Politicians are begging the proverbial white farmers to come back and be tax/pension/healthcare raped in Germany.
As it turns out just labeling third world analphabet retards as "Fachkräfte" does not cut it, who would have thought.

What most Austrian feels about modern Germany?

Why would they.

In Switzerland, the UAE, singapore or the US you get more money for the same work. There is no reason to live in germany when you already left

hey osterreich me no speaky nazi
give me the englische tl;dr please?

Been mocked repeatedly in the office when Merkel or Maas fucked up, but not in a hating way but more sympathetic.
Glad I got out of there. Consent about Vienna is that it is a leftist shithole, but it's multiple orders of magnitude better than NRW:

What's the gist? The young are leaving?

They have been leaving for quite a while, but now they want them back without offering anything but warm words.

can confirm: NRW is cuckistan. not because all the girls hang out with arab dudes but people here are mentally cucked, it's a socialist hellhole

>Bergdeutscher being so salty

Hahaha get fucked faggots

Just some article about the German scientific community / employers such as universities and companies doing more to lure Germans who work and live abroad back to Germany as a source of employers, something they haven't done as much as other countries before.

Cucks who deserve to be gassed

We dont have the superior guidance from Van der Bellen im afraid

>casually ignoring the FPÖ polling at 35% and the ruling coalition being totally immobilized by the fear of losing even more power if they continue their leftist bs

Only Wien is a leftist shithole. Your entire country is a disgrace alter.

Pretty gay desu

But so is all of europe

Can someone give me the rundown on this?

Sure thing, have fun with your dear GREEN president. holy shit.

Even in Vienna they lock away chimping out niggers for life while in Germany they get away with stern words from the judge for murder.
Whatever the GREEN president is doing it is not affecting the course of the country negatively so far.
In fact probably all he does is sitting on his wrinkly ass, counting the money from his third stream of effortless income, binge drinking and chain smoking.

Yeah sure.
Austria made clear that it want a socialist leftist cuck country in the election, the country is lost.


>48% of the country voted for literally Hitler
>Austrians want to be socialist leftist cucks
Whatever man.

Der olte hascha tuat ja eh nix. Der bricht eh bold zam und liegt dann sechs meter unta da erdn buali

post yfw you realize that politically there is no difference between the merkel cdu and the green party

>politically there is no difference between the merkel cdu and the green party
Are you really this retarded?

>salty Merkel voter who is voting the farthest right party you are officially allowed to support in Germany while thinking he's doing everything in his power to fix the country

He's right though. The "CD"U pretty much claimed every topic the greens stand for.

>Flutschies Welcome


As every Volkspartei should I guess.

The first thing I noticed when signing up for a flat in Austria is that energy costs 5-7ct per kWh, not 25.
Making people pay per month what I pay in three is surely how to be a proper Volkspartei and understanding the struggles of the common man :^)

You easily pay twice for the same food tho.

I kept track, it's about 20% more.

What is a lot considering the averange income of austria is lower even with east germany

Maybe, maybe not. Have no idea desu.

It is.

Averange cost of food is 124% of the EU averange in Austria.
In Germany its 102%

With Germany having a higher income even with east germany included

Ham halt net so viele Schluchten wo dat Wasser runnerfalle

We do not speak hitler, can you give us a translation?

I don't doubt the figures, I just don't know if this is a problem for the poor people or not, considering everything but food is cheaper, taxes are less and pension actually paying out more than you pay in.

Alpine hydrosocialism is only a small fraction, most energy is actually imported (lots from Germany in fact, but still cheaper).

Taxes are to high in both nations.
In Germany its averange 49%+19% VAT.
In Austria its averange 47%+20% VAT. Not to much difference sadly. Both shit.

ITT: Germans fight about which group has the less awful state imposed on them.

It reminds me of the Assanti brothers where Justin continuted destroying each his health because he could aways point to Steven and say "At least I'm not as bad as him."

i have a slightly above average income and pay 31% including health care and pension.

I pay like 33%, not big difference here.

Yet are the OECD numbers.

delete that

Very short summary: Geman firms are trying to recruit citizens who have moved abroad to have careers.

Evidently all the Syrian doctors and engineers aren't working out.

>while in Germany they get away with stern words from the judge for murder

yeah, what's up with that? Germany is strict as fuck about everything, but as soon as some refugee fucks up he gets a pass.

>Averange cost of food is 124% of the EU averange in Austria.
>In Germany its 102%
>With Germany having a higher income even with east germany included
You might want to factor in the BRD-DDR divide in the cost of living as well. Halle or Magdeburg is cheaper than Munich or Stuttgart after all.

Same thing fucking everywhere
>American declares his empathy for europe
>muh 65%

It's like abused children or wives that will defend their parents/husband against all logic when a stranger points out the abuse.

As to the topic at hand, austria is objectively less cucked than germany in tons of ways. Might make my way there when I'm done with studies.

We may be less cucked but we're still cucked

>family owns fancy business in LA
>deal with german company
>father, son, son's girlfriend come over to drop off goods
>son really good-looking; tall, blonde-haired, blue-eyed
>gf also same hair color/eyes; very pretty
i was so glad his gf wasn't a darkie. very nice people

Yeah, but then you would also have to differ between the income.

>h-hey guys
>w... wanna c-come back
>you can earn half and pay twice as much tax here, y-you know?
>plus all that tax doesn't go to your pension, you're rich, you don't need that
>instead it will help put a roof over our wonderful Neudeutsche people and help them find prepubescent white kids of dirty old Nazis like you to rape!

Seems like a really good deal