We were so naive
We were so naive
No, we just took the last chance we had of doing this the easy way. Trump said and did all the right things, he was in prime position to make history, but he chose to be a faggot and suck his daughter's husband's kike dick. Shit happens; it was always a possibility he was a phony, anyone who didn't think that was delusional, but in the end we're no worse off than we would be if Hillary or Jeb were elected. At least now we definitively know that bullets, not ballots, are the only solution.
Im still not sure if he was a phony all along or if he's getting swallowed/manipulated by the military industrial complex
Look at all these fucking shill threads on here
> Whatever Hillary is paying you I'll double it for you to fuck off
>Im still not sure if he was a phony all along or if he's getting swallowed/manipulated by the military industrial complex
Doesn't really matter, either way, the results are the same.
You seem pretty upset Le'monjello.
Did yo nigga fuck yo hoe?
Did she love it?
>At least now we definitively know that bullets, not ballots, are the only solution.
this. we played by the rules and elected a guy who said everything we wanted to hear, and then, it seems, turned everything around. I will definitely never vote again.
hard, almost even cringy, to look at trump memes nowadays
>but in the end we're no worse off than we would be if Hillary or Jeb were elected. At least now we definitively know that bullets, not ballots, are the only solution.
This is why no matter what happens Ill never regret supporting Trump. His election is the proof thats theres a critical mass of Americans ready to show the world why we've fought tooth and nail to secure the second ammendment if it comes to that
>french flag girl
>no black hand grabbin the titty / BBC
its like you dont even want it to look european
>hard, almost even cringy, to look at trump memes nowadays
I've deleted all mine, he doesn't deserve any memes, he should have his image chiseled out of all memes like a shitty pharaoh, his name crossed from the record.
How so? I'm still happy with the results?
>At least now we definitively know that bullets, not ballots, are the only solution.
You're right, its time for revolution
Well at least you know now that all those merchant memes were not just for triggering liberals
Still think its a (((conspiracy))) and that can't be real
The irony is that Trump is probably the least untrustworthy of the three in that image, and yet he's the one getting the most hate from Sup Forums right now.
I am still waiting for this to stop looking like Hilldawg won the presidency.
The rising tide of nationalism was supposed to overthrow the globalists. The constant shilling about Trump/Putin bromance was because the establishment was scared shitless at the prospect of an Amero-Ruskie alliance.
Farage hasn't put a foot wrong. He did exactly what he said he would and has led the country to freedom, or at least the first steps of freedom
Farage has always been the most trustworthy imo. Trumps status as a sheer wildcard has always been a doubleedged sword.
The hate on Trump though is because he is literally the only person in the world in the position to fundamentally remake the global political order. And as of right now he's blowing it. An alliance or at least deep cooperation with Russia is a must if globalism is going to be defeated
This is the real wave
The head of a family of jews or an actual old liberal jew?
Really makes you think
>Le serious post are cringe xD
If you take anything seriously, it's cringe, you have homework to do.
>a jew begrudgingly leads naive youth to war against the white race
>in the end we're no worse off than we would be if Hillary or Jeb were elected
agreed up until that moment
We would've been MUCH better off with Hillary.
T_D fags should be castrated like the pathetic sheep they are.
no, you was.
>A Jew
>on the front lines
Nige is a meme who has gone on record as saying he was proud of destroying the far-right in Britain (not that it needed help being put out of its misery, but it still begs the question). All that energy has gone to a party that has failed to win a single seat outside of defections in over twenty years, one that couldn't even win against a loathsome Labour turd like Gareth Snell in a constituency that voted 60% leave for fuck's sake. This is not to mention that he has some very dodgy views on life outside of the EU.
Trump however just seems to be the victim of an obstructionist Congress and judiciary more than anything.
Having seen the state of some in the 'far right' I feel comfy knowing Farage destroyed it.
If you don't think so take a wander over to VNN UK section. It is a fucking embarrassment.
We do need a right wing party with an armed wing Northern Ireland style.
Trump has got rid of Bannon and started to get the US involved in Israeli wars. On the bright side this really will lead to WW3 as Enoch Powell predicted due to the sheer scale of US global commitments.Sooner or later all this shadow boxing with turdworlders is going to connect.
nice English
I'm personally going to withhold my judgment for a while. He's certianly not been perfect, and he's made a few mistakes, but it's very hard to tell what the ramifications of his actions in office will be at this point.
It hasn't even been the meme 100 days that everyone who doesn't understand the office always yammers on about. It's far too early to pass judgment on him and pretty much anyone who says otherwise is just memeing you, regardless of whether or not they're doing so intentionally.
Congress is just useless right now. But the dems political power is waning rapidly, especially after their muh Russia narrative blew up in their face. Right now the biggest obstacle is that the GOP isnt on the same page. Theres quite a few factions and it will be up to Trump to sell a unified message to congress, something he's struggled with.
The judicial obstruction can only go so far. Its mostly coming from one circuit, that is known for pulling shit in the name of activism. The 9th circuit gets over 80% of their decisions overturned, so they really can only amount to a thorn in Trumps side. We just won the Supreme Court back, which is huge. Can't be overstated.
IMO thr biggest threats to Trump are within his own White House. It is deeply infiltrated. Quite a big of the staff is still establishment that have been able to chip away at his mandate. The National Security Council right now basically amounts to a neocon coup ever since Flynn was ousted. I don't think Trimp is getting reliable intel from them or even good advising.