What's the real matter with gay marriage?

What's the real matter with gay marriage?

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legalize homosexual civil unions, make gay marriage a state issue.

Faggots are mentally ill and should either me shot or put in an asylum. I prefer the former.

Canadian cuckdom has no limitations

>allowing big brother to jail you for kissing a dude
Australian cuckdom is delusional

The stench of poo when they root each other. Disgusting.

Ever been on one of them gay cruises? I have. I can still smell the pong of sweaty poo-smeared blown out homo ass.

Fags either dont contribute to the next generation, or adopt a nigger and do so poorly. I dont care about consenting adults signing a contract with one another, as long as they leave the church alone and link pension to the number and quality of infants

>big brother
fuck you and your teen literature

why the fuck did you go on a gay cruise?

The ones that want to get married are the ones that aren't the desperate cumdumps that closet gay robots and Sup Forumsacks would try to bum on a lonely day, so they don't want even more people reminding them that functional relationships happen to half-decent people.

Also there are people who just think marriage is stupid all across the board, but it's not going to stop, or are just concerned with kids getting molested because muh churrin so important.

gentrification leading to dysgenics. 10% of all mammals are gay and all but keep it out of the limelight so you don't fuck people's children up please. If there's one thing i respect gays in the past for it's that they knew how to hide it, now people think it's trendy or some shit

Fuck that. Legalize gay marriage but don't force churches to perform them. If marriage is the religious half of it just let the churches who want to perform them perform them.

I keep saying make it up to the church who can get married and the government just issues civil unions as a legal term. All fag loving people can't say shit about it, they all just clam up

Judeo Christian civilisation is successful because it builds on clear distinctions between men and women and puts them in partnership (family) as the cell unit of society. The Romans, the Greeks, everybody, everybody had sex with little boys and with anyone, no one gave a shit about anything, then Christian morality set clear lines of the sexes. Gay marriage means the end to "men and women are different", which opens the door to the next barrage of gender-based attacks to tear down western civilisation (rights for trans toddlers who want pedo sex relationships with their mothers for example...). It's always been a battle over gender meaning something rather than nothing, not about actual gay people wearing rings and getting married and touching bums with willies.

Thats why the Roman Empire turned to shit after it was christianized.

women fear it because it makes them obsolete

The real matter is that it is fucking absurd. It's like asking what is the matter with four sided triangles

Irrelevent but controversial. The perfect smokescreen to pass other pieces of legislation when everyone is busy with the shitstorm.

>Ever been on one of them gay cruises? I have.

I might be a faggot, but I would never board the ARA AIDS

A self-aware faggot? Interesting.

Gay marriage is for fags desu

It's not that absurd for people who don't want to have kids. The truth is that women are crazy and stupid. The only use for them is having children.

>tfw i'll never be hatefucked by a hot alpha right wing chad

why even live?

what? I like boys, but reject that HIV-centered "gay culture"

Seriously, a lot of people on Sup Forums are like this.

Hurts fee fees of right wing nut jobs. Surely thats a crime

Same argument regarding stoners. They won't shut up how hip and progressive they are and would shove their opinions down everyone else's throats.

Also, goodluck to that kid that gets adopted by a same sex couple. I can already imagine the amount of shame and ridicule and the bullying it would be bundled with.

If you like boys why don't you just jerk off in front of a mirror then? No need to a partner.

Gays gonna gay

Their the reason social justice got as big as it did. Fags can get blown to hell by the mud-slime scum.

You mean besides being an oxymoron?

It's wrong because the only reason that they want it is for tax breaks and that hospital visitation thing. Just make those legal for roommates that have been living together for x years and be done with it

It's gay.

It's not a marriage. It's as simple as that. The religious ceremony of marriage has specific rules and guidelines.

When you have a bath, you dont say 'im going to get baptized'

When you have dinner you don't say 'im going to have some sacrament now'

Marriage, baptism, sacrament are all terms for a specific religious ceremonies.

Just becuase popular culture has hijacked a term and adopted it doesn't mean that it loses its significance.

Civil union is something that has always been available to citizens, and recognised by governments. To basterdize a word by stripping it of its religious meaning is to undermine ALL similar words associated with religious ceremonies.

