Is Iran really evil?

Whats your honest opinion on Iran?
I read somewhere that Iran has a lot of executions and that's why it's bad, but then when you look at who's being excecuted, I can't be mad at them.

Then there's the death to America meme, which btw doesn't happen anymore and the current president and clerics all condemn these demonstrations. Meanwhile ted Cruz goes on tv and says he's going to nuke Iran if he's president, and everyone has an orgasm.

Other urls found in this thread: Attitudes in Advance of the Parliamentary Elections - 020116 - FINAL - sm.pdf

Mullahs said they mean death to US and Israeli government,not their citizens. Though knowing Quran and taqqiya connected especially to shias,I wouldn't buy it.

Also, Iran is the ONLY nation in the ME where Muslims, Jews, and christians live in relative peace.

And "Iran hates Jews" keeps getting thrown around, but then you dig a little deeper and see that Iran actually has the second largest Jewish community in Asia, who see themselves as Iranian first and Jewish second. Same with the christians.

They want to liberate the world from the grip of "jews", so no. They are bro-tier

They're objectively evil
they've supported ISIS in Iraq in order to overthrow the US backed gov't
They also want to destroy our allies in the Gulf and Israel

Regime change there is a must happen, otherwise in a decade we'll wake up to Iranian nuclear missiles raining down on the American homeland. Trump's gonna put them in their place though, we'll restore the democracy they had with the Shah

Those demonstrations happened in the 70's and 80's. Current Iran has a mostly secular population.

And let's talk about women's rights. Does any nation in the ME, besides Israel, come close to Iran's women's rights?

Hey spook, what's up?


How are they even going to reach the US with nukes? Our missile defenses are first in the world. Not to mention it would be literal suicide for them. They're not NK, they care about their people. Also, nuclear deal senpai. Iran gave up its ability to enrich uranium to weapons grade.

Bump. I'd like to hear more opinions.

What do you think of Iranians living in the west?

>they care about their people
yeah with concentration camps for non-muslims

>they're not NK
They work closely with the communist regimes of NK and China

>How are they even going to reach the US with nukes?
They've continued to develop their ICBM technology despite the ban on it. Obummer was afraid to enforce it, but Trump will

>had a parliamentary system and freedom

>Does any nation in the ME, besides Israel, come close to Iran's women's rights?

Levant Arab nations and (however painful for me to admit) T*rkey are all better than Iran on that issue.

They're extremists so I have a problem with them. However they don't really fund terrorism that threatens the West. Shiites are better than Sunnis but they're still bad. If Shiites were the majority in Islam I believe they'd be attacking us.

Also, Death to America isn't a meme.

>concentration camps
Any evidence of that?
>working with NK
Working to do what? Citation please?
Again, the missile can't just teleport onto us soil.

Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Egypt, and Lybia are better for women? That's a funny joke mate.

I'll give you turkey, because the govt. is secular, but the actual people are known to harass women who aren't modest. Where as in Iran its the other way around.

Their government is shit, but that's pretty much objectively true for any kind of theocracy. Overall, the people are nice and it's a land with a rich history.

>they've supported ISIS in Iraq

Shias supporting Sunni terrorists.


False. Wherever there are mudslimes there is no peace. It's like living next to feral dogs, you will get mauled sooner or later.

>Current Iran has a mostly secular population.
There is no evidence of this.

>Those demonstrations happened in the 70's and 80's.
Also those demonstrations happened throughout the 2000s. And right now Iranians proudly walk on American and Israeli flags painted on the ground

Young Iranians love America lol. Look at their fashion and idols. They want to be like Beyoncé and Brad Pit.
Only a few years before the older generations die off.

Iran is better than Saudi Arabia, the Saudi need to get glassed.

>ted Cruz goes on tv and says he's going to nuke Iran if he's president,
Ted Cruz is still a Westerner. It's okay for him to say it.

The West is the best. Deal with it.

Wrong. There's the UAE at least.

>Again, the missile can't just teleport onto us soil.
ICBMs mean inter continental. Iran didn't build those missiles to hi Guinea. There's only one country that's their great enemy that is on another continent.
You're retarded. A few Iranians acting like they love America doesn't mean anything. The majority of Iranian youths do not like America. I've been to Iran, to many of their universities for my job. They are very anti secular and anti American.

I've met several doctors and engineers living in the US and EU. They are pretty chill people. My uni actually got several guest researchers from Iran back in 2008. I could tell they were super sketched out to be in the country, but really wanted to be here for the opportunity.

