Eurislam : The final solution


I know what you're thinking. You're sperging out thinking this is achmed. It's not, just hear me out.

Christianity started off as an awful religion promoting very similar shit to islam. Rebekka was 3 years old when she was married to isaac. God was vengeful and mentioned killing unbelievers all the time.

But you know what happened when whites got their hands on Christianity? We used rational thought to turn the religion to our own ends and make europe GREAT.

Christianity however, is dying. You already know this, between a cuck pope, dwindling followers and the rise of athiesm.

However, i propose that whites could seize islam from the shitskins, thus forcing lefties to accept us or we use their own tactics against them and call them bigots.

>We can cut all the pedo and murder and rape shit as we're whites and have done it before with christianity.
>We can keep all the good shit like women not being able to vote, modesty

And it's important to note this does not mean we accept shitskins at all. Islam can be seized to become a white religion and we can tell the savage subhumans to fuck off.

My devil trips speak the fucking truth and you know it.

I can pre-empt any of your arguments.

Other urls found in this thread:

I can pre empt your arguments
>Muh evil religion
like Christianity, us whites can apply our sense of morality to it and make it good.

>Muh islam ruins nations
Wrong, the religion is not to blame for the middle east being shit. Subhumans are.

Name one good subhuman non islamic country. Oh right, you can't.

>Muh it's not european and we have heritage
Yes, but neither was christianity. We are just repeating what we did 2000 years ago.

>This means immigrants though
No, it does not. Lefties won't be able to dictate shit in islam and this means we can secure our borders

>Women will be treated horribly
No, we're not subhumans. We'll put women in their place, but we won't treat them like subhuman shitskins do. We're white.

This. Converting to Islam is the real red pill.

Either we use it as a mean of stopping degeneracy and jewry.
Either we'll keep on leading this long long fight

islam is about arab supremacy

I saw how Chechnya treated gay people few days ago. And I'm sorry but they're right. I don't want my children to be dancing at gay prides, with flourishing aids and weird people.

>Mutilating your dick to please an illiterate Arab cave dweller
Yeah... No.

We're white, this is a detail.
Keep your degeneracy Sven

>western """""""men"""""""
>not inferior to arabs

This is the most flawed logic I've seen a really long time.
>Sieze Islam from shitskins.
I haven't had a kek that strong for months.

I do wonder how great it would be had Muhammad been a 8th century trader in frankia. imagine a white european 'ummah' armed with ideas as jihad, harsh penal laws, a simple monotheistic creed, even more expansive drive, a strong european culture as indivisible part of the religion (as arab culture is with islam),....

but your plan is utopian I'm afraid.

>We're white, this is a detail
Really? Try getting rid of it then.

>Following any teachings of an illiterate Arab cave dweller
Keep Islam to yourself, Oussama.

>>We can cut all the pedo and murder and rape shit as we're whites and have done it before with christianity.

>>We can keep all the good shit like women not being able to vote, modesty

As we have failed in before, with christianity, you should add.

Keep your degenracy with yourself, Sven.
Don't bitch if you get runned over trucks then.
Follow the teachings of kikes

If Europeans became Islamic we'd just change it to a warped form of Islamic European Paganism.

We should just become pagan again and let civilisation collapse. Modern civilisation is just helping the shitskins.

This. So much this.
I must admit, islamist terrorism is fucked up but damn, the only religion that can be offensive when it comes to protect a nation is clearly Islam.
Christiany became too much "love & peace" now

Or we could just return to tradional Catholicism?

>no sexual deviance
>strong family values
>emphasis on helping your fellow Catholics
>disregards greed, avarice, envy and all other sicknesses of the ego


Do you really think it'll happen? Let's face it, Christianity is dying in the West. And Islam is rising because it's getting 'trendy'.
We tried Christianity, it didn't work. We need something offensive, we need something rough, we must stop this hemorrhage. I'm sure you'd get btfo if you tried degeneracy in an Islamic country instead of accepting it with full tolerance and ignorance like our hurt west does

The frog makes a compelling case.

Rebecca and Isaac weren't Christian dumbass. They were the ancestors to Jews (Jacob/Israel).

