>Rome, the greatest civilization that ever existed was made by Latinos
>meanwhile ''the superior'' aryan race was pillaging and raping villages and living like animals
Why did you lie to me Sup Forums?
>Rome, the greatest civilization that ever existed was made by Latinos
>meanwhile ''the superior'' aryan race was pillaging and raping villages and living like animals
Why did you lie to me Sup Forums?
city of Rome itself was built by greek aristocracy
who were meds
Still not Aryans tho, thank the ''inferior'' race for spreading catolicism and making them to behave like humans
Latinos are descended of Portuguese and Spaniards who settled in the Americas. Latin is from Italy by way of the north and was just another Aryan descended people.
Latinos are descendants of Iberians who descended from Rome and Natives. Latinos did not create the Roman civilization. Latins were an Italic people influenced by the Etruscans (who were an isolate) and related to Celts.
>raping pillaging and living like animals
>Brazil 2017
Wew chimp
Latins were a race grown from the soil of Italy and, if we believe Virgil, Troy as well.
Latinos are a mix between Native Americans, Sub-Saharan Africans, and Iberian Europeans.
Civilizations rise and fall, so it is utterly irrelevant what the Germans were doing while Rome's republic flourished. Because while the Roman empire began to fall, the Germans began to flourish themselves. And soon the Teutons were putting their cocks in late Roman pussy.
no they were black!
>Made by latinos
so the romans were greater than the inventors of the internet?
Latino (/læˈtinoʊ/ or /ləˈtinoʊ/) is a term often used to refer to people with cultural ties to Latin America and people of nationalities within the bounds of Latin America, in contrast to Hispanic which is a demonym that includes Spaniards and other speakers of the Spanish language.
Try again you dirty spic!
Because the heavy, metal, ox-drawn plough wasn't being used to till the heavy soil in Northern Europe yet, so only sparse populations could be supported and cities were impractical. Cities, and denser populations in general, allow for a freer exchange of ideas which generate scientific and cultural achievements.
the latins were indo-european = aryan = white
Did you know the Romans couldn;t afford to build the Parthenon, so they looted the Jews Gold and Silver to pay for it. Hoodlams
>assuming those are the same thing
Persians had sewerage before Greece and look at them now ...
I vostri latinos sono ispanici, noi siamo i latini originali.
E svegliati che non è merito nè della razza, nè del colore ma della cultura.
>new world mulatto and mestizo latrinos pretending to be roman
it was the Greeks who built the Parthenon you absolute faggot, neck yourself before I do it myself.
Latinos are the rape babies of said Portuguese and Spaniards with the natives of Central America. It is the only reason latinos have a higher IQ than blacks.
At least here, "latinos" are brown guys with beautiful eyebrows who drive cars with tacky decorations and speak English-with-a-Spanish-accent and Spanish-with-an-English-accent.
>Iberian peninsula was rome
fuck no, Spaniards were savages that Julius Caesar had the pleasure of reking
Italians today aren't the Romans of yesteryear
see: Muslim invasion of Sicily
see: Visogoths
>latinos waz romanz n sheit
Rome is in italy you fucking retarded HUE HUE
Italians are descendants of ancient romans.
The Etruscans were entirely ethnically Italian, and they were the first kings of rome.
The natives are mongoloids.
Mongoloids outperform whites on IQ tests.
Ergo, you'd expect latinos to be somehwere in between mongoloids and caucasians in IQ.
Truth be told, the Germans managed to destroy it, and in addition to that, establish empires of their own on the continent.
But Europeans are Europeans, devoid. Division is not a good thing. This is some shareblue tier divisiveness.
1. That isn't pride due to you, mongrel
2. The germanics and the Scandinavians lived in cold af conditions. A lot of their architecture was practical
3. They shined in terms of craftsmanship and combat, with Germanic tribes, when united, stood squarely against polished, shiny legionaries.
5. Once given the concepts of civilisation, the northern peoples of Europe became the gods of the new world.
6. The great med civilisations are dead.
7. What you did doesn't matter
8. Latin countries are now complete shit, especially Brazil
9. Your time has long since passed and your points haven't been relevant for thousands of years.
Wrong. Iberians descended from the visigoths who were germanic.
Modern day south american "latinos" are mixed to fuck so i doubt anyone could claim his people built anything.
you said Parthenon, don't give me off-sauce stuff.
>american education
they are not latinos you stupid fabela monkey, they are latins.
