Drops a few missiles on a military target

>drops a few missiles on a military target
>infowars turns democrat shills over night

seriously what the fuck is going on?

Other urls found in this thread:


Leftypol raided us a couple days ago.

the media, democrat shills pushed the trump-putin cahoot narrative so far that trump went full 180 on his promise to stay out of syria.

>alex jones
>they are all confirmed jews
>immediately betray Trump and stab him in the back
geee really maed me go hmmmm

t. kike, dont trust our kind

when did he ever promise to stay out of syria? also, he wont remove assad as long as assad does not fuck with him

so fuck off retarded shill

trump is greatest ally tho

>muh leftypol
>waa stop using your brains, God Emperor is greatest! So what if he basically stabbed his voters to back
Hello T_D


Congrats on outing yourself as a shill!

How would they be Jews if they're against the US doing the foreign policy bidding of Israel, who wants Assad gone because he allows Iran proxy hezbollah to train and move arms in Syria for eventual attacks on Yidistan?

Did I, now? Hello there shareblue, how much does Brook pay you to shill for neocon Trump over Hillary?
>reddit spacing

He made big promises about destroying ISIS and al-Qaeda, talked about patching things up with Russia so we could work together to get it done

Instead he's all but ignoring the jihadists and just ramping up the cold war BS

Like pottery

U da shill
Lets just chill
Can't tell whats real
Don't want no bill
for missile kill
its sad but still
we had our fill

just don't reply and never tell them how we distinguish them

so many shills in this board these days

fuck off back to tumblr

The shills have turned on him because he threatened Russia's overseas interests.

Globalists indeed.

Drumpf is finished m8, they'll never let him keep the nuclear codes after this. He's even lost support from his core demographic base. He might as well give up, he'll never win according to Nate Silver from natesilver.com and also project538.com as well as many other highly respected pundits and political scientists and forecasters.

I know how you feel. I used to be the biggest Trump supporter, I went to his rallies, bought about 10 MAGA hats to show my support and encourage American jobs, but now that I see that he's just a neocon, I can't support him.

My only consolation in all this is that I don't think he can get to 1237 delegates and when he loses he will probably end up endorsing Jeb!, whose platform and foreign policy are much more in tune with my own political beliefs.

Word "shill" is misused so much these days that it's just right wing version of "YOU'RE A RACIST". Genuinely kill yourself if you think I'm a shill.

Two words: Russian Shills

fuck off back to the wall, Medkit, I'll grab you when I start beeping. Alright, fine. It wasn't a real haiku but it was an original, dammit!

>Blindly agreeing with Trumps every actions
How the fuck can you call others a shill?

I just wanted Trump to kill jihadists and not Syrian government troops to be quite desu with you

He needs to leave Assad alone

You're not anti-globalist you're just anti-american you cuck lapdog. You bitch and moan about American imperialism, and then cheer as international alliance led by Russia tries to push them out and take their place.

You know what the difference is between illegal immigrants and you? They love America enough to risk prison to live here. You hate America enough to vote for it to be dismantled.

Move to Russia right now you faggot cuck traitor!

The fuck going on is Trump threatened a Russian ally and we thought he was going to invade which would lead to war with Russia. We were freaking out about Trump potentially going to war with a nuclear nation. Not the sand niggers. keep up retard.

well he specifically did not strike any personnell targets. if he wanted, he could have killed hundreds of people instead but he only destroyed a bunch of shitty planes to send a message

yet you throw a tantrum and backstab Trump. fuck shills, fuck lolbertardians and nu-right scum. you revealed your true colors that you would rather side with ex-commie Russia than the savior of capitalism and defeater of world communism USA in geopolitics

>you throw a tantrum and backstab Trump
I'm still glad he won, considering the alternative

Doesnt mean I need to worship the man when he flipflops in an annoying way


t. retarded shill

ohh wait I only now checked your pic

nevermind. you arent a shill. you just have a very low IQ

So you're all for fucking with people who can't do shit to you, but you run and hide with your tail between your legs the second you get slapped by someone who can hit back?

Smells like pussy to me.

nah, they actually admitted to doing this shit in several of their threads. also some discord got leaked as well.


i don't expect you Swiss to follow much about the US election last year. After all you fucks are irrelevant on the world's stage.


You know I have been to Switzerand, I stayed there for a month, mostly in Valais and Neuchatel

Beautiful country but the men are cucklords and you are a supreme example

Trump fucked up and he will irritate many of his core supporters by attacking Assad, plain and simple

Wow you shill faggots are really getting in depth with this "divide and conquer" shit huh? Doesn't matter. 8 years bitch.


thats pretty low coming from a leaf

fuck off putin shill

No they didnt. Dont listen to this shill.
All have come around to recognizing it as a limited strike that was 100% optics and will stay that way as long as there is no further efforts to topple assad.

fuck off mountain jew


cancer... absolute reddit-tier cancer. election time is over, time to go back

Trump ran on America First, and non interventionism. Wall, jobs, etc.
Hillary was open during the campaign that she would punish Syria, and Russia.
This made Trump an Anti-War candidate.

I personally thought bullshit wars in the middle east would be over, and Israel could go play with the Muslims by themselves. Obviously I am not Sup Forums

It isn't working, shill

T_D is just too cutting of a tell

>non-country shill
fuck off assad IDF

ok this thread makes me confused about who's on whose side

People are angry at trump for breaking campaign trail promises. Others are angry at them for being mad at trump.

