After reading Handmaids tale i can tell you feminism is the only option to prevent women from suffering. Why is this not forced to be read in every school and libary? It shows how the religious right is declearing a war on women
After reading this book i am now a feminist
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I was forced to read it in high school. It's a piece of garbage.
It's the greatest book of all time, any other book is complete garbage.
suffering is irrelevant.
The point of life is too eliminate suffering
Haven't read this shit but from what I heard it soends pretty perfect except fot the religious overtones.
You do realize it's literal slavery right?
If you change the names to Islamic ones, the book is basically about Sharia.
Huh, never noticied that but you're right
So....... it's bad.
You do realize that cunts are literally property, right? They aren't people, they are things for Men to own and use.
The natural order of intergender relationships is not bad.
This was already required reading in my school. We had a bunch of dystopian novels we had to analyse.
Why should I care about women? It's not like they give a fuck about me.
This book isn't about gender roles tho it's like where women are property and aren't considered people. It's not like 1950s gender roles which I am guessing you are thinking of.
They made us read Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark and it spooked me so bad I flew up out of my socks and shoes and my little boy hat with the propeller on flew off and the propeller spun around.
That is impossible as existence in and of itself is suffering
I know men don't care about me because of my father abandoning me for meth, did you have a similar experience with your mom?
Read Brave New World
My mom isn't a woman. She is a family member who happens to be a woman. She is also the same ethnicity as me, not just a random woman.
It's sad how bad the US has got. I hear that drug addiction is very common there now.
You can be my property. I won't beat you every day.
>where women are property and aren't considered people.
Yeah, that's how its supposed to be.
lol, fuck off you autistic leaf, it's one of the most dreary and vapid dystopian novels about 'muh vaginas'
sage for making me reply.
Brave New World didn't really remove it, it just turned into a dystopian dead-end for civilization where everyone was controlled by drugs and became nothing but machines in a society where most people were created deliberately to serve as underling drones in the cesspits of society and humanity lost of all morality, just so everyone would forget about suffering and ambition.
It's the only good book and enjoy your ban.
No they weren't. They weren't a cog in a machine in Brave New World since the society had no goal to achieve. They simply existed for themselves.
It usually gets banned from schools for sexuality.
Everybody suffers in life. Suffering is not gender specific. Powerful and ill-committing people commit acts and create constructs that cause suffering regardless of gender. Both women and men do it. Women do so under a veil that they have recently and ignorantly lifted. Men do so in the open.
To ignore the equal and sometimes elusive hand women play w.r.t to suffering and wrong in the world is to completely miss the narrative of life.
What should be taught more openly are the ways in which women cause suffering. The evils and bad that women commit. The ways they sneakily induce negative actions in others. Thankfully, the modern woman is doing this all on her own as she so confidently has casted away her veil. I hear it referred to as : feminism.
There is no war on women... Never has been.
Nature simply strikes a balance. The unknowing man/woman mistakes this as a 'war' possessed by human beings. Masculine/feminine. Whereas, it is a higher construct beyond both.
As it were, fools will be fools. A great deal of suffering exists in the world because women betrayed their natural gifts and powers reserved for the feminine in an attempt to grasp at those bestowed upon men.
The fallout is occurring before your eyes.
So, you're a feminist now? Enjoy the ride.
> misandric propaganda
>tfw emotionally damaged femanons don't even respond to you on an neckbeard forum
why even live?
>Have a fetish.
>Can't even share it with a femanon.
Life is suffering.
They existed to be somewhat productive, so they could simply live a life of busywork. They were still a cog, but it was cog in a machine that performed for the sake of performing. They existed for the upper caste, and the upper caste existed to run the lower castes. They all existed to make sure others existed as they were supposed to. The only reason there wasn't 'suffering' was because they were controlled by drugs and state education, but lost purpose and the meaning of life, which is fate worse than suffering.
Men are meant to serve their people. Women are meant to serve their men.
>lost purpose and the meaning of life
What the fuck are you talking about? You sound like some kind of kind of dumbass idealist.
Not read the book but the movie sucked donkey dick, it was the kind of shit that Richard Littlejohn would have written if he hated America and Christians instead of poofs and immigrants.
A woman's place is at the side of a man. Faggots like you have been trying to destroy the family unit for ages. You will not succeed, and when the time comes, you will be shot into a mass grave with all of the other degenerate faggots that have ruined the West.
The captcha was helicopters.
I disagree. As long as they are happy it's ok
stfu dumbass
Biology declared a war on women a long time ago.
Suffering is just a choice.
>having ideals is retarded
Spoken like a centrist, but seriously though what's the point of living if everything you do is simply to keep the machine running. Nobody was allowed to think differently, and ideas were controlled through state authoritarianism. You were born to serve in a factory in a higher political station, and your only bodily remains after death were used to produce phosphorous. It's neat having society so 'orderly' but there was nothing we would consider traditional morals, there was no true freedom.
Oh my God you're a dumbass. In 1950s America had the most STABLE FAMILIES on earth. Lowest divorce rate and more families per citizen than any other country. It was after the feminist movement had suceeded.
*or in s higher
>making men suffer is the only option to prevent women from suffering
Sounds like women are bound to suffer, then.
>lol, religious right?
Like Islam?
Just because we enjoy many freedoms in Canada, that doesn't give a free pass to all oppressive religious beliefs
>don't even respond to you
Sorry, I don't want to be property because I like being materialistic and property can't own property so it just wouldn't work.
That's because if women tried to leave then they were beaten and raped
>property should choose to be property or not
Oh, you property-things are so funny.
>A brit claims to know about 50s USA
Come fucking find me then.
