HAHAHA even kids are going MGTOW

HAHAHA even kids are going MGTOW.

“It’s probably not true of all women, but I’ve got the feeling that women are dangerous. Maybe the men around me have just had bad experiences,” he tells news.com.au.

Fuck modern woman. In before the predictable retards start virgin shaming, muh white race bullshit. Sorry faggot but normal men and teens are doing it. You will just be bringing another fucked up kid into this world to become a nu-male raise by a single mother.

Modern woman are cancer. Feminism, anti-male media, emasculation are driving men to MGTOW. In the world that says its ok to hate white men MGTOW is a natural response.

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The next generation will save us. Van any Germans comment on their current teenage population?

i like women. they challenge me and make me grow. they have really nice skin and squishy fun bodies with gooey wet holes for my cock. and yeh sometimes they get a bit emotional but its not their fault and i enjoy being their rock. they are tiny, small and helpess, so it makes sense that they get insecure and lash out sometimes. interacting with them is really fun and i wouldnt change them at all.

be better user.

>I support inferior people because muh dick

Gen Z is the boipussy generation. I love being part of Generation Z :3

In the current year practically all boys have seen a male relative, in the worst case their own father, be financially raped in court, kicked out of their house and forced to live in a run down apartment. You don't need a 120 IQ to say "holy shit I'm never ending like muy father".

>Whites stop fucking

>My turn white boi

3D women can't compete.

This user speaks the truth.

I do not support the females of my species because some guys on the internet told me not to.

Woman can be good. Buts its going to take at least another two generations. Modern woman are just so fucked by the media and feminism that its not worth it. Maybe they will wake up once MGTOW goes truly mainstream

I've been to ostrelia.

Your women are absolute shit. The few that haven't been used as cumdumpsters for niggers are coke heads or just plain retarded.

You are either a woman or a shitposting Bruce.

Don't care



It's the male equivalent to sjw's.

Yeah Aussie woman are easily the worst. Even worse than US woman. MGTOW is growing fast in Aus.

M G T O W. May kek bless all our souls.

lolno its the exact opposite. feminists want males to do shit for them to get "equal" MGTOW just don't want anything to do with women research your shit white knight faggot

t. pajama boy

#notallwomen but yeah majority of western women are literally trash. There are few ones.

>I'm basically just a nu-male faggot who will put up with all women's shit these days just to be rewarded with sex
What's next, you going to tell me you moan the word "mommy" while crying when you fuck?
You're going about women all wrong. 1st you gotta find the normie, non-femnazi ones. Then, you make sure they don't give you any shit. Broken window theory, if you let them get away with a shit ton of microagressions, they'll keep pushing the fuck'n envelope.

Its a reaction to SJW, feminism and the anti white emasculation. You want to know the one reason MGTOW is right? Look at how hard the media attacks us.

> I think muh dick is better at decision making than my or anyone else's brain

lolololol won't think that when you get raped in the divorce court. I know a judge that worked for 20 years guess what she could not take a kid away from mother no matter what. 100% rat e even if the kids would suffer.

What 12 year old wrote this?

agree these cucks cant get some and they simp until they are 30. when some used up single mother bitch who hit the wall without a helmet makes them suffer and cucks them for the rest of their lives

some 10 yo cuck

>gooey holes

holy fuck how disgusting

lol like anyone would want to reproduce with you

Arab alphas are happy to take over the business!

you can say that again

feel free to hate women
more for me

I hope it gets worse.

>they have really nice skin and squishy fun bodies
Can someone explain to me why women skin is soft and squishy, what's the biological reason for that?

Modern woman. I love my grandma and mother. They despise feminists.


is this a copypasta or just some kangaroo faggot from plebbit?

I mostly agree with this, except there are woman that are purely malicious and will exploit the fuck out of anyone that tries to be kind to them.

The article says mgtow is a men's rights group. I don't think most of us want rights we just want to do our own thing.

t. guy who banged tons of chicks and doesn't want the headaches anymore

ok you can go and fuck yourself in that divorce court or maybe a false claim allegation :) have fun killing yourself remember aim for the brain stem


>mfw only young white men participate in this manchild-like "movement" that is MGtoW.

>mfw white women grow tired of this and breed even more with spics, blacks, and Ching chings

Yes. Please keep going your own way, my fellow anons.

yea MGTOW isn't a rights movement but cucks can think it is. maybe they throw a few rights at us while we just walk away.

This guys prolly getting pussy tho

>caring about women,either 2d or 3d


>single mom at 16 with a white child
>desperate to get a boyfriend
>settles for the first man that will provide for her

Nah it's SJW shit because you're all bitching about nothing.

lol yes but what does it matter when you ARE DEAD. you can still reproduce with other ways *ahem* surrogacy. I can also donate sperm to improve the gene pool. Actually settling down with a woman is you restraining yourself to a single womb to reproduce your genes with. stop thinking with your dick start thinking with your head shitskin

I'm still a bit confused about the end game to the MGTOW movement.

So are you guys just gonna die alone, or is this a game of chicken against the feminists, or what?

