What was your first Sup Forums moment lads

What was your first Sup Forums moment lads

>elementary school
>world history or something
>talk about ethnicitiess n shieeet
>teacher points to asia
>asks who these people are
>say gooks
>sent to office
>principal was asian
>bad beans man
>goes ballistic
>calls my dad
>hes laughing
>picks me up and takes me to bk
>got bullied from there until high school

Bump because this made a good screenshot

Once I believed it was illegal for people to marry outside of their race in second grade. People got mad at me in my multicultural classroom.

Hailed Hitler during fourth grade when they were talking about WWII

Later at some point in my High School life I played Hitler in a skit

Then I found this place and stopped my bluepill prescription.

The funny thing is that I'm not even white, I'm actually an Asian.

>1st grade
>Had to write about the person who sat next to you
>Black girl
>Actually wrote that she was black

Was going through my 1st grade portfolio and cringed hard at it.

>saturday night, drunk
>on the subway with friends
>one of them is getting off to go home
>"cya lads"
>"talk later man, SIEG HEIL!" *roman salute*
>i sit back down again
>get eyeballed hard by some guy
>i just grin at him
>i survived
gotta stop drinking

>2nd grade art class
>(((Teacher))) teaching us portraits
>Raises hand
>"What user?"
>There are no Jews in Italy
>My grandpa sent them all to Germany
>Half of Jewish class goes ballistic
>T. Welcome to South Florida

>im asian

explains how you got away with all of that

My 4th grade bus driver was German and I called him Hitler whenever I got on the bus. Didn't seem to bother him much though.

Kek, I'm full ethnic Italian, and whenever someone asks me if I'm Jewish, I always say that they're no Jews in Italy for the same reason.

Called my year 2 teacher an idiot for trying to teach us communism. I was pretty furious that I had to spend my hard earned chore money on buying a toy for the class's raffle, so some cunt can just take it because they were lucky, particularly since the others could just get their parents to buy it for them.

I secretly bought myself a motherfucking Sandshrew figurine and then framed the class bully for stealing what I was meant to bring into class. Unsurprisingly, he had stolen other peoples' toys, so he had to miss all his lunch breaks for a week and I didn't have to waste money on the establishment redistributing my personal resources.

I had to do a report about a famous world leader in 6th grade so I picked up a biography about Adolf Hitler from the school library. I had no clue who he was and I was really impressed with his efficiency in killing people during war and his stellar uniform. I drew swastikas all over the school and got in some trouble when saluting. The book was permanently removed from the school library as a result. This was long before Sup Forums but, I thought I would share anyway.

>Used to be blue pilled cuck
>followed people like laci green, young turks, buzzfeed, believed in all of that shit
>had diverse cast of friends jews, blacks, gays whatever
>To make a long story short most of them back stabbed me, were mentally unstable or betrayed me
>Broken down and angry I questioned everything I believed in

and here I am now

>8th grade
>asked Muslim girl on the bus if she was upset we killed Saddam Hussein and if she was glad 9/11 happened
>president of school bus transportation calls me down to office
>screams at me and calls me a racist without my mom or anyone else there
>kicks me off bus for 6 weeks
>Mom was only mad she had to drive me to school

>elementary school
>at a tour of a concentration camp
>tell my friend a joke about gas and jews
>teacher hears it
>oh shit
>makes me do an essay about holocaust
>print the first page about holocaust from kikepedia
>get an A

I started drawing swastikas on the back of the blackboard to piss him off from then on.


I think I was in 7th grade
>be me
>really into those documentaries on how """ebil""" Hitler really was
>ask teacher about some of it
>"well user, he really just wanted to preserve nationalism in Germany, a little pride isn't bad but the way he did it was wrong"
>ask him if he thought Hitler wasn't a bad guy like I was told
>says people do bad things with good intentions, it doesn't make them bad
>come to class next day
>night prior I came to the conclusion that the reason that I wasn't allowed to criticize Jew's is because they are always telling me Hitler was nothing but evil
>go up to jew boy in class, you can tell by last name and nose, he's super conceded
>ask him why he hates nationalism
>says it's racist
>call him dirty kike
>sent to office and explain to principal that I should have freedom of expression
>not if it triggers their ptsd user
>what the fuck is this nightmare
>principal says they have second hand persecution ptsd
>tell principal she's wrong
>detention for hate speech

>nigger kid always forgets to bring his musical recorder (musical instrument)
>on day of performance he forgets it again
>"wow tyrone you forgot your instrument... Big surprise..."
>he calls me a racist
>realize he isnt stupid because he is stupid, its cuz he is black

