>President Trump embraced the North Atlantic Treaty Organization as a "bulwark of international peace and security" after a White House meeting Wednesday with the alliance's chief, reversing a skeptical earlier stance.
>"I said it was obsolete. It is no longer obsolete," Trump said during a press conference with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, adding that the alliance was increasing cooperation to stem terror attacks, among other steps.
>Trump met with Stoltenberg in the Oval Office for an hour and discussed ways in which the NATO chief plans to get member countries to increase military spending to bolster the alliance.
>During the campaign, Trump repeatedly said NATO countries were not shouldering their fair share of defense costs, leaving too much of the burden on the United States.
>"The very strong message from President Trump has been very helpful" in getting member states to boost military spending, Stoltenberg said.
>A few countries have recently agreed to move toward meeting the goal set in 2014 of spending 2% of gross domestic product on their militaries. That said, defense spending by NATO states had started to increase before Trump became president.
>Trump's outreach to NATO came as Secretary of State Rex Tillerson received a frosty reception in Moscow during a visit that initially was billed as a way to jump-start better relations between Russia and the U.S.
>Tillerson's trip has been dominated by U.S. criticism of Russia's unwavering support for Syrian President Bashar Assad following a gruesome poison-gas attack in northern Syria last week blamed on Assad's forces. That attack prompted a retaliatory U.S. missile strike.
>In a further irritant to Moscow, Trump signed off Tuesday on Montenegro joining NATO next month, expanding the alliance's footprint in the Balkans.
Trump: "I said [NATO] was obsolete. It is no longer obsolete"
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looks like trump learned how to be a dirty politician pretty quickly
fucking disappointing
Yeah now that he wants European goys to join in his Zionist war against Russia they're not obsolete anymore. Seriously fuck Drumpf.
This is Trump, a back flipping mother fucker.
hahah, fuck RUSSIA you dumb little bitch
"relations with Russia at an all time low"... Assad is a butcher". What a fucking cuck.
>I told NATO to fight terrorism
>Absolute madmen
Trump made NATO Great Again
Found you.
Trump was a dirty politician always, you fool
Donald Trump advocating for open borders and globalism in 2013:
"We will have to leave borders behind and go for global unity when it comes to financial stability."
"We are now closer to having an economic community in the best sense of the term — we work with each other for the benefit of all," - That's literally trump supporting the same positions of the TPP
He is truly the best goy.
How did (((they))) get to him? I don't understand. There is just no way someone can do such a blatant 180.
We always controlled him you idiot. He is literally /our goy/.
This. He's been uber pro-Israel his entire life. I don't know how you couldn't see this. He goes to bed every night wishing to God he was one of them.
We saw him as being the better option over Clinton, both ways were bad sadly.
You could have chosen a Constitutional True Conservative. You could have chosen to live.
Can't wait for him to flip flop on the 2nd amendment, hope that's next!
Too late
We're already dead
Trump hasnt just changed his tune on a couple of issues, hes done a complete 180 on everything. Did they show him the real zapruder film or something?
No Cruz was a massive faggot, Rand Paul was the best choice in retrospect
Oh shit, i never thought of that.
Hahahahahahah 5d chess am i right , all the trumpcucks got owned . That s why i voted( i m US CITIZEN visiting shitaly ) for Rand Paul , the only honest politician
I kept pointing this shit out to people and they didn't care. It's a fucking cult. The whole world is going to burn soon, there's not much more for us to do than sit back and laugh.
>Now I truly ((((see)))) how important it's to be good goy
>so about that wall I was talking about...
Why did I not see this during the election?
>That Janet Yellin iz a pretty good Gal too.
Fucker is taking most polacks for a serious ride.
is only 78D tetris mind you
>draining the swamp
>the anti establishment
>Trump says harsh things, not really believing them, but to get what he wants done
>They comply
>Rinse, repeat
Some of you are either shills or fucking retarded. This has always been his method.
>fuck RUSSIA
if it has any holes that I can stick my dick into, then sure
How many promises has he broke this weak?
Well we have been officially conned. Its clear now Trump is pure machiavallen sociopath with zero morals. What he did was create a persona that would appeal to the republican base, like a marketing ploy. It was completely shallow and fake. He used that to land the presidency. Once he was there he didn't care about us anymore, he only intends to be a one term presidency, one term is enough for the jews to get what they want.
