Umm WOW ok why is this allowed republitards?? *sips tea*

umm WOW ok why is this allowed republitards?? *sips tea*

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wtf i hate Trump now

how do you serve in the military and then not have any form of ID?

>those lips

This commie cartoonist doesn't even know the correct direction for the flag..

explain how voter id can prevent legal citizen to vote pls

No one wants retard soldiers voting anyway. If they were smart they wouldn't sign up to get beat up and raped in boot camp/shot at by sand niggers.

Military personnel should have no problem obtaining one.

>cant afford id

Why is the African american community such a massive fucking failure?

Here starts the difficult exercise for leftists to explain how only black cannot obtain some, while not insinuting they are absolute retards.

would be a powerful poster for some Mehmet in Russian Marines that took over Crimea
would be just as stupid though

>implying a member of the armed forces doesn't get issued a military ID

This. You even get fucking citizenship from serving.

Voting rights act outlawed poll taxes and fees to vote. A voter ID usually costs money. Also, they usually take time to obtain. Voter ID laws are a fine idea so long as the ID's are provided for free and are readily available to the publc. The issue most people have is that the laws being passed do not meet either requirement, so they usually get thrown out by the courts.

what if they have no legs? how are they supposed to get an id card if they cant walk you fucking insensitive nazi! they would have to get a ride which means choosing between food for their children or a basic human right to vote!


It's a meme. If Indians who don't have toilets and indoor plumbing can get ID to vote in their elections, Jamal can too.

There's nothing more racist than Liberals trying to claim minorities are too dumb to get IDs.

I don't understand the comic. Our CAC doesn't replace our regular ID. I still have my state license.

Can someone decipher the comic for me?

Implying this guy managed to serve in war without ever getting an ID.
He wouldn't have even been allowed on base without one.
Obviously a cartoon made by an idiot with no understanding of the military.

i like how democrats assume black people can't possibly work out how to register for the required ID

and yet, the repubs are the racists.

yea I recall patch flags face the other way, but why is that?

Why can't he vote again?
No id? No military id? He couldn't afford the bus to the DMV to claim his free id?

I think it's more insulting to the man to think he doesn't have id or know the proper channels to get one. Especially if he served in the military. And it's racist to assume only minorities and not just the poor run into these issues. I mean the only poc without ids are illegal immigrants, and they should not be allowed to vote legally anyways.

Many Americans live in rural areas where the only way to get an ID is if they can make it to their local DMV during their open hours. The DMV might be open once every 2 months on the 2nd Tuesday of that month.

This effects only the most rural of areas, and usually older people who don't have a need for a license or state ID.

The actual way to go about this is to point out the fact that most liberals believe blacks don't have the capacity or money to aquire a simple id.

How is it that every other developed country in the world demands ID to vote but somehow this is a massive issue in the US?

indians are actually not stupid, just not potty trained en masse

How did he get to Iraq without a passport

Symbolizes what it would look like if the flag was being charged into battle

so you're cool with IDs requirements in cities?

good to settle that.

How fucking difficult would it be to issue an ID card when registering to vote? Snap a picture, print it with a number and hand it to them as soon as they're done registering.

What the flying fuck how does this even remotely make sense? He got issued an ID when he was part of the Army, he doesn't even have to pay for one. Why wouldn't he just take that to go vote with? This is just being obstinate as fuck for no reason.

The voting rights act.

>nigger literally too stupid to put his patch on right and loses every form of military ID he was issued
Too dumb to vote

*sips cum*

I'm cool with ID requirements all together. You're just an idiot.

This, what the fuck seriously.

Really? The more you know........

I don't understand Americans.

Even this 3rd world shithole has voter ID laws and no one whines about them.

No, most of them are free.

You have two years to get your ass over to the DMV for one day.

When I lived on a military base as a kid I had to have a military ID. What a load of shit.

im capable enough to join the military and fight terrorists but im so incredibly dumb that unlike 99.9% of people you probably no I for some reason lack any form of solid ID like a social security card, a drivers license or a Gov ID all which are easy to get and generally cost little or nothing. But again I am a nigger and according to Democrats we are too dumb to get ID and even though their is rampant corruption in our Government which is clear as day and even though lots of voting fraud happens and was actually bragged about (project veritas) we should still do voting based on "the honor system" because ya know, that isn't super, duper, duper, duper idiotic and retarded.
Shutup goyim you can trust your fellow citizens and your politicians. Just do it on the honor system I promise it'll work out fine. People shouldn't have to prove they are who they are or that they are even legal citizens... thats racist after all. no id nessesary no siree. its mean to black people after all because unlike basically ALL white people including the 10's of millions of super poor ones for some reason they just can't get some form of legit ID like us. They are just toooo dumb. Oh and its kinda weird as a White guy that every black guy ive met had some form of ID and usually a drivers license... but I guess I just ran into the rare mensa blacks.

and fundamentally they shouldn't be allowed to join the military if they aren't a citizen of that nation for security reasons


>wow IDs are so hard to get. It's so expensive to verify someone's citizenship and only fucking white males are allowed IDs
Canada and Europe must be full fascists then

It's obvious as fuck to an outsider who has had voting ID laws since forever that this is just a bullshit narrative orchestrated because they want to be able to more easily stuff the ballots

>assuming black people are too incompetent to get IDs

>even getting the lips right

Guy who drew this did his homework

He's an ISIS operative.

>apply online or by mail
>get it in the mail

not that hard

You need an ID to adopt pets? Racis milch?