>elementary school
>field trip to women's basketball game
>stadium stands up for the pledge of allegiance
>wanting to be finny b0y
>do Hitler salute not knowing what it meant
>people chimp out
>have to sit next to teacher

this was in 11th grade
>in spanish class
>group work
>fucking with my friends, one of them bets me to call them a nigger on the test
>do it
>I got suspended 3 days and had to take sensitivity classes the rest of the school year
totally worth it, it got me a girlfriend for awhile

I don't remember. I do remember my first good goy moment OTOH.
>be me
>8 years old
>at the toy shop with a wallet full of changes I saved
>suddenly a pack of Mohameds surrounds me, make my wallet fall of my hands, pretending they are helping me getting my money back while putting half of it in their pocket
>back at home, tells my mother "fucking Arabs, why can't they GTFO"
>to which my leftist mother answered "come on user, don't be a fascist hateful bigot" or something like that
>and then I thought that racism was bad because my mother said so
>took me 10 years to shake off the conditioning

>Freshman year of high school
> Teacher talks about experiencing racism
> Every non white tells about how oppressed they are
> white kid said he got beat up for being white in a ghetto
> Gets dirty looks from class and teacher asks him if it really happened

I was 10
>nearly halloween
>shopping at costume store with mother
>see sombrero, point it out mom
>she buys it and some fake mustaches
>we stop at the hardware store and she buys a burlap sack
>fast forward to halloween
>wearing spic outfit, mom pins green construction paper with "green card" scribbled on it to burlap poncho
>stop at all the houses, never encountering any mexicans (upstate NY)
>get to last house on street, some kind of pastor
>he looks at me and then says to my dad: "Love the wetback costume"

>The funny thing is that I'm not even white, I'm actually an Asian.
I know exactly how you feel.

Reading these gives some background into why we are where we are today. Today's kids and young adults grew up in a world where we weren't allowed or even punished for saying certain things, even when we had no idea why they were bad or why we shouldn't say them. Is it any wonder we've rebelled against this mindless assault on childhood naivety?


I see shit like this almost everyday at my school

>6th grade
>notice half the book rack in the classroom is all about hitler and the jews
>one in particular has a funny title
>we write a song like it's the intro to a tv show and sing it

Didn't really take that seriously until looking back on how disproportionate the OY VEY indoctrination was.

> Third grade
> drew Swastikas on the school desk and some of the nearby chairs cause it seemed like a nice pattern
> mfw other kids found it a nice additive, too
> mfw teacher didn't even say anything

Fast forward a couple of years I realize how much trouble that could have got me into.

Wew lad

>Be me
>Grade 6
>Teacher teaches us about Egyptians in History
>Starts about he the pharoahs were black
>Start seeing red
>Go on and redpill her and the class on how the Egyptians made destinctions between Africans and Egyptians

Probably this but since I'm in a mainly Brown country the second occasion is more relevant

>Be me
>Grade 8
>Topic "Islam and Women"
>Teacher says "Islam makes men and women equal"
>Red Pill about how women and men have different rights in Islam and women are supposed to home builders whole men the bread earners
>She tells me about how I'm a Fundamentalist and that I'm mistaken
>Quote Muhammad saying "I have never seen anyone more defecient in knowledge and faith than you (women)"
>Sends me out of class
>Get a red slip ( 4 of them and you get detention. The principal was french so he was pretty chill )
>Mfw the class thinks I'm a religious scholar
>Mfw I lead a protest outside the class against the school's attempt to teach us blue pulled Islam
>Mfw we all got instant detention
>Mfw I was born redpilled

Highschool was pretty chill though. My world history teacher that us how Hitler was justified in retaliating to the treaty of Versailles and punishing the Jews (who controlled German economy) and my Pakistan history teacher taught us how The Taliban government and Iran were the only true modern Islamic states. And how 9/11 was an inside job an that Bin Laden was a decoy to give an excuse to invade Afganistan.

He was also the person (Along with my chemistry teacher) to make me accept the facts that the Jews are in fact controlling most of the departments of the major world powers.

mai is best girl
>after alita

>Be me
>8 years old or something
>Ask mum if taxes are paid voluntarily
>IsinĀ“t that bad I respond

Then she goes ballistic and goes into a speech about how great democracy is and how we all can vote and that its good for society.

Been AnCap ever since. I like to believe I was the youngest AnCap after Ayn Rand.

so is your country ever gonna stop raping those kids?