>It's another "woman goes on Sup Forums and pretends to be traditionalist when she is actually a feminist episode"
I've been trying to tell the naive guys on Sup Forums this for a while. Almost all western women are feminist, and they also want chivalry at the same time. Western women are spoiled rotten to the core and anytime they get even one slither less than what they are accustomed to they feel oppressed. And what's even worse is that there are so many guys out there who agree that women are oppressed if they aren't coddled to and worshiped 24/7.
Now we're talking.
You're a dumbass. Sharia law is basically far-right fascist slavery
No retard
stop and shut up women
>Sharia law is basically far-right fascist slavery
Then why do feminist defend it so much?
absolute garbage
wtf im aleon now
Because they're idiots
I agree, any book except handmaids tale is in fact abolsute garbage
>It's a, "Oh, no, please men, don't throw us back into the Brier patch," feminist complaint episode.
The lady doth protest far too much.
We read All Quiet on the Western Front in my Catholic high school. I love that book; it's the only book other than Heart of Darkness I've read more than twice.
You know it's from the persepctice of the Germans right?
Women's liberation is the death of civilization. The only reason we haven't completely collapsed yet is because civilizations are impacted by past inertia. However, we are now following dysgenic policies that will actually create the leftist version of Idiocracy and we will collapse eventually. Marriage and subordination of marriage is the only social technology that has been able to harness the cooperation of all able bodied men toward the common good. Without that, you have the phase now of NEETs and MGTOW until the backlash is so severe you see a white "ISIS" to destroy the system and restore the old order.
Women also have evolved the traits necessary for nurturing the next generation. However, these same traits are destructive if applied to statecraft. Thus, women's suffrage was a major nail in the coffin of the West. Policies such as massive social entitlements and immigration are among many of the misguided policies that hamper the long term viability of the nation. Mothers are not concerned about the long term. Their baby needs to eat now. A man will however only wish for the best fit children to consume what limited food they have so the best survive. This balance of extreme dysgenics can eugenics toward the feminine has led to the death of the West. Fornthe men of the West allowing their women to hijack the states, the men will be cucked by other races and other races will take the grossly lower standards of capable civilization. Either subjugate our women or we all fall.
It is not a matter of suffering. It is a matter of natural order and roles necessary for this thing we call advanced civilization. It is fragile and very hard to create and maintain.
ur fat and gay and stupid lol
so is handmaidens
I don't think the perspective matters, mate.
>stop and shut up women
What? I don't understand what you mean by that.
Well, now I have to ask...
Are there women who actually want to be property?
>a leaf
The celebration of Western culture is not the adoration of ashes, but the tending of a flame.
Either we have the strength to make hard decisions now or be forced to make terrible decisions in the coming years.
we've got a canadian civil war here!
Her best book is Oryx and Crake.
That book was shit
Sure they do. The guy just has to be high-value enough and good looking enough and then he can do whatever he wants to women and they'll enjoy it.
>Canada with the shit posting.
Well, okay I guess.
You're saying this as if feminism prevents women's "suffering".
It does not.
All it does at this point is teach them to better take advantage of their social influence for personnal gain and control.
All women do you numb nuts.
They want to be owned by a rich, powerful, charasmatic, funny 10/10 tall strong chad who can take them on adventures.
They want him to OWN them and dominate them.
This is 99% of all women.
You can't prevent suffering. Feminism was supposed to be about rights and not comfort.
>Suck you all the time.
What did kek mean by this?
Feminism increases female suffering.
It's like they don't notice the unhappiness rates increase as their freedoms and privileges increase.
Brave New World wasn't a fucking guidebook. It was a warning.
Something about blowjobs user
kek is allmighty
1984 was the same
all other books are shit
Kek is a pretty cool guy.
He sure is user
he sure is
good posts, lad. brave new world changed my life.
sounds like you got brainwashed, weak brain. SAD!
Well. Whatever. I'm going back to learning about AI and making my own sex slave. Nice thread I guess.
But this guy agreed with me, and it's still true anyways. You just don't want to come to terms with it because you still believe in muh pure lady memes.
Dude... Have you read my posts or...?
when will feminists speak out against honor killings? RIP
>Handmaids tale
>I wonder who could be behind this (((book)))
>google it
>feminism is the only option to prevent women from suffering.
Thats not how you spell concealed carry permit.
>It's the greatest book of all time
Well its not Star Ship Troopers so youre wrong about that too
Yes, I have. You said I was shitposting, but I'm not. Stop being a weak idiot and learn to accept reality.
You also I said I defended women. Where did that happen?
>I'm not shitposting.
Well, it sure as fuck don't smell like roses.
after watching this:
You sound like a fucking retard.
I said what I did here , then you replied and said I was shitposting.
So, again, if you think I'm shitposting because you can't accept reality, it only shows how weak and insecure you are. What a faggot.
>still thinks I'm defending women
>still didn't read any posts
Definitely shitposting.
> feminism is the only option to prevent women from suffering
So why then do Feminists defend Islam?
>i can tell you feminism is the only option to prevent women from suffering
>proceed to not say a shit
Both of you apologize right now!
How did you come to that conclusion? When I read it it freaked me out because of like the modern Left the regime is, and how women are pathetically weak minded creatures. When the gang of them murdered that man who was falsely accused of rape, it was a parallel into the feminists' projecting their rape culture hysteria onto white men, while ignoring the real rapists among them. I strongly suspect you are female or "liberal."
But you're the one who thinks I'm shitposting when I say women want dominant good looking high-value men to own them. Which is true. You're just a pussy who can't accept reality just yet, but give it time, you will.
Checked /thread