What is the first thing you guys will do as soon NK/Russia/Iran nukes are heading towards the west?
>General WW3 Plans thread
What is the first thing you guys will do as soon NK/Russia/Iran nukes are heading towards the west?
>General WW3 Plans thread
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Be happy that my country isn't the only one responsible for world wars now
Nothing, just enjoy the fireworks.
After i die, i will finally see if afterlife is bullshit or not.
Freeze my semen in test tubes so that in the future they can thaw it out and make clones of me.
Call parents, fap, pray, make tendies.
There must be something youd wanna do in the last moments Sup Forumsack
The united States is a 1st world country. We have counter measures. NK is stuck in the 20th century.
stockpile oatmeal
buy a nice knife and other survival shit
eat oatmeal for months if ww3 happens
eat oatmeal for months and shitpost on /pol if nothing happens
Move to Patagonia, buy popcorn, laugh at faggots.
Nobody will ever come near Patagonia.
>mistakes for drink
watch the star wars missile defense system do its thing and laugh at the rest of the world
Jack off my huge war boner here
Nigga you need to re-evaluate your response. Do you really want to fap, then make tendies with jizz covered hands?
not allowed to leave duty station, will probably bring all my alcohol with me into w/e shelter I get forced into and use that to bargain if we survive
Fuck some traps raw, get a nice poopy cum elixir dripping down my shaft
Nothing really, I'm east coast.
RIP California, you fucking fucks.
Top myself
Watch the world burn while getting used to stalker-like mutants
Pillage, plunder, and save the white race Attila the Hun style.
Play with my legos one last time
Move to Iceland, overthrow the government and create a real patriarchy, fish, farm and live on our safe heaven, eventually we start setting up radio signals to find survivors. Save the white, castrate asians, kill the rest
Shitpost in Sup Forums because my country wont do jackshit.
Hit my bong and touch my penis
shitpost as long as possible and be happy its finally over
>jizz covered hands
what are you a teen or something? how do you get skeet on your hands unless you have no control
go on Sup Forums and stay for days on end
Run to the Mountains, preferably the Laramie Range
For real though it's hard to get my senpai to listen.
We are irrelevant and we won't be targeted by nukes
Rather, we gonna inherit the irradiated planet
Its alright I guess
Got out of the military 5 years ago so I would move down to the RGV and wait it out.
Bury BATTLEFIELD 4 underground hopefully something finds it
Planet of the Apes was right then
Run straight to closest likely ground zero.
No, seriously, if it does happen, people in the "instant death" zones will be the lucky ones.
Trust me, you DON'T want to be in the "is this far enough?" zone.
t. varg
Preserve this smile
Pretty su
Nothing because I know we have missile defense systems and the star wars project was only temporarily cancelled but modified for defense purposes.
Go to some eastern European country and buy cheap land; live there as a Varg clone until the death squads come to me and my family, where I shall have a heroic last stand shootout.
I hope you know that Hitler didn't have austrian citizenship for a long time before he became the Führer. He abandoned Austria to fight for the German in WWI.
We meme like we've never memed before. If WW3 happens (and I doubt it will), the shills will come out against Trump full force.
Do you realize how valuable food protein rich semen is going to be in the post nuclear world? You'll be robbed in seconds. Enjoy watching some filthy redneck gulp down your future sons.
>turn on TV
>suddenly decide to turn on CNN because I'm a masochist
>sit back on twitter and Sup Forums and watch all the retards scramble like rats about muh apocalypse muh WW3
>laugh as Alaskan nuclear defense shoots down puny "missiles" nk managed to shoot without them blowing up on the launchpad
>listen in to military radio and chill out to comfy unilateral action against NK by everyone, even China and Russia
>go to bed and wake up in the morning to kim Jong un's head being paraded around Chinatown by a bunch of NK generals waving little white flags
You people are retarded if you think WW3 will ever happen in your lifetime. Have faith in your military you kike loving cucks
Just rape whoever is near me
So your mom or pets?
>haha it would never happen here don't be silly
Have you ever read a history book?
Rape and murder all of my neighbors until one of them gets the better of me or I get nuked.
>i live north of LA
>south of LA there's a nuclear power plant
>if it gets hit, i'll die a long painful death
i'll pretend everything is all right.
they wanted to destroy the world, i'll just turn the other cheek and let them keep doing wrong.
christianity IS the ultimate red pill.
God wanted us to see what happens when good men do nothing, not for the sake of the good men, but for ALL of creation to know what happens when the GOoD lets everyone do what they want, without guidance/submission from/to God.
NK won't launch nuclear missiles overseas all out of nowhere
Little kim is playing 64d chess with you all, he got a masterplan going on and you are all being played like damn fiddles
Bury video game systems and games for future life
>Ur mum dosent make you tendies
Since Greenland is irrelevant nothing will happen to us.
Wife, child, or coworkers
we'll go out of the way just to nuke you, most likely, we'll actulay spare more nukes just to nuke you the most
Cheer on the drafted 18-26 year old Mexican anchor baby's as they go off to war and die. Making USA a white nation again.
That's when I plan to start the second civil war.
At my neighbors house.
pull the ol' feminist trick? noice
>start war
>draft all voting age men
>push for a law/bill that will grant rights to a minority/women
>no men to vote against
depends if ww3 actually goes nuclear or not
if yes, then I'm probably fucked. Maybe move with family to land in Bosnia if we stay alive long enough to pull it off.
If no, then probably gonna get mobilized when Russia gets to here
Sit, get /comfy/ and pray to god im not nuked. Any ausfags legitemently worried?
sit tight.
watch the world burn.
enjoy the ride.
possibly join the army
The majority of minorities are draft age we could wipe out the entire brown menace with one war.
You guys wouldn't notice if you were nuked, surely?
>Have faith in your military.
I'ts the kikes military and the jokes on you I actually want WW3 to happen.
your mom
>nuke the world's biggest ice cube
>in the middle of the Atlantic
>an ice cube that is fucking melting
This is how you screw up the world. If you think the radiation from Fukushima is scary, think about what radiating Greenland's ice means.
Join the military like a fucking man of course.
>Order gas masks and hazmat suits off amazon
>Stockpile canned food
>Stockpile water
>Stockpile beer
>Wait it out
>get a generator and a shitload of fuel
>Play fallout
>stock up on food and water
>grab crossbow, guitar and books
>hide in attic until death
>hide in attic for a few days
>grab crossbow and guitar
>trek to nearest city, busking for food and water along the way