Berkeley.. what happened to this country?

hey guys, i'm a student at berkeley and these are student elections for Associated Students, aka the people who decide all the decisions for the University of California system
they get paid a shit ton of money

just check these out, what happened to this country?


don't worry, soon Elon Musk and Peter Thiel are going to team up to create the self-replicating weaponized nanobot swarm that will sweep the globe and turn all SJWs into puddles of pink goo. it's the inevitable next step in technology and it's almost here, but of course no one will tell us that because they don't want us to be afraid. just sit back and enjoy the ride


How long have you been at Berkeley? It's basically the most leftist city in the world.

shameless self bump

2 years, its hard living around so many fucking commies and proud liberals

Is that a fucking beard?

Jesus, not even SoCal is that fucked.

Just let California sink into the ocean
Global warming is real and thats a good thing

I visit from time to time with a relative that lives right next to the university. Coming from Texas, I find it fascinating to walk up and down Shattuck and marvel at the fauna. So much homelessness. Triple Rock is a good bar though.

you ever been to hollywood?
walk down the 'walk of fame' or whatever with the stars, its really ironic seeing homeless people sleeping literally on them

Ya I have, ironically I prefer Berkeley though. I just absolutely hate LA for some reason, can't put my finger on it.

Berkeley is run by Satanist Cannibals who pull social engineering shit like this to get their rocks off.

I lived in Berkeley and I'm never going back. Run as fast as you can.

all running for class president or government or something. berkeley does have an outstanding molecular biology program, but fuck em anyways.

It is a world class university, real bummer about all the politics. Wonder how long it will last, considering they're turning it up to 11 lately. I almost considered going there but, in retrospect, I made the right decision staying in the South.

>Wonder how long it will last

If I told you, it would make you depressed.

It's going to get worse.

Jesus Christ that's revolting

It seems like it's reached the point of absurdity though. Maybe I naive, but if cultural marxists choose transgenderism and Islam as their hills to die on I think they will fail. The general public will never swallow that pill and the bubbles (i.e. Berkeley) will eventually pop. Wishful thinking on my part I assume.

Death of the American Dream: The Picture

>It seems like it's reached the point of absurdity though.

Yes, and you haven't even gone through the glass yet.

Just wait.

>One of the most prevalent issues among students of color in the UC system is having
inadequate resources, including culturally comprehensive mental health services. The
increased prevalence of issues such as depression, PTSD from macroaggressions or racism, suicidal ideations, anxiety, eating disorders and addiction is not one that we can continue to ignore.
> PTSD from macroaggressions or racism

From the page of one of the people running for "senator." As someone studying psychology to potentially help veterans with PTSD from combat, this pisses me off more than you can imagine. MICROAGRESSIONS? REALLY?




Just fucking nuke yourselves already.

Just wait until they start victimizing each other in an effort to be the most disadvantaged.

Reminds me of your euroshit champion or whatever the fuck.

I just noticed it says "MACROagressions." that's a new one. Regardless, anyone caught being """racist""" in Berkeley would be lynched so the concept that it's a problem is total falsehood.

Bro, why did you go to Berkeley? If you had the credentials to get in there, you could have at least gone to a school like Georgetown that isn't completely sold out to the sodomite agenda.

What's your major by the way? Don't do a "studies" major, they're worthless most of the time.

>t. Georgetown alum

It's a victimization compulsion, that gets rewarded.

Why stand by yourself if other people can lift you up?

Boo hoo, I live here too and no body is cramming their political position down your throat, you literal snowflake. Did you get punched at the milo event or something?

I ignore a lot of the identity politics, because that shit will sort its self out. But the topic of dealing with mental health issues and homelessness are very important.

If you're so mad, why don't you speak up? Are you afraid to voice your opinion or something and just vent on Sup Forums? Shouldn't you be studying or something?? Do you know Izze???

Non whites happened

Shitskins destroyed their home countries with retarded politics and then they come here and do the same

>Why stand by yourself if other people can lift you up?

That's a really good way to put it. I'm reading through all these senate candidates' bios and they all boil down to: GIMMIE GIMMIE GIMMIE. More money for this, more money for that, mo money for dem programs. I'm a victim and because of that PAY ME.

The funny thing is, I could probably do some mental gymnastics and weasel my way in to some of their "marginalized" categories, but I'm a straight white male so I'd be laughed out immediately.

>Like hundreds of other students, the service community is my home. Like any home, however, the community is not perfect. While service organizations tend to serve diverse populations, their volunteer bases tend to be more homogeneous in nature. Organizations need diverse volunteer bases to better understand how to serve diverse communities. However, students of color are often not given the resources or information necessary to participate in the mainstream service organizations

Hahahahahahahaha, no comment required.

>So much leadership

When you begin to realize their persona is an exercise in subconscious satire, it makes a lot more sense.

Why do you faggots get so enraged by young college aged kids being autistic? It's only because of the internet that you're able to see these kinds of people. I guarantee that alot of you would be saying the same thing in the 70's at the height of the hippie movement. Young kids are supposed to be edgy and are supposed to act out. That doesn't mean civilization is crashing down.

I dunno. Things really seemed to go to shit around 2012. It all seemed to happen so fast.

Hopefully the absurdity bubbles up to their ego at some point. I'm not placing any bet though.

Unless it seriously effects the engineering department no one cares about liberal arts students

If you went to college in the past 10 years, you were exposed to it, bar none. It's not just a vocal minority on the internet. As opposed to the 70s, marxism is now formalized, institutionalized, and prescribed with rare efficiency in the non-STEM field. It's running rampant at this point (and the left hand doesn't know what the right is doing). Evil intent aside, the fact is that foot soldiers for the cultural revolution are being bred at assembly line pace.

>OP are you going to the rally this weekend?

>Young kids are supposed to be edgy and are supposed to act out

The difference is that this kind of 'lashing out' goes beyond something like a harmless prank or smoking weed. These faggots are hell bent on turning society into a lefty run multicultural hellhole.

When the poo-in-loo manlet is the only halfway decent looking one, you know there is a problem.

>hey guys, i'm a student at berkeley