>Parthenon in Athens built under Pericles
>Panthonon built by Rome
>first Panthenon built by Agrippa, under Augustus
>First Jewish War under Vespasian/Titus
>Pantheon burns down around 80 AD
>Built again by Trajan (most likely with gold from Dacian campaigns)
No where do Jews come into the equation, as a Jew I can make many claims about poor treatment by the Romans but that is not one of them
both romans and germanics are europid indo european u fucking niggers /thread
>Romans make an Empire of Darkness that rules Europe through terror, filled with all sorts of decadence and degeneracy and still never surpassed China
>Germano-Celts create a system of governance based on law and equity that spreads all over the world and reached the absolute pinnacle of Human advancement so far which is only now approaching Roman levels of degeneracy
Really makes you think. I still think we can bring our morals back to the values of the White Christ, as opposed to the non-white brown Mediterranean values of deception, peadophilia and laziness
>mongol invasion
>Muslim genocides
not the same
Please stop with this meme. Pic related, Romano-Britons about to gut a Germanic Saxon.
Not just we English, but the French as well who are descendant from the tribesmen of Gaul and the Germanic Franks
>never surpasses china
Bullshit. Empire of free men, order, power, and slaves over a waring bunch of mongoloids tyrannically oppressed and eternally enslaved. In no way was fucking china, who hardly expanded past their territorial borders anywhere close to Rome.
Latino pride worldwide!
If you're talking about the English then you might want to consider that the first Anglo-Saxon monarch to put together a coherent set of written legal provisions was Aethelbert, who did this upon receiving the Gregorian mission, converting to Christianity, and working closely with 40 monks from the monastery of St. Andrew in Rome including St. Augustine of Canterbury.
Latinos? How on earth did Amerindian blood got in pre-oceanic traveling era?
>>Romans make an Empire of Darkness that rules Europe through terror, filled with all sorts of decadence and degeneracy and still never surpassed China
Did you study in the United States?
The varg pill isn't anti African you moron. And read the thread. OP got raped.
This is basic tier red pills. Nordic people are better organized and cleaner. But lack the self-agency and theory of mind to build complex civilization without help of the meds.
What's first isn't really what's being talked about here.
Fail 0/999999999999999999999999999
The fuck am I reading
Latins =/= Latinos
I'm Italian motherfucker, not Mexican. Give us our flag back REEEEEE.
>The belly button is where the penis hides.
My favela dwelling compadre I do not blame you for this low level bait but please do nit slave away your time for 0.2 $ an hour, shillimg for the Jews. You could learn a trade, read, become a better person.
Don't we have a thread RIGHT NOW about how you as a policy forced race mixing to "breed out the nigger" like fucking retards?
Nonsense. There are environmental factors involved, as well as cultural ones. When they went for society, all of a sudden the philosophers and civilisation itself was property of the northern peoples. But don't be fooled into thinking this matters. All Europeans are white. All European peoples take turns at becoming the greatest in the world.
He's not far off. By 390 AD at the time of Rome's fall. Migrating bands of Goths, Visigoths, Burgundian, were already major population from which Rome supplied their auxiliaries. After the fall, these became Visigoth Kingdoms that were crushed by Umayyad and successive Andalusian rulers in 710 to 760 AD. Then around 1100-1200s there begun effort under Frankish forces to remove kebab from Iberia which continued way into 1492. The current Spaniard is therefore a predominant mix of Frankish-Berber-Gothic genetics and far removed from anything remotely Roman when say compared to parts of Italy.
What's being talked about is claims that "Germano-Celts" in England created a system based on law while conveniently neglecting to include the fact that the only reason this became a practice is because Benedictine monks from Rome taught the Kentish (and subsequently the Northumbrians and East Saxons) how to do so in the first place.
I get tired of this >muh meds vs nords bullshit, and I say that as an outsider who is neither Mediterranean or Germanic/Nordic. Europe's history has been one of reciprocity, constantly trading and building upon the ideas of others. People trying to simplify history or deny this reciprocity in order to advance claims about the supremacy of one group over another are a tiresome bunch of bastards.
Eastern Eu people:
Great minds, lack organization, what they have is traditional patriarchy to the core.
>belly button
So Tiberius looks like a guy who is only 1/4th Italian?
>The current Spaniard is therefore a predominant mix of Frankish-Berber-Gothic genetics
Iberians are genetically no distinct from how they were in the iron age. I hate this replacement meme so much.
Decadence and degeneracy. OK, the Dark Ages with the Church lands nonsense, de Medici popes, paying off your sins. But no, it wasn't the proper kingdom of god, no, no, they just did it wrong AND that is why we have to try again.....sounds familiar
>The current Spaniard is therefore a predominant mix of Frankish-Berber-Gothic genetics and far removed from anything remotely Roman when say compared to parts of Italy.
