Hey Sup Forums, who here un-ironically supports Kim jung un and North Korea? Yes, they are technically communist, and the people (supposedly) live like crap, but they are Anti-US, and Kim Il Sung named race mixing.
North Korean supporters?
Support them. I would support a cold black nigger army against Trump's warmongering America at this point.
Yea same here. It was US foreign policy that has backed North Korea into a corner.
If you support North Korea you support communism and degeneracy, and are therefore retarded.
Self hating cucks.
Ah, a leaf telling me about degeneracy, eh?
I don't actively support monarchist socialist shitholes, but I "support" them in the sense that I don't agree with american foreign interventionism. I believe we should let the east take care of itself, same for the middle east.
Yeah nigger. Go move to North Korea if you have a soft spot for communism.
Yea, that's my position as well.
It's not a soft spot for communism, it's a a support for a country that has stood against US interests for decades, we have common enemies.
>I support North Korea
>now I "support" North Korea
Make up your mind you stupid fuck, do you like memes or do you like reality?
>it's a a support for a country that has stood against US interests for decades, we have common enemies.
So basically you are a self hating cuck, got it. My grandfather killed those fuckin gook bastards and I pray we're going to finish the job. Sort yourself out.
Yea, my grandpa killed them too. But how does that make me a self hating cuck? I had a few great uncles who bombed the shit out of Dresden, I respect that they were fighting for, but I feel that they should have been fighting for the other side.
Germans and Koreans aren't the same. One was an ethno-nationalist group of honourable white Europeans fighting against bolshevism and Jewry, the other is a communist shitpile that forcibly executed and starved millions of their own people.
You're a self-hating cuck for liking and sympathizing with a geopolitical foe and can't even rationalize why he likes North Korea. Nobody here seriously likes North Korea, it's a meme. Those that actually do are retarded redditors.
Which are you exactly? The memeing redditor or the self hating cuckold? I feel sorry for your grandfather, he's somewhere right now wanting to beat your fuckin' ass.
Couldnt give a shit about north korea.
I'm just baffled by what a fucking traitor turncoat trump is.
If you area against communism you are stupid.
it's illegal dumbass
>who here un-ironically
I only ever supported him satirically or sardonically.
No it's not.
Honestly normally I'd be against the US invading other countries but imo North Korea are an exception. If the country was run normally and it's leader wasn't such a crazy nutjob I'd probably be against us invading but this case is an exception imo. He needs to be stopped not for the sake of the US but for the sake of his own people. The labor camps are real and heavily documented.
My Grandfather fought them, I will too. Sunlight is the best disinfectant, ((they)) and (NK) are cut off from the rest of the world.. if they were exposed to the internet, much less Sup Forums the fight is over. especially the idea of communism.
I support anyone who has intention of bringing destruction.
I've been supporting DPRK way before Dear Leader Kim Jong-Il died. I'm not going to change my mind at all.
American here, telling you you are a degenerate.
>named race mixing.
wtf i love crazed dictators, communism and famine now
>Honestly normally I'd be against the US invading other countries but imo North Korea are an exception
I'm in the same boat.
I've opposed the deposing policy we have for decades, but he's my one exception for the last 60 years. Well, maybe the Hutu government in the early 90s.
I unironically support Best Korea
>north korea
lol explain
>who here un-ironically supports Kim jung un
Literally actually nobody anywhere
I don't have to explain shit.
Speak for yourself, filth
you don't have to but if you don't you'll be a faggot for rest of your dry flaky leaf life
Kim is based, Trump is kike shill.
I will not support trump if he attacks Assad but I'll turn a blind eye when it comes to communists
I support any nation willing to fight for their own sovereignty.
You people who are eating bark to survive are shitposting on pol? Lol!
You think anyone would support a morbidly obese pyschopath ruling over a bunch of stick figures?
What's shocking is that NK is one giant prison filled with rape,murder,death camps,that make the Nazis look like girl scouts,yet no one has cared for 50+ years. It's a scar on humanity and no one cares.