What is confusing to me though is why he got in instead of Hillary, and what the whole media butthurt continually and the russian ties and shit was about. Its very hard to believe all that outrage was faked
>No Lock Her Up
>No Deportations
>China not a currency manipulator
>Foreign Adventures
>x4 refugees as Bush
so......this is.....the power.....of..........donald drumpf...wow
I used to be a Trump cuck and now I'm ashamed of myself
American civil war 2.0 when?
Although it would be a pretty lame civil war. A handful of autists from r/The_Donald vs the rest of the USA.
>What is confusing to me though is why he got in instead of Hillary, and what the whole media butthurt continually and the russian ties and shit was about. Its very hard to believe all that outrage was faked
Ted Cruz explains it mediaite.com
True, I think that's a fair point to make. I think many Sup Forumsacks just projected a Trump that doesn't exist onto the real Trump's many shifting pronouncements and campaign trail bullshit. They imagined a US-Russia rapprochement, maybe a fundamental geopolitical realignment... instead we're seeing basically more of the usual foreign policy.
I do think it's a bit suspicious, though, that Trump suddenly starts to do all sorts of anti-Russia things after a month of solid Trump-Russia collusion narratives coming out of the press and the DC establishment. There's something about the timing that suggests PR maneuvering rather than genuine statesmanship.
One thing's for sure... anyone who hoped that Trump would run an authentic presidency in which he would let the nation in on what's really going on in the halls of power has reason to be disappointed.
Honestly, Why is anyone surprised by Trump's actions? You fags didn't care throughout the election when "shills" told you he was a lying sack of shit conman and now you're complaining. Fuck everyone that supported Trump throughout 2015-2016. You all contributed to this even though the signs were all there. Stop complaining and take personal responsibility for fucking us all over.
>But but but Hillary would have done the same thing!!!
This goes beyond just Hillary. Most people could see Trump's flaws from the beginning, and yet most of Sup Forums lined up behind Trump among all the other candidates.
You're nieve for believing Trump would keep promises in the first place. He's a salesman. He literally specializes in deception. He's also rich which pretty much puts him above the law in some cases. I don't necessarily blame you for falling for his charm, but I'll have no sympathy when his policies fuck his supporters over.
As much as Hillary is a currupt politican, she has enough sense, expertise, and foreign policy experience not to start WW3. Hillary has been doing this shit for decades. Intentional leaders have worked with her in the past and generally like her. She, at the very least, understood that there's no point of being president if the US becomes an radioactive wasteland. Trump doesn't understand or care about that threat. He'll just fly to some private island and blame neocons, jews, democrats, the media or some other scapegoat.
It doesn't matter now, you may have doomed us all.
I'm tired of winning
Please please mr trump don't win anymore
I can't take all of this winng
You stupid fucks still don't see hat Trump is doing. He doesn't like the US being take advantage of or being second place to anybody. He's renegotiating the terms of all these shit systems. It's not like he's going to gut everything and start over.
Come from a position of power and undersell your commitment. If you're willing to accept a shit deal, walk away and bitch about it, you don't deserve to win.
NATO is fine as long as they pay us.
WTF I love Isralies now
hold me hans
Did you see the T-Rex Tillerson joint meeting with the Russian ambassador or what he was today? They basically said they've had talks and they wish to try to improve relations, and hope they can repair their differences in Syria diplomatically. Of course that doesn't mean we currently have the best relationship, and sure Trump bombing Assad was a step backwards, but let's be honest, it doesn't seem to have done too much damage in the grand scheme. We still want to get along and still want to come to an agreement on how to handle Syria.
And who the fuck thought he was going to run a presidency in which he would let everyone k owing what's happening all the time? In his campaign he constantly said obama was a retard for telling everyone the exact dates and actions we would be doing shit. He campaigned on saying he wouldn't tell the world our plans so the enemies can't prepare.
Anyone that was a Trump supporter is a retarded. It's simple, really. Retrard.
>Everyone who disagrees with me is a retard.
>Can't spell retard.
Fuck you, shill.
sage a concern shills
Trump is doing exceptionally well compared to every other POTUS in my life time so far.
Yeah, yeah I know... Nobody is perfect but he's close enough
NATO is based, fuck off Commies.
Why is Sup Forums anti-NATO?
Fuck off shill, the only difference between Hillary and Donald was 4 months.
Trump is going to sink the GOP in the midterms and it's all our fault
>literal crazy people on this board will still defend Trump
I need a fast painless suicide
So President Trump will fix NATO and make it not obsolete. WTF is hard for you to understand?
