Another flip flop
Another flip flop
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Oh wow he's such a little bitch now.
wow what a complete buffon it's not like he wrote about deal making 101
>getting the Europeans to pay
>now it's not obsolete
>like he said he was going to do
WOW, it's fucking nothing. Go tell David Brock you need more sunlight, ShariaBlue cuck.
Oh no, God save us! Whatever will his base think now? He's just become a total Neocon now, r-right, guys?
>yet another 180 by """/ourguy/"""
Yeah, upboat this post friends and give him plebbit gold,.
he was a buffon when he said NATO was obsolete. NATO is vital for the USA. If you think NATO is a burden for the USA you are a retard.
fucking failure. another campaign promise thrown out of the window.
yeah i don't understand these headlines. trumps complaint with nato from day one was how partners were not paying their fair share and we do all the work. so why have it if we have to do everything? hence its obsolete. now partners are paying and increasing their militaries and roles. so its working as intended, hence not obsolete.
Nato wasn't obsolete even with the small payments being made by European allies.
Nato isn't about money (going to the US).
>Trump also mentioned during the press conference about how he will be talking with NATO about them paying back money they owe from all the years of not paying 2% of GDP
Washington and the media has marginalized him and his firebrands from the campaign are dropping one by one.
The Russia conspiracy narrative hurt and now that his administration is filling out with traditional Republican/Washington/military types they are effectively going to run it and influence him.
There isn't a Hell of a lot he can do.
It's almost like you retards believed liberal media about trump positions
The alt right are now cucks. Congrats guys.
It's almost as though he's receiving more information and actually knows what is going on now instead of blindly making policy on the run as an inexperienced clueless babby.
He drank the dragon's poison.
Folks, it's back to square one. The Jews are just too cunning, we need Christ, he's the only one that isn't suggestible to their cunning.
lumpy trumpy wants to act like big strong tough manly man. lumpy trumpy says drain the swamp, idiot low iq trumpheads say yes big tough manly man drain the swamp and make the scary brown people go away. but idiot low iq trumpheads angry now, turns out lumpy trumpy isnt tough manly man at all. lumpy trumpy takes a lumpy dumpy in his pants whenever the swamp he was supposed to drain tells him what to do. lumpy trumpy just made the swamp bigger and idiot low iq trumpheads are in hysteria because big strong manly tough lumpy trumpy was supposed to make america white again. now who will stop the black guy down the street from fucking their wives? now who will stop mexicans from taking their jobs and moving into their neighborhood? not lumpy trumpy because he is dumpy trumpy. not idiot low iq trumpheads becuase they are cowards who will get their asses kicked. nobody will stop them. idiot low iq trumpheads out of luck.
Op can't into 9999999999D chess.
This. Trump never campaigned on NATO being obsolete, just that we're carrying way too much of the burden.
I thought the swamp was about incompetent people running washington. Trump said himself he was really good at hiring smart people
Is there any campaign promise he hasn't coldly betrayed?
it's almost like he was some unscrupulous business man before he became president and not well known good guy and truth speaker
>people change their views and opinions when presented with new information
fake news 1 post by this id shill poster.
Gorusch got confirmed--but Trump really didn't have anything to do with it. Picked his name out of a hat. McConnell gets the credit on that one.
Dude, he didn't flip, he just did a 360 Degree Inter-Dimensional chess move.
Something can't stop being obsolete you retard. Like, sundials aren't suddenly going to become not-obsolete just because you make a better sundial.
Yeah smart people like Sean Spicer who know that Hitler dd nothing wrong.
at least his good friend shillary is in jail as he said many times during the campaign
Or he actually made Europe pay for all the help they did just like he said in his campaigns? It's not chess it's just a fact.
It's just 5 D C H E S S , right , my fellow CENTIPEDES?
You're right it's not chess, It's just his actual promise
Gucci flip flops
sick reference, bro
Underrated post right here boys, this is what I think but condensed down.
If they can't beat you outright, they talk shit behind your back then bully your freinds
Lol we did not send a single cent yet. So why is it no longer obsolete ? Disband this shit. Fuck NATO
Lots of shills in this thread.