The Old Testament is in the Bible to show what a shitty God the Jews worship compared to the benevolent New Testament God of Christ..

indeed. read up "germanisation of christianity" and the heliand.

it is the process that transformed christ from a meek lamb into a warrior by the missionaries, as it was the only way to sell christianity to the germanic tribes.

now imagine that "germanisation" combined with islamic fanaticism. would be the crusades on steroids

I got my dick mutilated just cause 'murica.

We don't fucking care, that's not the point it's not religion class here.
Very interesting.
We all know that bringing back Crusades to nowadays is delusional.
I'm ready to leave crusades and take Holy Jihad in order to save my nation.

I'm afraid you've yet been able to "pre-empt" my argument.

Let's get this straight: you're proposing that we start following the teachings of an illiterate halfwit Arab who made up a story of God speaking to him in a cave. A story which, conveniently, made him a king and gave him all the land, gold and women he could ask for. And since the other Arab halfwits had shit for brains, they believed every word it.

You're proposing that we not only follow along with this bullshit story, but that we also elevate this man as the prime example of a human being?

Again, Oussama, you can keep your mutilated dick and your Islam to yourself.

>Lmao lets see if we can make Sup Forums follow Islam XD XD They're so dumb unlike us /leftypol/!

It's not a terrible idea, but it will take time. And lots of it.

Ahmed, don't you have some goats to fuck?

So... become more Sharia-compliant than most muslims, based all on emulating Allah's perfect man warlord muhammad, and use Muhammad's war tactics of political conquest to conquer all of the Muslim world. seems a strange way of doing things. Whatever happened to building walls around things?

>adopting the religion of the people attacking me is red pill and not capitulation
You're the reason the West is dying

Islam literally believes all the old testament kikery. It's closer to Judaism because Jews think Jesus was a false prophet

Why not start a new religion to antagonise the left and the muslims called Malsi, that is a right wing westernised version of islam with all the cool cinematic stuff kept in, like the choppery and the stonery. And then to shut us up the left will need to address islam finally, in order to give us 1 less thing to parody them on

Yes yes fight your """"enemy"""" the evil Muslim good goy good goy 0.01 bit-shekels have been added to your account

You can reduce every religion/story as a "bullshit story", at the end of the day this bullshit story not only have 1.8 billion of followers but was also a great object of studies for many white European historians.

These teachings aren't limited to circumcision or things like that, these are details, and as whites, we can deal with it. And oh please literally everyone is getting circumsized for sexual aesthetics

At the end of the day I always see on Sup Forums, Sup Forumsaks bitching about degeneracy, about how our Western world is cucked, submissive, about how they want to bring the Crusades back, about how much they want to stop the jewry with the help of the Christian values. What are the Christian values now? This is only 'peace and love', Christian piety is dying in the West and yes this is wounding.

I'm ready to take Islam and transform it into a white kind of Islam in order to save my nation. I'm sick of the West turning into degeneracy everyday, LGBT aids pride, girls with no values fucking every boy they can find, sluts on the streets, punks and homeless peoples dirty as fuck, people with no values. Do you want this for you children? Blatant degeneracy?
Well I don't.
Now just imagine a WHITE Islamic nation, remove all the stereotypes you have about arabs and Islam, remove it all, imagine if Islam was a white religion and imagines how the values would be respected. The only one fighting for their religion right now are Muslims, they're ready to literally die for their faith. While we're just crying and bitching everytime a terrorist attack happen.
I want to save my nation, I want to wake up, I don't want to stay cucked and stuck in the past and I want to take every opportunity to save my nation and Islam is one of them.

>Pic related: Royal family of Jordan, a Muslim country

Why not just become sikhs and start butchering muslims globally? I mean if you want to adapt a third world cult, might as well go for the most up to date version.

You're a fucking moron and probably a kike. The moment your white Islam starts opposing regular Sunni Arabs they will declare you a heretic sect and kill you like they do the Shia and other minority Islamic groups.

Enjoy being the target of a holy war now that they think you are insulting Islam with false teachings and not just being a dumb infidel.

The other side is that Muslims believe in a borderless caliphate so you will have to allow every nonwhite Muslim in or they will go back to what I said before and declare you a heretic. Gulf Arabs determine all the doctrine, so whites would just become subservient to another race of desert semites.

The best reason for becoming a Muslim is so that you can be anti-semitic as fuck. Just say that you stand with your Palestinian brothers.

