>wake up in 2043
>This man comes to you saying
>"vat is yur etnizity my friend?"
>you have 10 seconds to show your 23andme
What will you show him?
23andme thread
Paying to give your DNA to some jews .
Good job you retard.
>Only 1.5% shitskin, sir
i'll tactical knife him in the throat cos i aint putting my DNA on a database you kike
how does it look?
what. Theyre gonna make the perfect ubermensch or something? What can they do with it?
My ass, he looks like a faggot
do i pass?
Apart from only testing you for your male ancestry , who knows?
Probably figure out whose so insecure they would actually pay to test something as irrelevant as haplogroup percentages.
we die together friend
it shows health risks, which is the cool part in my opinion
nice advert bro
>4% Sub-Saharan
Forget banning leafs, ban all nonwhites.
Is that the guy from the hell boy movie?
4%? some kind of special retard arent you
My ancestors were some of the first Europeans to settle Canada and I'm 2% African. Are leafs predestined to racemix?
> all whites originated in Kenya
Does not make them Africans, simply means that they started in Kenya when put on Earth by God.
>fuck off larper
>1.5 percent southern European
You'll be in the gas chambers right next to me, Pedro.
try again
werent the first humans made in ethiopia or sudan?
>My ancestors were some of the first Europeans to settle Canada and I'm 2% African.
You have a slave mother in your lineage.
Canadians are much less mixed than Americans- Americans mixed with both NA Indians and blacks. While Canadians put our Indians on reserves.
One drop, my friend.
Depends on what you mean by "humans."
But the last iteration of humans (before spreading) was in Kenya.
lets say (((humans))). Adam and eve were jews, right?
>falling for the Jewish gene scheme
I used church records. I'm 100% Inuit because that's what I say I am despite church records showing a long line of racemixing.
into the gas chamber i go
What the fuck happens there?
tell him I'm Argentinian
hey that's pretty cool. keep that clean it will be rare in a few years!
I have never seen a 100% européan american in these threads
oh shit there is one
found the alcoholic timber nigger
so you're pretty much an ice chink?
>tfw 0.8% West African
Should I just end it all lads? Why the fuck did my ancestors have to sleep with uggo Negro slaves? Fuck is wrong with them.
I'd tell him I didn't have it, and try and convince him I'm Italian.
I'm not at all religious, but I'm ready for the hate.
>lets say (((humans))). Adam and eve were jews, right?
What is there to gain in discussing fiction? This is not to say that pol is not a Christian board, only that such fiction is made to control females and retards.
>23&me results
Pick one, moron, ethnicity isn't the same as race. Genes give you racial information, they don't say shit about self-perceived identity or language
My mom is 0.2% native american, but apparently I didn't get any.
It doesn't matter what I identify as or if I'm not religious, if another Hitler comes around and tests my genes, I'm going into the ovens regardless.
Crossover whitened you
All my life I was sure I was white. I now know I'm not and just to be sure that no one faces the same fate, I will not reproduce.
Look dude, all races have some 'good genes' they evolved in different places with different goals, so who knows. Maybe the 0.8% you got is exclusively genes that have been selected for (which is obviously true, because you ended up with them).
Apparently I also have much more neanderthal DNA than average. One complete neanderthal gene set I have contributes to be taller.
>6 feet tall
>Broad as fuck shoulders
>attempt to use jewish tricks
not surprised.
Irish you humorless Kruat
>only testing you for your male ancestry
wait what?
You aren't shit.
Whats do you look like, senpai?
>unassigned 0,1%
gook detected
6 foot flat. Size 13 shoe. 188lb. Large "power muscles" think legs (hip to ankle), upper body isn't so large, broad shoulders, not bad facial features (no glaring asymmetric occurances.)
Also note: these are my genetics.
arien com-m-ming throou
Native American detected.
forgot pic
Am-am I wh-white?
> One drop nonwhite.
Still more white than most of pol. You can stay until we get rid of them.
A DNA sample I bought off the dark web from a (((company))) that managed to swindle some good goy into paying to send his DNA to them.
what do you think
Come from the blood of Rome, any problems my barbaric whitewasher friend?
>just put me in the reservation senpai
Thank goodness. On the print outs it says less then .01 so maybe I can stay around but just not reproduce and taint the gene pool?
Maybe sell it to insurance companies so they have a better profile of your health and generic disposition to increase the price of your car/health/life insurance etc for one
That's literally only one example of many
>just put me in the reservation senpai
Pol should replace flags with %European. Would be more accurate than countries.
Are you a mechanic? If so, manly trade.
Inshallah brothers, death to the wh*teS
Fuck you, Iberians are white!!!
Nope I do extreme heavy labor planting trees on the North Dakota country side for Scandinavian/German farmers. All the open space and wind means that people basically want a barrier planted, shit takes forever. Otherwise I work at a gas station entertaining people.
The lack of screenshots in this thread is proof that most posters on Sup Forums are not white.
It used to not be that way, originally years ago every poster was white as fuck but now it seems that half of these posters are mongrels.
tfw embarrassed of my 0.8% shitskin
they have your DNA and your ID, lot's
>buy our service or you're not white
Why does everyone still so hard for this website specifically? There are tonnes of alteratives but it's always this one.
>Nope I do extreme heavy labor planting trees on the North Dakota country side for Scandinavian/German farmers.
Remember to bend at the waist!
And that 60.8% too Seamus.
fug :DDDD
sup %1 nigga
nice pr stunt stupid jew3andjew
its northern african but i get your point
Pure European, Kommandant!
If people think 23andMe is a scam, it isn't. They don't ask your your real name or anything about your identity. All they take is your saliva and send you an email with your results.
Into the oven you go
>its northern african but i get your point
Lighter colored shit?
Yeah 23andme need to split Irish and English. Wish I'd gone with ancestry.com to properly confirm my Anglo-Saxon heritage
> South Asian
> White
>mfw my dad had this test done and got .01% African and now he goes around saying he's African American but white passing
>mfw white SJW start apologizing to him
Have you seen niggers?
Totally worthless.
Also, look up the "one drop rule".