montenegro just joined NATO, say something about it.
Montenegro just joined NATO, say something about it
nice, more cannon fodder
Hopefully one less nuke directed at me.
Congratulations to them, I guess.
Maybe they can send the two subs in Tivat to North Korea.
Will they actually pay their 2%?
No chance, they won't even pay tax to their own government, only bribes.
Odd. I thought there was supposed to be a referendum about this kind of shit before they join it? Guess the West opted to skip out on it, no need to bother with pesky laws.
They would lose it (or pay too much money to rig it) so no referendum.
It's a corrupt "country" owned by former communists and populated by ethnic Serbs, half of which are deluded or intimidated into "Montenegrin" identity.
It's a sad joke only possible in Balkans and some parts of Africa.
Most of people here are against NATO and even West but democracy doesn't really exist here, and all power is held by few who live like feudal lords of past.
Of course not but that's irrelevant, we're taken because it cuts off Serbia.
You see, Montenegro is not a country, it's a piece of Serbian land owned by former communists and other shady characters who are instructed by certain structures in Washington.
Remind me, how much of the country do the Russian oligarchs own? Last time I passed through it was quite significant.
this guy knows
You guys wanna buy some missiles?
I heard 20% of land property. Who knows. They sure as hell weren't bothered when Russian mobsters bought up everything here.
Now Russians are public enemy number one. Not according to people of course, but people and government are separate things here.
Not that people aren't shitty to be fair.
In any case, this Montenegro is ideological succesor of the one created in 1941 by Italians.
Of course back then you still had humans with spine here and 20,000 rose up in arms.
But after few decades of communism that's gone I guess. Now most of Montenegrins (those who declare as Serbs too) are spineless worms.
>be Shiptar goatfucker mudslim
>starting shit against Balkan Slavs
>Montenigger has impact in NATO weapons
>will give it to Serbs
Oh sweet future, here I come
Everyone with brain here knows this.
They're either:
A) pretending/ignoring it
B) nomenklatura, so they profit from it
If you honestly think the people running the country currently give a shit about Serbs or Serbia, you're delusional. They're more buddies with the Albanians than us.
Funny how the Western media never brings up the fact that Milo has been in power for more than 20 years now, hopping from one position to another.
Why would they?
Montenegro is tiny and irrelevant, it won't bite them in the ass (probably). No one will raise voice.
About Albanians, you're wrong, they're hated here. Shit you see on internet in comments are either paid (yeah), or a tiny delusional minority of Muslims and "Montenegrins".
But as I said, people here are spineless and their sentiment is irrelevant to the satraps who own this place. They don't answer to people here, they answer to the likes of McCain (who just visited).
To be honest, this place is like Puerto Rico, only poorer and enjoying no benefits or formal relations with USA.
An informal American colony, kinda like Kosovo or Albania.
They still trying to push the narrative how Njegoš was brainwashed by a Serb spy?
pretty much just coast serbs who want to keep the tourism bux to themselves.
Of course, but that's informal, not a part of education or anything.
You have to understand they aren't really serious about creating Montenegrin identity. They just put up a show to delude and appease plebs.
You really think Milo gives a fuck? Guy is an archetypal example of slime. He seeks profit and power for him and his family and nothing else. He has no convictions. He's a mob boss practically.
smacks of jewry, since montenegrins like russians.
Aren't these gypsies just gypsies like their gypsy Serbian brothers? The fuck do I care about gypsies and them getting cucked?
I know, I remember him avoiding extradition to Italy solely because of diplomatic immunity.
But it's not like Serbia is any better nowadays.
Just look at the shit Vučić has puled with the elections.
Cool looking flag.
I spent a month in Tivat. Everything you said about Montenegro confirms my experience there.
>my landlord was a Serb
>guy who sold me vegetables was a Serb via Kosovo
>cab drivers bitching about mafia control
>Serbian girlfriend tells me I'd never be able to open a business there without paying mafia tax or get burned out or worse
>elections sure seemed like a very Balkan type democracy
That said, beautiful place and Serbs outside of Belgrade have been very nice to me. If it LOL had a real government it would be amazing.
>it's still better than much of the USA
nice digits
If you read my posts you'll understand that "Montenegrins" are a bunch of morally and culturally destroyed sheep with no influence on satraps who rule us. Product of few decades of communism.
Plus we're 600,000. It's like a medium city in West. Communist apparatus of control is still in place and effective.
Elektroprivreda was given to Italians in exchange for dropping that shit.
monty please come back, i miss you son
They're Serbs in private. Most of (Orthodox) people here are. But it stops there. Despite being Serbs they still tolerate anti-Serb communist/mafia regime, because we're spineless.
And I use communists because they're all (or most of them) literally former communists, who renamed the party and dropped communism as an idea, but communist methods remain of course.
I don't know, I'm giving the worst picture here, this is not hell on Earth, but in ideological and cultural sense it's an atrocity.
say what you want but their flag is top tier.
