Fellow Americans, if you were forced to join one of our glorious five branches of the military, which would pick and why? If you're current or retired military, explain as well.
Fellow Americans, if you were forced to join one of our glorious five branches of the military...
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Air force.
cost guard, not because I dont want to see action, but because I want to fight drug cartels, and the rescuing of drowning people will never make people want to get my head, no only the cartels.
I'd never be selected due to medical conditions. So i'd probably be sat in front of a desk somewhere.
Like my father before me.
"How do you know if someone is in the Marine Corps?"
"Don't worry, they'll tell you."
t. former MM WEP
Navy or Air Force.
I'd be down to fly with some bros in the air force. Unfortunately I'm colorblind so I'll never fly anything but my toy drone.
colorblind people piss me off
border patrol or draft dodge
(Ch)Air Force. I already work as a contractor on satellites.
Border patrol isn't a branch of the military
My dad was in the Navy. My uncle died as a Naval aviator before Vietnam. My grandfather was a sailor in the Battle of the Atlantic.
but OP, I have already joined the greatest branch
Army to fight on the ground
you need this
Marines so I can die quicker.
>those pt shorts
Bruh, Nobody but boot airmen and babyshit Lt's have pt shorts that new.
Was navyfag, When we were working 18 hour days or floating out at sea we always said the same thing. Dam, I wish I would have joined the air force!
Everyone hates it for some reason, but the Army or Marine Corps.
No greater glory than coming back with two stumps screaming at all the "POGs" to get you another beer.
No greater
Freelance. Fuck if I'm going to let my life be determined by some prick with one more stripe on his sleeve than mine, or a politician who wants to fight or defend something I personally don't believe in. If my enemy and my government's enemy align? Great. I don't need permission to stand on my own two feet though.
Air Force is a bunch of focus fag pussies too scared to fight so they hide in a plane.
i would join the army because you're a motherfucking fighting boss ass nigga
>My ID is YRUP
I'm enlisting in the Coast Guard, more because I want to deal with domestic enemies like drug smugglers than foreign ones, but if WW3 Happening occurs I'd be proud to go over there with the Navy.
Pro tip:
>Challenge yourself
Feels great afterwards.
You stationed on base or a carrier?
>inb4 dox
Air Force would probably be the best.
I absolutely love Naval history though, so my heart would tell me joint he navy.
Marines are also not a bad choice.
>air force
Probably Air Force or Navy
airforce or marines
Do you actually think the coast guard is part of the armed forces? Thats a fucking meme
Army because it's not pussy shit like the Air Force and it's not super high speed hardcore all the time like the Marines.
"How do you know if someone tried to join the Marine Corps?"
"Don't worry, they'll tell you."
I'd rather die than fight for (((them)))
Roll in the recruiters smoking a blunt like
U.S. Code Title 14 states that the USCG is a branch of the armed forces at all times. Know before you post retard.
>glorious 5?
Kek. What a fag.
airforce so i can sit at my battle station and kill shitskins with a drone.
most kills with the least risk of death. maybe they will let me drop a nuke after a 25 kill streak
This is the only reason why I won't join. A lot of my family is military and I'm neet fag who's considered it a bunch but can't bring myself to fight for a country I don't believe in.
Yea and then you can claim ptsd for that
the glorious usaf carrier.
Coast Guard, I would love to be a rescue diver.
I have a gentle heart. I don't like to hurt.
But I'm a very strong swimmer.
Already in the Air Force. Air Force and Navy are really the only way to go unless you struggled to graduate high school
Not American, but definitely the Army.
Air Force is for pussies. People who aren't pussies don't have a hard time graduating high school.
Chair Force
Did Air Force ROTC
What if you just want to be a pilot?
Marine Corps because fuck you.
>he isn't authorized to PT in civies
Army then navy then maybe a PJ in the chair force
Then you're a pussy
>marines are also not a bad choice
Nope, sure ain't a bad choice if you're okay with dying 30 minutes after the war starts.
Coast Guard is the best, careerwise, then Navy if you have a good rate.
So fuckin true lol
AF pilot here
Its p good desu
airforce cause im a genius
I was in the Marine Corps. It was ok.
I don't know man flying sounds pretty cool.
We need pilots. If it's what you wanna do, do it.
