Francis you moron, what the fuck are you doing?!
Francis you moron, what the fuck are you doing?!
This cuck pope must be removed.
Remove this Blasphemer!
I have been telling you guys for a while. This guy is the false prophet that will put the antichrist into power.
time for an antipope catholicucks
the world has gone upside down
when this pope was chosen he said "may god forgive you for this" that says everything
He's speaking metaphorically. By "making Himself the devil" he means taking on the punishment for our sins.
They even admit this in the first link. WTF are they butthurt about?
By the way, why did they chose him? The black guy was next in line after the senile German pope.
Jesus did what the Lord of the OT didnt want.
He tried to give us the Longevity of the gods.
The lords of the garden or the archons live for a very long time and the Chief archon was worried that we were gonna eat from the tree of life and have the same long lives as them.
So we were banished from the garden.
But Jesus came to give us life with the Bread of Long Living and the Elixir of Life.
He tried to give us the Eucharist at the last supper.
>implying people actually read the articles and not just the headlines
>He tried to give us the Eucharist at the last supper.
Still counts as eating human flesh which is a deadly sin.
Friendly reminder that the Roman Catholic Church is under the control of Satan and the biggest altar in the world is a symbolic message that represents dead sheep.
He's a fucking commie and commies are atheists.
What happened to all them priests fucking children in Vatican? Since JPII died I haven't heard about it in media. They all died or something?
Are you writing some D&D campaign?
Kek has spoken
>implying the lugenpresse doesn't take the words of the pope GROSSLY out of context
black guy, black pope, kek
The pope works with MSM...
He is there to push for more refugees.
>What is reconciliation? Taking one from this side, taking another one for that side and uniting them: no, that’s part of it but it’s not it … True reconciliation means that God in Christ took on our sins and He became the sinner for us. When we go to confession, for example, it isn’t that we say our sin and God forgives us. No, not that! We look for Jesus Christ and say: ‘This is your sin, and I will sin again’. And Jesus likes that, because it was his mission: to become the sinner for us, to liberate us. [emphasis added] - Pope Francis
This guy needs a serious intervention.
i wasn't religious until this pope started saying things i knew were wrong. fuck francis. he's a war criminal and his fake news won't keep him safe forever.
Vaginas did that
Jesuit Pope should learn to speakada Queens Engrish before taking his 1 billion+ legion back into the dark ages, where the Papacy has always longed to be.
American nativist fags will never stop giving us shit over this
All the old sumerian myths say the Anunna gods ate a Bread and drank and Elixir of life.
Its the same as the Greek Ambrosia that their pantheon ate to have long life.
Many of the myths says that it can also be used to bring the dead back to life. Like Jesus was able to do.
This doesn't sound like a holy spirit talking through the pope at all.
Based Black Pope fucking hates Muslims, apparently. Would have been cool.
>works with MSM
OR He's a third worldist who is a product of soviet subverted South American Seminaries
i have a letter from him, he was pretty nice i dont know what happened
why are those priests planking?
Don't start bitching now Poland. It was your man Wojtyla who made the damned man a Cardinal in the first place. Not that our "precursor of the Antichrist" Ratzinger was much better.
And this is the Mystery of Christ. Paul, when speaking about this mystery, said the Jesus [sic] emptied himself, humiliated himself and destroyed himself in order to save us. And (what’s) even stronger, ‘he became sin’. Using this symbol, he became a serpent. This is the prophetic message of today’s reading. The Son of Man, who like a serpent, ‘became sin,’
Well after all of those /xpol/ threads prior to the election, mentioning of a serpent really activates my almonds.
Gustaf Adolph come back, everything is forgiven
The pope figure is something I really don't like about Catholicism: religion should be close, personal, and "human-sized" so to speak, not a worldwide institution with an absolute leader. This pope made it even more clear to me.
Literally what did he mean by that?
These truly are the end times.
Wojtyla still was the best pope. His ecumenic bullshit seemed to work pretty well.
He is the mouthpiece of G-d you stupid goy!
Is there some obscure Catholic rule whereby you can kill a pope and have him replaced? Because it's fucking time.
That feel when god became gay/mad in your lifetime. What changed him? A great mystery I guess.
No, but if he stops being Catholic he stops being Pope and Popes can be retroactively unPoped IIRC.
Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil because the Serpent said that when she partook in it she would become more like the gods IE: the lords of the garden; Archons.