The Roman influence in Iberia is negligible but it's not because Iberians are a "mix of Frankish-Berber-Gothic". Franks had virtually no impact on Iberia outside of the Marca Hispanica. The Berber contribution dates to pre-history, while the Gothic contribution is practically as negligible as that of the Romans. The Suebi had a reasonable degree of influence on northern Portuguese and Galicians, but even here it's relatively minor.
Modern Iberians are for the most the descendants of pre-Roman inhabitants of Iberia; a native Iberian substrate with a Celtic superstrate.
Mhmm. I once had to convince a Romanian that he was probably not Latin. He showed me words, I showed him facts. Fun times
no!! turks and arabs raped every single woman in greece an italy they iz rapebabies!!! they invaded in 5:1 ratio and completely outbred them!!! they are extinced,,, nords are the real greeks and rowmans!
White people are the most diverse race genetically. Genes effect more then looks, they affect behavior. There is a fundamentally different cognition or sentience between South Europeans and North Europeans that is patently obvious from the kinds of society they build both today and historically. When I meet a blonde or a Italian, even one from USA, I can predict their personality before I ever talk to them. Because it's genetic. The idea that personality and intelligence is genetic is a basic tier red pill too.
Boy we haven't seen this thread before
>hues and beaners try to claim Greeks as latinos
You Favelados are getting more retarded by the second.
Gonna need a contemporary source for that one, cowboy
You mean Etruscans not latino
>What is human anatomy
>Europe's history has been one of reciprocity, constantly trading and building upon the ideas of others.
True, but there's an argument to be made Northern Europeans advanced quicker than anyone in history, every major modern invention is due to Northern Europeans, with some help from the Italians and Slavs. They went from relative backwater to world-conquering and modern-world inventing in a remarkably short period of time. I think the mark of intelligence and success should be, after the first initial waves of civilization, how fast you catch up when given the opportunity and resources, and how quickly you advance beyond the previous accomplishments. By that metric, Northern Europeans are the most successful people on earth.
Romans are Italians, Latino minus the mestizo shitskin inferiority
No the Latins were a distinctly different ethnic group compared to the Greeks. They were never a Greek colony as can be attributed to Massalia, Neapolis, Syracuse. And it even took a while before they merged their deities to respective Greek counterpart gods. They were native tribes that had inhabited a bit north of current Tuscany before they wandered into Etruscan lands and taking everything for themselves and writing history.
They respected the Greeks in their culture, but I see that confused you into believing they were both one and the same
everyone knows rome was built by furries you dumbasses
Fys degenerate fag
You must have visited your Buddhist teacher today and he told you, 'free yourself from your ego.'
So you made this post to invite the downfall of your mind. Wonderful! I will try shitposting as well. All the hate will destroy the last vestiges of the self. Put your self on the line and suffer! Brilliant!
That wall just got 10 ft taller
real aryans migrated to india faggot
1/4 Italian REEEEEEEE
He's not implying that though. He's just saying Rome was built on and inspired by foundations laid out by the Greeks, which is true to an extent. They're were many Greek settlers in Italy before Rome even came into existence (Magna Graecia) and they left a huge impact on Roman culture. Rome was not at all an exact carbon copy of Greece but the Greek contributions are clear.
>They were never a Greek colony as can be attributed to Massalia, Neapolis, Syracuse
Can you elaborate I think I'm misudnerstanding
Haha at Brazil hoping they are somehow relevant in history.
Brazil is the true heir of the Roman Empire.
No other country in history has inherited so many Roman traits.
>Lingua Latina
>Panem et circenses
>Boipucci appreciation
>Get fucked by Germans every 4 years
Just to name a few.
We WUZ and still are Romans.
Nordicists are such rats.
>An extreme position of Nordicism is not helpful to our Cause today, especially since some of our best Aryan Warriors are far from Nordic in appearance.
Presumably because these cowards can't do anything without allies, the same people they belittle when it is "helpful" to their cause. There are few things in this world I hate so much as Nordicists.
This is bait or south americans are just plain stupid. I choose the latter.
Got the bad, none of the good.
You must have missed the part about boipucci
It was made by mediterraneans,
not Latinx
This so fucking much. 100x worse than afrocentrists.
The Mediterranean Race ARE ARYANS ALSO you stupid fucking subhuman nigger monkey.
Fuck you, aryans can't even poo in loo let alone use bidet.
questo e vero
t, fag learing Italian