We must root out the antiwhite shilling...

We must root out the antiwhite shilling. Richard Spencer and every attempt to paint him as opposition is just posting unsubstantiated claims that just appeal to paranoics.

Also it would be convenient to force out RS and replace him with a skinhead with a swastika on his forehead to easily dismiss the altright. That is the endgame of antiRS shilling.

If we continue shitting on Rich who isnt perfect then no other will surface because everyone will be scared of the crybaby basement anons who will ditch him no matter what.

Other urls found in this thread:


you have to understand all this white power, black lives matter, racial bullshit this and racial bullshit that is just military deception by CIA lemon gestapo pervertariat performing rainbowlution where they are taking care of their "own" - the colored rainbow people. Notice rainbow is crooked in comparison to the straight ray of light? But that is just projection the effect. So be very careful repeating any talking points - any narrative in times of CIA lemon party gestapo is soaked in a sticky slime. Silence is golden - acoustic warfare is deadly.

Richard Spencer promotes degeneracy like gay sex as an expression of white culture.

>every attempt to paint him as opposition is just posting unsubstantiated claims that just appeal to paranoics.
people are still doing that?

Fuck off you closeted homo.

My spencer threads are filled with
>He is a cia shill, just look at him, look!!!! Evidence? What evidence do you need?!

How do you spot someone like that? Because yiu are one?

As a 300 year old babynation, you might have missed all the homosexuality of the Romans and Greeks.

It is historical fact, it doesn't need you to like it.

i agree with you

>Paranoid faggots we have a hard on for Rich

Honestly though Richard Spencer has the most punchable face I've ever seen

Agreed. Rich would be perfect to be the next leader of Sup Forums

>same ideals as us
>supports Trump
>isn't afraid to voice his ideas in the public light
>can unite Sup Forums and redditors who fight for the same cause

And the list goes on. There is literally no reason not love Richard

No mirrors in australia or have you criminals already broken them all?

the Trump support dropped with the Syria strikes

nupol get out.

notice its mostly americans who cant stand him. not only in this thread but in literally every RS thread. the usa is basically a non-white country by now so dont be surprised.

True op. Even if he is controlled opposition he
hasn't been all negative so. He's taking a risk and
moving the Overton window.


Richard Spencer's only colour is yellow.

Ad Hominem : the Picture.

Think of this example : Richard Dawkins is an atheist social-democrat. But he can be right sometimes.

>being this new
e-celebrities were always reviled on Sup Forums
It might have seemed like they were welcome in the last few months, but Sup Forums has had an extremely long history of hating retarded e-celebrities. I'll grant you one thing though. Richard Spencer isn't as bad as TRS.

Lets's pretend this moron actually lived in Hitler's time:

>Spencer is an enthusiastic hitler supporter, gives him a nazi salute at every rally
>Heil Hitler!
>Hitler invades poland
>"Hitler is a complete neo-wiemar! Anne Frank 1940!"
>Gets sent to the camps

what the fuck is this aspie comparison

the guy has fallen for the last two concerned conservative shilling led by media outlets and shareblue types, both on Milo and Trump. The guy is about as reliable as a one-legged cat.

He neither has a head for politics or the backbone to stand by people with value. Without Trump he's fucked, the only alternatives are Clinton-types or Bernie-types or cuckservatives who are even deeper into ((their)) wallets.

With anyone else (except for perhaps Bernie interestingly) we'd already be invading Syria or worse fighting Russia.

annoyance over bombing assad wasnt shilling, stop rewriting history you fucking slime

I never cared about RS. And regardless of where the term alt-right started, it was plain to see that it was being used by the opposition as an umbrella term. Anyone on the right that they deem a problem would get shuffled under an made to defend themselves.

shut up, fag

>shut up he's OURGUY

Spencer’s previous inclusion of alibi jews to avoid being called mean names by their media and continued hesitance when forced to discuss the subject bring his most recent declaration into question. With no public disavowal of his past stances and actions, and with the inclusion of Jew appeasers like Guillaume Faye, his audience is sent an unclear, confusing message to internalize regarding the role of Jews. This sets them up to be co-opted by Jewry and ultimately is the result of Dickie’s cowardice and continued prissiness when it comes to “difficult” subject matter.