Insult NorKo leadership? BAM! Executed. Your entire family goes to a camp for 10-20 years. Your wife and daughters are raped by the guards at any time. Your grandpa didnt meet his quota? BAM! Executed. Your mom stole a kernel of corn? BAM! Raped and beaten unconcious!
These are all things that are actually happening on NK right now. Be happy you live in the West.Be grateful every single fucking day!! We aren't perfect(what country is?) but it can be MUCH WORSE.
The things you take for granted are north koreans dreams!!!!
It's bullshit m.youtube.com
>Be grateful every single fucking day
Despite the rhetoric, don't get it twisted.
I appreciate the fact I can discuss things like this more than you'll ever know.
Shill more faggot. Nice kike propaganda.
I support North Korea, not because of what they believe in, but because they are one of the last countries willing to stand up to (((them))).
I'm an "unironic DPRK supporter", I've been one for years. It's shocking I know, but I believe that Korea has a right to exist without 30000 US troops stationed in their territory. I support total withdrawal of US troops from southern Korea and the reunification of the nation under Marshal Kim Jong Un.
I supported Trump, and I still support the deporations and the wall etc, but I don't support oven-worthy neocon kikes. The President said during the campaign that he would withdraw US troops from Japan and Korea due to unfair trade agreements and not receiving any benefit from those troops. Instead he proposes to go to war for southern Korea?
>b-but they are threatening us!
No they're not, what country has Korea invaded? It's America that is stationed in Korea, not the other way around. Can you imagine if it was the other way around, the moral indignation of the US? Imagine if the DPRK had 30000 troops stationed in Oregon and declared it "West United States" and installed a puppet president in the state that was 100% pro-Korean and anti-American.
>b-but it's okay if we do it!
Is it really?
US wishes they had this kind of patriotism in their own country. Truth is they don't support their country because they know their country is worth less than dog crap.
Stop talking like a nigger
Looks cozy. Wow now I love Kim.
No. I will not have Kim Jong Fat challenging my beloved President Kushner.
The schism widens
Me bc fuck china and fuck those fucking warmongering hawks.
But gotta lube the Military industrial complex with blood right ?
Are you a boomer? You talk like you've been fed a steady diet of CNN and FOX, you gentile slave.
People live in a fantasy world where they think their utopic socialism,communism,anarcho-syndical-whatever-the-fuck, systems would be better. They live in a fantasy world. The realcworld is brutal.
>The media is propaganda
So? Most media is propaganda. Watch Fox/RT /PRESSTV/al-Jazeera.
>Americans live in a bubble
This bubble we live in isn't perfect , but it could be wayyyy worse.
I've been to the sandbox 3 times. They take girls out of schools and shoot them in the back of the head. They'll kill you because you're part of a different tribe and you family retaliates by killing one of theirs and these feuds have gone on for decades/centuries .I've been to parts of South America where little kids come up by the hotel pool and offer sex for $20 USD. I said no and they offer to sell me weed/coke .
The world is a disaster.
Ok kiddo.
North Korea is neo-fascist.
t. commie
>every country other than mine is a hell on earth!
That's actually a very Korean mentality! I'm sure you would fit in quite well, hehe
No I'm 30 and have actually seen the world,cuck. Indon't watch news. Enjoy your hurrduurr utopia system you've created in your head ,because thats as far as its going.
Welcome back to reality.
DPRK is paleo-fascist.
I don't support an invasion of North Korea for the sake of kikes who are triggered they sell weapons to Iran and Syria and other bunch of people kikes hate and don't recognize Jewistan.
Its a shithole nontheless
Did I say that? I said it could he worse.
I'm talking the west,bub. Use your brain.
Aw shit, a former anarcho-whatever idealist utopian turned into liberal democratic pragmatist aka sycophant for the kike system pushing forward with the extermination of the indigenous European peoples all the world because "I've seen the world outside my suburbs, it's bad and mean!".
Welp, I'm pragmatic too, just pragmatically and radically opposed to liberal democracy.
> Yes, they are technically communist
No they're not, Communism requires a stateless, moneyless, and classless society. NK is obviously a state, has a ruling class, and currency.