Did anyone watch the news conference?
I did.
Trump said NATO was no longer obsolete because NATO had begun to modernize with the addition of anti and couter terrorism departments.
This all stems back to then candidate Trump criticized NATO for not doing enough against terrorism and now today he applauds NATO as a whole for investing in new departments such as counter terror.
Record corrected. Please be cautious when dealing with click bait retards like OP.
>once a clock is broken it's broken forever even if you fix it
But he only said NATO was shit because people like Hans didn't pay debts.
What a faggot.
He got Ghola'd by the Space Guild.
Welp there goes our plans to retake Kosovo in the next few months
He is basically powerless you say ? Trump is weak and stupid.
pay denbts
>bombed Assad's troops and pursuing regime change
>threw US-Russian relations out the window
>expanding NATO
>preparing for war against Iran
>Obamacare remains intact
>the Great Wall is now a shitty fence
>massive taxation increase
>increased borrowing
>Muslim ban got demoted to just 6 countries, and eventually scrapped
>total u-turn on prosecuting Hillary and the DNC
>ramped up surveillance powers
>purging the nationalistic elements of his team and party
>preparing for war with North Korea
>sucking China's tiny yellow dick and throwing Taiwan under the bus
>supporting the EU by telling them to exploit brexit by stealing business from the UK
The Jews are laughing at us
And we still did not. Guess Merkel let him suck her cock and he changed his mind. What a fag. Also you dont pay either. Nobody does except greece uk us and some baltic shithole. They should pay us to be able to use our territory.
Delicious russian tears
>Washington and the media has marginalized him
I'd say first he marginalized himself by being utterly incompetent and unfit for the highest office of your country.
It's almost like we see these types of headlines each week, then the exact opposite happens... kinda like it's been for over a year now.
>actually has to make decisions with actual consequences
>suddenly his meme tier political practice of shouting whatever comes into his head doesn't work any more
relly mks u tink
Lets hope he sticks with his promises for once and terminates NATO. One fucking job Trump dont fuck it up.
>implying other countries are going to do more than they have been
>implying NATO countries are actually going to pay the US for defense
>implying Trump's decision to get inovled in Syria wasn't due to Ivanka and (((Kushner)))
Neocons GTFO
>Implying anyone listens to anything Donald 'crying wolf' Trump about anything anymore
If you are an American, and you are against NATO, you are actually retarded
NATO was made by YOU assholes. It's YOUR alliance you made to stick your big dick in everyone else's affairs. The Europeans get the short end of the stick because no state is actually going to attack America
Those double digits confirms Sup Forums got duped into supporting Trump. So many fucking in this thread sucking Jewcock for NATO/globalism.
why the fuck would he care about nato? the only worthwhile countries in nato are america, japan and south korea
europe is a sinking ship. Cut us loose for fucks sake. this whole continent is a giant leech
His foreign policies, against Russia, we believe in the same god bro Trump, Assad, is not a crazy terrorist, but the deep state condemns him, my son in law and daughter says so, truly amazing stuff to see the 180... and truly sad. , will Dick Chaney be in the line for Syrian reforms as well? What does it seriously mean to be a republican, same shit as the other side. just a more direct approach
we already know your game shill
now make an argument or get out
wikileaks was backed by encryption and reputation
all of your sources have none
That orange motherfucker
but yet again
kek works in mystearious ways
Why would you not agree with NATO? We (the U.S.) essentially own all the countries in NATO, in return we protect them. You guys dont understand what American imperialism is all about.
>imply trump is undermining NATO
>by asking the germans to buy more tanks that they don't have bullets for
>by asking the french to buy planes that fall out of the sky
>by asking the british to buy trucks they don't have fuel for
NATO was obsolete on 29 August 1949.
>acknowledging the reality of Trump going back on all his campaign promises Sup Forums jizzed over is shilling
Eat ass T_D nigger
WOW! Upboat for you my friend
No its not.
