Bannon is going to get KUSHNER'D

Bannon is going to get KUSHNER'D

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nice link utter retard


It's ok we're pro neo con now because it's all 5d chess. MAGA!

Edit: Wow omg thanks for the gold. I was busy prepping the bull

Why do the jews always win, Sup Forums?

Cause most of the time they're the only ones playing.

You think what we do here is participation?

That's a total cuck move, Steve.

Guys, dont worry it is just 9d chess...

He's about to get Jewed.

Bannon is Trump's whipping boy.

They let him go and any future fuck ups are on Jared and Trump.

He goes... who else is there to blame or to attack?

I think Bannon, Jared, and Ivanka are all in the sights of the same people.

Jared and Ivanka would be young hip "Democrats" if Trump wouldn't have run for president. They'd be vacationing with Chelsea Clinton. They overshadow Trump, they get in the way for some establishment cutthroats. .

Kushner may only stick around for healthcare reform. His family has invested in healthcare providers that could get fucked in Obamacare is outright repealed.

If Bannon is forced out, the guys who took down Bannon may try to get Jared and Ivanka shipped off to England as ambassadors.

>inb4 r/donald shills will defend this
>muh 64-D Trump chess

>in before r/marchagainsttrump shils get in their little discord and think they're making a differance on pol

Higher IQ?
Whites are what Niggers are to us to them

Believing any Washington Post article with no proof when they're owned by Jeff Bezos, a notorious globalist. Shill infestation.

Have you guys even been paying attention to the news? Trump is using the same language he did on Flynn and Manafort did right before they were both caught up in the Russia conspiracy. He's saying that Bannon played only a small part in the campaign.

By the end of next week you're going to end up hearing about charges or FISA warrants or something on Bannon related to China.

He's helping Bannon out.

Media is acting like Bannon is Svengali and that Trump would be espousing "progressive" social views if it weren't for the influence of Bannon.

Bannon follows Trump because Bannon believes Trump shares his world view.

So far, he's served Trump as a lightning rod. The media blames Bannon for the travel ban, even though it was probably Trump's idea.

Bannon is not Trump's brain. Bannon is 7 years younger than Trump. Trump could be Bannon's older brother. Old dudes are stubborn. It's not like Bannon can changed how Trump thinks at this stage in life.

Sounds like Bannon and Kushner were bickering and Trump told them to hash it out or he'd have to deal with it. Pretty basic stuff

>Jared and Ivanka shipped off to England as ambassadors.
Excellent idea. Let them get bong'd.

Its become obvious that the problem is Washington DC. That place needs to dumpstered. Thats the only solution.

>Souns like my America-first dialogue reflecting the platform i was elected on and my daughter's Democrat Jew husband were bickering so now i'm throwing the America-first guy out.

Pretty basic stuff

Higher IQ + very cunning as a result of repeated population bottlenecks over the past several thousand years. Every time there's a Shoah the smartest ones escape and reproduce.

Also, higher group cohesion built on racial identity. They take care of each other, i.e. nepotism and tribalism. We should learn something from them.

Fuck off we're full.

I knew the jews would win anyways

If Trump fires Bannon I hope the orange buffoon gets impeached and BTFO by libshits, he'd deserve it

How many Jews can you name that have done literally anything of any worth at any time ever? That's what I thought.


Why do you think Trump got rid of Chris Christie last minute?

Because he put Kushner's father in prison.
That kike has his fangs in Trump big time.

I'd settle for that, it would mirror the plot of The Omen which would make hilarious Antichrist content, and I'm English and want to fuck him too.

The government as a whole is a sinking ship Trump would practically be doing Bannon a favor for letting him go. I feel like this must have been what the run up to the collapse of the Soviet Union felt like.

top bantz mate

This myth about jews having higher IQ has been debunked already. It's fucking nepotism. Jews are incredibly tribalistic and look out for each other. They hire other jews in institutions, colleges, corporations and organizations so that those jews would hire even more jews and promote other jews.

sometimes i wish i was jewish. if i marry a jew will my iq increase?


it looked pretty promising for a second, but yeah, it's a sinking ship, the swamp will reclaim it

Yes, we should have both bannon and kushner fired, goys. Then we should move on to Sessions, Gorsuch, Mattis and the rest of the cabinet and other top advisors.

Where's my 5 cents royalty tax for using an Australian owned phrase bong?

That's OUR sentence you are using.

>neo con
It's neo-cohen you mong

but they actually beat everyone else in iq tests

And Jared gets trucked.

>so now I'm throwing the America-first guy out
Except he hasn't and has never said anything similar

This may have been bannon's plans - he said he wanted to be in the shadows not the headlines

Why would Trump listen to Kushner's policy advice?

Drumpf is finished m8, they'll never let him keep the nuclear codes after this. He's even lost support from his core demographic base. He might as well give up, he'll never win according to Nate Silver from and also as well as many other highly respected pundits and political scientists and forecasters.

I know how you feel. I used to be the biggest Trump supporter, I went to his rallies, bought about 10 MAGA hats to show my support and encourage American jobs, but now that I see that he's just a neocon, I can't support him.

My only consolation in all this is that I don't think he can get to 1237 delegates and when he loses he will probably end up endorsing Jeb!, whose platform and foreign policy are much more in tune with my own political beliefs.

Exponentially, but then I would have to kill you.

Well duh. Kushner is the real President now.

Trump is just a showman pretending to be a leader. His only legacy will be that of a cut cocksucker.

But Bannon shall live on as a proud defender of our people.

The pseudo-Jew Trump may wish to crucify him to appease his circumciser, but it will never work. Jesus Christ is lord. That bros meme magic will outlive all of us.

It really does feel Australian, fair dinkum

More like Bannon is going to hit the Kush until it's all gone

>Embassador to UK
What is the film The Omen, for $6 million.

Nah, he's singling out Bannon, so he's clearly expecting HIM to straighten things out, which means to comfort Kushner or get thrown out.
Kushner is now family, at least Ivanka is. I'd massively respect Trump if he actually gave no fuck about Ivanka's feefees and kicked her husband out or at least straightened him out, but I don't see that happening. They are too close to him.

Google the headline faggot
>(((Straighted it out)))
Trump confirmed for good goy low IQ retard that is easily swayed by surrounding Kikes and will throw his best Ally under a bus