Without any memes, fbi, bullet to the head etc etc, what is a real argument against pedophilia?

otherwise stop calling yourselves red pilled and get out of Sup Forums

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>Inb4 a greek going full autism

Those girls legitimately don't know what fucking is and isn't running through their heads, they can't consent
Now if you're talking about fucking a 12-17 year old girl who has a developed body, that's a whole different ballpark and there's nothing wrong with that. Only brainwashed males and old girls who's looks are fading would have a problem with that.
Fucking a toddler though is taking advantage of a kid.

define pedophilia. There's a slippery slope regarding age ranges & this sabotages any discussion before it even begins when we're arguing from and about different things.

Because muslims endorse it and anything filthy Saracens an Turkroaches endorse is inherently immoral

You don't receive a dowry from the father.

if age is the argument, then what about the PARENTS? you know, they are the ones

1. responsible to their kids and
2. obvious yet oblivious to you, are older than the girl/boy in question

Child porn rings and drug cartels should be treated the same way.

Both produce products that are are sold to fund criminal organizations that exist to spread more suffering.

according to western bullshit, pedo is 17. and that's true for Sup Forums and the actual FAQ.

< 13: disgusting child fucker
= > 13: redpilled

>i hate muslims, the post

Well I do hate them because muh jihad and muh beheadings and shootings, but not entirely because muh pedo.

>posts a disgusting old hag pic related

A child is too easily coerced and manipulated by an adult. They do not have the cognitive capacity to make informed choices about things like sex as they are highly suggestible.

Sex between children, so long as they come to that conclusion without adult coercion should not be illegal. Stuff like that does happen and neither child can be held accountable.

Sex between a child and an adult should, to prevent predatory behaviours which the majority of adult-child relationships would be. I'll admit there would be outliers. But these would the exception and not the rule.

It's possible for two individual brains to establish trust and love within each other.

These types of relationships within specific age groups can be extremely beneficial to upbringing into the world.

Rapists in general need to be fixed.

We have an age of consent for a reason. According to the law young children are not entirely capable of understanding sex or it's dangers, purpose, burdens, etc and have not developed enough yet to make a rational and informed decision to partake in sexual activities.

It's detrimental to the developing minds of young children under 13 years of age.

>A child is too easily coerced and manipulated by an adult. They do not have the cognitive capacity to make informed choices about things like sex as they are highly suggestible.
That's just women in general.

Not if you are married.


Same can be said of women of any age.


>no argument

get out of Sup Forums shill

this is easily mitigated with my previous post.

When I said child I meant young girls and young boys.

But I'll agree that society doesn't force women to grow up, so few really do and the rest remain in a child like state for the majority of their lives.

Hey there, Chris Handsome ;)

The brain of individuals under the age of 14-16 is underdevelloped.
Their frontal lobe as well, meaning that their cognitive hability is impaired.
Remember how life was different as a child?

So under the age of 15 it is not realistic to think that children know what they do when they have sex.
Also, if you had children you wouldn't want that to happen to them.
So have some empathy or kill yourself.

It's not an age thing it's a "that kid can't possibly know what having sex entails therefore they can't consent"
Kids can't consent to something they don't understand. Teen girls though definitely understand what's going on, they're obviously easier to trick into bed since they're gullible as all hell because lack of experience but they still know and can consent. A kid who's playing with barbies and worried about not coloring outside the lines can't.
What makes you think I'm oblivious to this fact that the parents are older than their kids you fucking retard?
Are you implying a parent consenting for you to fuck their kids makes it ok? You understand that supports my argument since you yourself are admitting to some extent that a child can't consent so it should fall on the parents. That doesn't make it ok, if a parent consents to have their child killed is infanticide then morally and legally permissible?

>what is a real argument against pedophilia?
There is none. Pedophilia is good. Little girls are hot and they like sex. Sex with little girl is good if it's within marriage or in the family otherwise it's rape.

It's incompatible with modern society, otherwise there's nothing wrong with it in nature as with almost everything we suppress like murder, rape etc.

Not really. How are you preventing parents from exploiting their children in this way?

If a young boy can be convinced to give blowjobs in return for sweets and his parents allow him to do this to 40 men a week he is legitimately consenting to this activity. Do you believe that this is acceptable and society should do nothing to prevent this?

