How could Spicer forget their suffering?

How could Spicer forget their suffering?

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>being expected to remember an event that didn't happen

Hitler didn't consider jews his own people though. He made that extremely clear

Is Spicer really our guy?

Only 2.7 million!

>Don't forget the 6 gorill-
>oy vey, the Goyim are on to us
>2.7 gorillion! Don't forget!

Yes. Just one more proof the holocaust is a lie and the White House is playing a dangerous chess game. Can't wait for the day Kushner commits suicide with to bullets in the back of his head, good old democrat fashion.


>gassing 6,000 a day
Boy, they sure worked hard

They were supplied with a lot of tacos and chile

>is it 6 million? or is it 6k a day? what's the headline again? ah fuck it split it, 2.7 million, 6,000 per day OY VEY


> 6,000

Just ridiculous, they would literally have a mountain of bodies by the end of the first month

2.7 million is much more believable... holy fuck, is the holohoax actually real?

I highly recommend this film to anybody questioning the Holocaust: "One Third of the Holocaust" by Denierbud.

A two-minute excerpt: "If you're going to get off a train, and get gassed within the hour, and then thrown into a pit; what is the point of a haircut? Yet that's part of the story."

The full film:

See also his film on Auschwitz:

>2.7 million

hmmmmmmmmmmmm something doesn't seem right

Hair for wigs

>2.7 million
Are they going to start teaching this in schools now? Does that mean that all the people put in jail and killed for the holocaust and holocaust denial were victims of a mistrial?

I genuinely don't understand how the hell people can say that 6,000 people were gassed in a single facility without feeling retarded

Where are the wigs?

6,000 times 365 is like 2,190,000.

So apparently they just burned 6,000 Jews a day for a year. Obviously they mean it was spread out but how long was the war? Ten years?

Over ten years (just rough esitmating here) it would be like 270,000 a year. That still seems high. Where were they finding all these Jews?

The fact that there are holocaust denial laws in the first place is highly suspicious, is there any other event in world history with such laws?

When will NY Daily News finally apologize for this egregious slander of the 297 million Jews who perished in Auschwitz alone?

The title obviously means 2.7 just in Auschwitz.

WW2 lasted 10 years

>American education


The point isn't that Spicer thinks the Holocaust was OK. It's the apparently easy categorisation of an entire group of people (in this case the Jews) as 'other'. You might consider this trivial semantics but it isn't. When you can make an entire class of people seem somehow outside of the 'normal' population it rapidly becomes easier to take away the rights and protections that the rest of the population consider automatic. Hitler did slaughter 'his own people, the German Jews.

The way that Spicer classifies people in this example as either Germans or Jews is an insight into the way the Trump administration classifies people as either Americans or Muslims. It's a slippery slope to persecution and worse.

The same education that Spicer received tyvm.
I'm glad he has enough sense to question the illuminati history books desu senpai.

Aushwitz is in Poland, so it was constructed and then operational or five years

>was obviously talking about deploying them in battle
>sorry goy can't mention Hitler or ww2 without forgetting the 60 million

Auschwitz was constructed before the war and before Germany even got there.

>2,7 million
This is some 6 million D chess right here

They burned the bodies
Ashes take up a lot less space

I'm sure Turkey has something on the Armenian genocide

>nazi soldiers gassed 250 people, touched their bodies covered in cyanide gas, and burned their bodies in a single hour

There would still be ashes and evidence of major burnings in the area

>gas 6000 per day
>2.18 million per year
>all from one camp
>15.28 million across all camps per year
>61.15 million total during ww2
>only 2.7 million murdered total

Wow, they really aren't even trying anymore

In the very least there would be traces of zyklon B gas in areas where there was accused gassing

>touched their bodies covered in cyanide gas
They wore gloves

>They burned the bodies

You realize the bones dont get away by stuffing a body in an oven for 30 minutes.

takes 2 hours for a modern day oven to burn a body

> be high ranking Nazi
> be in a brainstorming session for the war effort
> the fuhrer gets up and speaks:
Gentlemen. We are losing the eastern front, it's too damn cold our men and machines are freezing solid. Any ideas of what to do? Anything at all? We are very desperate.

> mosquito buzzes my ear
> Hitler looks right at me
> OMG he thinks I raised my hand
> have to think quick
> meant to say I was just touching my hair
> he's looking at me intensely now. Goddammit I'm a dead man.
> I double down
> I'm sooooo fucked
To keep them warm? Like insulation?
> a light. Salvation.
Yes! Keep them warm. We must get lots of hair for the war effort.

>and history was made.

See One Third of the Holocaust at 3h2m52s, where the film-maker shows this by cremating a leg of lamb on video:

Why is there a mosquito during the winter?

never forget the 1.57 million

Hitlers bunker was in Brazil.

>his own people

i dont recall anyone calling holocaust victims german

and if they assimilated they couldnt be singled out

just saying


Thats a lot of lamp shades!

never forget the nazi platforming levels they were forced to play

does anybody have the one with axe throwing nazis on motorcycles?

What the hell is this

oy vey 60000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 died goy

Horrifying stories told by persecuted holocaust victims.

It's a shame they're just that, stories.

Just found this one

Wow 6000 a day. Those 6 ovens must have been working overtime.

Someone have the Jimmy Neutron Father debunking how many Jews were gassed pic?

4 jews gassed a minute?

I gotchu

Guys don't make passes at girls with fat asses but Nazis throw axes at Jews who steal glasses.

>even in made up stories the Jew must take more than is his. Even if the only thing to take is another man's water.

"The wrong glass" is somehow more absurd than the axe throwing motorcyclist. Like they had special Jew glasses and he accidentally grabbed the one for homosexuals.