Religion in general is dying, the sandnigger os is rising because your kind is getting imported to support our expenses.
What makes you think the people who hate the idea of duty and commitment will all of a sudden start to like it because it's repackaged? Maybe some will convert, like people aleady do, but they either become suicide bombers(do it correctly) or just stay mentally ill faggots. Their attitude to life hasn't changed at all.

>These teachings aren't limited to circumcision or things like that, these are details, and as whites, we can deal with it. And oh please literally everyone is getting circumsized for sexual aesthetics
>getting your dick desensitised to be pretty

top kek

also, circumcision isn't mandatory in islam

>Christianity started off as an awful religion

No it didn't, dipshit.

Is this the new muslim brotherhood meme stormcucks are trying to push?

>we hate jews because they let violent minorities into our countries to attack us
>but you shouldn't hate those violent minorities kuffir, if you fight us the jews win

nice taqiyya

If I was a kike I wouldn't be promoting Islam, at all.

Oh please, Shias and Sunnis stopped their catfight and you don't see Sunni Saudis killing sufis or other non-classical Sunni Muslim way of thinking.

Literally Islam is growing in my country, I might prefer take it, use it as a mean of power instead of letting it flourishing in my country while I can't even identify myself to it.
And don't talk to me about Le Pen, we all know that she won't remove Islam for France.

Yeah no your argument of borderless caliphate is dumb there aren't any caliphate established to this day, even in Islamic nations.
We're in 2017 we have immigration policies.

True Christianity puts tradition and church authority over personsl interpretations of the bible. That's why it was so flexible. Islam will always put the Koran first.

It did. You're just stuck in your amerifat christcuck pride. It started with Saxon Wars, papal cruelty in Western Europe and forced conversions as well.
Islamic conversions made up 70% of all of the religious conversions in France last year...

>Sunni Arabs they will declare you a heretic sect and kill you like they do the Shia and other minority Islamic groups.

We can deal with that problem when it comes along, for now though something must be done about the massive amounts of Jewish degeneracy in our society.

Islam acts as a shield against liberals. We can do whatever we want and they won't say shit because we are "muh oppressed muslims". OP is spot on.

Self defeating argument. Almost all the "antisemitic" Palestinian activists support mass immigration - especially for their fellow Muslims - making them indistinguishable from the Jew.

Islam is foreign, as such we don't need it. Religion is just there to promote your people and culture. You either get conquered by Islam like what happened to us with Christianity or you resist it.
Voluntary conversion is for cucks.

This is a good idea. Put women in their place, don't let them vote (and thereby let their hormones ruin the nation) but make them loyal housewives and mothers, like in 1950s America. Use economic jihad to take out enemies like Russia and China/scientific jihad to improve on our god-tier military

Refuse entry to those who threaten to pollute our gene pool, after all Islam is supposed to be the pure religion.

Holy shit OP, great stuff.

I've often wondered what would happen if some people decided to form their own competing Islamic State...

Like Islamic State II. Or Democratic Republic of Islamic State.

Whites would probably be able to reform Islam and turn it into a civilized religion. Real reason why the Islamic world is in deep shit and full of radicalism is because they're 80 IQ brown subhumans.

Islam is not the solution it's the problem. Dualistic ethics, not all equal under the law, and authoritative thought, not critical thought.

If you want to save France become Angry Funny Voltaire, not Muhammad.

This, plus a jizya could be applied on immigrants so we won't have to spend money and they wouldn't have to rest on our welfare.

And because of our national faith, if a country try to mess with us, we might as well go full Jihad on them.

>If I was a kike I wouldn't be promoting Islam, at all.

Of course you would you fucking scheming kike. It's Jewish doctrine that Jews can worship in a mosque and not a church. Christians are idolatry to Jews and Muslims aren't.

Polling in America shows Jews even like Muslims more than they do evangelical Christians.

Face it, Islam is beloved by the Jews, which is why the Jew media cries Islamophobia all the time and Islamist pedophiles get no punishment from the Jewish court systems.

how would you prevent race-mixing? islam isn't ethnocentric or racist at all, its only end is that everyone becomes muslim, so similarly to christian doctrine there would be nothing to prevent it.

>Islam is not the solution it's the problem
KIKERY is the problem, and well, let's see who hates kikes the most after Hitler...

