Sup Forums will be against this

>New York State has passed legislation that would create the largest experiment in the country to offer free tuition at two- and four-year colleges. The Excelsior Scholarship, approved over the weekend as part of the state budget, would cover full-time students in the State University of New York system, which totals 64 campuses and 1.3 million students.

>New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, a Democrat, appeared with Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont and state education leaders in an event hailing the new program, which would begin this fall and is estimated to cost $163 million per year.

>Students from families making up to $100,000 a year would be eligible in the program's first year, and by the third year that would increase to $125,000 a year.

Other urls found in this thread:

Cuomo is a snake

do not trust his lies

>up to $100,000 a year

This is new york. Every family is making $500,000 to survive. This makes no sense. $100,000k is like $10,000k in your shithole city.

>costs 163 million a year for 1.3 million students

So NY public university tuition is $100 a year?

>Students from families making up to $100,000 a year would be eligible in the program's first year, and by the third year that would increase to $125,000 a year

So, it's not "free"

Bernie deserves the rope

>Sup Forums will be against this
Of course. All this will lead to is declining standards and degrees becoming even more worthless than they are now.

Free college
>teachers will work for free
>janitors will work for free
>electricity, gas, internet will be provided for free by the utilities
>paper, pens, computers, light bulbs will be provided for free by companies

>not free

As someone living in New York with a family making a little under 125k, this is not correct.

This. College is getting watered down as fuck and the prices are over inflated. Why the fuck do you want to open up the flood gates to it? This is just liberals trying to feed their propaganda centers.

poorfag detected

Yes my family is. They still managed to put me through college and live in a good area by being smart with personal finances and some luck along the way.

College is just overpriced daycare for young 'adults'. It's fucked anyway, might as well try something crazy to fix it.

>cost $163 million per year.


You realize that 60% of the states population is outside NYC right? 125k is actually upper middle class in most counties

Your opinions dont matter. you live in poverty thats why you require gibsmedat like this thing. Go be a nigger somewhere else.

That 60% dont matter. They will never become anything of worth.

I'm already through college and make much more than my parents, friendo. Even when I was though, no gibbs were had. I can almost guarantee my current employment is more prestigious than yours.

It's watered down deliberately so that more people can attend. More """customers""", more profit.

It's a race to the bottom at this stage. In fact, at some point employers are going to start looking at people who spent money getting degrees as the stupid ones.

Blah blah blah poor fag nigger

Kek, you have no idea how the university uses funds. If anything, they will rid of the bloated administration staff made if mostly women who sit at a desk and do nothing but use the copier every now and then and play Candy Crush.

Also, buildings are made as modern effigy to rich alumni, while actual classrooms and labs are pitifully funded.

Get rid of non essential staff and reduce gender studies degrees to just one course part of a sociology.

I say restructure the entirety of the university system. Decide if it is a place of higher learning or job training. If the latter, some engineering programs have it right. General education the first 3-4 years, paid internships from companies seeking to hire.

If the former should be the reason for the university to exist (which is my opinion) stricter scrutiny on admissions as far as WHY the person wants to enter the university. Not just that they scored well on some arbitrary test and volunteered at a soup kitchen.

It is a double edged sword, because the job market also encourages degree factories for absurd requirements for "4 year degree in something, doesn't matter what" when in actuality trade training type curriculum works for most jobs.

Are you trying to be as bad as a leaf?

>Pol will be against this

Why exactly? I see no harm in this.

Yeah, you really BTFO me. I am BTFO.

>you have no idea how the university uses funds
I made no reference to how universities internally distribute students' attendance fees.

It's very simple, user. Adjusted for inflation, what was the cost of attending university 50 years ago as a multiple of the average income?

And with what level of knowledge were graduating students leaving university?

Prices are through the roof. Standards are in the gutter, and sinking lower.

I didn't disagree, but even free tuition won't take away the professor's paltry pay, nor ruin labs, because labs are already ruined except if some professor cares enough to use his time to get a grant in something not related to his research to gain materials for his undergraduate students (one of my professors had to do this in genetics lab, because they were essentially reducing labs to computer simulated programs the student used, not actual hands on anything)

Back in the 70s my father could work a summer job and pay his tuition and fees entirely with that. No grants or scholarships needed.
>For example, law school tuition has risen nearly 1,000 percent after adjusting for inflation: around 1960, "median annual tuition and fees at private law schools was $475 ... adjusted for inflation, that's $3,419 in 2011 dollars.
Meaning annual tuition for fucking law school should be (adjusting for actual inflation) about as much as the meal tickets students are forced to purchase on campus, and isn't even 1/5 of most public undergraduate in state tuition.

It's another handout for niggers and illegals. It boils down to something like 400$ a semester.
>Free college

Lol suny and cuny schools are mostly garbage party schools. They just want more idiots for their brainwashing facilities

It just devalues New York college diplomas. I don't see the point if they don't also fund the campuses and teachers in charge of teaching them.

Students get less education, too many students will enter the workforce and employers cannot find the skill they need because students weren't taught enough.

I guess mass teaching is the reason lowering expenses, kinda like line production.