>4th grader
>teacher talking about Jesus and Christmas and religion n shut
>starts talking about how Jews don't celebrate Christmas
>I say is because Jesus kicked them out the temple
>teacher flips out
>Jews are good people
>fast forward years later
>I was right

Subtle, well played.


thought everyone in middle east was extrmeist muslim

>be 5 years old
>play at playground
>Asian family comes by to play
>run over to mom and scream "Mommy! Mommy! They all look like this!!" *pull eyelids to the sides to make my eyes squinty*
Good times.

This how it feels to be white(ancap) and being called cracker(roads) by a nigger(statist)

Yeah sure.

I noticed you proposed no solution, ancuck. Your one-sided system will never exist for all of humanity, die knowing that.

>When you're fucking retarded and bragging about it.


The Nice attack brought me here, that was when I was truly Redpilled. I had two former Muslim friends when I was a brain dead liberal, now I've never answered the phone when they've tried to contact me. I stay with my own fellow European people now and go to church once a month.

>be americum
>get bullied
in this country we're not such cunts as you faggots
if we want to hurt someone we kill him straight away or just damage his limbs if we want to torture him

the first nigger I ever saw irl was stealing money from a parking meter
maybe thats why im racist scum now

Well AnCap system exists right here right now. you arent forced to be in this voluntary conversation.

A solution? How about I just pay for the road without a gun to my head?

Go back.

>be me
>have two degenerate lefty friends
>invite me to beach parties are house parties
>decide to go and be /devilish/
>get invited to house party
>as of late the lefties have been calling me a racist etc.
>I have a rule
>get called racist I'm trashng your house.
>I drink and enjoy myself not getting too drunk
>lefties get fucking wasted
>call me racist for loving my country
>they eventually all pass out drunk
>turn the music up full blast to get me pumped up
>start smashing shit
>stole all their alchohol
>pissed all over the bathroom except the toilet of course
>turn taps on.
>take anything of use I can use for myself
>cause as much fucking destruction as possible
>head off home and get chips
Feelsgudman. They keep inviting me places too. Free stuff for me!

This is why the English starved you.

are you a nigger?

What did you get at BK?

>ITT: Things that never happened Sup Forums edition

>be me
>7th grade at fundamentalist Christian school.
>swastikas start getting carved into desks, tables, chair backs, etc.
>big hoopla because holocaust muh chosen people Hitler bad reeeeeee
>swastikas continue
>teachers start snooping for who is mini Hitler trying to gas the Jews that didn't even go to our school
>teacher finds my notebook with swastikas drawn in it because I was an edgy little shit
>nobody buys my story that it really wasn't me carving stuff into school property
>big lecture on the holocaust and how bad the Jews have it due to ebil white folks and their gas
>in school suspension (spend all day in a closet with a desk doing schoolwork) for 3 weeks
>1 1/2 weeks go by
> I am released as the real culprit has been found and actually suspended
>mfw it was literally the ONLY black kid in our class

>in elementary school
>lived in a suburban area
>only one black kid in the neighborhood
>huge bully, always smelled like cigarettes
>called him Artie fish lips because I didn't know it was racist
>said it in front of my friends mom and she wouldn't let us hang out anymore
>mfw Artie fish lips was in jail for a B&E by the time I finished high school

>an AnCap system exists right here right now
On this website maybe, but it won't ever rule over a """""country""""" if that's what it'd be called. Maybe you should stop posting senseless ideologies and start fixing your own country.

>Aussie taking it to the next level as per usual

When I was 15, I was moving away from California and after I said goodbye to my best friends who were also my neighbors, we sieg heiled after we said our final goodbye. Then I moved to Florida and do it every time I see my friends and have done since high school.

>English class when I was about 14
>asked to do a speech on a randomly selected subject
>subject is global warming
>didn't have any internet or books, had to work only with information our school taught us
>make a speech debunking global warming, talking about how the basic premise makes no sense
>pointed out that if more co2 leads to higher temperatures, and higher temperatures lead to more water vapor, and water vapor leads to even more of a greenhouse effect, then we shouldn't even be alive today since there was even more co2 in the air in the past
>spoke better English than anyone else in class, still got a bad grade because teacher didn't agree with me

>Be in 4th grade
>Have a few black kids in class

And here I am.

Lefties mad? I'm white.