Really I'm just surprised anyone believed for an instant trump would drain the swamp. Nobody wants to, or will ever do that. The wealthy and politicians are swamp monsters that will die if its drained.

Your best bet is to read burger posts. Europe, as usual, is completely fucked.

They have ties to people close to Trump, that's why you should watch, not their "analysis".

>Really I'm just surprised anyone believed for an instant trump would drain the swamp. Nobody wants to, or will ever do that
how many lobbyists on trumps cabinet

You're half way there.

>Trump calls russkies says "gotta missile that base, move your shit to left a bit, and evacuate"
>Russkies take hint, and warn Assad; base was almost empty
>Trump gets media and lefty praise because "muh babbiesss"
>Trump moves on NK while showing Xi the progress in the ME
>China moves 150 more troops to NK border
>NK feels the squeeze
>Japan mobilizes >Russkies "flaunt" so as to not lose clout, even though they can't do shit
God Emperor. Everyone's taking him seriously now.

Illegal immigrants don't love America. They just want its benefits.

>Being this deluded

>the media, democrat shills pushed the trump-putin cahoot narrative so far that trump went full 180 on his promise to stay out of syria.

Actually it was because Ivanka saw dead babies on TV and showed her dad the images. Common knowledge, stop making up fake news to make yourself feel like Trump has an ideology other than to enrich himself.

Alex Jones is defending Trump, it's so disgusting.

Very subtle, just call all your opponent's talking points shill points.

Do you people even watch infowars? They are literally the only ones left who still support Trump minus pjw. I watched a video this morning where Alex Jones was calling Trump a diplomatic genius.

explain how that isn't exactly what happened

I think it's pretty clear what the tactic of the Kushnerbot is now:

1. Claim that the only thing that was done is a few missiles fired

2. Ignore the Bannon situation, and if it's brought up, smear Bannon as insane and stupid and prop Kushner up.

3. Never recognize the things said by Nikki Haley, Sean Spicer, and Rex Tillerson. Deflect in any way possible, by laughing over Sean Spicer goofing on the Holocaust question but not the much more serious implication that he just called Assad as worse than Hitler.

4. Call everyone who disagrees a shill. Make conspiracy theories based on shoddy sciences and photoshopped discords to "back this up", with arguments that wouldn't fly except on Sup Forums and your average humanities course.
We never supported the man, we supported his policies. If he abandons what he stood for, there's nothing left worth supporting.

Stop with
>muh 1000d underwater bingo
>leh god emperor
>praise kek

Trump was always a democrat in disguise,
Why would a wealthy new yorker suddenly change his stripes?
>literally proved to every one that he will literally say anything to get elected
You all dumb dumbs got hoodwinked.

Isn't it odd that the media started to suck him off as his "base" media started to turn on him.

What if Trump made massive deals with the Russians and Chinese? It is VERY possible that Trump made a deal with Russia that the attacks, and further attacks in NK will push Oil back over $100/barrel.

Maybe he told the Chinese that they could have NK, and continue buying Oil at the current market price.

There are so many possibilities that it's impossible to turn on Trump right now.

I swear half the idiots on here don't remember Libya and sure as hell have no memories of the iraq war. Dumb kiddies playing politics.


if they can't rant about the President being evil and muh conspiracies then how are they supposed to make money

>Move to Russia right now you faggot cuck traitor!

this, fucking Russia shills need to be put against a wall...

The CIA pays their bills, not the listeners.

in case you guys didn't figure it out, we all know that anyone saying t_d is a fucking shill. Which kinda sucks because now we cant bitch about them. Fuck you MAT.

They just muslim lovers in denial. And pro-russian shills ofc.

>The CIA pays their bills
Is this like x-files? Muller getting played by the CIA/FBI to keep him busy


Always makes me kek when I read or hear people say Alex Jones, right winger.

Some fags weren't around for the Bush years. 9/11, Halliburton, Blackwater. These were the things that put AJ on the map. Back when he did everything for free. Every movie he made, you could download for free, or choose to donate and receive a fancy little package.

Now, its all about money. AJ sold out, a long time ago and the only reason I think he supported Trump was because he thought he had no chance.

AJ claims to be this hardcore Christian, while married to a Jew. Facade.

No, worse. They are conspiring against you.

Adnan Khashoggi financed infowards. He also financed the 9/11 hijackers. Alex / infowards are co-conspirators in the 9/11 false flag.

>Criticizes the president on a single, very risky move that flies in the face of the general tenor of his entire campaign
>Now democrat shills

How can you even type while being so far up the government's asshole, OP?

You just noticed that infowars is full of shit and opportunistic as fuck?

>p-please by my water filters


Many are confused about his intentions. He striked a fucking airport in Syria, which allegedly was followed by a ISIS offensive.

No one knows if he's playing 90D Chess for sure or if he's actually dishonest. This is why this entire fucking board is in chaos, which was exploited by shitty discord groups and Leftypol.


>Taking infowars seriously

Infowars just started a flash sale if anyone would like to buy some shariablue fish oil to shove up your ass. Jones has a special going on today where if you buy 2, you get to be known as butt fucking retarded for free

The Russians were simply testing Trump's administration.

Just another day in Syria.

Shilltards raided the board.

T_D shills get out