>Only 4 countries contribute 2% gdp to NATO
"It's obsolete, completely useless"
>No change
"Things have changed"
daddy trump knows whats best.
dont question daddy trump.
Anyone who actually thought that Trump could break the current system of globalization should take some 100 level courses at their local communit college. History, sociology, economics, political science, fucking earth science.
Just some tips to not be an actual shit head.
I still think hes better than shillary. That cunt was just aching for was so she could proove what a strong womyn she is. But yeah, i started having doubts when i found out trump was a jew sympathizer.
Day of the rope for republicans WHEN?
Fuck the GOP. only difference in the GOP and DNC is the half of America's idiots they try to appeal to.
MAGA faggot
>being surprised this fat idiot who has said his entire campaign how much he loves israel is a piece of shit
I thought maybe you Americans might bet a wall out of it atleast, but I guess not. Oh well, having Conservative Constitutional Supreme Court Justices is the most important thing in the end, these guys last 50 years.
>earth science.
Where does earth science come into this?
careful what you wish for...
I said this the other day. Something's up. Maybe they really do control everyone. Convert when?
exactly this i have been saying this since the beginning
people stop needing to be scared of "muh globalism"
most of his supporters are so dumd they dont even know what to fear.
it has to happen sooner or later.
DADDY trump knows whats best.
he is smart. he knows people. he knows emotions.
accept daddy trumps decisions, and teach your kids mandarin you fuckers
You start to realize scaling back on environmental protections will kill us all
Beginning of what? Last month when shareblue hired you?
this post gave me brain cancer, you are a schizo and need help
What is a joke implying how low your level of education must be that even a class far from the related topic would somehow be helpful.
Happy to explain any more English subtex humor if you'd like Bby
Please remember that the media played us all. They wanted Trump to win. It's always the Jew.
With NATO we essentially signed away our military to fight and provide for any one of our """allies""", same as all our other treaties. Nobody but us actually pay good money into it, and we are one of the only nations within these agreements that has the will and power to actually enforce shit. This became obsolete when the USSR collapsed, it needs to be done away with!
All part of his master plan.
>an actual tfw too intelligent poster
Listen i know things dont make sense right now, i know you might even feel betrayed, but trump is going to make the whole world great again, not just America.
everyone should still be proud he is president.
Because you live in a retarded bubble. Reading only news which say what you want to hear, talking only with people who have the exact same opinions as you, and claiming everything that doesn't fit your world view is fake news written by shills.
It's time to wake up and realize that when it comes to politics, all the candidates are always horribly bad, if you think otherwise, it just means you've been succesfully lied to.
im impressed,
you are correct on your assumptions,
i hope you are making use of your talents.
But i don't understand why "proving she's a strong womyn" is a bad thing. Sure her loss BTFO identity politics liberals, but losing her foreign policy experience, poltical influence and general organizational skills for exchange for Trump, who has almost none of those things, still doesn't make sense to me. I understand Hillary was a deeply flawed candidate but i still don't understand how people thought Trump was better.
Post >yfw you didn't vote for Stumpf
probably because you let Sup Forums pour opinions into your ears like the mouthbreathing idiot you are instead of actually researching anything for yourself.
hang yourself
I do think it'll take some more time to figure out whether Trump is flip-flopping, or whether he is taking extreme positions and then walking them back as a negotiation tactic, or whether he just has no consistency at all.
>And who the fuck thought he was going to run a presidency in which he would let everyone k owing what's happening all the time?
Nobody thought he would let people in on military details, of course... but I think many people hoped for a bit of "I'll level with you, this is what's going on..." with domestic politics, at least.
You're right Schlomo, Trump was /yourgoy/ the whole time.
Why dont you guys watch the full fucking press conference instead of focusing on one snippet which is what the fake news media wants you to do. He said he wants to work with Russia and NATO to make peace in the middle east and he said he wasn't going into Syria
>or whether he just has no consistency at all.
man you guys are really catching on fast
man you fucking shills stick out like a sore thumb
you are a fucking shilll drumpfag pol was never pro trump he was just lesser evil and whole mees were from r_donald retards
The problem with Trumpgoys is that they don't realise actions speak louder than words.
>In a further irritant to Moscow, Trump signed off Tuesday on Montenegro joining NATO next month, expanding the alliance's footprint in the Balkans.
>ISIS propaganda
Well, just old orange Drumpfs school