At the end of the day, Dickie’s more concerned about maintaining his appearance and not being even vaguely affiliated with anything remotely “fascist” than he is with the truth and leading people in the direction they need to go. For that reason alone, he’s a despicable coward and a weakling. One is left wondering where his continual, subservient fawning over jew, Paul Gottfreid, and pathetic adoration of various other jews like (((Rothbard))) and Mises fits in here, and what conclusions his audience draws from that.

dafuq do you know, Lithuania?

i get it man, but why everyday bro?

no, nigger. Did you miss the context? He said opposition to gay marriage is the last implicit affirmation of white identity. As in, it's easier to be a Mike Pence than a WN. Your dumb nigger brain can't get that far though, can it?

so a war onbehalf of the jews is the same as a war to free opressed germans in poland then? fucking retard shill with no talent

Based Estonian.

I didn't like him initially, thought he was kinda cringy with his meme bullshit. I started to respect him a lot more when he dropped support for cucknald drumpf after the unprovoked illegal aggression against the Syrian people on behalf of Al Qaeda.

I agree with you OP. I don't understand the hate for him.

Are you an idiot or what? That comparison makes no fucking sense. Hitler invaded Poland to liberate German people/land that was annex from then in WW1.

Trump bombed Syria so Israel can destabilize the area to get control over it.

shill alert

I'd fug female Richard Spencer

>still worshipping e-celebs

Spencer scares jews A LOT, he is targeted by shills

Not you guys are shills. mis post.
The "you have to understand all this white power, black lives matter, racial bullshit this and racial bullshit ", guy is a shill.

proof? Being pro-white on pol is taboo now. Because, you know, most people here aren't.

Fuck your and fuck Richard Spencer



His biggest mistake was being explicitly WN, he should have gone with the civic nationalism + freedom of association. Now he is perceived to be a 'Nazi' and no normies will associate with his movement, at least not publicly.

Every other group is ethnocentrically organizing.
Whites not organizing is a losing strategy.

ya I saw a good looking white girl with a black man last night. RAce mixing is bad. I feel bad I was hoping he would attack me so lucifer could come out.


so basicaly being a basic bitch libertarian is the way? kek

there is nothing wrong with this since cops are all nazi pigs :) also you are pretty desperate to coop the term "snowflake" while still advocating for all 98 genders

Spencer is a faggot.

I hope he comes down to Cali so I can throw a few punches at him and his cronies.

this is clearly a joke, since the coloreds hate if something is "white"

>hating on Common

>white nationalist
>tweeted "tulsi gabbard 2020"

Y-yes goys, I'm a white nationalist.


Controlled opposition


this was clearly a joke since Tulsi sparked so much outrage from the DNC


lol. okay so how can you follow someone who is a cowering beta that gets punched in the face? thing about what we do here is that it requires immovable, invulnerable symbols to lead it, not some guy with a black eye and a fucked up haircut.

How long before this faggot is lynched in public?

it's not race mixing. it's hunger games of special forces pokemon hunting. think about obongo. even if that narrative were true it would mean that his mother was already following orders being lady of green card comfort for tar budgets tar lives matter. Notice the glaring issue never addressed about Obongo birth certificate - he doesn't look male. He never grew even a milimiter of 5 o'clock shadown even late into the night. It's always the same feminine soft fuzz above upper lip.

Their weak legs are disgusting.


common is gay for christ, he has no solution, he just watches endless hours of LGBT content and pretends to not like it

how can he not get punched if he has no protection? the movement has to start somewhere, along the way someone better will surface

> so basicaly being a basic bitch libertarian is the way?

Basically. WN will never gain strong public support, only anonymous support. You might red pill a few people but you can't get a public movement out of this.

Fuck off faggot.

>borders what borders? if immigration is bad it will stop itself, problem solved you stupid commie!

nadstaw drugi policzek jezuskowa pizdo

Spencer is most definitely controlled opposition and the fact that his faggot face keeps popping up reaffirms this; Spence and his ilk need to fuck off and stop spamming his bullshit. There's nothing wrong with White Nationalism but this faggot obviously isn't promoting that.

I'm glad this guy is out there trolling fags but do we really need to talk about him every fucking day?

No. No, we don't. Celebrity worship is for leftist retards that substitute celebrities for principles. As we on the right have principles, we don't need celebrity.

There will never a "movement". Maybe outside the US. You and Spencer and can go be faggots somewhere.

America is nation of immigrants, with around 45% of the entire population being nonwhite, and the remaining 55% white population are good people, the majority of them descendants from people who fought in WW2, they're not insecure racist freaks like yourselves.

