Holy fuck what is wrong wrong with this country? Did Brazilians really believe that it is possible to bleach Nogs? and not it was going to degenerate the population?
Holy fuck what is wrong wrong with this country? Did Brazilians really believe that it is possible to bleach Nogs? and not it was going to degenerate the population?
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> Admitting that it's desirable to whiten the population
Can we at least give them some consolation points for doing that?
Well no it should have been pretty obvious that idea of doing this would turn out disastrously. The American policy(even though too pussy) was a looooot better.
The idea was correct. The less black a nigger is the smarter he gets. We just underestimated the proportion of whites that was needed to complete the whitening of the population
Is it true that its still going on?
Look at you, Sweden. Now shut the fuck up.
We are better than you in allmost every way.
We always have been a third world country.
You guys are catching up . What is worse: be full of niggers since the beginning of the country for the sake of enslavement or importing people from the most backwards parts of the world for the sake of diversity
You are acctually right about that i cant really argue against it.
It is a genius idea tho!
Not always.
There are no people alive from those days though
We did. It failed because the number of africans were way bigger than we expected and we didn't had the money to send them back to Africa as it was planned (to deport at least 40% of them), so bring europeans at the time was the cheapest option.
how do they even manage to look this stuipid.
>idiotuc selfcolored trousers on superskinny legs with oversized jacket + feminine hat +extra backup clothing and wristbands in the same color as the trousers
>grey sportswear on absolutly unfit body with 2 more tops with maximum false color matchup + purple oversized jacket and terribly umatching scarf + hat (at least the scarf + hat match) for maximum uglyiness she also has the green wristbands
>oversized male grey jacket on oversized male lumberjack shirt, oversized shorts + black leggins+ ugly purple little bag with a green flower
>mister I smoke weed whenever I can and wear unwashed oversized green clothing and autist shoues
seriously, WTF
you WERE better
I know its pretty much the same in Germany. I regularly go to Berlin and Hamburg and you wont believe how many of those people you will find.
we can only bleach a google after like 5 generations or so and need a lot of whites to do it
You're way better in multiculturalism, yes
In feminism, also.
we had 2 full blown antifa leftists in our physics course. One was bisexual, I didnt speak to the other one. Both droped out. They are fucking worthless degenerates and I would love to kill every single one of them.
They arent human, just trash with more or less functioning and living bodies
Swedish, please...
>Mikael Skråmo
oh look at my ID
Psych 99
not bad at all
Yeah one of the reasons i chosse to study engineering was to skip theese people.
hohoho not for long tho,
Niggers are terrible but at least the impact they have on politics is minimum.
Muslim on the other hand will try to seize power eventually
In 20 years you guys might end up being the refugees.
Bye bye sweden! I welcome you as a refugee in my country in 2030.
And since they are so manly and alpha, we know how much of a fight they'll put on.
I mean, their women.
I had philosophy as a secondary class in 1st and 2nd semester.
Other then they other guys who have philosophy as secondary class it was pure cancer. At least the prof was kinda nice.
>not being blue
Rest of latin america, are you even trying?
Well all hummanities,Psychology,economics and worst of all sociology is pure cancer. Its sooo corrupt. Everything which contains a lots of math is good though. Especially tech
Chile,Argentina and Uruguay are by far the best countries in Latin America they are allready at an Spain,Greece and Portugal level.
No. The idea of Blanqueamiento was to dilute the mestizo and blacks through massive european immigration. Only such a thing takes WAY too long to reach its desired results.
João Batista de Lacerda: Director of the Museu Nacional, wrote a paper named "Half-Breeds of Brazil" in it he describes the differences in the different races. He also predicted that by the third generation of mixed breeding there are predominantly white characteristics
Really makes you think...
Also I have met some mixed brazillians in my life, most have white caractheristic (hair for example) but their skin tone is not brown but tanned.
But really makes you think, maybe the white blood really is superior hun..
Laughing at Brazil's failure won't change Sweden's future, Sven.
Is the % of blacks increasing? you know that wont last long right?
The taboo of race that came from Nazism is what fucked. All in all Gobineau was right about Brazil.
Yes. Blacks and Mulattos became the majority in 2011.
True but still it should be common sense that its basically impossible to bleach nogs.