>elementary school
>token black girl steals my hat
>manage to retrieve it from her
>have to accept her apology and shake her hand
>go "I don't shake brown people's hands"
>shocked faces all around me
>successful triggering
>dad has to talk with the headmaster and assure him I'm not a racist
>black girl eventually moves away

ahh, good times

>be me 3rd grade elementary school
>the most niggliest nog in all of my nog-infested school is annoying the shit out of me (he looked like SHIEEEEEEEEEEEEET meme dude)
>decide to start swinging at him during our lunch break
>he didn't want none of this and backed away scared
>teacher saw the whole act from her car during lunch break
>get sent to the principles office to make up with fellow nog
>dont get suspended coz i didnt land any fists
Just imagine a little kid hitting nothing but air in front of his opponent

That was my 2nd fight, my first fight I kicked the ass (literally) of some faggy kid in 1st grade who annoyed me (pretty sure he was gay) - I guess this can count as a Sup Forums moment too in this case
>grab him from behind
>pull his arms back
>ram my knee up his ass atleast 10 times
>starts crying his ass off
I got in real trouble for that suspended for a day

>haole(white kid) living in hawaii
>picked on by locals cause they hate white people.
>came late to school on day cause clothes were in the dryer
>hawaiian teacher harassing me for being late
>told her us white people like to wash our clothes.

>Junior year
>Middle of WWII segment
>Teacher is lecturing
>Raise my hand
>"Yes user?"
>As loud as possible
>Dead silent
>Half of the class is losing their shit and the other class actually wants to know
>sheltered plebs
>"... Yes user, it's a bad word."
I got away with stupid shit like this all year

i love metaposters

That reminds me of another Sup Forums encounter I had in 4th grade.

Me and some friends (we're all "latinos" in a predominately black elem) were playing catch with a softball and this niglet girl from class wanted to join.

All the boys run circles around her calling her a nigger or nigga none stop she runs away, and they chase her, we're all having fun. Me - i didnt join in on the fun much, coz I felt in my conscious that was wrong to be honest... But the mob rule is fucked anyway. She snitches and I get called in the office.

She's there all cocky and the principal is scaring me, I look at her to her face and tell her that I wasnt the one calling her names, she nods to the principal and then im free to go.


fuck forgot meme arrows

Its fun to see you squirm trying to understand what im talking about.

More ad hominems, what a suprise. Calling it "senseless" is such a great argument.

Your country is way more fucked than mine, we can actually manage a 40% GDP debt while yours is over 100%.
Our property rights are greater.
We got more localized power than nationalized.

Deal with it.

>stop growing at 5'5"
>resent everyone around me and have no friends
at that moment

>second hand persecution ptsd
wew lad

Lol manlet

6'4 and up where ya at

im 6'1 and not even white. fucking white manlets should just end themselves desu

>kid got suspended from school for calling another kid a black bastard
>incidentally he was black, and a bit of a bastard
>found this to be irrational and melodramatic
>8 years old

Due to being born and raised in Southern California, I was always a racist (born 1985). Parents divorced when I was about 12 and we moved up north to Oregon to live with my Mom's parents.

>about 8th grade
>don't know much about Hitler or the war
>Dad's dad was from Italy
>Dad's mom was from Poland
>heard a story how my great-grandmother on my Dad's side smashed in Mussolini's face with her high heel at a wax museum after she came to USA
>learn about ebil Nazis in history class
>think the swastika symbol looks kind of cool
>secretly draw it in my binder
>Granny finds the swastika when she is helping me with my homework
>she is pissed
>tells me how evil Hitler was
>forces me to watch Schindler's List
>started snoring within 5 minutes
>Granny is even more pissed
>wakes me up
>keep falling back asleep
>finally sends me to bed
>still have no idea what happened in the movie
>2 years later
>grade 10
>have to do a report in History class on WWII
>Granny thinks I should do it on concentration camps because she still thinks I'm a Nazi
>start doing research
>learn about all the medical experiments the Nazis conducted
>start to realize that without these experiments, medical science would be nowhere near it is today
>write paper on the subject
>get an A
>Granny is pissed

She still thinks I am a Nazi.

>8th grade
>talking about 911 and al qaeda's motives.
>for some reason i decide to an "impression of a terrorist"
>"hur durka durka durka im going to go blow up the twin towers durka durka durk"
>fat bitch teacher calls me racist
>tell her its not racist because i was merely pretending
>never got in trouble


>Highschool american hist class
>talkin bout womens rights
>feminist teacher asks class what they think of when they hear feminism
>i say its radical and excessive and theres no reason to fight for womens rights in the modern day
>she hates me for the rest of the year

Same class

>talking bout nigger rights
>subject of milano half breeds brought up
>half black half white
>i ask if that means oreos are milanos
>literally every single kid in the room turns around and death glares at me
>teacher, roasties, and shitskins hate me for the rest of highschool
>my Sup Forums buddies who had the same class still kek about it today

Honestly this moment has stuck with me since it happened...

