How does Sup Forums really feel about gays like me?

gayness is wrong, sure, in the sense that heterosexuality is right. but is it inherently immoral to partake in a homosexual act or to have homosexual thoughts? what is the reasoning?
the social brainwashing and conditioning that's happening in society today, perpetrated mostly by jooos, to normalize homosexuality and force it on you (pun - "shove it down your throat") is wrong and an unspeakable evil.
the public, "stereotypical" politics of the gays are evil too. also, homosexuals cannot be trusted because the majority of them have lived their lives living a lie. they've lied to their families, employers, friends and often themselves. they are natural manipulators and deceivers. even those that have not done this have normally branded themselves with "outsider" or "other" status, which means they don't consider themselves "one of you" and thus naturally will be against you and presume you to be against them.
but what does Sup Forums find wrong about the actual physical acts themselves? what does pol find wrong about wanting to bone a hot dude?? like a really hot dude. like one that's super super super hot, you know? if i still want to make beautiful, precious white babies with a beautiful, precious white woman, and i never talk much or make a big flaming deal out of my gayness, then why am i so immoral?
thoughts pol? is OP a faggot??

concentration camps

Kill yourself.



no actual reason tho, rite? just blind condemnation for nothing?

>gayness is wrong
It really isnt. Do what you want, faggot. Just stop talking about how gay you are all day long. Thats why people are sick of your shit

It serves no purpose.
Men and women are a thing because we need new human beings.

I agree. Same with the fucking weebs who send anime shit to everyone when they don't want to see it.

Who gives a shit. Get over yourself. How does Pol feel about me being straight? Who gives a shit. Of course chances are that you're not a real person so I commend you for baiting me shill.

sensible. jesus bro i said right in the post i don't make a thing of it tho, god damn. perfectly understandable to ask Sup Forums how they feel about homostuff, god damn, touchy.

> It serves no purpose.
umm, so i guess no real reason again, right? just more of the blind condemnation for no reason?
i guess you're going to stop doing everything in your life that serves no purpose, huh? which will basically leave you with just eating, shitting, fucking and raising the babies. no music, no art, no daydreaming, no nature walks, no taking care of your fucking lawn, no deep conversation with those you're close to, no trips to the fucking beach, no climbing mountains just to turn around and come back down, no staring out at a nice view or a beautiful vista, no watching sunsets. nothing. just sitting in your room and doing only absolutely 100% purposeful things "because everything else is wrong".
good fucking logic there bruh, nice answer!

maybe you should ask how Sup Forums feels about being straight if you want to know. it's a political forum designed in part to discuss social issues so stfu for chastising me for bringing it up. you don't think it's the appropriate place here? oh. too bad. you're god damn wrong. it's actually the 100% literal appropriate place so u know nigguh, suk my dick if u got a problem :(

As long as you're not a faggot and keep it to yourself/in your own home, I don't care.

It's just a fetish, get over it. Don't allow yourself to have gay thoughts and you will become it passes. There are not 'gay people', just a fetishists, that will stop being gay, if they get over themselves.

>sensible. jesus bro i said right in the post i don't make a thing of it tho, god damn
Well, you just made a thread about and the way you talk about it also makes it seem like it is a huge part of how you define yourself. You calm down, because you are the cancer. Just fuck dudes and shut up about it

>It serves no purpose.

Gays are not the problem - the culture is. There has been gays during all historical periods and cultures, but in some the culture didn't become a problem. Fair enough?

You were given a reason then you brush it off. You don't get to dictate reality that's why people are getting fed up with you faggots.

Well, fucking a bitch with a condom also doesnt serve a purpose to society. So yeah, no real reason

Far less. Gayness is not inherited, it is learned. If gay culture is everywhere more people will become gay, than if only some horndogs do.

gas on sight
good faggot will stay hidden and keep their mouth shut

not going out spreading their fucking cancer and affecting people's lives

Its degeneracy, but it's your butthole and AIDS so I don't really care.

Then ban condoms, if something is useless then it shouldn't exist.

Creates emotional bonds. That bish will ask you to take the condom off after a few times.

More technically for you robots: the mate is taking a test drive before making a down payment.


I don't care where you consent and put your Penis.

I care that your representatives want to force me to not state an opinion on your carnal act, or force me to "Celebrate," and be "Happy" with your acts of debasing lust.