Yes. Brazilian whites have europoor tier fertility rates.
But what exactly is an pardo in Brazil? i mean some of them look like Portuguese despite being mixed.
You should know
How is this possible?
How many of them were imported to brazil?
Jesus christ the world is doomed.
>Class and education have an influence on the perceived whiteness of an individual. The Brazilian class system is heavily influenced from the history of slavery and colonization. This puts people who identify as white at the top of class system and those who identify as black at the bottom of the class system. Upward mobility is possible in Brazil, but very rare.[3] An aspect that influences the upward mobility of individuals is education. According to Telles, greater education leads to greater whitening.[3] This suggests that one who achieves higher education can be perceived as whiter.
Isn't this the exact policy of the entire western world now?
The successful migrants to Europe and America mix with the working and middle class and are absorbed into the population. Education grants you acceptance in the west, even though you are a non-white.
White + Indio = Mestizo
White + Black = Mulatto
Triracial = Pardo (I think)
x10 the slave that America imported. In retrospect, Hues should thank Britain for destroying slave ships.
How are things in Mexico?
did you force them to race mix?
why would Europeans marry slaves?
We need another war to kill of the useless bottom half.
So are Mulattos and black representing an majority of the Brazilian population now? Oh my fucking god its over how is this even possible have you people just let them breed like rats.
Pardo is anyone not blatantly white or black.
Football example :
Kaká is white
Neymar and Fat Ronaldo are pardo
Pelé and Ronaldinho are black
>Oh my fucking god its over how is this even possible have you people just let them breed like rats.
Welfare. All in all we'll probably end up like Boer in two decades. Nonwhites cry raycis despite being the majority of the country.
this is why we should bleach them here in the states. we have the numbers.
Holy shit look at his kid!
The wikipedia quote above was right
Are you sure it his kid and not his wifes kid or something it looks to good to be true.
>how is it possible that I'm the first Sup Forumsack to post this?
It's totally possible!
Niggers breeds like rabbits
Maybe we failled to bleach the nogs, but question remains if you guys will blacken the cracker?
Sweden talking shit about Brazil, that is rich, my dude.
Swedes are 100% more brainwashed than a brazilian living in a favela.
He made the DNA test. He may be a football player, but he is not stupid.
>Niggers breeds like rabbits
In Brazil maybe, but for some reason not in the US. The US black population is staying pretty stable at around 13% of the population.
Look up his wife, its his kid.
They do breed like crazy, but you have abortion.
This shit is true. I have a cousin who is fucking blonde with blue eyes and his father (my uncle) is a guy with brown hair and brown eyes and his mother is a fucking mixed Angolan woman with almost black hair and brown eyes. My grandfather (father of my uncle) has clear blue eyes but still...
>plastic surgery
come on man.
my biological uncle*
They are going down acctually as Hispanic imigrants breeds like rabbits.
I still call bullshit. This is what we used to call a "false paternity event". Neymar might be a great footballer, but intellectually he's on the same level as pic related
But she is not really blonde either i really dont understand this.
Kid's hair will darken and skin gets more tanned as he grows up, happened with a lot of my friends. Wouldn't be suprised if his skin color end up like dad's
Read my first post, after 3 generations white features are prominent.
How do you know he did a DNA test, poo haa? Sounds like there's more sauce to this story? Did he accuse his babymama of being a whore or something?
Look guys, Captain Sweden is trying to blame someone for diversity?
Thats still good and all in all its succesfull bleach. Allmost as succesfull as the Swedish bleach of Samis.
Fucking hell. Imagine being born white and then having to watch as you turn black over the course of your life. That's rough man! Think I'd rather just be born black so I didn't have to reminisce about that time I was still considered to be a respectable member of society. One day you're driving down the boulevard, past Ipanema, music blaring, smoking a blunt, no one bothers you; next day you're pulled over because your wing mirrors are sitting at the wrong angle, and take two bullets while trying to show the cop your id. That's a tough break.
Well aside from those fairy tales....
>that it is possible to bleach Nogs?
Angolan president father (left side) + Azerbaijan mother - daughter in right side
that bitch
Holy shit look he is extremely black. Azerbaijan isnt really that much of an white country .Though i think this is a thing that should be practised in the former colonies like USA,Brazil etc.
segregation was working though. if you lock niggers in together and let them work it out on their own the population drops.
