What do you think about socialism
What do you think about socialism
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Its cancer
As long as it's nationalist it's based.
>having to ask "why"
Because it tax the smart and talented and gives to the morons that reproduce faster.
Basically it destroy middle class fertility and increase lower class fertility until there is no one to pay for free shit.
Then inflation hits and everything start to cost more and more non stop.
Credit dies , middle class cant buy houses anymore with 30 years payments , constructions and infrastructure also stops seriously.
After that socialist start blaming muh capitalist , muh imperialist for their system failures and production starts to collapse , ten years after that shit happens things get orwellian and marxist governments start to spawn conspiracy theories about everything to divert attention.
Then starving happens and everything goes to shit until the country collapses or someone privatizes even his wifes pussy.
Sup Forums knows literally nothing about Socialism. They think it's actually breadlines and gulags. The same Libertarians who want to pretty much do away with government think that Socialism doesn't want the same thing but moreso.
Socialism doesn't tax anything. Under Socialism there isn't even a government, just a democratically controlled means of production.
You are basically saying kikes ruling over us is ok because they must be cleverer if they are able do so...
More government =More taxes
and yes more socialism=more government
You just said it yourself if the government controls the means of production then there is a government.
Yes , its best to let the smarter people rule , groups change if they become stupid or lazy others will replace them.
If the government manages everything you are fucked either way because everyone will steal from that , even conservatives that want smaller government.
Just look at the us f35 program it already cost inflation adjusted 12 times more than the apollo program to the moon and im including the 6 landings and every mission in it.
The ancap mastermind has spoken everybody!
This is the final form of communism you're talking about, you fucktard, "Socialism is the road to communism" as the official doctrine said.
piece of shit.
It's best to let smarter people if they rule in everybody's interest not if they rule in their own interest. Why is mass immigration happening?
Depends if you mean actual socialism by definition, as in, a stepping stone to stateless communism, or the meme definition used today which is basically state capitalism with a social safety net, because the answer will vary drastically depending on which one.
Yep , my bitcoins will be worth 5600 usd each in 4 years.
>because the answer will vary drastically depending on which one.
they're all a piece of shit.
muh stateless communism would fail in a few hours once the military decides to take over.
There is no government controlling the means of production. It is directly controlled by the worker without government middlemen. Christ you Sup Forumslacks are dumb.
No they won't. Heard of something called constant debt = constant inflation for everybody?
Because statist cucks voted for socialist in the 1970s and middle class fertility collapsed in all the western world except the us(which is still capitalist).
As fertility collapses you cant pay pensions and free shit , so the same leaders that created this free shit mess are now trying to patch it by bringing third world morons to pay for the free shit.
Its not going to work , at the end they will be taxing the middle class even more to babysit kebabs.
>t. some cuck who has only vague ideas how socialism was enacted in reality because nor he nor his family had to live it, ever.
It sucks.
t. Ossi
>What do you think about socialism
I lived in socialism in the first half of my life (then-Czechoslovakia). Much could be said about it, depends what exactly do you want to know. To sum it up, it rather sucks and doesn't work as advertised. You are also much more oppressed as you would intuitively expected to be just by reading the socialism principles.
That's actually not the distinction between socialism and communism. In Marxist theory, communism is the endstate (the dissolution of the state), and socialism the means of arriving there (cooptation of the state, whether by electoral or revolutionary means).
This is now a memeball thread
ITT: some rich Western faggot who fell for the Marxism meme vs. Yuropoors who lived it.
If it is national... i aprove
>People is totally not having children due to propaganda in movies and social media after years of brainwashing, it's due to taxes. Therefore the sandniggers are only here to have children and not totally to destroy the local middle and lower class jobs and replace the local population.
This will never work in the long run because sometimes workers will needlessly protect their jobs instead of making way for technological advancements.
For example, here in the UK there were nationwide strikes when the Conservative government tried to shut down the coal mines in the mid-1980s. However in the long run, shifting Britain's energy dependance away from coal not only helps the country create more renewable/safer energy sources, but also improves the health of adult men who no longer need to work in polluted & unsafe coal mines for 8 hours a day.
Communism my comrades!
>Ayn Rand
You srs nigger? At least post Adam Smith senpai.
> they're all a piece of shit
Well "Democratic ""Socialism"" " like people say the Scandi countries and Finland are works fine, but it isn't socialism at all even though people call it that, which was why I asked.
Any and all socialists need to be removed by force for the good of the nation.
>picture from the depression
>a economic failure of the capitalist free market somehow mean socialism doesn't work.
Are all right wingers as fucking stupid as the OP?
Thats a good quote, I doubt Smith would support the "free market" that most chicago school/austrian fags advocate though. Shit, a good third of "a wealth of nations" was talking about the need to regulate the fuck out of them and to provide for everyone.
Stalin wasnt nationalist?
Mao zedong wanst nationalist?
Maduro isnt nationalist?
No, they were internationalists looking for the interest of the (((revolution))). If socialism is aimed only to ensure the best for all the individuals that form a nation and achieve scientific and technological progress to further increase live quality and expectation while preserving traditions and culture it's ok.