I think it's aesthetically hideous, but hey, everyone fucks funny to someone.

If you choose to solely define yourself entirely by your sexual preference then i feel sorry for you.

literally zero reason was given :(
it's literally a website that was designed in part to discuss social issues specifically like this one, wtf are you talking about loser?

No, no. It is just a bitch, I never ever want to get pregnant. Absolutely no purpose other than having personal fun

also for the record and for what it's worth, i wouldn't say it's a very big part of my life, pretty much the opposite, so i don't even know where the fuck you pulled that from :(

If you are white I'm saddened and angry that you have chosen degeneracy over securing a future for your race. If you're not white I don't give a shit.

Sorry friend, but Reddit is the other way.

go suck a dick

I am talking about you constantly bringing up how gay you are wanting the peoples approval. As I said before. You can read, right?

so just to be clear, you and all of the other people making this argument and claiming that gay sex is "pointless and serves no purpose" must never fuck with condoms, huh? and never fuck bitches on birth control? you must turn them all down, right? because that sort of fucking would be "pointless". god damn, you all turn down fucking with horny women? what are you a bunch of fucking faggots or something??

I don't really care about gayness in itself but I hate the "LGBT movement" and especially trans acceptance, queer theory and other tumblr bullshit

>we need new human beings
No we don't, we need the opposite of that. What we need is a Malthusian catastrophe

Whatever you fuck it's fine.

Just don't fucking make it a public spectacle for your love of cock/snatch/whatever.
Nobody is having a hetero-parade, because no-one fucking cares

Keep your shit in your bedroom

"constantly" wtf? constantly. CONSTANTLY?? it's a fucking Sup Forums thread asking what they think of fags (a website specifically designed to discuss political and social issues). wtf are you on about? stop smoking whatever you're smoking and get with the program.
you know what else is just as degenerate as gay sex? FUCKING WHATEVER DRUGS YOU'RE DOING BRO!

Fags should be left alone. No prosecutions, but no gay marriages, adoptions, affirmative actions and hate crime shit

I have two kids and am working on a third, fuck your dumb shit.

>claims to be a faggot
>calls other people faggots
Also yeah, sex should be done only with your wife you fucking degenerate nigger.

Imagine we invent an artificial intelligence and give it a simulated 3D world, and we told it that homosexuality is wrong and would send them to hell. Then later on, the a.i stopped believing in their simulation developer and did whatever they wanted. The game rules still apply.

Same here, our developer created us and gave this simulation certain rules, you don't have to like the rules, but you do have to follow them to "win"

We aren't real, we have a beginning, this entire simulation we call the universe has a beginning and is a fabricated existence.

Our programmers live outside the simulation and have much more complex and different scientific laws, maybe they have no beginning, maybe they are immortal. We can't understand their science any more than pacman or super Mario could understand ours

>but is it inherently immoral to partake in a homosexual act
>or to have homosexual thoughts

cool so you've only fucked 3 times in your life, by your logic then, right? who the fuck cares what you have to say, you're practically a virgin and considering how many babes you must have turned down i'm pretty sure you're a huge homo yourself :(
why don't you just face up and admit that you do things that are "pointless" every fucking day of your life, and you have since birth, and that there's nothing "immoral" about that because otherwise you're just making yourself out to seem like a real 100% moronic fucking retard here :(

God says it's illegal, against his laws. He's our developer, who are we to disagree with our developer

>it's a fucking Sup Forums thread asking what they think of fags
Yeah, you made a thread specifically to talk about you and how gay you are. I bet thats how you behave irl without even realizing (just like now).
All you faggots just need to stop making such a big fuzz about it.
Why the fuck do you ask Sup Forums for their feelings? Is there more on your mind than how you are a homo? Did you want to post this on /soc/ or /lgbt/ where it belongs?

Must be a power bottom to be this ass mad.

Whatever consenting adults do in the privacy of their own home is their own business.

But stop making your sexual preferences into a much bigger deal than it needs to be. Sticking your dick in a mans ass is neither a culture nor a source of pride. Power bottom is not an ethnicity. Stop expecting society to go beyond simple acceptance to actually promoting and celebrating your behavior. 100000% stop trying to adopt children and accept that your preference, while legal, should not be promoted because heterosexual nuclear families are far better for the long term health of a society.