>>>> this

The fact that I'm reading the word "Microagression" unironically, and actually agree with it, makes me very ashamed.

On some level I agree, women are trash and it's time to clean up.

Im joining. Fuck women. Whores of course not the twats that think they have something intelligent to say and so hang around like a bad smell.

Yes. Even if they had good ideas the loudest voices are terrible. They are bashing random women instead of focusing on themselves.

its just enjoying life and not getting tied down by any woman. you dont have to die alone friends and surrogate children just not get a bitch who will suck your money for your whole life. MGTOW is freedom of men

Would join MGTOW but im a virgin and id feel lame about it.

>that flag
Unlikely/very rare scenario. Sorry bud. Maybe you should try going outside? But make sure to go your own way so I can breed your oneitis.

No lad we need more British children, so find yourself an average bird and get some kids. Cmon, chop chop!

>sure abut that lads?
wew this cunt is pissed

not really they spread the philosophy we wouldnt give 2 shits about a random bitch

you can still fuck as long as you don't have a long term relationship and don't marry

Are whites the first race to figure out the fact that the world is not a good place and ergo don't bring children into it?

This is what Sup Forums has done to gen z

Go for it nigger.
When we are gone there is no law and order. No one paying benefits. No one working the land.
Just africa. And i bet none of you niggers will ever return or visit for the first time.
Because niggers are scum.
Why should i care what colour the world is after my death. Im leaving no kids for you to rape and abuse.

The best present i can give you niggers is not white sluts but niggers

Every video I saw was click bait "mgtow destroys woman"

We don't give a fuck, nog

BASED Gen Z redpilled on the vaginal jew.

>fun to interact with
Yeah if you enjoy talking about social media and jew TV and hearing cackling over and over maybe.

>literally muh dick
Enjoy going to jail for ex post facto rape accusations, nigger.

Anyone who's part of MGTOW wouldn't have gotten sex anyway.

>sometimes they get a bit emotional but its not their fault
>women can't be blamed for their actions because they're just women
Seems like you at least indirectly agree with most people here.
If women can't be held responsible for their actions, why should they be allowed to perform actions that impact everybody else so widely, such as voting?

MGTOW is truely the kikes greatest invention.

what that flag faggot I am pure white breed straight out of the mountains My genes have not been polluted by any other race. Even during invasions of my country my ancestors never got captured.My ancestors have not even seen a black dude.

Modern women don't deserve men. They deserve to die alone or with their cats.

Focus on your self and your wealth, don't let a woman take that from you.

>figure out

wew lad come on stop being a bitch

More fake news bullshit.

If you're confused you haven't dated enough. Everything is slanted in favor of women unless you're in the top percentile of men. And I don't envy those men either because they attract the most hypergamous women.

Muslim guy here

well dont listen to those fags. watch metaphysics of MGTOW or Sandman. Maybe Turd flinging monkey or dont watch you can make your own variation just dont get fucked over by women.

>generation z

Aaah hahaha you're the most fucked and cucked generation after baby boomers you idiot. You're being indoctrinated at a super young age to accept globalism.


Your area is of no consequence. Nonwestern countries need not apply when it comes to things like this.

>says a virgin
I gave a boot to every chick who tried to get with me.

>They deserve to die alone or with their cats.
Not even cats deserve them desu.


>tfw have a girlfriend who does all the dishes, laundry, and cooks for me when I get home from work

Maybe the problem isn't all women, it's that you're such a shitty uninteresting individual that you can only attract discount bin cumdumpters with a chip on their shoulders.

Its a reaction to SJW bullshit, but your from Sweden so your already retarded.

well depends women situation here is not any better. Its also that I have to fucking work in europe or us as my profession is not very profitable here.

Bunch of multi culutral numales that like multi culti and do everything the mainstream says and also love the suck the USA's dick

Ssshhhhhh. Let them go their own way.


Right back at you. If you want to get divorce-cucked by the state, watch as your children are brainwashed and taken away from you, go right on ahead. If you're one of the lucky ones and manage to find a decent women, then I'm happy for. I've had enough girlfriends to know from experience they're at least 75% shit.

>Daily Fail

And here it is the predicable virgin shaming. Sorry but its normal generation z kids and men going MGTOW. That must scare you

>I oppose inferior people because it didn't end up being my dick

Gen Z is rebelling against the jew indoctrination.

Millennials are the ones that bought it, Gen Z thinks it's a joke and post shit making fun of SJWs and feminists all the time.

>Not having a boyfriend who does all that but better and is more fun to have around
Not seeing your argument desu.

lol when she cheats on your ass and takes 50% of your shit as well as your kids have fun blowing your brains out

Ya now she does. Give it a few years.

Gets dumped or rejected by girl. Joins retarded support group to bitch and cry about how mean girls are.
>what a bunch of retards
>grow up
>have a wank


Nah it's just little shits rebelling against their parents like they always do. They just think Hitler jokes are funny because it's edgy. See Pewdiepie for an exampek of this. His audience is still tweens.