Not a regular Sup Forums user here. How does this board feel about Trump's complete 180 turnaround?

Not a regular Sup Forums user here. How does this board feel about Trump's complete 180 turnaround?

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His election was more about getting the non establishment right wing a win than it was about Trump himself.

not really a 180. He was always a means to an end for most of the anons on the board.

I've been saying since day one that trump is a Zionist shill.

>NOGALES, Arizona—The crowd was small, and Attorney General Jeff Sessions’s speech was short. But his message couldn’t have been clearer:
>“This is a new era,” said Sessions, who sported a dark suit in the hot Arizona sun. “This is the Trump era.”
>And with that Sessions officially weaponized the Justice Department to crack down on undocumented immigration. After taking a private border tour with Customs and Border Protections agents in Nogales, on the southern edge of Arizona, the attorney general announced the feds will soon be spending a lot more time prosecuting people who break immigration laws.
>All federal prosecutors, Sessions said in his slow Alabama drawl, must now consider bringing cases against people suspected of the “transportation or harboring of aliens.” Those prosecutors must also look to bring more felony prosecutions against some immigrants who illegally enter the country more than once and should charge immigrants with document fraud—which includes using a made-up Social Security number—and aggravated identity theft when they can.
>One veteran federal prosecutor told The Daily Beast these changes are a generating significant concern.
>“It’s fucking horrifying,” the prosecutor said. “It’s totally horrifying and we’re all terrified about it, and we don’t know what to do.
>“The things they want us to do are so horrifying—they want to do harboring cases of three or more people,” the prosecutor continued. “So if you’re illegal and you bring your family over, then you’re harboring your kid and your wife, and you can go to jail.”

the sad part is you idiots will still think voting matters next time

1/10 nice try faggot

>not really a 180
ok trumpbot

Its ok to have critical views of someone you still support, you know that right?

Listen up reddit 15 year old fags
enough of this
>le god emperor
>muh 200 D bingo

Supporting any politician - *instead of the policies we elect them to enact* - is idol worship.

Politicians are our employees, and it's up to us to manage them...or "You're fired."

Supporting Trump - and not the policies we elected him to enact for us - is as dangerous as "I'm With Her." It's as ludicrous as being the CEO of a business and saying "Even though he's not doing what I told him to do, I support Abe in accounting."

There has clearly been a coup, a takeover of the US gov't by globalists and the Deep State. This means we, all of us, must work together to retake control of our government. The forces working against us, against all humanity, are both powerful and utterly ruthless. Don't for a moment think they have any intention of doing anything that's in our interest - or even letting us live, if our death is better for them. Read the archived threads about (((Kushner))) and his messianic apocalyptic Zionist cult for why this isn't just a quibble over policy. This is a battle for the future of humanity.

And since Trump has either been MKULTRA'ed or was their mole to begin with, the globalist shills will now be just as hard with "SUPPORT TRUMP" and "ATTACKING TRUMP IS UNAMERICAN" as they were trying to "SUPPORT HILLARY" and "TRUMP IS HITLER."

Don't support *any* politician. Support America, and your fellow Americans.
We are not fucking dogs, so shut the fuck up with this loyalty bullshit.

>he changed is position on syria
>thats some how a full 180
Tbh only voted for him cause of supreme Court seat so idgaf

I can't believe I voted for that conman

about 70% are borderline suicidal and in utter hysterics

about 20% are delusional and still think his behavior must be part of some 10000D chess scheme

about 10% have started convincing themselves they saw it coming all along and that his betrayal was "expected" or something. extremely delusional and unable to cope with the situation, basically. see and

>than it was about Trump himself.

do people this delusional exist? read anything about any stage in Trump's life. it's always about one fucking thing: Trump.

this board is so full of simple minded young people.

I voted for him to piss people off. He did that. I never agreed with all of his jewry, but I loved seeing snowflakes and niggers lose their minds.

If the world is destroyed in fire, it will have been worth it.

Changing one thought is not a 180, its a 90° turn at most.

>ok trumpbot
trumpbot for saying hes irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. are you fucking retarded?

>Its ok to have critical views of someone you still support, you know that right?
yes. and i said nothing against that.

