Free Condoms = Good

What's wrong with free condoms and birth control?

>less unintended pregnancies
>lower STDs
>lower abortions (good for pro lifers)
>less risk of poverty

Free condoms are a waste of money. The kids are riding bareback and pulling out, thinking that's good enough. It's why we have such high statistics for STDs in the 18-30 range, abortions are high, and of course high illegitimate birthrates.

Young people are only using condoms to fill with water to make jack ass videos to post online.

When I went to college we got a "free" (yeah right nothing's free) condom as part of our goody bag of welcome to college stuff.

Good idea I think, since it should remind kids who are going to be fucking like rabbits anyway to exercise some sense. But yeah we played with them for the most part. I jacked off into mine.

Easy, inexpensive, anonymous availability would probably be the way to go. I don't think "free" is going to make any difference considering the behavioral and cultural problems you point out.

Nothing wrong with free birth control if the group offering is doing so willingly. Forcing companies to give birth control as part of health insurance is wrong, especially if it goes against religious morals.

>probability of a chance of less STD's and teen moms
>Encourage kids to fuck around

They were going to fuck around anyways.

"fewer" unintended pregnancies, not "less"

You say "fewer" if you can count the item. You have 2,000 fewer unwanted pregnancies, you have 4,000 fewer applies, you have 6,000 fewer dollars, whatever.

You use "less" when the item cannot be counted. You have less happiness, you have less information, you have less money.

not giving kids a real sexual education is what causes this.

"Jesus will be sad if you fuck" is NOT sexual education.

pulling out can be as effective as a condom for stoning pregnancies as long as you do itt right, eg: you have to pull out before you start jizzing, which apparently is hard for some people

Had to be said.

words cannot express how much i hate you

If you pull out before having sex it's pretty much 100%.

no it didnt you fucking retard


Everything costs something, dipshit.

What's to stop me from taking more than 5?

>coming from the country of people who can't speak their own language

Why should I subsidize some nigger's recreational fucking?

>Women have more sex but not with me

I have a ton of precum before my big bang. You're retarded if you don't wrap it up.

Because the teen birth rate was the only reason White people had a positive population growth.
Excessive birth control is literally the Jews.
>OK these goys wont mutilate their genitals for some reason.
>Let's give them something so they wont ever get pregnant.
>Oy vey we might even make a few shekels from this.

I know this is a strange idea but what about self restraint?? Some of us aren't fucking savages.

>poke holes into all of them

This, if anything they should call for more teen pregnancies by supporting white teen mothers and their kids.

Why would they want more White people? They already support non-White mothers of all ages.

this guy gets it

>Immediately attribute (((they))).
My bad.

>What's wrong with free condoms and birth control?
they're shit so people don't use them. Also there is no such thing as a free condom so you pay for shit that people don't use which is kinda retarded. That said it's still better than nothing but I don't know, mixed feelings

Free condoms are usually in "normal" average size. They are too tight for my schlong.

Next time I'm writing )))they((( to indicate I mean the pronoun not (((them))),

Underrated check'd

Less gibs

This, I only fuck raw because my dick feels good and shoot my cum as far inside as I can with no blockage.

>they are not free
just take the whole stash

Just use "we" or "us". As long as you don't post like a kike it should be obvious.

>giving people "free things"

>What's wrong with free condoms and birth control?

Reminds me of the time municipal healt gave free condoms at some university party

>They were literaly giving full boxes
>Lots of people went for free condoms
>Later get drunk, others are drunk and distracted
>Ask for pin to a girl in was banging at the time
>Poke holes in condoms in random tables
>She finds it funny keep doing it
>Procede to open condoms and fill the tip with a little beer foam and throw them at people

I dont why i used to do this kind of shit.

>I dont why i used to do this kind of shit.
Kids do dumb shit. News at 11.

That's why gets it.