>It's almost as though he's receiving more information and actually knows what is going on now instead of blindly making policy on the run as an inexperienced clueless babby.
No, it's almost as if he now found out that the Deep State is running things and he has to report to his real boss.
You know I'm right by the fact of how half-assedly he does these things. That's how people cope when they receive stupid assignments from stupid management.
NATO was created to stop the soviet union you dumbass
Nah he was just trying to do retarded things on his first day. Once he's told what's what he actually started making rational decisions because he had enough information.
You don't stay a billionaire from not learning from your mistakes.
Typical Russians, always trying to undermine our government.
Fuck off, Ivan.
How do I upvote this?
Broken is not obsolete. They do not mean the same thing. Trump should have said something else if he meant something else.
NATO should have ended right after the Soviet Union did.
the delusion of the T_D kikelets is something else
He is an absolute liar
Looks like the "it's teh russians!!11" shilling finally claimed some poor soul.
>Trump never campaigned on NATO being obsolete
I guess that's why he said exactly that just today you moron.
Clapistanis, not even once.
Lol, as if your (((government))) wasn't undermined before I posted.
I know I'm right, faggot.
Enjoy never having that Wall built.
Quoting CNN headline. Go fuck your self.
If you don't understand what Trump said in the past and what happened today then don't post. Just go make a noose and hang your self.
Glad he's starting to act less retarded.
The globalists and their (((Kushner))) messiah need NATO - and in particular Montenegro - to start WWIII.
They will start wars in the ME (Syria+Iran), Asia (to occupy China), and Europe (to occupy Russia).
Miniscule eastern-European Montenegro can bring no defense to NATO. But what it *can* do is act as the site of a false flag attack. NATO Article 5 says an attack on any member is the same as an attack on *all* the members, and NATO is then obliged to come to the defense of that nation.
So all (((they))) and Kushner need is a false flag in Montenegro, which they will blame on the Russians, and they can claim "RUSSIA DECLARES WAR ON NATO & U.S." and start their apocalypse.
Since the globalists love to show how smart they are, they're even signalling what they're going to do and how they also started WWI - since Montenegro is adjacent to Sarajevo, where the murder of Archduke Ferdinand was the false flag used to begin a century of World War so the international bankers could overthrow the monarchies of Europe and the elected governments of the rest of the world and replace them all with rule by finance (i.e., bankers).
So Kushner and his messianic Lubavitcher Zionist death cult are telling the world they started WWI, they're going to start WWIII, and they're daring any of us to do anything to stop them.
We must stop them.
Good luck with the nuke up your ass, Ivan
inb4 bridges to Mexico
no more
i beg you
>If you don't understand what Trump said in the past
If he never said that, why did he reiterate exactly what he said.
Clapistanis, bane of humanity.
Thread theme
Stop worshiping a man and admit he flipflopped. We're all Trump supporters here, even Muslim of pol support Trump.
>"Good luck with the nuke up your ass, Ivan"
That's stage two, "anger".
Glad to see that stage one, "denial" (a.k.a. 'le 11D underwater chess' meme) is safely behind us.
>don't dare critsize president trump goy or you're a LIBERAL SHAREBLUE CTR [insert boogeyman here] SHILL!
>turn the middleeast into a glass crater XD fuck mudslime terrorists thats why we need to bomb secular arab dictators
>israel is fucking BASED thats why we should pursue israeli interests in the middle east
>wtf is a quagmire? like the guy from family guy XD
>LOL LOOK AT UR FLAG opinion discarded btfo
Fuck plebbit niggerfaggot hivemind
where are your arguments?
are you people fucking meming? How is this a flip flop? He specifically said that the US can't handle the NATO burden alone, not that we are going to fucking leave it.
Why do we still need NATO?
>Typical Russians
You're sounding a lot like the democrats during the elections
>tfw the muppet incumbent of your country's highest office is so shit at wording his politics you fellating chaps have to defend his dumb shit every single day
I'd rather take the good old IF IF IFI FI IFFIIFIFIF IFI FI Obama over that utter moron. You Clapistanis really are retarded.