>If the world is destroyed in fire, it will have been worth it.

son, you have played way too many video games.

if the world ends in fire, you get burned to death. you might get to watch your mom burn before you do. Of course you are WAY TOO YOUNG to have kids of your own, but the adults here cannot comprehend "if my kids burn alive, it's worth some reality TV shit being president, because it annoys that girl who won't look at me".

You contribute nothing to the advancement of mankind. Please cease to be,

are you dense motherfuckers illiterate? when i said "his election" im not speaking literally as though he fucking owns it. im saying the election of trump wasnt about him for most of the people who voted.
i voted for him. and i dont support his syria bullshit. just to clear that up.

Syria, China as a currency manipulator and NATO as obsolete. All flip flops within the past week.


you wrote the words. if you wanted us to read your mind, you should have said so.

or, maybe, use the words in this post that you left out of the first one?

>One bombing raid after the video of dead babies popped up. Shows that the US ain't going to put up with shit from anyone, regardless of "muh WW3" fears.

China as a currency manipulator
>After meeting Xi and getting them on board to fuck with NK, he says they aren't a manipulator

NATO as obsolete
>after all the shit the muslims have done in europe recently, NATO comes crawling to the US for help in removing kabob. They make concessions

It's like you're all children that can't understand the complicated long game of politics. He's been wheeling and dealing and getting the US in better position in just about every way possible.

>msm feeds the psy-op of 180 turns and the fags in Sup Forums eat it up
disgusting redditors need to leave.

>you wrote the words. if you wanted u
you took a leap of faith in assuming i worship trump.
post all the memes you want. hes obviously not a putin puppet considering his recent neocon actions. you're probably too retarded to figure that one out though.

Oh hey it's this thread again.

fuck off reddit

nice try, Share Blue. We feel great about everything that is going on. We're winning. Trump is being diplomatic. It's a dream come true, lad. - a real human bean

You seem pretty upset. Did your daddy fuck you?

Did you love it?

ok, i pretty much understood how this board feels
thank you

>You contribute nothing to the advancement of mankind. Please cease to be,

>Coming from somebody who the best part of them ran down the crack of his mothers ass and left a stain on the mattress.

would you prefer someone that is an idealogue or someone who is flexible?

That's alot of assumptions. Must be sad being so deep in your own self loathing that you feel anyone who has a different worldview than you is a child.

This is why the world deserves to burn, people like you made humanity pathetic.


>- a real human bean

lol, you think you're a human bean as opposed to a human being , no wonder you're so stupid you have to do mental gymnastics to convince yourself you are "winning". Imagine the horror of realizing how stupid and worthless you really are?

>bombed Assad's troops and pursuing regime change
>threw US-Russian relations out the window
>expanding NATO
>preparing for war against Iran
>Obamacare remains intact
>the Great Wall is now a shitty fence
>massive taxation increase
>increased borrowing
>Muslim ban got demoted to just 6 countries, and eventually scrapped
>total u-turn on prosecuting Hillary and the DNC
>ramped up surveillance powers
>purging the nationalistic elements of his team and party
>preparing for war with North Korea
>sucking China's tiny yellow dick and throwing Taiwan under the bus
>supporting the EU by telling them to exploit brexit by stealing business from the UK

The Jews are laughing at us, they won.

>You seem pretty upset
no but thanks for the you

Fucking weak. Weeeeaaaaaaak. Work on those insults kiddo.

I don't know what the fuck is going on. Every person who gets far into politics ends up betraying everyone behind them in favor of the same type of shitty policies. It's as if they are being threatened or something, or they know something they cannot reveal to us. It's every fucking time.

Sorry Le'monjello. I was too busy fucking your dad to make insults that got you hard.

I'll let you clean the cum off of his ass later if you are a good boy. I'll even shove my cock in your mouth and fill it with my yummy gummy juice the way you love so much but only if you chant "suck it down for bradly" one hundred times in an hour.

how new are you?

Let down but largely indifferent.
At least my depression lightened up for 3 months or so.
Now its back to being depressed.

I'm not into conspiracy theories, yes.

I supported the non career politicians, i would have preferred sanders as at least he would have been a radical who minimised the damage to america.

After he was fuked over by the DNC i was hoping for trump to win so the ruling wankers can see just how much we've had it with their shit.

I frankly don't care what he does, as long as other politicians sit up and take notice that they must represent the population.

--get rekt fgt

most seem fairly indifferent, there's a few loudmouths trolling with old crt tier shit but thats about it.

Winning indeed