No wall

>no wall
>she is not in prison
>betraying his promise on Syria
>shitty little ""muslim ban""
>israel is our greatest ally
>tiny inauguration audience
>Bannon about to get sacked
>no mass deportations
>pivot to Neoconservatism
>liberals still laughing at Trump supporters
>no drain the swamp
>cucked on obamacare
>cabinet full of globalists and billionares (DRAIN THE SWAMP FAIL)
>most hated president in history
>no reversal of the demographic shift
>no proof for wiretap

>no... nothing
le sigh

Other urls found in this thread:

former trump supporter here. we can't let this mad man get his hands on the nuclear codes

Drumpf has lost my support. I'm so sorry I voted for him.
We should have supported Hillary.

Trump is just another kike shill chosen by the overkikes.

Hopefully the incident in Syria has awaken most of nu-pol's shitstains

Trump is done, Sup Forums hates him nowadays anyway.

Sup nerd virgins


fuck drumpf

Counter-Sage, I want redditors to leave.
Shareblue has never existed, but keep projecting old-fag trolls as an international enemy.

You do realize you have Antifa, CNN and BBC on your side now, right? What does that tell you?


I wonder if people do these horrible fake shillings to act as camouflage towards more legitimate and insidious attempts at shilling.

I can't believe I voted for that conman


You're just as cancerous as redditors. Saged again

I agree. Trumpcucks have to go.

>a fucking leaf
I wonder if you are going to bring an actual argument to the table, instead of pretending that shills actually exist

>hates anime ON Sup Forums

Do you know how I know that you're directly from t_D trying to lie to yourself to not appear unpopular on an ANONYMOUS image forum?

Can't tell who's unironically shilling and actually shilling anymore. They're both so blatant.

Clinton still belongs in a dumpster with her pal George Soros. Trump was never going to fix everything.

We can't let the nuclear codes get their hands on him.



Same copypasta over and over.
Flags posting overly concerned replies about shit that doesn't pertain to them.
Also faggots, night time Sup Forums is better.



> copypasta
fuck off lmao

i wrote that shitpost

Srumpfth, it's time to invade nk. Get off Sup Forums

Kudos, it's annoying. Job well done.

Sup Forums is that way >>>>>

Shill thread? Shill Thread!

I left my job so i could get a chance to build the wall, mfw no wall

>Creating a post devised to fish maximum amount of replies

Hello Poster, you seem to be unfamiliar with our premises!

To get more acquainted to this subboard of Sup Forums, please make sure to read the rules of this Board, and Global Rules.

Additionally, our Community strongly urges You to consider practising active restraint to creating threads or replies until You have spent a certain amount of time consuming our content (this can range from few months up to 1 year) in order to familiarize yourself with our Imageboard culture, popular references and idiosyncratic style of writing.

Thanks in advance, and we certainly do hope you enjoy your stay!
~Sup Forums



Every since Syria, a bunch of liberals have been trying to capitalize on the situation and divide Trump supports (read: reddit). Don't get me wrong, Trump is a shit stain, but I'm pretty sure most of these threads are being created by whiny liberals.

>walls coming up
>libscum blocked "muslim" bans
>Inaguaration audience is fake news
>Deportations have begun and migration has actually fallen under Trump
>Who gives a fuck about liberals laughing? We laughed when they cried at Trump's victory
>He's the most hated because the MSM has convinced people he's "literally Hitler"
>Wiretap almost definitely happened
>1 post by this ID

You just bumped through an image, nice attempt for saging, though, t_D



>trump gets elected
>t_d migrates to Sup Forums
>omg shills!

No wonder you brainlets won't embrace natsoc

I have already done it.

> Crew_sample-002.png

Very funny, i also voted for that madman, but seriously we can't let him get his hands on the nuclear codes.



been here a while, i do it for the lulz m8

>no wall
Already wrong

So you really think actual shills exist in Sup Forums, huh?

Really mangles my macadamias


The fact that both liberals and reddit are trying to prove that they're the "real Sup Forums" in the same thread is hilarious.

No, it was an implication that finns are mongolians.
Also, nice proxy.