The gov't of Iran are shitbirds but I don't think the younger people really buy into the anti-US sentiment.

>They are pretty chill people. My uni actually got several guest researchers from Iran back in 2008. I could tell they were super sketched out to be in the country, but really wanted to be here for the opportunity.

That doesn't mean they don't have anti US sentiment. Iranians are some of the most hospitable and friendly people in the world. And they also despise the US. These two characteristics aren't mutually exclusive.

>The majority of Iranian youths do not like America.
>just lying on the internet

Also, do American youth even like America? We kind of do like killing a lot of people for our own interests.

(((your))) nation has become cancer, metastasing on entire planet

Which country? The US? Yeah I know, but cucks like this leaf will support our warmongering no matter what we do, and will accept anything the govt. tells them. Then, they'll go on tv and preach about how others worship the state because someone wants help with healthcare.

a secular state where its illegal to build a church and approx 30% are the nutty type of primative mudslime mindset muslim

Ok? What's this supposed to prove?

Do the rich not get away with shit like murder and rape all the time in America? Do our judges and politicians not take bribes? The rich are powerful everywhere. This sort of judicial bias is MORE prevalent in America than Iran, by far. Not even close.

>Young Iranians love America lol

Iran isn't even on that list...
Are you actually retarded?

To understand Iran one has to understand that there are two parts of it - the "goverment/ruling class" and the people. The goverment is somewhat secular and nationalist, but overseen by radical muslim Revolutionary Guards and Mullahs.

The "people" are educated, prosperous, friendly, and mostly fit well in western world - though the last decade of isolation of Iran by West led to radicalization there too.

Except for Turkey, Iran is the ONLY middle east country that isnt a meme living from just oil and tourism - they have industry, science, good education, medicine. Their country is well developed and not a desert with few tourist spots. Its the real civilization center among the tribals and barbarians.

With that also connected the fact that you`ll not be able to overroll Iran easily like with Iraq, Lybia, Syria or for example possibly one could Egypt. Iran has strong industries, good modern army and is economically much stronger despite all sanctions. Plus - neither Russia nor China would let it fall because its a pole in a multipolar world image they propagate, and removing it would mean they`ll be next with US just attacking opponents one by one - the only hope is for them to hold together and they realize it.

Overall, if US wasnt such ass to Iran during its whole history and was actually genuine about its diplomatic efforts instead of being hypocrite - Iran could have been US ally length ago.

Oh I see. So where's the source for that? Same people who said Clinton has 90% of support I'm guessing.

before the Islamist revolution it seems good.
after it is a controversial shithole.
can we make them the next and last hitlers ?
no we cant, there are 20 million jews in US.

>persian heritage

>cucked by muslims

>cucked by jews

>country which is the most set to destroy israel

who /standwithIran/ here?

Its a backwards islamic theocracy. Its not evil... Only enemy of USA/Saudi Arabia/israel. Attitudes in Advance of the Parliamentary Elections - 020116 - FINAL - sm.pdf

For some reason they seem to comprise 90% of all engineering professors

Iran is fine. I hope Trump and/or Israel don't end up starting a war there and destabilizing them.

There are no peaceful muslims. No person or nation that worships the pedo fucker is "all right".

All of them need to be killed. The only people who think muslims are ok are people who have not lived with and/or researched them in detail.

t. lived 500 years under islamic slavery and has 20 mil of his ancestors brutally killed by roaches

>autocratic regime that adheres to sharia law and imprisons/executes its own citizens for petty reasons as well as threatening to nuke foreign nations

Gee I dunno, stop relativizing just because some other Islamic shithole might be worse

I lived in a Muslim country for about 7 years and while I agree that there are problems in Islam that need to be addressed, it's perfectly possible to get along fine with Muslim folk.

>threatening to nuke foreign nations
When did this happen?

>execution list is all rapists, murderers and drug traffickers.

Yeah, I'm ok with executing scum. Not everyone is a junkie degenerate rapist lover like you.

No. Also, you are a mulsim shit yourself. Not that easy to apply that taqiyya. sand nigger.

This!!!!! very obviously.

If the US gov't can support Saudi Arabia despite it being objectively worse than Iran, there' nothing wrong with deciding to support Iran.

>muh ancestors
>we wuz kangz and shit
That's some nigger tier debating right there.

nah mate you are just dumb

>Is Iran really evil?
Only in comparison to the rest of the Middle East.