Homosexuality is just a branch of individualism. Only a child or a liberal (who is, by extension, an idealistic child) could ever believe that anything good could come from individual rights. As soon as the average citizen is convinced that what they want matters more than the good of the society he fits into, that society is doomed.

Libertarianism only sounds sane to people who have already forsaken the good of their people. The idea sounds appealing and is of sound reason to them simply because the pursuit of selfish ideals is the only thing they've known since the erosion of the nuclear family.

Wrong, the only reason they want it is to get a rise out of conservatives.

Leviticus 20:13


It runs against the natural human order, which is the opposite of what our ideology intends to do. It is therefore unnatural and anti-fascist as well.

Join the OFFICIAL /polgb/ Discord:


Collectivism is cancer. Retard statists like you should be thrown out of a fucking helicopter. Fucking communist retard

Because a component of love and attractive is mating. A result of mating is pregnancy. What powers society is human beings. When things are gay there may be love, attraction and mating but no pregnancy. No replacements being made. What powers society is now in deficit. On a large enough scale it is the end of humans and societies.

It acknowledges a deviance as a legitimate lifestyle.
While I wouldn't condemn homosexual tendencies in general, I do think that all men should contribute to the birth rate by giving birth to at least two to three children.
Besides, homosexuality as a lifestyle promotes instant gratification, hedonism, self-centeredness (as you don't go the extra mile to try and understand females to seduce and fuck them) and selfishness. Furthermore, it sets a precedent for the tolerance of worse kinds of degeneracy and homosexuals are known to be riddled with infections and emotionally instable.

I don't believe in actual coercition, because it never yields good results on the long term, but I do trust in peer group pressure and national moral values to enforce the necessary practices. The idea is that homosexuals should be neither shamed nor praised for being faggots and that each and everyone should understand their moral duty to the community.

that gets boring

>Collectivism is cancer.
A certain degree of collectivism is needed to give cohesion to the community, as we are animals that evolve socially.
Our individualistic mindset is, for example, the cause of our demographic ruin, which has forced short-sighted politicians to use migrants to close the gap decade after decade.

After they tried to assimilate the barbarians

Gays a minority I dont really see the issue with them marrying.

It equates procreation.to poo-sex. That is the problem.

A minority

1 post by this ID

6 million replies

Why should gays be held as second-class citizens?


No church has EVER been forced to perform a gay marriage.

If marriage was solely a religious thing it should have stayed one. Straight people could get married by a clerk in a county courthouse long before gay marriage was ever a thing. Tax benefits, partner visitation, as well as the social status marriage confers, are not religious.

50% of women nowadays are childless.

Even satan thinks this degeneracy is a non-religion matter

Child abuse for gay men
Spousal abuse for lesbians
Google it

>never fucked his wife up the arse

Like Sadom village.
Gay peiple will always be sex freaks.

The fuck were you doing on a gay cruise nigga?

They are childless because they were educated wrong. Generally has nothing to do with whether they are capable of having kids or not.



Collectivists are degenerate. Every individual is unique. A collectivist identifies with the retarded drug addict down the block simply because they're the same race, or the same 'people' fuck that. Success is forged by the individual and solely the individual. Degenerate collectivists who are incapable of understanding this should be fucking PHYSICALLY REMOVED

>Collectivism is cancer.
Patriotism and nationalism are impossible without collectivism, you stupid faggot. Nazi were poor collectivists.

>A collectivist identifies with the retarded drug addict down the block simply because they're the same race, or the same 'people' fuck that.
No. Just no.

They have cruises just for gays? That cant be a cost effective marketing strategy.

Dilated patulous anus will cause rectal prolapse.

the law

has to be checked to ensure we're not giving them an unfair advantage over assumptions inherent in marriage - it'll likely mean some shortcuts in the law HAVE TO GO



back to trapfaps

FUCKING CHRIST - 5 house numbers in a row on the captcha - fuck you google

It perpetuates the patriarchy oppression of women, and therefore should be banned.

Further legitimization of a mental illness. Homosexuality can only be spread through indoctrination, it is a religion whose god is sex.