>Is MK Ultra real? Does the CIA control presidents
The answer is "sure looks that way."
Just look at the drastic, 180 degree change in not just Trump's policies but also his behavior.
Last month the MSM was full of stories about how the Deep State was fighting Trump, and how Obama had moved into a swanky new house in D.C. and was vowing not to leave Washington until he had led #TheResistance to overthrow Trump.
Then suddenly Obama flees the country, and Trump becomes Clinton.
Even his physical and voice mannerisms seem off. Trump used to be a very high energy guy, and very quick-witted and verbally sharp. Now his actions seem dull, lethargic, and his tweets sound like they were written by a Clinton speechwriter. Trump gives off the same vibe as MIB's "Edgar the Bug."
Perhaps Trump was always lying to us, perhaps he was a Manchurian candidate programmed for years for just this moment, perhaps when the Deep State felt they were about to be exposed they acted like the cornered animals they were and attacked.
But what matters isn't Trump - what matters is *what we do now*.
This episode is teaching us that instead of the old way of thinking about government, where we vote for who we hope is the right person and then wait for them to care for us, we instead have to be as motivated and as active and as committed as we were all last year. That's what life is telling us we need to do now. Last fall was simply our lesson. Now we need to put that lesson into practice - or all humanity is likely to die.
So we must rise up, and act to once again defend our loved ones and America. Even if it seems impossible, don't give up. That feeling is *learned helplessness*, programmed into us by (((them))) for just this moment. As long we don't give up, we believe, and we keep fighting, we will win.
Don't give up. Believe. Keep fighting.