>Stalin wasnt nationalist?
he killed millions of his own, how the fuck is he nationalist.
He also didnt share the property equaly so he wasnt socialist right?
Whenever the government get the legitimization to use force against its people, it will use it everntually against the people who gave the government that same legitimization.
Its just a matter of time because socialism never work, even in homogenous sociaty there will always be people who leach the other citizens.
It's pretty cool. It's usually only faggots who don't have it who try to convince themselves that it is bad.
>He also didnt share the property equaly so he wasnt socialist right?
oh no he was for about a micro second then communism collapsed as it usually does.
that still doesnt make him nationalist either as you failed to make a counterpoint.
This wouldn't happen with the right education and atmosphere. I support some sort of democratic constitutional system to prevent power abuse though (just in case).
Socialists and communists should unironically be thrown from helicopters with no questions asked. This is perfectly OK under anarcho-capitalism because are socialists the ones who violated the NAP to begin with because they threaten you and your freedom through taxation and reverse racism.
The problem is that our poor are too fat. Cut all welfare and charity alone could feed them.
Welfare should be limited to only cover 1500 calories of food per person per day.
Except rich people are morons and it's poor who are talented. The rich should be locked up
U.S is socialist and has taxation
Ayn Rand was a socialist as long as it was democratic
Communism has been redefined into what happens when authoritarians take control promising "true communism". The definition has been moved to Anarcho-communism.
Since when did a socialist/communist ever threaten you dumbass? They are saying we SHOULD have more taxes not that they ARE going to impose more taxes on you. Dumbfuck
New Deal policies lengthened the depression by 7 years.
Is this just shareblue or did a bunch of AnComs just decide to join Sup Forums? At least their tactics are better than CTR.
In Socialism you can choose not to work or you can work and won't starve either way.
>have more taxes
>impose more taxes
What's the difference? If it doesn't affect me then it sure as hell will affect somebody else. That is what violates the NAP.
>they don't want to tax me, just the people that make more than me
Your envy is showing.
>What do you think about socialism
Why would I not be jealous? Because people are born a certain way they have a life of luxery, they are born with a certain name they get more wealth. They should go to jail
So just saying you want higher taxes is violating the NAP? So pretty much anyone who isn't an anarcho-capitalist is violating the NAP?
'Everytime we killed a thousand bugs at a cost of one M.I it was a net victory for the bugs. We were learning, expensively, just how efficient a total communism can be when used by a people actually adapted to it by evolution; the Bug commissars didn't care anymore about expending soldiers than we cared about expending ammo.
Envy is different from Jealousy. Envy is jealousy plus wishing to bring down people who have more than you. Who cares how well others have it? Why can't you be happy with living within your means?
>So just saying you want higher taxes is violating the NAP? So pretty much anyone who isn't an anarcho-capitalist is violating the NAP?
Yeah you're about right there. At least for the Hans-Herman Hoppe types.
>Envy is different from Jealousy. Envy is jealousy plus wishing to bring down people who have more than you. Who cares how well others have it? Why can't you be happy with living within your means?
I see it this way. Rich people don't work or if they do they get WAYYYY more wealth than they work for. That means that they must be getting some or all of their wealth from working people. Think about it like this
>rich guy doesn't work a day in his life
>somehow money is rolling into his bank
You can use mental gymnastics all you want to say "oh it's his company" or "getting your wealth to work for you" but the cold hard truth is that wealth is coming from other people who are working but aren't being paid what they produce.
a kike invention/infection
Please read "Basic Economics" by Thomas Sowell.
The rich can only live off interest, which are investments into other companies, which employ people. The money he spends for the products he consumes helps feed the workers. Seize the rich persons money and business no longer have the capital to stay in business.
No thanks I prefer not starving to death
>Read basic economics
I've read it, but then I went to ADVANCED economics.
>The rich can only live off interest which are investments into other companies which employ people
Companies destroy jobs. For every job a corporation creates it destroys 100 more
>The money he spends for the products he consumes helps feed the workers. Seize the rich persons money and business no longer have the capital to stay in business.
Then you have a society where the means of production go to serving the 1%. I think businesses going out of business are good since businesses (corporations specifically) rob the working people.
You could argue using your logic that if the peasants took the kings money the king wouldn't have money to buy the peasants grain anymore.
Then you'd hate capitalism. Look up Irish potato famine.
great on a national scale, disaster on an international scale
What if no one could afford a Yacht? Then all the yacht manufacturers go out of business and all the employees who work there are now jobless. Eventually we go back to a pre-industrialized society. Which I'm guessing is what you want.
If you want to live in a hippy commune just move to a remote farming town. Or live innawoods with some hippies and sustain yourselves.
>What if no one could afford a Yacht? Then all the yacht manufacturers go out of business
Good. We should produce for the common man not rich assholes.
>Then all the yacht manufacturers go out of business and all the employees who work there are now jobless
Right to Work Program means if you don't have a job a government will create one for you.
>Eventually we go back to a pre-industrialized society. Which I'm guessing is what you want.
No, we can still industralize but for the common man, not to serve rich assholes
>If you want to live in a hippy commune just move to a remote farming town. Or live innawoods with some hippies and sustain yourselves.
