Does Sup Forums side with the norks or the nips in the event of nuclear confrontation?
Does Sup Forums side with the norks or the nips in the event of nuclear confrontation?
You realize you're posing this question on the politics board of a Japanese cartoon forum right?
fuck the commies
Wild guess.
Grorious Nippon, of course.
We must secure the existence of our waifus, and a future for 2D girls.
Glorious fucking Nippon, of course.
May your reign
Continue for a thousand, eight thousand generations,
Until the pebbles
Grow into boulders
Lush with moss
Yeah but I see equal amounts of weebs and koreaboo larpers so I wasn't sure.
>Communism vs Degeneration
No one.
Who the fuck would side with the North Koreans?
Banzai, motherfucker.
Norks. Nips are subhuman.
With the nips duh
Nips are bro tier.
Fuck Weebs
This is who you side with my friend.
Japan once they pull out their Gundams and Combattler V's
>Totalitarian dictatorship with nuclear weapons.
>Anime and tentical porn.
Let's just sit back and watch these retards fight, their pants will fall down half way through trip into each other and knock themselves out and it will be fucking hilarious.
>mfw Hiroshima and Nagasaki get nuked a second time
Let's just hope North Korea understands that 2 nukes wasn't/isn't enough.
which one?
>hasn't been in any conflicts since WWII
>have no doubt developed a way to counteract nukes in the case of two more
>cost of living cheap as shit compared to America
>could get a job no problem because nips love foreigners who speak nipponese
Boy oh boy I think I should just hightail it to Korea.
Makes sense.
I would say I support Japan but honestly my country is fucked and my people are fucked. We're actually not worthy of being even compared to the Japanese anymore.
Well, if I have to choose, I stand with Nippon, but I would rather not have them nuke each other.
nippon, but it would be great if NK, SK, JAPAN and China form an alliance and fight the evil of jews/USA