What's next for his career?

What's next for his career?

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Leading the Resistance.

He's not going anywhere

building a shed

leading a military coup

>everything's fine! 64D chess!

Except out of the White House, yeah.

He'll help plan the impeachment, just because Donnie isn't letting him have more say in decisions.

Breitbart might actually make anti-trump articles.

Continuing to work with and advise Donald Trump, because he still has the same job as before.

He'll go rogue like Jack Bauer.

Lmao, Israel's in charge now. No room for nationalist white men in that government.

>implying that the kikes would tolerate a White nationalist
(((Trump))) has no need for him anymore, so he's going out of the window soon.

And you burgers will continue to destabilize the middle east, causing problems for Europe, and continuing to spread your kike propaganda everywhere.

Schlomocaust 2.0 (technically 1.0)

When (((Kushner's))) messianic apocalyptic Zionist cult "End of Days" Great Culling shit really goes down most of the world's Jews are gonna be shocked to find out they're not on the lifeboat either.

Read about the Chabad Lubavitch cult.

More about just how seriously Kushner, Rothschild, Murdoch, Netanyahu, and the rest take their Master Race vision:
boards.Sup Forums.org/pol/thread/120547602

Think of a messianic cult leader like Jim Jones (of Jonestown infamy). Now imagine a Jewish Jim Jones, insane over 4,000 years of imagined persecution, with thousands of nuclear weapons.

Don't give up. Believe. Keep fighting.

He'll take back the Chairmanship of Breitbart, focus on destroying globalists in congress at the midterms and beyond. The funny thing is when 2020 comes around Trump will be begging him for help because it's not like the MSM will help him out

Back to talking to retards on Breitbart radio and being a watered down Hitler disciple.

Lemme guess, there's no way he'd fall for the #syriahoax either? Y'all are dumb and lost all credibility last week. No point trying to pretend like you understand the chess being played.

More alcohol for his already bloated alcoholic face?

Bannon isn't going anywhere. This is all theater just like the Syrian strikes to show that trump is his own mind and Bannon doesn't think for him.
Again it's to break the narrative that Bannon is running things. What all this stuff does is shows everyone that trump could fire anyone, including bannon.

So much like the air strikes quieted down the Russian narrative and that trump is weak, this bannon theater is trying to break the bannon is really in charge one.

Think outside the box.

he's more of an opiate guy from what I've heard. he has a gross fucking junkie face in any case, that's for sure

>he's more of an opiate guy from what I've heard

Getting revenge for Breitbart with exposing Pizzagate

There is no next career, he's on his current career of advising Trump and fixing committees for years to come.


He's going to ascend to emperor's trusted advisor. The man with the god emperor's ear is the most powerful man on the planet.



He's not out of the white house. He left one committee board because he was done making changes, it's on to the next project now.

You're buying fake news.

He'll be around another 3-4 years.

>calling the real news fake news while citing a fake news source as your proof
This needs to be memeballed

Back to being a rural and suburban retard.

Just quadruple down on that 420D chess narrative

I hope you're right, but I do not think you're right. So far the signs are signaling that (((Trump))) has lost to the deep state. Michael Flynn, Bannon out of the security council, Syria.. What next? Troublesome development.

>Trump does one thing we disagree with
>"Y'all is dumb and lost all credibility"

>liberals get BTFO in a sweeping election they arrogantly didn't see coming
>"Drumpf will lose, just watch."

You stupid shills are so fucking scared of this man, it's crazy.

If you brainless zombies actually looked into this man, you would see that he is well educated and experienced man, that wants the best for his country and of course its safety.

I would truly hate to meet you in life, how can you have any friends or respect from anyone if you are so easily manipulated by such false narrative and buzzwords. The world would be a better place without you.

his gaping anus

>muh division sowing
You shills sure do have your marching orders, huh?

Here's some reality: Bannon is going nowhere and you tards are getting 4d chessed yet again.

In every photo he looks like a behind-the-scenes IT guy who accidentally stumbled into the room

Pack your bags, Steve


Obviously, Trump needs to be impeached. He was elected to do two things: build wall and repeal Obamacare. Both of which are now taking a back seat to (((them))).

I unironically support Bannon over Trump now. Trump just wants to be famous. Bannon wants to be right.

If he's gone, we turn on Trump.. Period. Trump is a fraud if he lets go his mastermind. Trump is just another neocon Bush piece of shit without Bannon.

He becomes the American Trosky.

I honestly think Bannon was a force for good and watching him be dragged through shit was hilarious. He's wants the America that really prospers because it puts the American people in charge.

>2 failed travel bans

writing a book about his experience as chief strategist. what went on behind the scenes etc

How close is he to being pushed out?

I don't think anyone here really knows, but he could still be there for just a week or a few months.


>pic related
I've seen the future, and it's beautiful...

I will unironically cheer trumps impeachment if he ousts bannon. I didnt vote for another good goy, gwb clone. I wouldve voted for jeb! If I wanted cuckservative policies

Porn Actor

He will fuck "Ivanka" while "Kushner" watches like the cuck he is.

I hope that if he is being sidelined, he speaks out. I don't want Trump keeping him on (just to keep his based happy) without giving Bannon any actual influence. If Trump is cutting out Bannon, he should just cut out Bannon.

Not his fault judges are illegally blocking his orders. Speaking of which, is either of them in appeal before the Supreme Court? Maybe now that Gorsuch is in Trump will push them there - before that, Gorsuch couldn't help rule on something he wasn't there for the arguments for. So yeah, I'm sure the process is underway, now. Guess I answered my own question.

He's getting gassed?
