Are Mexicans really white?

Whenever I watch TV I see Mexican TV shows and everyone looks white to me.

Why not let the undocumented stay?

Shitty bait from a NorK proxy, but I'll bite.
They cast the whitest, prettiest people in those telenovelas. The illegal immigrants look like squatemalans.

North Korea? are they really evacuating Pyongyang?

In NYC a few people thought i was Italian for some fucking reason and not purtorican. I don't think i'm white but i don't fucking know. Something funny tho, i don't have a dad and i used to pretend he was "italian" and iv found white women are more open to me if i say i'm half Italian for some reason.

Around 10% - 15% of Mexico is white

As Trump said, they're not sending their best.
Many of them aren't even Mexican but have passed through Mexico from some other squatamalan country further south.

Hi Kim.

Northern mexicans tend to have more white genetics, the further south you go the more native they look.

Most mexicans in texas are of northern origin, here are the contestants for miss latina houston

are all of them mexican?

Mexicans identify as Mexican to outsiders but when we take a closer look within Mexico we see a great racial disparity between the Mexicans with actual Spanish-Euro blood being among the educated, successful elite and then we see the dark-skin Mestizo who tend to be the criminals and lower class.

Mexican is a nationality but it's not really an ethnicity.

I've met Mexican girls who are completely White and I've met Mexican girls who are poop colored and smell like urine. It's not hard to tell which ones are descended from the Europeans and which ones aren't.

>Pic Related
This is the most famous boxer in Mexico right now.

forgot pic

>What is make up?

ill let you in on a secrete chink. Those are not white people but brown ones.
Have you never seen white people?

>post picture of brown, blackeyed dark haired women
you talked about white people? Post some burger

as a mexican faggit i can confirm, tan with a red beard

The white Mexicans own property in Mexico; why the fuck would they be the ones coming to America, tard?

You see more white people in colombia.

People with blonde hair, blue, green eyes.

Mexico is full of shit.

simple white test: if your nipples are light pink you are white.

>Whenever I watch TV I see Mexican TV shows and everyone looks white to me.

>Why not let the undocumented stay?

Being mexican is a nationality so you can be white, chink, nigger or spic and be a mexican. Theres also plenty of white mexicans some of them live in small town and are moslty inbreed so they stay white, Menonites and Mormons fit this narrative.

Pic related is mexican.

They dont look white.

Those people aren't the ones running into our country and squatting.

99% of them look nothing like Spaniards/white.

Most of them are +70% white. Only way this is possible is because mexicans mixed with other whites.

In spanish we call it, limpieza de sangre.

Upper class Mexican society is more white. It comes from the colonial era where the whiteness of your skin indicated your background - whitest were from Spain, then mixed, and lowest were natives (this is a simplified explanation).

It's a trend you'll see throughout Central and South America.

The ones of Spanish descent are not white and the dirt brown mestizos most certainly are not white

Not like this Parce, not like this.

This, the ones we send to you are the poor and uneducated indigenous peasants that lost their jobs because of NAFTA, white mexicans have no reason to leave the country because they are middle/high class living in the awesome parts of Mexico City, Guadalajara and Monterrey.

According to stattistics about 10% of Mexicans are white. However as whites tend to be more attractive and most Latinos aspire to be white, Mexican along with most Latin American media (tv shows, films, news) is heavily whitewashed.

It looks pretty racist since Mexicans look like this.

I felt in love with colombian girls when i changed location there on tinder

Nice. Commander Sheaprd survived the final Mission.

>you talked about white people? Post some burger

I said __more__ white genetics, not 100% pure aryan calm your tits Lars

most of them don't even look white

lol and I bet most of them don't even know spanish either



That forehead is pure Irish, isn't Louis C.K Mexican aswell?

These are TV Mexicans, not irl Mexicans

Mexican isn't a race. It's like calling your next door neighbor Mohamed Ahmed a Norwegian.

Yeah but he moved to the US when he was like 3 years old. He still has family in Mexico he never talks to.

Not a SINGLE one of those is white.
I don't even mean from a NW euro pov, I mean even from spainard standards.


>all i see are hard working whitexicans
>why don we let the niigerxicans in
no please shoot them at the border, we don want them either

Most beaners are mestizos with amerindian blood, Kim Jong-Un. Even full blooded spanish are borderline non white, since they have Moor blood.

Debatable. Brazil has +200 million people with +/-90 million whites.. But in European countries they have less people but surely whiter than us. Quantity doesn't mean a lot here.

>+/-90 million whites

really? source?

Mexican is not a race. There are Mexicans of mostly spanish descent, mostly native descent, or mixed descent. I've known blue-eyed, blonde haired Mexicans.

there are LOADS of white mexicans if you coun't people who are 70% european

That's how many identify as white.

Though it includes octaroons and whatnot.

My sources are in Portuguese, so guess it won't help you. But believe me or not. I don't see many niggers around me. There's like 1 at my job. You see them often in any public institution or transportation.

But there's a mistake on that Wikipedia source that I forgot to mention. There are people who consider themselves as whites even though they are classified as brown.