Say you would rather all of Syria be glassed than have Assad stay in power.

Other urls found in this thread:

assad is white and based

unlike you

Sup Forums is a Muslim board I guess


We have no reason to be there.

Assad is a secular Arab.
Unlike you, you dumb Israeli shabbos goy.

Can't mossad the Assad!

It's not Muslim to be controlled by the jews.

Trumps jewish princess daughter ordered the attack, clearly you're a kike shill.

Assad has been trying to protect Christians and other minorities from being slaughtered by the Sunni horde.

Assad could have stayed in England and let Syria burn to the fucking ground.

But this man has a sense of duty to his Nation, people and it's history.

Fuck off shill.



Can't we just have all of Syria be glassed regardless?


I just support dead sandniggers.

Assad = protector of christians,hater of kikes, white, blue eyes
You = jewish cock sucker, pro ISIS, nonwhite, brown eyes

Let's take in Congolese Christians too? I guess Sup Forums is a civic nationalist board now ahahahaha

yes goi yes

Assad being religious himself doesn't mean his government isn't secular.

>prove you are not shill
>shills for fighting a war for (((greatest ally))))
gee i wonder who it could be

>implying you can't be pro-trump but disagree with him on the syrian issue

Proving you are not a shill by helping jihadis, Israel and Erdogan. The what?


Don't care about sand niggers
Hope the burgers firebomb the lot

Who the fuck said about taking in Immigrants?
He's fucking protecting many those that would be refugees, therefore keeping them in Syria.

Stop trolling retard. you're just projecting your own insecurities.

If you went after the people that strangled the kids who were "gassed" I might be behind you.

But you're not, it's just virtue signaling muh feels.

Give Syria double glazing!!

>To prove you're not a shill you must shill
Murican logic?

Secular =/= Atheist

OP is a incompetent faggot with low testosterone.

Fuck Assad, fuck the middle east, fuck Muslims and fuck all the Assad/Russia cocksuckers here.

No, fuck you

>if you aren't for me, you're against me

fuck off jewspawn

I side to what serves best the interests of my christians in syria, to assad.
the majority of syrians like assad, unlike zionist media tells you. assad serves the interests of all syrians christian and muslims alike. not unlike moderate "democratic" rebels which are basically radical islamists who will mercilessly kill syrian christians like isis. kurds are the exception, they are pretty nice and tolerant to christians.
>Among other things, it determines Syria's character to be Arab, democratic and republican. Further, in line with pan-Arab ideology, it describes the country as a region of the wider Arab world and its people as an integral part of the Arab nation.


>Prove your not a shill
>Demands you shill to kike globalists
Gtfo of Poll Trump you filthy tangerine kike loving cock womble.

Fuck off faggot , what is it with america trying to kill all based arab muslim leaders ? fuck you


>American education
Arab =/= Muslim

If Assad stays in power then Syria will be glassed either way, so I don't bother. He is a master of fucking shit up, and he never disappoints.

Because they have too, because (((They))) want them too.

w-we should support Arab nationalism!!

Are you going to fuck Muslims?

Your economy is part dependent from oil-imports from Muslim majority countries.


Muslims despise Assad, that's the whole point.

Calm down, Jihadi John. No need to bully little desert nations.

Yeah, that's why Iran loves him.

Oh my special cousin, read a bit more.

you burgers aware that the little civil war you planned with the matzos are the reason why dune coons swarm europe right? you could've prevented it if you didn't fuck up syria.

How can a Trumpkin both support the tangerine cuck and want to kill his masters? No, thread isn't kill.

Iran is North Korea, a functional contrarian.

They love literally anything we dislike.

>you could've prevented it if you didn't fuck up syria.

or they could not let them in

Arab = from the Arabian peninsula or surrounding region.
Muslim = follows the traditions of fucking 9 year olds.

Maybe you should try to learn something about the world.

goalposts: moved

Assad must stay

You're the one that started moving them.

>Yeah, that's why Iran loves him.

Who cares?

Not happening, fag.

Stop lying to yourself , bashar is muslim , he is just not an extremist

theres nothing wrong with nationalism.
you cant evade UN orders and shit.

Based assad is based.

>you cant evade UN orders and shit.

You can if you grease UNESCO

Sunni and other retarded sects of islam hate Assad, so KYS.

Assad will butt fuck you faggot heeb.

I'm not for Assad, but I'm for anything that is negative towards Israel. Having Assad in power for stability in the region is certainly bad for the kikes. And unlike Trump, I give no shits if he gassed little sandniggers or not.

i would rather have all of the middle east turned to glass than to have one american step foot back in that shithole or waste another dime on swapping middle eastern leadership.
get the fuck out reddit get out get out get out

>if you don't agree with me you're a jew

hi ahmed

Assad did nothing wrong. Go back to Warsaw you kike

Arab = speaks arabic
Muslim = follows Islam.

Further notes:
Abrahimic religions allow marrige after the girl reaches puberty.
People following Abrahimic religions accepted and used to practise it in the past.
Now not many do that.

He's the one keeping the fucking Islamists in check over there protecting his Syrian people. BY doing this there will be no conflict equating no refugees. Fucking kike

Speaks arabic and is from arabic land*

How old are you, 15?
You don't seem to understand politics.

i guess you didn't get memo when the usa became zionist lapdog

Fuck off turbokike

There's nothing wrong with that you fucking idiot. They love their country as we do ours. Nationalism will keep over there in the ME

pathetic t_d tier cuck, keep licking kike poo hole

If you're forcing people to pick sides, yes, you are of semitic persuasion.

nigger jew faggot kike

none of you "men" could fight for Assad

Glass the whole middle east including Israel for all I care.

They fight for the (((Romulans))). What do you want?

You guys have internet wtf.
Do most Iraqi girls have big ass? The ones I've seen have some nice ass over here.

Yes that makes sense.
"I want everyone dead instead of some people, who have shown themselves to be absolute monsters and much worse than the previous guy, dead"
Totally sane stance.

Threadly reminder: Kid in the top right has a belt ligature mark around his neck and is already in rigor.

He was dead before this shit ever happened.

I want the whole middle East glassed. I'm tired of the whole thing.

nigger fuck you, if assad gets touched then i will glass all of yishrahell and the jewnited slaves of shabbosica, none of you faggot fucking kikes or your shabbos robot servants will survive

The jews are,ironically,using trump to divide us

ohh fugg


This is some confusing shilling

It's not, maplenigger. It's called having different views of the situation. we all have our own judgement of politics on Sup Forums

fuck off kike