>fucked 3 times in your life
>you're practically a virgin
Another thing, life isn't just about sex you perverted fuck.

t. closet homo

To be honest OP, as long as you love America and are not a communist then you are fine by me

Honestly, I'm not concerned (NAP) but that being said.. some of the pride rallies consisting of dudes rollerblading in leather g-strings down the street are a little much..

>muh genetics
>muh brainwashing
>but what does Sup Forums find wrong about the actual physical acts themselves?
It's disgusting. You're disgusting.

>but is it inherently immoral to partake in a homosexual act or to have homosexual thoughts? what is the reasoning?
yes and because God declared it

Just be glad that Jesus came around and decided we should just baka at you instead of going Leviticus on your ass.

Keyword: I

She does, thought. Especially after 30.


lmfao so out of touch dude, so out of touch. "guy talks about social issues on a forum to discuss political and social issues, must be obsessed with said social issue and talk about it all of the time" hahahhahahhaha my god dude you're a fucking retard, congratulations. people like you really do personify why Sup Forums gets a bad rep, and why people generally write this entire board and all of its denizens off as "racist homophobic ignorant backwards mouthbreathers" or whatever.

not that there's any homophobia in saying "i don't want to hear about it" specifically, but i'm definitely sensing the massive fucking ignorance, obvious personal discomfort, and i think some distinct backwards mouthbreathing too :(

stfu fag, i didn't do any of that, i asked what Sup Forums thought about it, omg there is some real damn stupidity on this board :(

Someone seems to be itching for a roof trip.

>why Sup Forums gets a bad rep
Hey faggot, do you enjoy your first week here?
>a fag calling others fags
you are making my day

whatever godcuck

I'll level with you bro, I don't have nuffin against you personally, I just don't like some of the ways certain people can behave, straight people included.

Anybody who gets all dressed up and behaves like a disgusting piece of meat in public and makes it their identity is a filthy shithead as far as I'm concerned and I don't want you near me or touching me with your filthy bacteria ridden slime infested cum fingers.

Do what you want in the bedroom lad, but don't tell my child it's normal. Other than that we're basically cool and you can be my neighbour provided you're cool and stuff.

There's not point to being gay besides selfish hedonism.

Yes straights are degenerate as well, taking birth control and having anal sex, I would consider this faggot behavior .
Marriage (Man + Woman = Child) is a holy union, it is the fundamental unit of society. Any society who attacks marriage is doomed.


Take the red pill and never think of this shit again

it is actually my first week here, isn't that ironic? do you feel special because you could tell? am i suppose to care? want me to get on my knees and suck your dick to make you feel proud?

I cant believe I am saying this but the leaf is right

Well, this explains everything.
Congratulations new-friend from Reddit!
You finally admited it.
Now lurk for atleast a year or shut the fuck up with your jewish bullshit.
Also stop acting like a faggot, I don't want your STDs.

You wanna know why gays are so bad? I'll tell you.

Homosexuality is the result of a genetic disorder. Schizophrenia is also the result of a genetic disorder. Now, imagine for a moment, if you will, that the Government passed a law requiring you to indulge schizos in their delusions. Some homeless fuck on the street wobbles up to you one day and says he's Napoleon Bonaparte, and you have to agree despite knowing damn well that crazy bastard never once in his life conquered Egypt. But it's the law. How would you feel? What would this mean for society? How does it relate to gays? Because, despite homosexuality being a genetic disorder, everyone who is actually normal has to pretend homosexuals are good, normal people. Because it's the law. So what are gays doing about their disorder? Are they demanding Government funding for discovering cure for their sexual abnormality? Of course not! But even the schizophrenic, who has absolutely no grasp on reality, will eventually seek treatment! How worse off are the gays, who are more deluded and confused than the mentally ill. No. The faggot rubs his abominable, unnatural sexuality in the face of society. When we otherwise wouldn't care about his sexuality, he rubs it in our faces and makes sure we know just how big of a queer he is. And lastly, what's worst than all, is the fact gays are more likely to catch sexually transmitted diseases, be raped, indulge in pedophilia, and get murdered than heterosexual people. But does this humble the gay community? Of course not! They hide their fear of AIDS by acting flamboyant, once again making sure you know they're gay, as they double-down on degeneracy.

That's why gays are bad, and God will one day destroy them (by providing man with a cure for homosexuality).