It wouldn't be difficult, and I have no problem if that is what they want to do. But that isn't what the GOP does when they pass voter ID laws. They often craft the laws so that valid voter ID is more difficult to obtain if you are poor or live in a certain area. Most of their voter ID laws are just means to disenfranchise voters to their own advantage.

All the other arguments on this are pointless, because if you look at the facts, it's clear as day that their intention is to suppress votes from democrats, not fix a voter fraud problem that doesn't even exist. Seriously, the number of voter fraud cases in this country doesn't even get into triple digits, there are like 10-20 cases per year for the whole nation. It's a solution in search of a problem.

The old guard of pot smoking baby boomer hippies need to die and be erased from history. Their shit propaganda is a cancer to the mind.

voter ids are free you dummy

Watch this video. This is the average white liberal that obstructs voting ID laws.

They still need a license to drive, having lived in one of these areas from experience i can tell you this is not an arguement. The people that go out to vote whilist living an hour or two from town already have an id

If he was in the fucking military, he would have a fucking military ID.

Explain it like I'm five how an id card is controversial.

So in those super rural areas they're driving without a drivers license then?

Thanks for posting this. Every time someone says "Voter ID laws are racist vote suppression" I ask them if they're insinuating blacks are too stupid to get IDs and when they stumble trying to come up with an answer (Usually involves the phrase "White Privilege") I just call them "racist" and walk away.

>US Army Veterans don't have ID
That's an impossibility. They have free access to replacements of their military ID.

I agree, niggers shoudnt vote, no matter the state.

I don't watch jewtube, can you sum up the video for me?

it doesnt have to be a voter ID right. cant any Legit ID work?

>t. Nig or dem
Voter Id laws don't make it difficult to go to the DMV and get an ID, pretty sure they even have exeptions for poor fags


Democrats are corrupt fucks who have a nice tradition of stuffing ballots.

Citation on that please. maybe the laws have changed but over the last 20 years the courts have had to repeatedly throw out these laws for placing an undue burden on the voter seeking to obtain the ID. That being said, even if the ID itself is free, if it's not easy to obtain, it's still an undue burden on the voter and the law is thrown out.


every other fucking nation on earth requires that you present a picture ID in order to vote in elections.

it's not discrimination. honestly if you can't obtain an ID, you shouldn't be voting.

>be in the military
>don't have a single form of photo ID

Yeah this definitely happens. Pretty sure you literally have to provide photo ID when you enlist for fuck's sake.

Do you think that black people aren't smart enough to get an I.D? Wow racist much? How could you say that without a trigger warning?

basically asks a bunch of white kids whether they thing voter ID should be illegal, and they all say yes because african americans wont be able to vote cause some dont have ID

they then go ask a bunch of black people and they all say yea of course i have ID wtf?

itss raycisst

>valid voter ID is more difficult to obtain if you are poor or live in a certain area.
I've heard this, but I've never met a single person that doesn't have a state issued ID. I'm sure they're out there, but it doesn't seem that they are any significant amount of the population.

lol what

Depends on the state. Some states will take a library card with no photo, some states dont' require an ID at all, just a name and address. Some states have very strict laws, and some of those strict laws get thrown out.

tfw not american

Interviews a bunch of white college kids and they say blacks don't know how to get an ID, can't afford one, they don't know how to use the Internet etc.

Then goes to Harlem and interviews blacks asking of they have an ID and if they know where and how to get one.

Blacks call whites ignorant. Comment section on video full of blacks talking shit about whites and liberals.

Cite. State Id's are so easy to get a fucking caveman can do it.

What kind of fucking adult does not have ID or their driver's license on them?

I'm a jobless NEET that never votes or leaves the house and I still have a fucking driver's license in my wallet at all times. Seriously, what kind of retarded argument is this, it's literally free and you can order it online.

Assuming you're a US citizen which is the only reason people are against voter ID laws. So they can't vote in multiple states or let illegals vote in democrat presidents. Fucking idiots

>all democrats are black
It's like they don't even hide their own racism

Yeah, any ID, they are literally saying that you cannot expect a black person to have one legal document to their name.

That's nice, but it doesn't change the constitution or the voting rights act. Comply with the law, if the GOP has a better campaign they will win, no need to deny Americans their constitutional right to participate in democracy.

Maybe he's registered in a different state.

Leftielogic is mind numbing

Did he leave his military Id in Iraq or something?

Notice how their cander changes the second they hear """vote"""

They know the ID racism shit is bullshit

Canada has had the requirement of at least being able to produce enough ID to verify citizenship since its founding. You're telling me that it's harder for people in the 21st century to obtain ID than someone living on the fucking frontier with 200 people in a 100 square kilometre radius from him when the most common and fastest method of transportation was a horse?

wtf I love democrats now

Stop being racist. Minorities aren't stupid and incapable of having identification. You realize they know how to drive too don't you?

The fuck is with the narrative that minorities are too stupid to function in a society that uses identification cards as a means of identification?

Blacks don't live in rural areas.

I fucking love this video, it exposes liberals subtle racism.

>gun violence has gone down since the 1970s, but nobody buys guns! Who's buying guns? People who buy guns, that's who!!!

Why is providing ID in order to vote racist?

How is not having any form of ID even possible?

Where I'm from, you are required by law to get your ID at 14. It has nothing at all to do with race.

What is mil id?
This shits dumb

how the fuck does a military service member not have ID?

If that nuffin can't fucking figure out how to procure a goddamn ID, then maybe he shouldn't vote

notice how libs always use black people to tie together nonsensical arguments.