You'd be better off trying to seize Judaism.

Muslim countries ban ursury which is one of the most sadistic Jewish inventions ever made.

Jews hate muslims and muslims hate Jews. I don't know what it's like in your country but in arab and western countries things go the way I described.

>Rebekka was 3 years old when she was married to isaac. God was vengeful and mentioned killing unbelievers all the time.

fucking godless faggots all of you french swine. all of what you said is incorrect

>Christianity however, is dying. You already know this, between a cuck pope, dwindling followers and the rise of athiesm.

only in the west and may i inform you catholicism is not all of christiantiy, protestant yanks are still pretty fundamental and going strong. I hate you french fuckwits.

>However, i propose that whites could seize islam from the shitskins

and fuck you again! protestant christiantiy created RACISM. we should go back to smth like southern baptist or whatever.

Fuck off Ahmed. Semitic religion is cancer

I can't even tell if you guys are being ironic or not anymore

All of those in prison because the sandnigger gangs rape you if you dont, about 100-1000 in total.
No, religion is dead in the west, and islam is dying the same death. Sure, they cling onto it and try to show their strenght like the tribal apes they are, but the spirituality is dead. It cannot compete with materialism and socialism that killed christianity.

Yea, all this requires me to become a fucking muslim.

I'd rather die Muhammad.

Between Putin worship and posts like this I've never been more certain this board is full of the cuckiest cucks on the entire planet. Grow a backbone you spergs.

Lol, if I was a kike why would I be promoting my biggest enemy?
Why would I be promoting a religion who clearly says that at the end of the world, my biggest enemy will be the kikes?
Why would I be promoting a religion which is practiced the most by antisemites WORLDWIDE?

Don't you see how antisemitism grew in Islamic countries because of Palestine? From Morocco to Indonesia, berbers, arabs, blacks, central asians, and asians muslims are literally ALL ANTISEMITES because they share the same religion.

>let's trade one meddling desert race with power over us for another!
You people don't know the first fucking thing about the Jew trick you're falling for.

Clerics in Saudi Arabia determine Sunni Muslim doctrine. Arabs. Not white men. You're giving control of your whole system to these desert fucks or they declare you a heretic and kill you. Now you have an even more overt "Jewish problem".

If we are the good part of the islam..for what do we need islam then ?
Everything you said only means islam needs us to stay alive..
Which makes it obsolet for us.

but thanks for pointing out that we already evolved past such a stupid desert barbarian religion.

the only thing you weak pathetic fool want is to hide behind shitskins to get what you want.

If we are not proud of ourselve we will always lose...
And we would have to fight the same wars or statistically even way more than now.

Complete bullshit thread by a weak minded fool who was scared of achmed on his way home a little bit to often.

Leave these Deus Vult memes... I was loving them too before, but in this world the only ones dying and killing because of their faith are Muslims. Not epic Christians.

>It started with Saxon Wars, papal cruelty in Western Europe and forced conversions as well.

it hasnt even started like that...that was later when vatican took power.

>Clerics in Saudi Arabia determine SUnni Muslim doctrine
Stop saying shit, you clearly see that Saudi Arabia doesn't choose anything for th eMuslim world here.

fuck with your middle eastern religious bullshit. We never needed that shit in the first place.
>daily reminder that it was the monarchies of Europe that made it great and the church which kept us in squalor
Even the fucking crusades were started by Kings not the faggotry mudslime apologetic church.
Well at least I am protestant than and not some shitskin who follows a old pedophine in a white robe.

Islam is literally a jewish joke gone too far. Why do you think they make their pets go around a shed covered in birdshit three times, mandatory? Mohammed was a jew who wanted the revenue from another jewish tribe. If you are really against jewish influence, you wouldn't shill for the jewish slave race religion.

So this whole thread should have been you saying let's become Jewish bankers, not muslim reformers, if it isn't islam taking over France by being forced upon you that's the problem

What a waste of time this thread is then

>many traditional Jews do indeed feel there is a prohibition against entering churches but not a similar prohibition against entering mosques

Biggest enemy hmmmmmm? Quit kiking up the board with multicultural propaganda
>convert to the religion were destroying Europe with white goyim
>pure coincidence we can worship in their mosques and not your churches
>le red pill Islam stops degeneracy, just ignore the pedophilia goyim

ok but how do we larp that muhammed was white

The very fact that this discussion can actually take place without OP being censored for a dissenting opinion is a testament to Sup Forums's quality as a platform.

