:

>food that makes them fat

Thanks user.

det finns en porrfilm där en mamma lär sin dotter att onanera
och det skulle kunna vara vackert hur de brinner ikapp som två utochinvända
solar som bränner hål på världen

men inte ens i skammen får vi vara fria, inte ens i porren,
inte ens när man tillsammans med sin mamma knullar bort all sin smärta går det att vara fri
för det står män i varje gränd och väntar bakom varje dörr

newlevelofpornography är en ny progressiv rörelse som vill luckra upp begreppet
pornografi och radera gränserna mellan åskådare, producent och aktör.
den vinstdrivna pornografin har alltid en kapitalistisk drivkraft som gör den patriarkal,
omänsklig, kvinnoförnedrande, kapitalismen är en maskin,
ett monster drivet av skamkänslor över sin egen exploatering.
den kommersiella porren är inte riktad till oss, inte till någon,
den söker sig till en människa som inte längre längtar, drömmer, begär

vi vill öppna upp gränserna, låta syre rinna in mellan ben, munnar, öppningar,
vi vill ge nytt liv åt pornografin, få den att blomstra som människan,
som drömmen, lusten, sexualiteten.

vi vill skapa ett rum för en positiv kvinnlig sexualitet där allting
skapas utifrån HENNE, kvinnan som kreatör, som målgrupp,
som norm, som ledstjärna.

vi vill skriva in oss i skammen, i kåtheten, sexet och porren.
kvinnan ska få stå i sitt egna ljus, det skamliga, i sitt egna mörker,
det skamliga, hon ska njuta och förlora sig i sig själv.

det går att ses som en typ av gravitation som bryts,
kvinnor och män som plötsligt tappar fotfästet,
blickar som försvinner ut bland ljusen, slocknar

pornografi är läran om att varje människa är magisk,
det är vårt sätt att komma i kontakt med det oförståeliga,
varifrån kommer våra bilder om natten,
varför går de inte att styra, attackerar som vildhundar,
hungrande djur drivna av solen och mörkret. vi vill skapa nya bilder,



plantera och radera, tränga in under ytskikten och
bygga nya universum


>get in the car faggot, were making the world a better place through porn

"This project is all about build and giving birth to the feminist tentacles. We create enormous vulvae and slithery tongues, climbing clitoris and other amazingly predatory parts of the female body.

But of course we also produce short science-fiction erotica. Stories of heroes under attack of the female tentacle monster. There are already two films: Space Labia (nominated for Feminist Porn Award 2014), and Destruction of Dude (premiere May 2015)."

There's a Feminist Porn Award?

How can someone really be this full of themselves?

>the profit-driven pornography has always been a capitalist thrust that makes the patriarchal, inhuman, degrading to women
Now I'm pissed.
WHERE exactly did this whole idea that porn "objectifies" women come from in the first place?
Where, when the only type of porn that is not completely female-focused is gay porn?
Where, when porn actresses determine the value of a piece for both male and female consumers?
Their understanding of the entire dynamic is completely backwards it's absurd. They live in upside-down-land and when they claim they want to make the woman the center of the creation, they make it even upside-downer because they can't realize the absolutly obvious fact that IT IS AND HAS ALWAYS BEEN THE CASE.
They are like every other porn producer ever and they can't even realize it : they found their gimmick and they sell it. But since they can't stand the idea of selling in the first place, they pull up some bullshit rationalization to tell you that their kickstarter WITH FUCKING TRADING CARDS HOLY SHIT is totally not the same thing.
Now I'm mad and I can't even wank it away.
Fuck you all, but fuck these guys in particular.

They're making feminist porn, do you really think they're normal people?

jesus christ could they zoom in 10x more? how the fuck am I supposed to jerk off like this

French people have their own internet websites
The ones that come here are deviant

Also, could anyone post the pics?

You're not supposed to.

>Also, could anyone post the pics?
You could just watch the video.

Y'know, there's a reason hentai/furry art is a thing. It's because all this unrealistic fantasy porn looks really, REALLY fucking stupid when it's acted out IRL by normal people in costumes made out of duct tape and rubber gloves.

>You're not supposed to.
It's tentacle porn.

I just did
It wasn't very good, too much zoom. It was impossible to see the whole body of the actresses.
Maybe that's because one of them was fat

That's unfortunately.

Y'know, we could probably do something interesting if we started posting clips from this shit in Sup Forums's porn threads.

So, let me get this straight...

They want tentacle porn with better plot?

Oh lord.

>They want tentacle porn with better plot?
One of their plots is essentially just "two aliens meet, try to fight, and then fuck".

Lesbian porn will be appropriated into misogyny narratives.

>One of their plots is essentially just "two aliens meet, try to fight, and then fuck".

Doesn't sound like much of a plot, desu

>watching porn for the plot

You might not know, but if the plot if good, the porn is infinitely better
It's all brain reaction after all

>>watching porn for the plot

>As porn is not allowed on Sup Forums I won't link this directly

>stupid fucking animefag
you can link whatever you want


porn should never have a lot of plot.

either make porn or make a normal movie.

mods are fags and i love tharja

pretty sure that star wars porno with the red alien girl did that already

"noo you killed my apprentice"
"places her vagina on his face"

desu tentacle porn is kind of feminist in that it focuses on the pleasure of women and not the men fucking them.


Faggot. She is honestly the most cancerous character on that game. Devoid of personality, looks like shit, shit tier stats. Everything about her is the worst


tharja is the best red unit in heroes noob

just wait till they start fucking animals in a desperate attempt to show they don't need men

you can LINK whatever you want you fucking idiot
great job outting yourself as a newfag that's never used this site before, now back to plebbit retard

also this

The Thousand Year Bean or knows as King Clitora

haters gonna hate

Stopped reading there.


That better be a boy

>not watching porn for the plot
stay blue pilled

It's in your language, right? How bad is it?

unattractive bitches, shitty lighting, shitty writing, shitty cinematography, shitty score, shitty "special" effects, gross dirty roastie minges, retarded premise

boner level : 0.21

the fat blonde might be worth a toss if i was desperate, 4/10, the hatchet faced bowl cut paki whore was revolting, would NEVER bang. -3/10.

>watching porn