We would be able to gain the ability of Procreation.
When we ate from that fruit a man would know a woman and they could pro-create.
But the Demiurge wanted to keep us from the tree of life.
He is the Jealous god.
No he wasn't his words were quite clear and what he said was with out a doubt blasphemy
Nobody will touch him. ISIS loves him.
Your fucking cosmic frog buddy is not allied with God. He's the reason we have the antichrist for a president because we bestowed our digital energy on the stalking horse Trump.
isn't christ god? and didn't god make the devil?
>hey guys check out this dank black guy in a pope hat, fucking based!
Supposedly god made an angel that turned into a prick, rebelled, got kicked out and became the devil.
Nothing to do with that. I don't want non-Europeans flooding into Europe, but the Catholic Church is the Universal Christian Church. In a religious sense, I have no qualms with non-white persons taking the seat of Saint Peter. The Pope is no longer a secular ruler, so there's no problem here. The Black Cardinal was the only one that I was aware of that was vocal in his disdain for Islam. Kys
Trust a brit to suck nigger dick.
Are you a Chink or an Abo?
I'm white but thanks for asking Abdul.
Precisely, Benedict XVI resigned right when the pedo scandal was brought up in a major scale. Cuck Francis did nothing about it but the MSM were dazzled by an SJW.
Lucifer and Satan are different beings you retard. Lucifer is the Fallen Angel. Satan rules on Earth, Jesus Christ rules in Hell.
>The Pope isn't the antichrist, they said.
Pick one
This anime is getting too weird.
From a gnostic point of view Christ is the son of the Father of All.
We call him the Divine Autogenes.
God to a gnostic is the Creator of All that IS. The Supreme being is the One or the Monad. For short just the All.
He is not the Lord of the OT.
Lord are Archons and the One is not an Archon.
Christ is an Aeon and Aeon are emanations of the One.
The One is the Aeon of Aeons. They live in the Pleroma, it means the Fullness.
But our realm is Lorded over by the Demiurge. He is the ruler of this Material Realm.
Satan is not a name its a title for the Adversary of the Lord of the OT.
Satan and Yahweh are the same type of being. But Satan started a rebellion among the other gods and lead them away from the commands of Yahweh.
A lot whiter than your country, how does it feel having a muslim in charge of your capital?
Pope Francis is unironically why myself and my father converted to Lutheranism. Are family is hardcore Catholic but my dad and I are very conservative about it, and this cuck Pope was the final straw. I simply couldn't lie to myself anymore and make excuses. If the Catholic Church props this man up as the Vicar of Christ, then I have lost all faith in it. The Church has become the Whore of Babylon. I might look into Orthodoxy in the future but for now #I'mWith(Lut)Her
>From a gnostic point of view
I knew that we can't trust those Argentineans
The catholics have always been a bunch gold hoarding cucks
It's why theygot rekt by based Gustav back in the day
prove it.
The chief watcher/archon declared himself the creator. He just couldn't tell that there were beings above him in the pecking order.
Jesus/Lucifer/Horus are sparks of the creator spirit. Yahweh/Set is the chief archon, a jealous and blind God who declared himself above all others.
The 'creator' spirit is the all. Yahweh is what happened when the all split enough times that a being with an ego separate from the all occured. Looking around and finding only himself, he declared himself the creator.
Gnostics are cancer and they pull shit out of their asses.
I am leaving the church entirely over this awful cuck and when I give them the necessary papers I will make sure to mention that he managed what various pedophile scandals didn't.
The Nag Hammadi was a very important discovery.
You should read them sometime.
>because Jesus was a bad goy who didn't toe the line so he must be the devil. Poor roman jews just wanted to hand out gibmedats and give people jobs.
Weird, they don't say which commandment he broke though. Really heating up some nerve cells over here. I wonder what message the pope is trying to get across..
the catholic priesthood is a bunch of FUCKING PEDOS of course they love JEWS and MUZZIES. BOTH PEDOPHILE RELIGIONS
>t “the memory of him who has made himself sin, who has made himself the devil, the serpent, for us; he has humbled himself to the point of complete annihilation.”
In his arrogance, Yaldabaoth boasted to the other archons that:
"I am God and there is no other God beside me!"
