"The inside story on you young fascists is a lot of you ended up in shock humour/lonely dude forums that nazi recruiters joined. It’s not a fucking puzzle, all the history is on the sites. There you crossed ur nerdy hobbies with ur nerdy resentment. Bunch of fucking nerds with your dipshit teenage beefs probably started with a resentment of woman who won’t speak to you and now you think you have become POI radicalized.
So how did it happen? How did you become a fucking nazi? A bunch of real Nazis whispered poison in your ears while becoming your only community, your only “friends”. And they used multiple levels to make irony and bigotry and fascism more acceptable by drowning it in “oh we’re just joking” So you combine all this with capitalizing on isolated nerd dude resentment and even deeper isolation, BAM nazi.
You can talk to any former “chan” boy and they can tell you how it went from “shotty shock humor” to “white supremacist recruitment”. The “lol only normies care about hurting others attitude” + the general nerd male resentment of these communities. Its prime fertile ground for actual Nazis to grow. People talk about pol, but you need to see the various communities converge. R9K’s “who wont woman fuck me” bs “anything goes and anyone who gets mad is just a normie” vs endless outbursts of anger at everything. Pol here becomes less of an isolated phenomenon and more of a natural end point for all these circles crashing into one another. And pol, also being its own thing, emans it is rolled back into those communities amplifying your worst aspect then roll it back into pol.
So essentially you have an online pressure cooker to turn your typical teenage nerdy bullshit into honest to god fascism. The surrounding of hateful idedas, the detachment from the harm you do? Turning them into “just jokes” becoming your only friends and that just your community you can see it in many others but again your not a fucking mystery."
"The inside story on you young fascists is a lot of you ended up in shock humour/lonely dude forums that nazi...
Nice digits
Tippity top kekkles
He's not wrong.
I think the punchline to shock humor is the reaction Shia
His grammar sucks.
this made me want to sniff gaping anus
When did he say this? Source?
This is written out in a way that makes him sound like the people he's trying to berate. He's come full circle
>I've got you all figured out goyim
>Now excuse me while I live my cuck shed away from society and jack off to bbc
oh fug what if Shia shuts down Sup Forums
its not even his own rant he copied it of some sjw fags twitter
Just today(yestrday) in his art exhibition in Kiasma, Finland.
This was said by him at the exibit
or maybe in an anonymous board, the best arguments are left to stand on their own without the upboats telling people how to think to be included in the club.
You've brought nothing novel to this board. just butthurt frustrations in your blog post. good day.
Great new pasta
He has some valid points, but he's not offering any argument against "Nazi" beliefs. The whole thing is half rant and half pop psychology. Other than calling our beliefs "hateful," he doesn't argue against our positions.
sad many such cases of artists stealing other peoples works and ripping it off.
and hes a fucking furfag no less.
And yet the left couldn't break through to these people.
I don't understand why normies think they can marginalize the youth, insult them to their faces, then turn around and act surprised when "we" (using as broadly as possible) don't support them or vote for their puppets.
Shia plagiarised something? Colour me surprised.
>Implying everyone here is a nazi
I despise Communism, Fascism, Leftwing control of the market and all other fallacies that are contrary to the biblical principals.
There. My reply to whatever you are trying to ask.
Maija Luotonen
Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet
#ALONETOGETHER | LaBeouf, Rönkkö & Turner
#ALONETOGETHER | LaBeouf, Rönkkö & Turner
#ALONETOGETHER weaves a virtual link between Kiasma’s visitors and the artists. LaBeouf, Rönkkö & Turner will spend a month in three remote cabins somewhere in Lapland, entirely cut off from other people. A video link to a small cabin installed in the gallery is their only point of contact with the outside world.
>still calling us nazis lol, didnt learn a thing
>copypasta from a furfag
My god what a big fucking dumb idiot he is...
Wow. That's the best you've got?
Listen. You don't seem to get it. It's not that we don't see eye to eye on certain things- we're arguing from entirely different priors. Let's give a
>quick rundown
>Sup Forums is teenagers
>Sup Forums are all neckbeard virgins
>Sup Forums are all neets
>Sup Forums all hate women
All at least circumstantially true. But, there's one more in there:
>Sup Forums is one person
Which it patently isn't. Yes, there are Nazis. Yes, there are racists and race realists, liberals and communists, depending on what time of day you've come here. There are pranksters, trolls, serious recruiters, JIDF, FBI, CIA, what have you. You're assuming your audience is entirely incompetent, when it should be clear the opposite is true. Thing is, you don't know what your audience is.
So much this. We critically compared the claims of the race realists to the claims of the jews. The jews' claims were found wanting.
They don't know what they're fighting against.
My grandfather had a saying back when he was still alive.
"My generation didn't debate Nazis, we shot them."
Food for thought.
How do we know shia is in Finland? Could be a lie to throw us off. Surely he could be anywhere?
Shia laboof is so close to being redpilled. There no going back for him.
Stale pasta is stale.
Seems like Sharia LaPoof is mad
I miss 2008 Sup Forums
stormfaggots really ruined everything and weaponised a bunch of basement dwellers
Bad news, your granddad was fighting his allies.
That's so deep bro
Perfectly boiled pasta
>a child star with a substance problem and double digit iq doing armchair psychology
You reckon his wife is with him?
Best generation ever. The world would probably be better if everyone on Sup Forums was shot.
I thought the whole point of this alone together thing was isolation from the outside world... yet he's stealing tweets from twitter verbatim...