Wow, you get upset really fast. So people like me who totally tolerate homos arent enough. NO, I also have to be ok with you fags constantly bringing it up everywhere and making everything about how gay you are. What is so ignorant about that? Do you want to hear about my sex life? Shall I also start a thread with a gay wall of text OP that asks how Sup Forums FEELS about me prefering redheads?
Stop taking yourself so serious. Fuck your dudes, shut up and be happy. Jesus!

kek has spoken

It is wrong but i believe that the conservative gays and trannies should be the last ones to go in the ovens as a reward for knowing their affliction is wrong.

It's a pity you couldn't have just kept it underground in your clubs and bars. Then the rest of us could have turned a blind eye to it and let you all prolapse your anuses until you go to hell.

Like this evening i was sitting in traffic on the way home and i actually saw a pair of faggots holding hands waiting to cross the road. That shouldn't be accepted by anyone. I was actually so disgusted, i threw a carton of milk at them as i was driving by.

i'm not a militant atheist or even a mild atheist but i don't take words written in a book hundreds of years ago as some sort of all powerful absolute truth. there's a pretty big distinction and a whole lot of space between that and "atheist", much less "militant atheist".
also i was actually on reddit before but it was so awful there that i had to come here instead.
i cannot be perfect. i sometimes want to bone dudes. not really buttsex, normally, but maybe some gentle petting, kissing, and loving masturbation. can you forgive me? can you find a way in your heart to accept me? isn't it what jesus says to do? doesn't he say "let he who is without sin cast the first stone"? no BS or sarcasm here, that's actually one of the major principles i live by :(
this actually sort of makes sense. i fully understand why gays are BAD, but i'm saying there's a difference between something being BAD and immoral, you know? are you saying people who have genetic deficiencies are IMMORAL? are you saying people with schizophrenia are immoral? or people with cancer? or other abnormalities?
and beyond this, are you 100% sure that it's an actual genetic disease or something 100% negative that makes someone bisexual? i mean, are you sure it's not just some openmindedness? i mean with flat out 100% homosexuality, maybe. i think there's a genuine illness or something there if someone displays NO attraction to the opposite sex (either they were born that way, or got there through abuse), but do you REALLY think that's true of people who just once in a while feel a little attraction to a dude and want to experiment?

I can't prove it one way or the other (though I'm pretty sure you can't either) but I think you're wrong if that's really your position.

all of the complaints you list against gays and their behavior i am 100% on board with though. but that's only as a blanket generalization, to be fair :(

It is decided. off to the camps. KEK has spoken. sorry but i doubt there will be furry handcuffs en route


>if i still want to make beautiful, precious white babies with a beautiful, precious white woman, and i never talk much or make a big flaming deal out of my gayness, then why am i so immoral?

Wow, you're so cool and normal; not like the other gays at all. Wanna grab a beer sometime? Maybe watch UFC and give me a brojob?

Fuck your needy bullshit. You're just virtue signalling to a different crowd.

this has nothing to do with whether or not you "tolerate" me or "love me" or "want to blow me" or whether or not i want you to have to listen to my whine about my gay problems or not.

this has to do with you being a faggot on a message board, telling me not to post about a topic just because ur fragile virgin faggot little ears don't want to deal with it.

fuck off and click on another thread if that's how you feel, bitch!

I don't care, I just don't want a bunch of naked faggots parading in the streets in full view of children. Gay pride parades are celebrations for sexual degeneracy and hedonism. No one cares about what you do behind closed doors, it just doesn't belong in full public view.

>are you saying people who have genetic deficiencies are IMMORAL?

If you as a mentally healthy person told a mentally ill person they're not ill but are in fact quite healthy and normal, don't you think this would be immoral? The ill person would never seek treatment and things would always be bad. Pretending gays are normal or should be accepted is bad, because it encourages the disorder rather than curing the disorder.

or you know, just asking a question and sharing my point of view on the issue......

hmmmmmmm, which could it beeee, which could it beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

i agree, this is the most sensible fucking answer. i thought more people on Sup Forums felt this way but fucking apparently not

I dont care as long as you dont go around waving your dick in front of kids

But ole' Jessie wasn't actually a very nice person.
He did in fact, wield a whip once to chase off money changers from a temple. AKA he used violence. He also judged very frequently.