Nah mate, you have the intelligence and mind set of a filthy nigger.

JIDF detected

I've never been anti America. I love this land and the people who breath the Air. I hate what the Worlds become. Nothing but greed and filth. Globalism is 100% slavery. If Trump fires Bannon for kikewood then he should hang.

Their defense minister said that if Trump cancelled the nuclear deal set in place by Obama, Iran would fire missiles at Israel and start world war 3

Why don't you fuck off back there if it's so great, diaspora scum

nope its what saudi arabia wants you to believe. they are well known for stealing oil gas and land.

Look at poor sadam.

"In early 1990 Iraq was accusing Kuwait of stealing Iraqi petroleum through slant drilling"

They don't have Central Bank and oppose the IMF and US.

How could they not be evil when they don't want to be part of the good guys

better image

pretty much on spot.

>muh ancestors were subjugated by some completely different empire with different religious, social and political ideologies centuries ago
>this applies to modern day Iran

>they've supported ISIS in Iraq in order to overthrow the US backed gov't

But US supports, funds and trains ISIS too.

>Iran would fire missiles at Israel
And how does this translate to nuking foreign nations?


>when you look at who's being excecuted, I can't be mad at them
Drug offences? Are you a fucking christian idiot? Drugs should be legal. Even in Iran.

East test: Are they muslims? Then yes, they are evil.

This image right here

This really made me think

Makes sense when the US and UK were responsible for 2 violent government overthrow in less than 50 years, each leading to a more repressive government than the last.

>unironically shilling for Iran

go fuck a goat OP

You are pretty dumb if you have never thought about US imperialism before seeing that image.


What is there no one from Iran answering this?

sry, you're not getting a playstation, Ahmadinejad

All muslims are the same you filthy sand nigger. Go back.

I applied for a passport to England. If I go I'm starting a War. Bunch of shitskin MUDs taking over my Island. bad enough here where having a job keeps you poor. I want a billion deaths

I wonder why US keeps supporting SA.

US could just attack SA and get their oil and be free of Saudi strings.

Would free middle east of SA's spreading of radical forms of islam too

That city looks like 3D models in an MMO.

I'm not anti-US, but I do think that the USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia are the three biggest cancers plaguing the Earth right now.

Is Iran evil?
>ran by Muslims
Yes, 100% pure evil.

You sure blew me away with your well crafted argument Mehmet

oot seppo ihan vitun kallu jos et tunnista really makes you think meemuilua

Petrol dollar.

Thats why, saudi arbia cuckt america.

>we'll restore the democracy they had with the Shah
You do realize the Shah was an American puppet we put in there after overthrowing Iran's democratic government, right? Or do you believe whatever Fox News tells you to believe?



>Death to America isn't a meme.
It is tho, current regime was founded on the idea of "america is evil" and "we should destroy israel" cause people back then were completely brain washed by mullahs, but now that the society has developed a little more and people are starting to use their brain to think they, actually like to have good relationship with USA
Well atleast the majority of people. there are some extrimists but they are the minority but they are the bigger political power right now

sure kike

Good people, retarded government

If they let the Astroarians (or whatever they are called) live then you know that they really don't give a fuck about others. The whole Iraq thing fuck them up a bit, but relative to their neighbors they seem pretty chill

The US was allied with Iran under the Shah, just like Russia with Assad


Siding with the KSA was objectively a mistake

You're just a shill

>He doesn't know that the CIA helps the KSA export Wahhabism in exchange for Petrodollar
US-KSA-Israel is really the axis of evil

Hello Adam, hypernormalization was a disappointing essay. Bitter Lake, so much better!

What will you do next?

I'm starting to believe the World should burn and bring a new age. I'll kill every soul and rebirth life. I can't handle fools when thy dwell in mansions while deconstructing Kings societies.

>Their defense minister said that if Trump cancelled the nuclear deal set in place by Obama, Iran would fire missiles at Israel and start world war 3
Source or gtfo.

Even God is a fool. Breathes life and thy only enjoy chaos. It will come.

You mean Sunnis.
Shias are probably more peaceful than christianity because their version of islam doesn't force anyone to do anything and all punishments for big sins (except murder) are left for god in the afterlife.
Meanwhile sunnis are praised to forcefully spread their "islam" and have to severely punish everyone for everything

Dare you doubt what you are being told, GOYIM?

This has to be a bait.

It's not. That's how my fellow citizens "think"