>of course not
Excuse me for not celebrating your admittance leech, being world hegemon is a real pain in the pocketbook
You do understand Vučić and Milo are in cahoots?
You're us, just a decade behind.
I'm anti-NATO friend. Fuck, I'm against this "country".
Basically a client state of Russia
Montenegro and Albania both in Nato.
Seems like a plan.
Another brother fell.
It's modern cheap shit. This is real (popular) flag of Montenegro, which used to be a Serb state.
This right now, I lack the words to describe it, but I tried.
thanks for clarifying m8.
i appreciate it when people from obscure countries explain their situations.
No problems. Montenegro is a good example of what communism does to humans, even "humane" one we had here.
Njegos, Janko Vukotic, Lekso Saičić and many others are turning in their graves right now.
What about the NATO bpming of Serbs in the 90s? Kind of traitors
You're confirming all my suspicions about that country. Since my girlfriend is Serbian, everybody admitted to her that they were Serbian as well, but you could tell it was kind of a private thing. Just that whole Porto(sp?)Montenegro and backstory on it screams corruption.
The lifestyle there is pretty amazing, but "poor" by US standards, aka not having a fucking dryer for your clothes is unthinkable to us.
Young people seem completely fucked unless you marry into money or have family that can get you a job or something.
>the absolute state of the Balkans
There's gonna be another war isnt there?
i cant blame you for being against nato, didnt nato bomb part of montenegro when clinton was in office?
Russian pro-Putin politicans buy land in Montenegro. This is how they secure their lifes when Russias done.
>dryer for clothes
Just put them on radiator if you really it quickly. To be honest I never saw one in my life. It's just not a thing here.
No doubt.
By the way everything I wrote applies in many parts to other Balkan countries.
It's not (just) that. It's the kind of people America supports here.
To be fair /russianguys/ aren't exactly great either.
We're just fucked. It's mostly our fault. This place is ripe for a cleansing of sorts.
Except they didn't faggot. They're just really close to it.
Of course, I approve that action. Anything cucking Russia is a good move. Also, Montenegro is beautiful and great country.
Dunno about politicans but mafia is present. Though most of Russian tourists here are middle-class people. Most are nice.
>great and beautiful
Your ideas of great and beautiful must be weird.
Anyway most of people here worship Russia. It's just that they don't have any influence because this is like Belarus of sorts, maybe worse.
But things here snap quickly, I don't see this shit lasting long.
Montenegro don't even want this.
>Your ideas of great and beautiful must be weird
You have beautiful cities and nature, Kotor is one of the comfiest old cities I've ever visited. Do you disagree with that?
>Anyway most of people here worship Russia
I am aware of that, but I honestly don't care as long as you're in NATO and against Russia.
Do you live in Podgorica?
That "Yes" is shady as fuck too. You see people here are absolutely paranoid because of communist past.
Even at voting they think ruling party will know who they voted for, even though that's physically impossible.
Not with that, but I think beauty of this place is overrated. Kotor is nice.
>I don't care
Well I do user because communist kleptocrats here will keep ruining us, and with NATO their safety is assured.
>against Russia
I told you people aren't against Russia. If shit hits the fan, no one will die for Poland, sorry. I mean I have nothing against Poland, don't get me wrong. But I can't really consider Albanians and Croats to be our allies for example.
We're just a piece of Serbian land occupied by communists who sold us to West.
This is the real state flag of Montenegro!
Where the fuck is Montenegro
was part of yugoslavia
then serbia
then became independent in 2006
Bunch of traitors
>If shit hits the fan, no one will die for Poland, sorry
You will do whatever God Emperor demands.
With no offense meant to Montenegrins, I actually do not care at all. I give zero shits. I don't even know much about it, besides the fact that it's some small Serb state on the Adriatic. I had no reason to care about it before, I have no reason to care about it now, and I have no reason to care about it in the future.
This also applies to several other countries that I realize exist but don't feel assed to learn about.
Also, what the fuck does NATO/the US even hope to gain out of this?
t. Serbnigger living in Blackheights
But everyone here is ethnic Serb user. I just didn't give up on being one. Why should I?
>19 posts by this ID
try harder
what are else montenegrins if not serbs, retard?
just in time to serve as cannon fodder. Nicely done!
Oy vey, great. Now don't believe any of those pesky "nationalist" racist or any russians, goy. We'll make sure to tell you where to shoot and what to do at all times... just... don't. disappoint. us.
Negro is literally part of their name, what more needs to be said?
Great, now if only they would go back there and take the alboshits with them.
LMAO. Only Kosovo is missing to complete the Serbshits' asshurt.
Albanians' contribution to the world:
You cultural fucking void.
I hope Vojvodina leaves you and joins NATO together with Kosovo as well, Serbia deserves to go back to the Turks
Don't kid yourself mudslime, you are merely a globalists shithole narcostate project