I have daughter.
I'm not mentally ill so I have no need to fuck children.
My daughter doesn't get to decide as long as she's not self-sufficient.
You're trying to shit this up by telling her some stupid shit about love in order to get your pathethic dry dick to get wet.
If it's illegal I would make you to be behind bars for as long as humanly possible, if it was legal I would have to kill you and get to prison myself, guess which one I pick.

It erodes a child's innocence, like just let them do kid stuff before they realize how awful the world is.

Let me help you help yourself to helping others.

they are not adults and do not have the same rights as adults. its that simple. they cannot sign contracts (any contract can be thrown out if the parents / legal guardian didnt also sign it) or rent a car. they cannot drink alcohol or smoke

Ivan no! Think of the children!

Modern society requires girls to reach a certain age before they are capable of living independently.

If you legalise sex lower than it is, more girls will end up pregnant and unable to provide for themselves thus being a drain on society like almost all underage mothers.

Most of people are biologically developed around 13 but its different for everyone. In times of tribes without civilization people probably fucked everything thats "ready" to breed. If nature make somone ready why not. I think it would work if early teens were developed and fully aware of what they are doing. Not some pedo bear stuff like "play with me in my basement" but open relationship. Anyway im against it because we are trying to rise educated people no sluts that would fuck with everyone starting at 13. Many of them are already sluts anyway tho. Also i dont think being against pedophilia is redpilled

Tried that, it failed.
It seems that helium is not sold pure anymore due to EU regulations or something. I already bought 3 different kinds of tanks and I just pass out but awaken later, worse it says 99% helium.

There is literally nothing wrong with a 8 year old getting married.

You don't get it, user.
The second you become 18 you will magically be a grown up who is aware of and responsible for his actions.

by actually being responsible parents? i dunno, if they're gonna marry off their daughter, then they SHOULD know more than their OWN DAUGHTER, because muh age argument?



Yeah OP argument is not very well thought out, I highly doubt the faggot even responds to this because he's stumped

>age argument

refer to

Your brain is under developed until the age of 25.


>sex is bad
>living independently.
That shouldn't. This thinking is the problem, this indecent women bullshit. A woman is kept by her husband, he provide for her.
Oh, I do

Underaged sex is best sex

Go away, cucked France


Just to spite you guys for not getting any pussy when you were teens to be quite honest

That's all it is you virgo

Look at how well the jews have trained the goys to trigger an immediate negative emotion reaction.

What are you even saying here?
Are you implying that parents should be able to allow other adults to fuck their kids? What?

Kiddos are too young for reproduction

>legal argument

good luck not turning that daughter of yours into a slut. oh, reminder not to let her enter feminism university

This is horse shit



>its 2016
>If you legalise sex lower than it is, more girls will end up pregnant and unable to provide for themselves thus being a drain on society like almost all underage mothers.
>implying higher birth rates is a bad thing
>implying women should be the bread winner of the family
Whats wrong with you?

Sue the company with a sob-story and cash in. That or get your shit together, fucking failing three times man, that's embarrassing.

Before puberty it's worse than bestiality. It's just a degenerate fetish and pedos who carry out sex acts with children need to eat lead.
When a boy or girl grows up past puberty and realises what happened to them it can really fuck them up.

Women are not ready to be moms at short age and many of them will die due to their bodies aren't ready.

>inb4 i hope you die pedo

Its not horse shit just because it doesn't follow your jewish interests.

You know what I mean.
It is about the hability to function autonomously in society and be able to take responsible decisions.

Yes, any parents who lets their children make their own decisions before they are of age are at fault.
It doesn't mean that age is irrelevant.
Because at some point, children will have the possibility to make adult decisions.
But they won't be adult anymore.

If you like children that much you still can become a muslim.

basically this

>age argument

>women should be able to have this much responsibility
Stop. Women are never responsible whether they are 14 or 20.

I mean that you as the parent HAS BETTER JUDGEMENTAL HIGH GROUND than your daughter does.

Shota / loli / anime / etc is all grooming material for Child abuse.
> cartoons are a simulation of reality
> fantasy is acted out via drawings
> Pedophilia grooms those to accept these images as an accurate depiction of real life

I've seen you link right back to that same post multiple times like it hasn't already been addressed.

People are shit and will whore their little girls out for drug money. Most people are shitty selfish assholes, especially druggies. It harms little kids now fuck off.