We know that it was working it was not until (((them))) ruined everything.
You would not believe me the kind of brown people I have met that considered themselves white down here.
I can't post pictures but I can give examples from google images.
Pic is Dybala (Argie football star for the anons who don't watch sports)
When he played in second division Instituto De Córdoba
>just another Cuarteto listening, Fernet drinking córdoba nigger.
>Now that he's playing for Juventus "oh look at his eyes, he's white"
Like, social status made him white to many people.
Actually, I've been playing it out on my mind and I reckon there's a script there. Hollywood will lap this shit up. Gonna cast Ice Cube and call it Freaaaakay Friday. Hopefully he won't mind being in whiteface for half the movie. Lindsay Lohan will play his girlfriend.
>greatest leader this country ever had
>died poor and lonely in exile
It hurts, I hope those traitors are burning in Hell right now.
>white skin, green eyes, light brown hair
So, he's not white then? I'm confused.
>Country is doing swell
>Lets get rid of the Monarchy for no reason what so ever.
And the future generations eat the rotten fruits.
>died poor and lonely
We really fucked up what our heroes gave us.
Manuel Belgrano
>economist, lawyer, politician, and military leader.
>Served as General of the Independence War
>Never before had seen combat
>BTFO Spaniards in the Battles of Salat and Tucumán with less men.
Died poor, donating his last shekels to build schools,all the money was stolen.
Dom Pedro wasn't a hero
>Killed a bunch of Paraguayans who just wanted to better their country
>Banned the the formation of new priests for his mason puppeteers
Paraguay started mom!
But yeh...we overreacted, specially the brazilian officers.
>Remember Curupayty
>Paraguayans who were trying to conquer the south and got rightfully BTFO
>Demanding proper education and morals from bishops is now a bad thing and we should just let more kiddy diddlers fill those positions
>the system that actually got shit done is bad because the retards don't have a say in things they don't understand
It's because of faggots like you we're still a third world shithole, do everyone else a favor and kill yourself.
looks 90%+ white to me.
Yea he looks white af to me
>"please I need some fatso in an expensive robe to tell me what to do!!!!!!!!"
>"proper education and morals" (defined by which cuck?)
Do you believe that work laws were made to help workers too?
>destroy Brazilian empire
>Jews start their white genocide there
>mix it up
>Karl Marx was my friend
>Brazil today is a shithole
The fuck?
Yeah, he seems some kind of south european mediterranean to me.
But I tought Sup Forums standars were higer when it comes to "whites".
Anyway, some here consider pic related, TKD gold medal winner, white too.
They should have simply killed black men for any serious crime to weed out the dumb ones and allowed white men to have multiple non-white wives. All the smartest and most resourceful white men would breed with their harems of shitskins, but their genes wouldn't be lost in the nog. The non-nigger black men would be able to breed too. Best of both worlds.
not purposefully but most of the population doesn't mind their partners skin collor, then again most of the population range from white to mediterranean to mulattos, it's pretty rare that people will date blacks tho.
Also some the feminist movement in Brazil ostracizes black guys that go for white chicks (even being the exception) because they say the black women are lonely (read: they do not have husbands) because niggers don't wanna be parents. Feminists go as far as throwing rocks at niggers with white chicks, isn't it great?
That shit started when the empire fell, so no one takes this seriously.
>"please I need some fatso in an expensive robe to tell me what to do!!!!!!!!"
>Waaah, I need a corrupt shithead in a fancy suit to tell me what to do, I believe this is the ideal system because I choose my leader and I could never make bad choices
That goes both ways, faggot.
>"proper education and morals" (defined by which cuck?)
The one not kissing nigger feet and bending over to take in as many muslim cocks as physically possible.
Come back when you actually read a fucking history book.
well i like to go by the old german idea that if a person were 7/8ths or greater german, they would be considered german since the non-german blood would be easily be diluted in successive generations.
i think the posters that BS about a couple percentage or fractions of a percentage are mostly joking around. of course that's coming from a blonde haired blue eye'd person that is 0.8% prairie nigger.
It's hard to washout nigger.