Thanks for not letting those 4channers prevent you from marrying my latina mommy and giving birth to me, daddy

>thanks for not letting those 4channers prevent you from marrying my latina mommy and giving birth to me, daddy

finally my own lolli

you're welcome sweetie. Now let's go get some refresquiera, some chiccaron, eat some mango with limesalt/spice, and never again think about higher culture, art or music

You'll love this polka music sweetie, and you'll listen to it and your kids will listen to it and your grandchildren and their children, forever.

And we will devolve in a barren wasteland full of shanty towns and corrupt politicians because high minded ideals do not sate our latin blood. Only food, sex and fighting. And every day we will do the same thing until we die.

Nothing of value was lost if you think this triggers us


tfw my 10 year old non blood related cousin won't stop asking me for massages and playing moms and dads with kisses and all

>daddy giving birth
what is this sanfran

dem 9's

post pics

I would get doxxed

Don't disrespect these digits

>non blood related cousin
what did he mean by this?


Sometimes you've gotta make sacrifices to obtain your very own Daughter-Wife.

in vitro

nothing wrong with kissing your cousin on the mouth

anything else is degenerate until they're of age

what's of age for you?

>Thanks for not lowering my potential IQ by 30 points by breeding with Shaneequa, dad!

>Thanks for replacing me with a castizo daddy, you're right, I shouldn't exist, pure whites should just vanish.

depends on the girl, some will take until 25 to develop some self-consciousness

I know right? It would be incest then.

this is /pol

you have to go back

>Thanks for not immigrating to USA illegaly dad

Isn't 25 the average life expectancy in Brazil? I wouldn't expect it to be much higher in a country where you will likely be gruesomely murdered for stealing a loaf of bread.

>thanks for getting off of Sup Forums, sorting yourself out and marrying mommy, daddy. If you didn't do that, I woulda never been borned!

My gf is Puerto Rican, but both sides of her ancestry seem to reach out to Spain and Ireland. S-she's white, r-right, Sup Forums? R-right?

in order to win you must make sacrifices