You're right. Go get shitfaced on the streets all week instead of working in order to show your disapproval
South Korea needs its clay back, I need my korean variety shows to visit new locations!
legit kek
top zozzle, you dont know what that means retard. mao was communist, the kims are fascists
are americans well aware that their nation is the ultimate evil btw? just curious
Me, basically I have always supported the enemies of ameritards.
if shit hits the fan there wont be a south korea too, china won't miss them for sure so its ok for them
I support the people of Nkorea but not the government.
The people are all just innocent brainwashed idiots like us all
To be a Communist regime you also need to be authoritarian. Sounds like it's actually you who doesn't know what they're talking about.
/r/the_donald faggots need to leave. Kim is absolutely our guy.
>to be communist be authoritarian
yes and? still not communist
Shut up
Sit down and enjoy the show
Nothing is expected or required of you
Just be grateful for that
It's a country with no niggers or goatfuckers, so they have that going for them.
It's called best Korea for a reason you dick gargling homo
Our country isn't evil, the ZOG running it is.
Kim Jong Un is Android 19!
>recognizes the State of Palestine
It's a state run, centrally planned economy using collectivised farms with state-funded education and healthcare as well as literally referring itself as a Juche socialist republic.
How is that not communist? Are you retarded?
Trump going in on North Korea is fine, although it should be left to the Russians and Chinese. Unfortunately they aren't doing the same to Israel which is little different to NK, A rogue state holding the world at gun point with nuclear weapons.
Trumpretards are the same as NK citizens
Count me in, fellow poster. I full-heartedly support the DPRK and all of it's goals.
Many people do, 'round the world.
If the DPRK is attacked by USA, they will be exposed for the imperialists they are.
i cant see any protests like "say no to war" etc. at least your people managed to stop vietnam back then. now they dont even give a shit
i wish us nukes every single country on earth so we can leave this planet with honor.
>people on Sup Forums actually defend NK
you can't provide a good reason for doing so, just fucking stop, they've done nothing than be a pain in everyone's side and do nothing but threaten South Korea and Japan with nuclear annihilation
plus their communist, that makes them subhuman by default.
>It's a state run, centrally planned economy using collectivised farms with state-funded education and healthcare as well as literally referring itself as a Juche socialist republic.
None of those things constitute communism unless you're enough of a dumbass to argue that all forms of statism and collectivism define communism
a good number Turk bro. But just like the world is subjected to forceful horror if they stand up against America and the system, we too face the same things at home
how is Trump a turncoat?
war is bad
nukes are bad
kikes are bad
those are legitimate reasons. and no im not a "sissy fag" i've fullfilled my conscription in south east
Right, and has communism ever been tried before?
what if some general betrays the fattie? Or the population overthrow him?
I really don't want to see Seoul glassed...
>it's only the jews that hate North Korea
literally nobody likes North Korea, not even China, they are the most hated country in existence, they have absolutely zero allies, even the Nazis and Soviets had friends
Everyone's opinion on north Korea is invalid here. They would only be able to shitpost for like half an hour a day before the electricity cuts and they starve to death on their ration of rice if they lived in north korea.
No, because it's an impossibility
25 million north koreans total.
50 million Americans live in poverty
so it cant be about poor people.
I think the people there are just happy living as as close to a hive mind as humans can, and certain forces in the world never want humans to be able to work in union like that or even know it is possible, they want every individual full individualized and alienated from any social grouping, that's their psychotic end goal.
the other thing is that north korea is proof that one country can make it on their own. they said fuck comparative advantage and all that other western economics. we will be fully self sufficient and happy with what we make for ourselves and don't have to be reliant on white man or jews for shit.
so of course jews have to send white man to ruin that parade.
look the the fucking leader is a fat tubby degenerate fuck
Supporting DPRK is the popular thing to do. It would be best at this time to contact the White House to advised against further acts of imperialism.
Gas yourself traitor
How you hanging in there, Kim?
>kikes are bad
no shit, but North Korea is just as bad, just because they don't like jews doesn't make them good or worth defending.
this is what you morons don't realize