You even trying to insinuate that a movement like that can grow in the US is an insult to my country, it's people and it's history. Fuck you.

There is something wrong with it. Normies will never support it.

>tfw Spencer is coming to my college on Tuesday

It's gonna be awkward. Milo only brought in a crowd of about 50 and he was much more popular than Spencer. I bet only 3 people will show up to his speech.

I don't think there'll be any protests either.

ok trumpshit, why dont you post some based black guy in a trump hat?

>we are literaly told by redshits that Sup Forums isn't our board anymore

No - I've heard him say that in a video. He says he doesn't fight the 'pro-gay' thing anymore because it didn't stop people. Now he just goes along with the joke.

You a female antifa? You white, you clean up good? Any time, anywhere.

He neglected to say 'a stand against' - I guess he thought it was obvious. I seem to recall it was in the context of something about Duck Dynasty.

We'll be waiting.

Spencer endorsed the gun grabber Tulsi Gabbard the other day. He's dead to me. Notice how it's mostly foreigners who don't care about that because it doesn't affect them. They've already had their gun rights stripped from them like the peasant serfs they are.

He knows he has to have protection with him now every time he does out in public. He had it at the Washington DC rally, separate from the cops. Plenty of ex-mil men on the alt-right.

>spencer endorsed for keks an antiwar dem

>trump stabbed you in the back
>this is 88D chess!

let's hope the shit you guys say is real and he doens't get stabbed with a knife, or if he does you need cameras and evidence

We're a nation of pioneers. Up until 1990, 50% of families were descended from pioneers. (I guess they had big families back then.) Source: 'Who We Are' by Huntingdon.

I think it was Roosevelt who first came up with 'Nation of Immigrants', and even then, those were from Europe.


Oh, 'Aurora'? No, I bet there'll be fireworks of one sort or another.

You again. Always too smart to actually do anything but pull the covers over your head and feel smart.

Sort yourself out.

>le umbrella term
only trumpflake obsessed with his PR use this bullshit

He clarified that in the interview below (towards the end I think). He said that of the implicitly white issues, homosexuality is probably the last one. After that, it's either become explicitly pro-white or give up. Think about it. Broken window policing is implicitly pro-White. It does not explicitly state race, but we know blacks and browns commit disproportionately more crime, so it is implicitly pro-white. Likewise, he paints anti-homosexuality as a political issue as one of the last implicitly white issues...issues that white people take as a bloc against the horde of leftists seeking the end of whites. After that, pretty much all social issues would have been won by the anti-white left. After it, people have to be explicitly pro-white like we are seeing a lot more of now. White nationalism and pro-white awareness has reached the normie sphere like never before. That's because there aren't really any substantial implicitly white issues other than illegal immigration and that alone isn't enough because legal immigration is just as damaging.

Implicit: "Safe" neighborhoods
Explicit: White neighborhoods


>hating on Jared "huWhite Man" Taylor
>hating on Ramz Paul
>hating on millenial woes
Fuck off. You're telling us to dismiss anyone who remotely supports our viewpoints.
I wonder who could be behind this post?

they don't care, the antispencer shilling is orchestrated by the_donald shills who feel that spencer is destroying the (((movement))) injectig white identity into it

>You again
First time I've said this. I don't care about RS

Don't care about PR, just pointing out why the push the term so much.

because Spencer created the term you moron, you are a PR moron who thinks that being PC will acomplish anything

> First time I've said this.

Ok if so - but I've seen that meme pushed many times: "It's a handle to discredit the otherwise anonymous mass of Sup Forums-leaning people, who, being formless and having no name, are immune to this attack."

I'd even buy it but, if you want the movement to grow you have to let people know it's out there. 'Alt-right' is a bat-beacon that everyone can see.

annoyance over bombing, Assad? annoyance? they were shitting the bed. disgusting limp wristed bed-shitting is for the left. The faggot has zero backbone.

Yes, as I said, regardless of who created the term. And no I'm not the PR moron. You're not going to win the battle of ideas by playing by their rules.

I'm not saying don't use the term, I'm saying don't let the opposition define what it means.

... and you know, that argument is stupid - someone's going to give it a name - "internet nazis", "the deplorables", "the far right", whatever. Not having its own name is no defense.

it's a problem for the trumpcucks, not WNs

>I bet only 3 people will show up to his speech.
>I don't think there'll be any protests either.

would realistically be the best thing for everyone