>t.someone who doesn't even agree with him

>We never needed that shit in the first place.

yes you did you snowniggers, christiantiy made you into 1st world once you said goodby to it you got ahmeds

Yeah Islam is a jewish joke, that's why Muhammad annihilated a whole Jewish tribe.
At this day, the only bank not owned by Rostchilds Jews is a national bank in Iran, an Islamic republic
What you don't understand is that I'm not promotic multiculturalism at all. Indeed I want to take Islam in order to UNIFY our nations, without neglecting the immigration policies.
And please, pedophilia is sentenced to death by Sharia

Honestly, I have wondered how Islam would have shaped Europe and come to the conclusion that Europe would have been better off, especially if we picked it up around the Golden Age era and progressed it from that point on like we did with Christianity.

A Germanic version of Islam would be god-tier.
Ruthless, efficient, sense of purpose and would seriously have kikes shitting themselves.

We say Muhammad was actually named "MacHummus"

MacHummus is our prophet

Yes it does. There's functionally very little difference between divisions in Sunni Islam. The people who interpret the koran to decide what is haram or what has a fatwa against it are all Arab.

You're creating a world where nonwhites can literally declare something haram and whites must follow because muh Muhammad. It's the Jewish Problem writ large.

Also the truth of Islam is that its a celtic religion

I'd reather die than accept to believe in a false prophet like Muhammad

Yes, a jewish tribe. One. Doesn't change the fact he's a jew still, and a convincing one at that. Managed to trick generations of shitskins into worshipping him.

THANK YOU based Irishbro.
A Germanic version of Islam is my dream, as much as the Germanic version of Christianity which gave Christianity weapons to fight.

It would be the greatest enemy of the kikes and would stop their kikery that they push on us.

we were never very religious in the north. Neither when we were pagans or christians.
We converted to trade with you faggots and then our nobility pretended to give two shits about the church. It never caught on as you can see in history. Why do you think all northern Europe is protestant you idiot?
Now fuck off with you filthy little poorshit.

Muhammad wasn't executed for raping a 9 year old. They still do that shit in Yemen today with no punishment.

You can't polish a turd, you dumb fucking frog

you need to head home to Morocco nigger.

Why do you need another Jew creation when Nordic religions were just as fine for war?

>halfwit Arab
>A story which, conveniently, made him a king and gave him all the land, gold and women he could ask for
>halfwit Arab
>halfwit Arab

Are you an idiot?

>Why do you think all northern Europe is protestant you idiot?

I dont think that. It WAS christian and protestant for some time, now you and sweden are turning into 3rd world. you were worthless as pagans.

Yes ONE. And how many did Jesus or its followers annihilated? 0
And you know what more? Jews in Medina were imposing taxes on all of the other tribes, and who came and whipe them out? Muhammad.
And who came and imposed Jizya on their Jewish asses? Muhammad.
And nowadays, who is sucking kike's dick? Us.
He's not a Jew stop with your nonsense

Interesting point. According to the Bible, the 'first Arab' was Ishmael, who was the son of Hagar, Abraham's slave/mistress.

I like Christmas and Easter celebrations go fuck yourself.

the only policy we should adopt whole-heartedly towards islam is a scorched earth and gas chambers.

If a retarded child takes all the candy from the kids on the short bus, does he stop being a retard?

>guize i promise im not ahmed
>pushes pisslam
>french flag

no, thanks, you can keep it

These are pagans
And again a retarded briton who doesn't understand shit.
I'm literally telling to modify Islam in order to use it as a mean of religious power and you just yell "muh ahmed". I don't even want women veiled.

Stay in your shit, Jack. Instead of taking it as a mean of power, keep letting it rot your nation

He is a jew, he just rebranded himself.
> gib all your shekels goyim
Literal jew behavior
As to who is sucking kike dick, look at the places the shitskins live in. They are being kept in zoos while their countries are being pillaged for anything useful. You think you have it bad because the sandniggers are allowed to walk where they want? Well go down there to see for yourself what selling out to the jews does to you, and then think long and hard if you want to sell out as well.