>Bunch of fucking nerds with your dipshit teenage beefs probably started with a resentment of woman who won’t speak to you and now you think you have become POI radicalized.
>So how did it happen? How did you become a fucking nazi? A bunch of real Nazis whispered poison in your ears while becoming your only community, your only “friends”
so much projection it could be an IMAX
well, that's a huge mistake
Your grandfather was a pussy faggot who used to get post-war anxiety jitters when his wife (now dead) used to jump down his throat for using too much salt.
>diatribe about Sup Forums
>not one mention of the international finance system
I would just suggest looking in the mirror. You call out the hate, but fail to see your own hate. Basically, "It takes one to know one".
Yeah nah you don't
Yeah we should kill all the stormfags like we used to back in the 40s and 30s
Is Shia an hero? I hope he does soon
Listen to me, right? Shia Lebouf is a hardcore motherfucker, I've told you that before. He did time in Pelican Bay because he turned some sheboon into a Pez dispenser back in his Klan days. I mean, the guy will slay you where you fucking stand just as soon as buy a round or clap you on the back.
Now, when I asked Shia to give me his opinion of the President Obama, he said, "Tommy, I've turned out a lot of punks, but I've never seen a high yellow fuck boy as soft as this punk. I mean I'd drive a shank into his asshole just to make a point or if I wanted his corn muffins and he wouldn't give 'em to me off his tray." I realized then that if we didn't start The Day of the Rope, Shia would fucking kill me. I saw it in his eyes.
He even told me as much onetime. My wife, she invited him over for dinner, and he shows up in a Klan coat stained with blood, shit, God knows what else. She screams and he sticks his hand up her skirt, kisses her, then pulls out a straight razor and says, "If your old man doesn't win this race war, I'm going to cut your fucking tits off before I even think about wasting the Kikes."
-Tom Metzger, recounting the tension between himself and Shia Lebouf
No it wasn't you basement dwelling neckbeard.
"My generation didn't help our fellow white man, we cucked for the Jews"
hmm really makes you think
do all (((GREAT)) artists steal ?
Armchair psychology is not an argument.
I'd be willing to bet that most liberals are fucked up in the head anyway. Don't act like your shit doesn't stink.
yes it was. i can look around and see that.
My god
god i love this fucking board
he is kind of right and wrong at the same time, he doesn't see why it would be funny to turn nerds into nazis
Not only is that article complete and utter garbage, that website layout and is fucking horrendous
Hi Jew.
Can't look around with a bullet in your neck nazi.
>yfw yiu are a nazi
>you hang out with bluepilled friend
>you like it
>hide your level
>enjoy life
>vote for a nazi
>watch the nigger and arabs die with satisfaction.
>nobody suspect anything
finally someone said it
Jokes on him, it's never been a joke.
The difference is we have completely overwhelmed his life without hardly lifting a finger. He is punching at smoke while getting internationally embarassed
so intimidating
Because the government told them LE NAZIS are bad. Bet you if the gov't churned out pro Nazi media we would've been on the other side
what a newfag
You can understand me all you want, cocksucker.
Until you stop destroying me, I'll keep destroying you, and I'll win, because there's more of us, and each of us is stronger than all of you.
We are the product of your misery, and we're here to cure all your ills.
>he hides his power level
Step it up.
No clever thought ever preceeded the short sentence "Food for thought", not once in history. It's just like "Just saying" and all that shit. We might as well put a filter on every post that ends like this, because there's nothing to feed my thoughts with here besides your stupid grandpa's stupid quote.
I sure hope I won't be remembered for saying such retarded shit after I die.
We have positions?
jesus, stormfaggots really are deluded
I'll call the Bognadoffs
Nazis are right wing SJWs. infatuated with race, without any real world accomplishments. a bunch of pathetic children. Also, Hitler was a vegan and gay.
All true. Lose the beard and hobo look and then I might listen to you
I'll shoot your eyes, so you can nazi.
Fuck you nazi, we need to purge this site of the nzis!
What is this article even going for? Facts are racist?
dude wat
Except the part where the only "actual harmful" stuff people have done here is play fucking capture the flag
Or report illegal building code violations
Or try to identify terror suspects
Really makes me think
define NAZI please.
Only good Nazi is a dead one.
>nerdy nerd
>nerd nerd
Is Mr. Löböff a highschool jock who is mad that "nerds" are now on top in society?
that site wasn't bad in 2009
well he's not wrong you have to at least admit that
chans are no longer secret if this fucking guy knows about them.
>implying you even have trigger discipline
Let's see your gun commie.
Faggots that dress in black and like to wear that gay looking Buddhist symbol.
I'm a nazi because I ended up on this shitty website.
Not because of the demographic change my country have been going through and all the bullshit it have brought.
My political reaction is entirely because of "dude xd internet culture", not from anything real that is going on with my country, my culture and my people.
Nothing is real, we are just living in our own little bubbles and nothing we discuss on this website is real. Yea right...
Switch some descriptors around and he could be talking about tumblr and SJWs brainwashing kids into being trannies.
no, no. i mean, what the fuck does this post mean?
i'll shoot your eyes so you can? fucking WAT? do you have downs syndrome or something?
Nazis, Fascists, Communists, Libertarians, Monarchists, Anarchists, Zionists... ideology is irrelevent, all of Sup Forums is just a vessel for the power of Kek
Sooo, I'm guessing in addition to the museum cabin, he has more connections to the outside world, such as being able to browse the internet?
How else could he copy that faggot's tweets?