>Women are not ready to be moms at short age
As soon as she us able a girl should be making baby.
>short age
What a retard, learn to use words.
>many of them will die
No one does in childbirth except in absolute shitholes with no modern medicine. So, maybe in your country.
>realises what happened to them it can really fuck them up.
Not if it was in a proper relarionship(in the family or within marriage). Girls don't get fucked up by healthy sexual activity.

Why would parents have anything to say when their kids are ready to fuck? Did your mum tell you something like "youre 18 now go get some pussy" or what?

>mutilating male genitals is ok
>saying the wrong words to a 15 year old girl is a crime

yea... nah

So are you implying that human ancestors who reproduced at puberty and could have likely died by age 30-35 had underdeveloped brains for over half their lives? Do you realize how retarded that sounds

Having sex with a being who is physically and mentally premature in their ability to engage in sex is harmful for that being in both factors, and it overall creates a dysfunctional societal structure.

umm, because they are the PARENTS? you know, they have the PARENTAL AUTHORITY over their daughters?

can't make baby

Kids shouldn't have kids.
That's it, there was a tribe somewhere once where one of their staple foods doubled as birth control.
They never laid the connection between sex and childbirth and just regarded it as something fun for everyone.

Males at 25, females become fully developed sooner around 20-21 range. probably correlated with the fact they often develop faster than males.

>Kids can't consent to something they don't understand.

and thus you have their PARENTS as the ones giving the consent. they are the adults.

haha This is fucked up

pedophilia is wrong
the rape of children can mentally scar them and they can become pedos as well and also its morally wrong

You really have no idea what a woman is do you?

Yeah because sex is such a complicated thing that so hard to understand

This is basically proving yourself wrong. You're CLEARLY stating that children are not capable of judging for themselves if they want to have sex or not.
So you're saying that the parents should make that decision for them?
Ok, then nothing would change. No rational parent is going to allow their child to engage in any kind of sex acts before legal age.
That would imply sexual interest by the parent in the child, and would instantly spawn rings of people who trade their kids around for sex.
How does that kind of degeneracy not harm a child's mind? There are so many other things the kid has to learn and understand, and getting dicked down by the neighbor isn't something they are equipped to understand and process.
Once they realize that happened to them when they CAN process it, they will feel violated and betrayed.

>Are you implying a parent consenting for you to fuck their kids makes it ok? You understand that supports my argument since you yourself are admitting to some extent that a child can't consent so it should fall on the parents.

that's their judgement, not yours. you have no say in the matter once the parent (adult) consents.

>That doesn't make it ok, if a parent consents to have their child killed is infanticide then morally and legally permissible?

so now sex is equal to murder? false equivalence.

good bait proxy Russian but short age birth is dangerous.

It's illegal to fuck children, you chomo.

whats your moral highground to say that the parents, those who raised their daughters, cannot give consent?

you are not burdened by the decision whatsoever. your opinion is trash. you aren't feeding anyone.

You deserve a bullet to the head. That is the argument.

Sick piece of shit.

are you trying to justify selling your daughter's pussy for more crack during the duterte drug war?

This shit does not work on Sup Forums idiot we have ID's here everyone is seeing you are the only one posting this shit.

Less development in the risk analysis areas of the brain is more advantageous since they hurry up and have offspring and worry later

Even if we gave you the answers, you wouldn't accept them. You are a mentally ill unhinged childless freak and there are literally no other options than killing all of you. Don't you have some neighbors to notify of your presence or something?

Rope around your neck + gravity.

not even justifying. I ain't the parent nor I'm the one courting the daughter.

Americans believe a 20yo fucking a 17yo is pedophilia.

I dont know how its in Asia but at least in Poland parents are not allowed to tell their kids with who and at what age they want to have relationship. At least most of us because there's a lot retarded christians. In highshool on of girls on my class came to graduation ball with her 38 years old boyfriend and noone stopped them.

>what is a real argument against pedophilia?

If a 12 year old wants to fuck you then whatever. Kids these days know about sex before they grow pubic hair. Just don't influence teenagers to go all hyper-sexualized they get enough of that shit as it is.

Oh and by the way, this discussion will always be marred by the improper use of the greek loanword "pedophilia" which pertains -only- to children who have not reached adolescence. Everything between 12-16 is Ephebophilia.