>Be very young in elementary school
>not sure of age or grade, probably grade 3 or less
>entire school assembled into gym to hear some speaker
>some man talks about how bullying is bad and we need to be nice or whatever
>asks "how many races are there?!?"
>many kids yell "one!"
>in my mind I was thinking that's not true, there's asians and black people and white people, etc.
>"that's right, there's only one race, human race!"

They really try to cuck you from an early age here. I guess I have a natural aversion to bullshit though. Here I am at 20, and this is the only place even on the internet I can really express my opinions...

>sieg heiled in the middle of the ceremony field in high school with friend
>everyone around clapped from top to bottom
>kept the solid salute all along the field
>teacher didn't even bother to report or even call us

Another one LOL

I remember a muslim Turkroach girl was introduced into the class in the middle of the semester of 6 grade (circa 2003). She said she was from Istanbul, specifically.

We called her TERRORIST till she cried.

Tfw black

Tfw kid called me a nigger in class and I told the teacher and she didn't care

They made no serious contributions lol


>6th grade
>Not knowing who Hitler was
American education

>8th grade I believe
>some Bosnian kid almost died from getting ganged by a bunch of older Serbian kids
>Yugoslavia war comes up
>some ballsy kid says the Yugoslavian refugees shouldn't be here, it's not Germany's war etc.
>few days later, ballsy kid doesn't come to school anymore because he frequently gets sucker punched etc.
>for a few weeks, the entire school mobs anyone from the Balkans, even the innocent quiet ones
>shoving around Serbians was particularly fantastic
>our apartheid made local news and the mayor (we're a small town) visits to scold us
>refugeeshits are now untouchable because the mayor threatened to write municipality letters to parents etc.

Nothing shaped by political opinions more, and my hate fuel for the cold blooded murderous red cowards known as Yugoslavians.



>unbeknownst to me, my brother recently found Sup Forums
>starts talking to Dad about the holocaust and how Hitler should have won
>was being taught about the holocaust myself
>Dad says, "The world would be boring and everybody would be the same."
>I chime in and say, "Hitler wanted there just be White people in White countries, he was also allied with the Japanese. White people have all kind of diversity in the way they look, if anything, everyone WILL look exactly the same if this keeps up."
>Dad just goes silent and my brother keeps dropping redpills
>Then he says Nigger and my Dad says he'd get shot if he said that at the wrong place and wrong time, I just say that that just proves niggers are violent and irrational
>Dad still hangs out with his black friend
>Tries to get me to hang out with his black friend and half breed son, tell him that his black friend hates himself and that's why he didn't want a kid that looks like him.

>elementary whenever
>go to holohoax museum
>at some point in the tour we're talking about literally hitler
>said this thing i heard about him which i didnt realize was an old joke
>told the tour guide i heard hitler killed himself because he got a gas bill
>museum was pretty neat and spooky overall

When I was in third grade, a friend and I RP'd as Master Chief from Halo and Hitler. I also drew swastikas on desks and shit

>High school
>Shorthaired kikess teacher
>Learning about 'Muh Hitler'
>Teacher starts saying how the Germans were 'hoodwinked' by jobs
>Points out the German workers were treated well, even given free holidays and so on
>I say out loud 'Wow, all that AND he got rid of the Jews'.
And that, my friends, is why I now work a mop job at McDonalds.

>be me
>say dumbass racist shit in public
>get rightly called out on my immature bullshit
>wtf i'm so persecuted
>fuckin' jews amirite?

you should all kill yourselves.

>took me 10 years to shake off the conditioning
i know that feel

>They made no serious contributions lol
Bullshit. Look into the research they did on hypothermia and fetal structure.

Your mum is a cunt m8.


Nice work, Paddy.

i've only listened to laci green twice, once on purpose. i seriously can't believe anyone listens to that vapid bitch willingly.

the worst thing is that this pseudointellectual actually thinks she's intelligent.


>3rd grade
>Black History Month
>Black girl acting like a bitch in line
>Tell that bitch "oh yeah well you woulda been my slave back in the day"

Kek. What's it like living among pineapple-niggers?

It's become... self aware