My dearest Sup Forums

My dearest Sup Forums

What is our source of communication after the nukes? When we survive, after a few years, internet is dead.
How do we stay in touch to stay redpilled?

What is our strategy. Is there a playbook ready for this events?

Other urls found in this thread:

I'll sent notes to you via your mother after I wreck her nasty pussy. Sound good?

After, you place the pill in your rightful clay and let it grow. It was never a pill at all, it was a seed.

HAM radio duh

Today I found out that fat burgerloving asswipes that call themselves the best of mankind (with the most fatties on the planet), loves to bang dead milfs.

Please, go fuck her rotten ass, you filthy fat fuck.

rarest proxy

We gonna raid your country soon. I have just put down deposit for 12 jet skis.

Just a joke bro. Didn't mean to trigger your mother problems that didn't meet closure.

What the actual f-

Topkek. I like you, you Slovenian fuck. Your country stopped Milosevic, and never gave in to Italian fascism. Stood your ground. You should be proud.


Just answer the OP burgerass

Ham radio, smoke signals, homing pigeons, txts in a bottle, snail mail .. the usual pre 20th cent. stuff.

Should we learn Morse code just to keep in touch when in need?

>implying being redpilled will matter after the apocalypse

Your nation has like 5 kb/s connection speeds. Dose your page take 20 minutes to refresh?

god damn burgers and their lateral thinking.
ur right my white friend

It's the most important thing in the world.
After apocalypse, Jews will want to rebuild the world. We must counter them in order to eradicate them. It's simple.

Just start a Nazi post-apocalyptic empire

Thanks Slovenia. I was going to go to your country with the army this summer, but we got jewed out of it.

start a mcdonalds and keep fat

nice flag, never even heard of this country

Project Byzantium

Oh what in the fuck is this shit?
Anyway, I have always kind of wanted to see a thread like this made, and had always assumed it would be something simple like HAM radio.

Why, no one else will fucking know it.

Is the big wheely thing a car? Because I'm trying to figure out if the dog supposedly ran out to get hit which would prompt the human to yell.

How's Tuvalu? I'm thinking of visiting some day.

Show your card within the zone, but keep your side arm available just in case.

>Should we learn Morse code just to keep in touch when in need?
I've learned some of it but as said, no one else will know it so I've stopped. But you could practice the way I do, with a flashlight if you're interested in it.

I'd say leave markings on buildings/poles. Not leaving them too far out in the open either so only those who're looking will see them.

It's nice. You should visit. Nice girls, nice beers, just chill life. Enjoying life. No stress.

Sounds great. I'd love to just get away from it all for a week or two in a place nobody's ever heard of and just unplug.


Better have a generator to go along with it and lock both in a faraday cage. *science bitch*

This. The only people who will know morse code will be psychopaths who want to wear your head as a hat.

The internet (TCP/IP protocols ) was designed to withstand a nuclear war.

Isn't the infrastructure over which it operates not designed for nuclear war though? I feel dumb, what am I missing?

>be surviving in post nuke
>send a courrier to some user
>"What should we do now?"
>It's getting harder and harder to stay alive
>Struggle every day to not kill yourself
>after 10 months you finally get an answer
>"ur mom lol"

The internet was designed to withstand a nuclear attack. There's a lot of redundancy.


It's better to hear
> "ur mom lol"
Then to hear:
> "Jacques chirac n'a rien fait de mal"

Fucking French Vichy loving white flag showing asscucks.

>The internet
>a lot of redundancy

You're telling me.

That was posted in response to the recent Stockholm attack where that dog died.

we meet at the south Sup Forumse


>How do we stay in touch to stay redpilled?

don't need to.
the redpill is like science, it can be recreated again.
the bluepill is like religion, if destroyed entirely, and wiped away, it will never be rediscovered the same way.

The redpill ideology will always persist, because it can always be found again.

You are correct

Don't underestimate the Jew.
They will use the 'blue pill' again, on the """new"""" world peoples.

i'm training pigeons to carry usb memory cards so I can still enjoy high speed internet access.

Today, I learned that brown people from a literal who flag have an inferiority complex regarding their nation and get triggered by the dumbest shitposts

Shortwave radio shitposts. Once a day I'll go to a random channel and make fun of Canada and India.

Today, I learned that burgerfags are still so ignorant, thinking that they control everything, and the whole world likes them, they will fight side to side with them burger fuckers.

First we find the only source of clean fresh water and take it over. Then we get the oil and start a bullet farm. We get all the silver spray paint we can find and tell our war boys that they are awaited in Valhalla shiny and chrome. And never under any circumstances allow women to drive.

all mail after the apocalypse will be delivered on horse back by kevin cosner.

so we invading you or what?

Invade my tiny shit island, if you must.

Just stay critical and think about it.
Society as we know it, is gone, the second anywhere on this shit planet, a nuke goes off in warfare. You know it. It's a game changer.

I think that was his point. The bluepill has to change and adapt to be effective and this requires management. Not to mention an agenda the managers need to further from which their motivation is derived.

While the redpill is a constant and organic mindset derived from observation and critical thought. The agenda is continuous improvement and is manifest from within a based person.

Until China unleashes their army of tactical sharks.

we'll build a stronger society out of the nuclear ashes

Without Jews?

does Tuvalu celebrate easter?

I guess we go back to reading and sharing books.

More likely we'll all be dead. Maybe we're already dead and this is hell.

sorry for your loss :(

why would you retards want to communicate after ww3? so you can elect another neocon?

The point of the internet was to have reliable communications methods after the nukes. It's funny to think about, but Sup Forums is like a cockroach. This board will be one of the few things to survive a nuclear exchange.

This isn't hell, Igor. 2017 is the best timeline. We're going to win so much we'll get sick of winning.

This Tongan chick that used to be a co-worker of mine gave some pretty good head.
That's all I got. Also, gas the jews.

But it's too much, it's too much winning.

Is rather see these sharks :^]

Thanks that was a momentary head-scratcher.


Jews always find a way to survive, no matter how many times they're massacred. Like cockroaches.

Not yet. I was so tired of losing. So tired of seeing the world collapse all around me. Degeneracy of every manner being advanced on all fronts. American power being eroded everywhere in the world. Muslims taking over Europe and destroying the planet.

But then a ray of hope. Nigel Farrage showed us that Brexit was possible even in the face of media lies. And their moaning and nashing of teeth was so delicious. And then, user? Then we had President Donald J. Trump! Next the frogs will elect Marine Le Pen and the world will be on its way to defending civilization again!

It's not too much winning. We're just getting started.




use pigeon massaging.

>pigeon massage
is there rule 34

Those fuckers never reciprocate and their beaks are hard.

>only 2 pics
shame on you

>plz dont invade us

well, people would rebuild the internet. I mean for real have you SEEN modern Hiroshima? When shit gets nuked all the government goes away and people no choice but to build straight up. Kind of sad to think about ...

Doesn't matter since 99% of us will die of autism overdose within weeks of going without our medication, the internet. The rest will be too busy fucking pillows all day until they starve to death.

Why so mean user?

>What is our source of communication after the nukes?
>Newfags don't know Path Of Light
Gas you're self

because, good drawn sharks are hard as fuck to find for some reason

>"breaker breaker this is nigger faggot, come in user, over"
>"fuck off tripfag, over"
>"don't you fucking talk to me like that you dumb nigger"


But nuclear destruction destroys radio waves