Redheads are GOAT, mate. Have one on me


Gays are fags.

Sup Forumstard BI here

>loving masturbation
no such thing exists
>an you find a way in your heart to accept me? isn't it what jesus says to do? doesn't he say "let he who is without sin cast the first stone"?
He also said that everyone who prefers pleasure than purity won't go to heaven (1 John 2:15-17)

that's not what i asked though dude. you're pulling some false equivalence shit logical fallacy shit big time. i would direct you to the stickied thread at the top of the page.

i'm not talking about whether something is positive or negative personally, i'm asking if you think it's "immoral". unless you don't distinguish the two, in which case IMO you're prob a tight ass that flips out on their children for every little thing because it's not "working toward the greater good" or some bullshit. wait and see how long it takes before that garbage burns them out like a lightbulb that's had too much current pumped through it :(

Simple answer: be gay and live your life. But don't be a faggot.

Like the old victorian saying: don't care what people get up to, just don't do it in the street and frighten the horses

Of course homosexuality and supporting it is immoral. Again: homosexuality is a disorder. Pretending it's normal or should be accepted is not the correct or natural reaction to the fact it's a disorder. Normally, humans want to cure disorders, not pretend they're not disorders. We LIE to ourselves and to others if we pretend gays should be tolerated or accepted as a normal part of society because gays are not normal, and therefore, not part of normal society. Its immoral to do anything but find a cure for the homosexual disorder.

Fuck a guy who cares, there's too many fucks on this planet anyway won't fucking matter if you don't reproduce

You can fuck your boyfriend, but don't fuck my brain with it.

maybe. it's like we're the wimpy nerdy kids who want to hang out with the cool Sup Forums nazis, but they just hate us because we're degenerate faggots, right? hahahahaahhaha
i'm bisexual though, it's true, and even still by far mostly interested in women.
so the whole point of that passage is that YOU aren't supposed to be the one who judges others for simply breaking biblical law, right? i mean, i don't really care, not trying to tell you what to do or what not to do. obviously people judge others and that's an important part of life, but that story specifically revolves around the judgment of men on other men for breaking biblical laws.
i guess that's my thinking on that.
i'm not really terribly broken up though if godfags don't like me and want to burn me at the stake.
haha k, true colors showing

I'm gay but I hate faggots, like those who attend at those cringy gaypride

I think you should stop being gay. I don't think you should kill yourself. I think that homosexuality is a sin, but so is lying.

Honestly, I would have basically 0 problems with gays if the whole "gay rights" thing would stop. I'm against gay marriage. I personally don't like civil unions, but I don't have a huge problem with them. Even if both civil unions and gay marriage were illegal, gays would have the exact same rights as everyone else in the country.

*blocks your path*

>or you know, just asking a question and sharing my point of view on the issue
You have asked a question and you have received genuine responses. You will not be coddled here, you are not on Reddit. Have a nice stay, you're here forever.

hahaha yeah great answer. this honestly is what i thought Sup Forums's position on this matter would be for the most part but holy fuck was i wrong :(
wait do you honestly think bisexuality is a mental disease though? or a disorder? like i get that not wanting to bang women and make babies and stuff is a disorder. i 100% fully believe that, but you really believe that just the occasional experimental roll in the hay with a gay is a "mental disorder"? damn dude. that's harsh IMO. at that point, that's when i have to look at you and say "but why?" "what is the reasoning?" and time and time again there doesn't seem to be one. it just seems to be because you don't personally like it, or god told you not to like it, and that's it :(

Nobody should care who you fuck and what you do with your cock as long as you make children and provide for your family
t. Ancient Greece

In ten minutes of investigation one could use Google to see that every mammal species has a percentage of gays in it. In my experience with animal breeding iv'e come encountered more then a few.

It is not a disorder or mental illness. One cannot electroshock the gay away. I use the law to ban it. In Muslim countries gays are slow hung with a crane a process that takes hours to kill the victim. This policy has done nothing to reduce the number of gays.

The evolutionary advantage of throwing a gay ,is that, if it isn't rejected it all be a protector of its mother for life. This can increases the chances the mother other children will survive.

This being said please don't hold a pride rally in my city.

t..take it easy..

Bisexuality is not genetic. It's a mental disorder caused by not understanding or knowing your place in your current society/culture.

I had a serious relationship with 4 women. By far i prefere man/traps