Yaldabaoth was weak and ignorant, because he didn't realise that were any power greater than him. He thought he was the First. Yaldabaoth had sinned for saying these words, which was why he was called Samael – "the blind god". He has another name – Saklas, a name usually assigned to Satan.
It was Sophia, who rebuked him and gave him this name, Samael.
"You are mistaken, Samael"
After this boast, he challenged the voice:
"If any other thing exists before me, let it be shown forth to me!"
So Sophia stretch forth her finger and brought limitless light into matter and the region of chaos.
The chief archon trembled in fear.
When Yaldabaoth and the other archons heard the voice. They sought this voice and traced the voice to the abyss, where the chief archon saw the reflection of his mother in the water. They want take hold of the image but could not. They were ignorant and weak, because they didn't understand that the image was reflected from above.
"I am a jealous God, and there is no other God beside me."
But by announcing this he indicated to the angels who attended him that there exists another God.
For if there were no other one, of whom would he be jealous?
Deuteronomy 6:15
for the LORD your God, who lives among you, is a jealous God. His anger will flare up against you, and he will wipe you from the face of the earth.
Exodus 34:14
For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God:
Exodus 20:5
"You shall not worship them or serve them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children, on the third and the fourth generations of those who hate Me,
Your opinion.
Christianity should come back to ancient philosophy and natural law. Modern Christianity is making a whore out of logic.
>bringing up the fucking Demiurge
Satanael did nothing wrong.
So your choice is to stay Ignorant.
Catholicism is the weirdest larping shit.
oh ok. gotcha.
God, i hope your wrong.
>Its all unfolding
Yes, fuck you snake oil sellers. I'm sure at some point you will become a coach or an NLP book seller.
>Religion should not be an universal, clear truth, but a "make your own God" kit where any retard creates a fanfic in the toilet and call it a day
The temples should be cleansed from idiots like you
The eternal cathlicuck reveals himself
September 23 is unfolding nicely
>mfw too thoughtful to pick any denomination
Forget Catholicism, Protestantism, Orthodox, etc. Just be a non-demoninationmong.
wow those are some really impartial sites you got there.
That's a protestant denomination
Become a Discordian pope.
Eris is the original kek that works for both right and left.
The Fake Pope must be destroyed.
I have better sites in polish but you wouldn't understand as google translate is not that good at translating cursing.
you Follow the Bible. What does the bible say, is what you're to focus on. The bible itself said Call no man father for God is our only father, and Jesus himself said this.
Matthew 23:9
Verse (Click for Chapter)
New International Version
And do not call anyone on earth 'father,' for you have one Father, and he is in heaven.
New Living Translation
And don't address anyone here on earth as 'Father,' for only God in heaven is your spiritual Father.
English Standard Version
And call no man your father on earth, for you have one Father, who is in heaven.
Berean Study Bible
And do not call anyone on earth your father, for you have one Father, who is in heaven.
Berean Literal Bible
And call no one your father on the earth; for One is your Father, who is in heaven.
Verse (Click for Chapter)
New International Version
He replied: "Watch out that you are not deceived. For many will come in my name, claiming, 'I am he,' and, 'The time is near.' Do not follow them.
New Living Translation
He replied, "Don't let anyone mislead you, for many will come in my name, claiming, 'I am the Messiah,' and saying, 'The time has come!' But don't believe them.
English Standard Version
And he said, “See that you are not led astray. For many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am he!’ and, ‘The time is at hand!’ Do not go after them.
I feel like everything is becoming a absurd parody of itself
Am I slowly going mad or is this really happening?
Did you ever call your biological father "father"?
>“It draws attention,” he noted immediately, referring to the passage of John the Evangelist (8:21-30), “that in this short passage from the Gospel, Jesus said three times to the lawyers, to the scribes, and to some Pharisees: “You will die in your sins. ‘” He repeats it “three times.” And “he says it,” he added, “because they did not understand the mystery of Jesus, because they had closed hearts and were not able to open them a little, to try to understand the mystery that was the Lord.” In fact, the Pope explained, “to die in your sin is an awful thing: it means that everything ends there, in the filth of sin.”
But then “this dialogue – in which Jesus repeats three times ‘you will die in your sins’ – he continues and, in the end, Jesus looks back at the history of salvation and reminds them of something: ‘When you have lifted up the Son of Man, then you will know that I am and that I do nothing on my own.’ ” The Lord himself says: “When you have lifted up the Son of Man.”