is there anything more reddit than hating north korea?
Is there anything more reddit than hating north korea?
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North Korea is homogeneous and has no jews, they're nationalistic and militaristic
The only downside is that they're commies
no. lefties and redditors despise north korea because it goes against their oppressed narrative and proves the correlation of race + IQ
>poor country
>little resources
>still manages to build satellites and nukes
>everyone thought it would've collapsed already
>somehow getting stronger
I don't really hate or like them I just don't really care at all, except I hope they don't fire nukes at Japan cause muh animes.
Now just imagine if they weren't a commie dictatorship that is ridiculously over-militarized due to their tinpot dictator's dreams of unifying the country.
Their people might actually live as well as south koreans instead of being third world subsistence farmers whose primary export is foreign aid requests that rival Africa in scope.
Redditors love communism. If you love NKorea, you are literally the embodiment of reddit.
utter propaganda. they militarize themselves because of threats of foreign invasion. like the one happening right now. they aren't even communist.
should we invade them because of living conditions?
north korea isn't even communist...
They turn off their lights when it's night? Wow oh no they are too environmental friendly and Trump said it was a hoax! Invade invade!
That isn't REEEAAAAL Communism
They have a bigger military than the USA FFS.
Liberate them from the stupidity of their rulers. Literally anything would be more prosperous than their current situation.
no, it isn't. it isn't even close to real communism. you just eat propaganda for breakfast.
is that our duty? to invade them and usurp their rulers? like iraq? libya? vietnam?
What Donald (((zionist))) Trump and China want to do is
>Take away their national identity
>Throw out their sovereignty
>Force them into the modern globalist system
>Cuck them beyond belief with Western shit and white cock like SK
>Ruin their racial homogeneity
Yeah, thanks, I don't want to be a part of yet another crusade against ethno-nationalism.
All they've ever done is flex their muscles, they haven't invaded anyone or taken any land from anyone else. This is everyone ganging up on the Reich all over again.
>inb4 everyone points out the stupid differences
It's the same exact thing going on. The kikes want to get rid of any example of a somewhat functional ethnostate that has stood the test of time so they can force everyone to race mix.
North Korea being a shithole is one of those things that isn't merely Western propaganda. But like Kony, it seems it is something liberals like to circle jerk over for virtue-signal points.
We need to protect our animes from those who hate moe
NK isn't even a threat to japan. you only think they are because of propaganda.
quit being a tool to the globalist agenda.
>tfw I've been to North Korea
>Literally anything would be more prosperous than their current situation.
There are poorer countries than North Korea, breh.
that's what china and japan fears. a unified korea would combine the norks' prowess to endure against all odds along with their population as a work force and the south's modernization along with its economic sensibilities
We should get the NSM, TWP, and everyone else in the grand alliance of white nationalist to show solidarity with NK based on the principle that they are an ethnostate that just wants to be left the fuck alone and are constantly having to defend themselves from kike controlled globalist
me too. three times. I was planning on going again this summer, buuut....
Hey everyone, let's have our budding ideology associate itself with the most obviously-shitty commie dictatorship on the planet.
leafbro based
caring about north korea either way is pretty gay
I'm gonna give you this one, leaf.
70% of NK GDP is produced by the public sector. This makes them the most economically left-wing government in the world. NatSoc Germany was much more capitalist.
I don't like intervening in these countries because they serve as a reminder of how shitty things can get. The world needs an over the top cartoon villain dictator.
The sandnigger countries should remind us of why we shouldn't be importing them but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>itt: retards that don't understand inverse error and false dichotomy
North Korea has practically no light pollution. It is a stargazer's paradise. I can't wait to move there.
Completely wif ya
upboat xd
That's so reddit
No China & Japan just doesn't want to have to deal with all the fucking refugees that are gonna come if the north or south suddenly collapses.
>china and japan doesn't want a low-cost work force
sure. is that why america tolerates illegal mexicans
Your status has been updated from rake to in custody
Well done leaf
You've been banned from r/Pyongyang
Only cucks do thats why we're building a wall Mr. Trudeau.