I want to live where I have a big house, a big car, and a nice property though but not so much i am stealing from the common man. Basically 1950s America under Dwight D Eisenhower or Scandinavian Socialism but without the hate speech laws.
>>Then all the yacht manufacturers go out of business and all the employees who work there are now jobless
>Right to Work Program means if you don't have a job a government will create one for you.
will they create a government sponsored job that lets me lynch niggers
Logical conclusion of the Frenco-German intellectual school.
Continental intellectuals are cancer.
No, you can dig a ditch and refill it or just receive free money
>Right to Work Program means if you don't have a job a government will create one for you.
So the government will just give you some busywork, thus allocating resources for something that is unnecessary and serves no one? You're just asking for a famine.
>I want to live where I have a big house, a big car, and a nice property though but not so much i am stealing from the common man.
But if all of the labor that went into developing and producing all of those things was done so voluntarily, then who was stolen from?
You seem to be doing well for yourself. Why are you so fixated on destroying those who have more than you?
This sounds perfectly sustainable.
>So the government will just give you some busywork, thus allocating resources for something that is unnecessary and serves no one? You're just asking for a famine.
That's exactly what Yacht manufactures are. Using up resources for something that will only be enjoyed by some rich kid who doesn't deserve it anyway.
>But if all of the labor that went into developing and producing all of those things was done so voluntarily, then who was stolen from?
The workers worked for a company who took most of the profits. Say the company made $200000 off the house but only paid the workers $100000 all together then they essentially pocketed one hundred thousand for nothing
>You seem to be doing well for yourself. Why are you so fixated on destroying those who have more than you?
I just see it like this. I'm a CA first year and I make a good living but I work in an office and I see how much of a feudalistic structure it is. I will never ever be running it or have a chance at it, that's ok I probably couldn't anyway. But no one else I work with has a chance either. Ever since the birth of my boss he was predetermined to have this fancy job lined up since his parents were rich business owners. They will have a say in legislation, they will have a say in how things go. The common man today has no part in society besides what they produce.
Also the government is a false god.
>Except rich people are morons and it's poor who are talented
is this satire?
its the only answer user
Sorry what did you say?
You know for some reason I feel like you haven't actually read any basic economics. Check out Economics In One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt.
>I just see it like this. I'm a CA first year and I make a good living but I work in an office and I see how much of a feudalistic structure it is. I will never ever be running it or have a chance at it, that's ok I probably couldn't anyway. But no one else I work with has a chance either. Ever since the birth of my boss he was predetermined to have this fancy job lined up since his parents were rich business owners. They will have a say in legislation, they will have a say in how things go. The common man today has no part in society besides what they produce.
Go into business, start your own company and produce a better product or service than him. Someone who owns the family business but decides to do nothing will eventually weaken to a point that startups will destroy it in the marketplace.
>I will never ever be running it or have a chance at it, that's ok I probably couldn't anyway
This is why you don't make the big bucks. You decide not to try at all and just go back to being envious of those who did.
I feel like you don't understand Marxist literature.
>In Place of Fear.
GTFO if you don't know the difference between Socialism and
>Muh Communism Muh Marxism.
>Muh dun care same shit derpy derp derp derp.
>Socialism is ALWAYS Left wing
>National Socialism
Pick one
>Go into business, start your own company and produce a better product or service than him. Someone who owns the family business but decides to do nothing will eventually weaken to a point that startups will destroy it in the marketplace.
I don't think I have what it takes but that's not the point. In this day that's not even possible since the big firms have all the reputation, they have the specialization (which requires lots of employees), they've got the money, you can't just go and compete.
>This is why you don't make the big bucks. You decide not to try at all and just go back to being envious of those who did.
This isn't about me. It's the fact that this whole system makes it so the rich stay rich and the poor stay poor. I know i don't have what it takes but this isn't about me, this is about the problems with our society.
No one ever said that idiot
They made no sense. You mean they believe they are owned?
Quit it with the self hatred. Sort yourself out.
I have a low IQ though, and am a bad person as well as autistic so I couldn't use charisma either. If I was to think highly of myself then I actually would need to sort myself out since I'd be a narcissist. My argument isn't about me though it's about society as a whole.
>In Socialism you can choose not to work or you can work and you won't starve either way.
So why work in the first place, make everyone pay for your food then?
Because if you work you get even more stuff.
>National Socialism
It's always placed center, and is only socially right-wing.
I think Commies and Fascists have Socialism or Collectivism in common.
They both hold this same core value that the Individual must be forced or coerced to sacrifice in the name of the greater good.
Say that to the people who've been on welfare for generations. They decided they'd rather just shoot eachother for street cred instead of holding a job.
Stupid goy.
I don't want you to just start viewing yourself highly, I want you to become someone you can respect.
Individuals are forced to do stuff in individualism as well. They are forced to constantly work to pay rent. It is up to the whim of the seller if they are to get their own property.
I've never seen anyone in my life who's been on welfare for generations, and even if that's the case welfare is such a small percentage of the budget it makes nearly no difference.
Name another option then
How tho?
I wouldn't need more stuff, I already have all that I need for survival for free