Ancient "Finns" and "Basques" are the original Europeans. Not INDO-Europeans.
Ancient "Finns" and "Basques" are the original Europeans. Not INDO-Europeans
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Basques are rock monsters that we dress up in the skin of people.
Why? Because it's fucking hilarious, they think they're people
indo europeans are shitskin pajeet larpers
basques are better than sp*nish
So the Finn is the one one the left and Basque on the right?
>Una puta ojita
Entire western Europe has some direct or indirect origin from Basques,but Finns? What were Finns really doing in ancient times?
"Finns" had agriculture 7000 bc, permanent housing 10 000 bc etc. so why wouldn'"t Basques" have had?
Is it true ancient Finns ruled most of present day Sweden?
I wholly and impartially agree my man, truly the purest white genes in Europe.
>the most ancient fishing net ever found
>stone carvings ten kilometers long
>language related to sumerian
>all of european "sagas" telling about
^these and very much more
Basque people are rock monsters, they don't have the need to eat food they just absorb nutrients from the soil and air.
This isn't a hard concept pekka.
Creating the greatest pre-roman empire in history all the way from urals to gibraltar..
Yes, before the "germanics". "Northmen" aka. nowday Norwegians vere the first ones to block "us" from the Atlantic. Afterwards they were united as a kingdom by Finns, basically the same what happened with Russia.
Someone post the Tacitus quote on finns living in "wonderful savageness where they have nothing to even hope for"
Aryans were taken as a lesser race back then. That's where the word "orja" (slave) stems from.
*smacks lips*
All Roman "historians" were ordered to praise their own superiority.
Don't forget
>high quality olive oil
Even nowadays
Pic related is prince Daniel of Sweden, with 100% pure Forest Finn genes
but we are from china
bock saga is the ultimate red pill.
Learn to speak your own language please, don't ridicule us on the internet
Pic related average looking finn
Jk Tarja from nightwish is from Finland and you guys are Aryan as it gets. Tho i haven't listened to nightwish much in like 5 years now
posts a textbook cromagnoid,
pic related is what a real aryan looks like, 100% unreduced aurignacoid bred for social dominance found everywhere where the environment allowed for repeated sexual selection (aka evolution)
Aryan my ass. that fucking square faced bitch looks like a typical finn. she's probably short too, to complete the stereotype.
they are remnant cromags. not very intelligent but loyal as dogs. ugly, but stout. can take a punch to the head like nobody's business.
wandering around the mongolian steppes
pic related
Finns are the most cro-magnons, yes.
cro-magnons and neanderthals beoing stupid is dis-info. Even neanderthals had music, paintings, ancestral burial, boats etc WHICH NIGGERS AKA HOMO SAPIENS DID NOT HAVE AT THE TIME.