You have two navy branches? What the fuck?
Why do you think they are called marines nigroix?
Yeah we have one that deals with foreign issues and one that deals with domestic issues, however our Coast Guard does deploy overseas sometimes, especially during wars.
Navy and Marines. While I am no expert from what I gather the basic Navy focuses more on the ship and it's work while the Marines ride of the coattails of the Navy to get their work done.
Of course I could just be talking out of my ass considering none of my family have ever actually talked to me about military day to day experience during their time or actual organization.
I thought marines were just the guys in the navy, didn't think they had their own branch.
I thought about going into the Marines. I still might. Maybe for WW3
>Expecting americans to have a nice and neat organization system.
Our entire shtick is that we pride ourselves on our absolute fuckery.
i was in the coast guard from '01-'09. don't know how it is now but i was an OS. too many responsibilities and micromanaging because the branch is so small.
they're fat and happy so they have no problem kicking you the fuck out
I was actually thinking about enlisting as an OS. They offered me a 10k sign on bonus. What was the job like?
Chair Farce
You sit on your ass for 6 hours at a time and stare at a computer screen. So not that different from your normal life
Enlisted ME here if anyone wants to know about a real job
US Marines is the only option if you're not a pussy.
don't do it. it was 3k when i joined up. it's always a critical rate because you advance quickly and they need juniors all the time.
you need to be good at multi-tasking if you're going to be stationed at a shore unit with a busy port. shifts are 12 hours of non-stop search an rescue if you go to a populated area. you will never be slow unless you have watch during a night shift.
when you're underway you replace SAR with navigation and regular comms.
either way, you're the brains of the CG.
Chair force or CG. Take it from someone who went full retard during the surge.
6 hours my ass. it's double that
I like all the ME shit, but the wait list for A school is 24 fucking months. Is it worth the wait?
6 hour shifts underway, unless your shop has literally nobody
If it's what you want to do, absolutely. There's nothing worse than doing a job you hate for the rest of your career
Marines are shock troopers if anything you send in marines to blow things up then you send in the army to occupy it
Air Force because I am (or will be when I graduate) over the age limit to fly aircraft for any other branch
Marines though I'm kinda small
I always thought paratroopers are fucking badass though like being the first boots on the ground and the tip of the spear sounds like the place to be if your gonna get drafted and have to fit might as well be running with the pros
Thanks man. I've been debating between the two but I just didn't know if I wanted to be a nonrate for so long, but I guess it's worth the wait if it's what I want. Plus OS just sounds like you stand watch for 12 hours and go home.
i dont understand why people think marines are "shock troopers"
you are misusing the concept
Why does your branch rank system look like you just took random words from every other branch and threw them at a wall
Did a hitch in the Corps, loved it, would recommend to anyone fit.
They kinda are every major battle they normally send in specialized troops depending on the situ depends who normally hits the grounds first though marines these days I would consider to be the backbone core of us military
More like the bastardized red headed stepchild that you dont mind letting take on the neighbors pitbull when it gets off the chain
Being a nonrate isn't bad. I was on a 378 as a nonrate and when I say nonrates literally run the ship, take my word for it. Sure, you get shit on by everyone once in a while, but the E-3 mafia is strong on cutters. You'll learn more than you thought possible about people, mechanics, and general seamanship
>you...you...DOUBLE NAVY
Plus the wait is actually shorter than 24 months. ME rate needs bodies to fill billets and they're trying to cram classes full.
That sounds great. How's the ME A school? I've heard you PT a lot but it's not too difficult.
If army is more inland fighting then army.
Fuck the water.
It's uncle sam's retard bin. When ever you need to send people to kill/be killed on the drop of the hat you send marines.
meant for
Perfect time for this thread because I have a question.
What is the MEPS procedure on "scars"?
It has been 10 years and I make an user's promise I'm not a nutjob. They're barely visible and I've passed backgrounds checks to work in a school system around children prior to today
it's filled with Sup Forumstards for some reason
but its also filled with genuine idiots
the only "smart" part of the air force is the officers and only the really technical jobs
I think if they're related to self-harm it can be an issue. My friend had a burn on his arm and he jokingly told the MEPS doctor he "burned himself". They took it serious and sent him home, almost disqualified home. Luckily he was able to come back.