Get #Holohoax into mainstream

The holocaust is a lie \(=^-^=)/
>number of people gassed is mathematically impossible, would've taken thousands of years
>no gas remains found in literally any camps
>gas chambers were dated and found to have been constructed after the war
>like in other allied camps (USA, UK, France), typhus was always the biggest killer so that's why all the dead piles of bodies have been shaved, an attempt to stop the spread of typhus
>camps had football leagues, theater, medical care, dental care, their own currency, swimming pools

Other urls found in this thread:

The holohoax is a myth and even the ADL admits that 44% of youth don't buy it. Only baby boomers buy a giant lie built on widely disparate and contradicting stories (many proven false) and the idea that all physical evidence and the lack thereof should be excluded from the conversation on penalty of prison.

I still prefer to argue that internment was more than justified. I bring up the 1918 German communist revolution where 90% of the leadership was Jewish, kike Lenin and his kike NKVD murdering any halfway intelligent ethnic Russian after the civil war, Jew NKVD head Yagoda and his merry band of kikes famining 6,000,000 European Christians around the Black Sea in the 1930's, etc. etc. etc.

Post your Holohoax infographics

Short ones preferably

>camps had football leagues, theater, medical care, dental care, their own currency, swimming pools
The kikes have invented nifty ways to explain all of these away. The holohoax is one big scam to hide the holodomor and aremenian/greek genocides which were Jewish genocides, the first one more so than the last.

I encourage everyone to read up on the Donmeh (crypto-Jews) in the Young Turks and the NKVD in Eastern Europe if they think the Jewish cancer only afflicts the west.

wrong pic


It wasn't a lie. You're pathetic piece of shit.
>number of people gassed is mathematically impossible, would've taken thousands of years
This again? Debunked a billion times. Not even gonna bother, just look it up on youtube.
>no gas remains found in literally any camps
[citation needed]. This is simply not true, there were many gas chambers found with clear traces of gas being used. Just take this as an example:
>gas chambers were dated and found to have been constructed after the war
Conspiracy theory. Zero evidence exists for this.
>like in other allied camps (USA, UK, France), typhus was always the biggest killer so that's why all the dead piles of bodies have been shaved, an attempt to stop the spread of typhus
So working people to death and not giving a shit if they get sick and die is humane now? It's still genocide.
>camps had football leagues, theater, medical care, dental care, their own currency, swimming pools
They didn't. I'd love to see your source for that, though.


even if the holocaust is real i don't care

Spend less time pretending to be a goy flying goy flags and more time calling out this shit if you want prevent assbooting #110. Filthy kike rat.






All of these holohoax threads just end up with a shitload of non answers and 'prove it didn't happen' (impossible). This is why I rather argue they deserved full internment and deportation. It's very easy to draw parallels to the American situation. Both countries let these kikes in with open arms and treated them as brothers, until the snake bit them in the ass.



If children under 10 were all burned alive...
what about all the children rescued from them?

i don't even care to entertain any of it anymore, fucking Jews and their lies.


This is what Hitler meant about the big lie. Jews invent something so ridiculous and hammer on about it so often, that simply questioning something that was allowed to proliferate for so long goes against our innate nature to trust our elders and our tribe.

Until it all collapses. This is the part most people forget. It always collapses. The Jewish press fervently denied this Jewish connection until they couldn't deny it anymore. They blamed the loss of WWI on one general instead of Jewish agitation and societal subversion of the German people that let their families in as refugees only a few generations before.

Same shit as Ukraine. Ukraine saves the Jews and then the kikes famine 6,000,000+ of their people in the 1930's and rape it into the ground in the 1990's. To top it off they just installed Jew President Valtzman and Jew Prime Minister Groysman. Ffs.


This. When I see modern mainstream media going on about "SARIN GAS" even though it almost certainly wasn't used yesterday. After enough repetition people just eat it up. I can't help but wonder how far up it goes.

bumping for antisemitism :^)



i would guess that this one is nice and simple for normies on goybook or whatever

Essential viewing:

Denierbud's "One Third of the Holocaust" -

By the same filmmaker, Auschwitz:

And Buchenwald: A Dumb-Dumb Portrayal of Evil

Sup Forums is too busy being brainwashed by shills to actually try and change mainstream political thought

i prefer lolocaust myself

Yeah. No. The /nsg/ group has got more than 1,000,000+ views on our prop videos in the last year.

There were more than 15m views between just 20 translated speeches since 2014 as well.