Can you fucking believe this shit? What kind of a cheap fucking Jew faggot goes out to a restaurant and then tips ONLY 8%? If you can't afford to tip, you can't afford to eat out--PERIOD.
Can you fucking believe this shit...
>this thread again
>overpriced food means the server works harder
It doesn't matter if they bring out a platter of $5 hamburgers or $100 steaks, they are performing the same amount of unskilled manual labor. She should feel lucky to get $15.
>im in debt and now its someone elses job to get me out of it
do we even have to ask if shes liberal?
Also, she should get fired for publically saying "fuck yourself" to customers of her employer.
And her "college tuition" is almost certainly being wasted on something worthless like "women's studies".
I wish I could get an extra $15.86 every time I did something at work.
>Tipping more than 5 dollars
Tipping is for retards.
>paying tips
fuck off. im already paying for the meal you weird cunt.
$15.86 damn cheap fuck had to go to the penny just to round to $200 even.
I only tip men.
>go to the same restaurant once a month to treat myself
>middle aged balding waiter serves me almost a year in a row, start tipping heavily because he's a legitimately good waiter
>one month he's not there and some college age girl with purple highlights spends half the meal talking to other waitresses while I wait for service
>tip her nothing and leave a smile sticker from my teaching job on the bill
>she glares at me as I walk out
>next month the old guy is serving again
Yes goyim pay my employees so I dont have to
she can have the tip of my penis, if you know what I mean
This. I hardly ever see a waiter or waiteress doing what i think is worth a huge tip. There's been a few times, but mostly it's their stupid asses checking up on you for 30 seconds and never appearing for 20 mins again
Ouch. her service had to have been terrible
>>tip her nothing and leave a smile sticker from my teaching job on the bill
Jesus fucking christ, I'm gonna start carrying "good job" stickers in my wallet.
Thanks for saving me the trouble user.
I don't tip because I'm there to buy food, not the service of the wait/ress.
It's always so funny when they realize they didn't get a tip. Absolutely. Hilarious.
If they want more money, get a better job.
>checking up on you for 30 seconds and never appearing for 20 mins again
But that's what they're supposed to do. What could you want from waitstaff beside that?
>burgers are so jewed, they pay employees wages instead of the employer
I dont tip anymore because they should be payed more from their employer not the customer.
I also work for UBER and never get tips and I drop a lot of waiters/waitresses off at work. They actually are the worst at tipping. So shit rolls down hill.
The fact the customer has to do the math as well makes it even fucking funnier holy shit burgerlands is retarded
Fuck that's a good idea. Good for a lot more than tipping shitty waiters too. shit ill give my girlfriend a happy face sticker after we fuck.
Waiters need to stop this shit. They are one of the only low wage professions where tipping isn't only expected, but essentially a societal necessity. I can think of a dozen low wage jobs which are far more important to my livelihood which don't receive any tips:
>Security Guards
>Garbage collectors
>The actual fucking Chefs who cook the food these entitled fucks deliver.
>Postal Workers
All work harder and provide a more important service than a failed tryhard actror/actress or liberal arts student.
'B-But they work hard to ensure customer demand is met'
Guess what? That's their fucking job. That's literally what they apply to do. It's the entire job description. Why the fuck should I reward you with extra money for a job you signed up to do?
>tfw pizza driver and mtf
>get more tips than anyone because its a college town and beer/weed goggles
why d0es anyone bother with being a waiter/tress? I was paid over minimum and compensated for gas.
Now I work on commision and shit is cash yo.
I dont understand why someone should be tipped. Should i just give this person some pocket money just because they do their job?
This. I always tip the amount that I'd like to get if I was in their shoes, that is to say how much their service was worth. Brought me food and asked if I needed another beer once? Ehh, that's OK I'll throw you a few bucks. Did you drive through the snow to bring my drunk ass a pizza at 1AM? Nigga you'd better believe you're getting a $10 tip you're an American hero.
I tip 12%, if you don't like it get a better job.
Most young folks go into the service industry because they have the opportunity to get good tips. What they don't factor in is they have to earn it. And even if they do, its not guaranteed. So when waiters get like this, i have no sympathy for them. My brother worked as a waited for the same restaurant in two different states, and the tipping was night and day. He went from white working class neighborhood to a ghetto ass Mexican filled city. He was surprised that minorities don't tip, even if provided with great service. Started to rant, but it felt like a Sup Forums appropriate story.
>>tip her nothing and leave a smile sticker from my teaching job on the bill
you went nuclear on her, good job
worked at a few restaurants
>95% of servers are single mothers
>they make way too much money for their skill set (even at shitty places)
>90% are EBT and/or welfare because they don't report their tips
and they're all allegedly going to nursing school
>I don't tip because I'm there to buy food, not the service of the wait/ress.
Then order takeout. These folks are making $2.50/hour before tips.
>If you can't afford to tip, you can't afford to eat out--PERIOD.
I sure as fuck can afford to pay $40-60 a person, but maybe I don't fucking want to pay an extra $10 a person to someone who I don't think deserves it.
>wanting me to tip to pay for your shit choices
yeah no bitch get fucked
>posting a clients signature online.
She should be reprimanded
God I miss Frasier
>>The actual fucking Chefs who cook the food these entitled fucks deliver.
Any decent restaurant staff tips out the kitchen at the end of the night.
Have none of you self-entitled cunts worked in food before?
Meh, I'd be somewhat pissed, but I'm autistic enough to round my tips to the nearest dollar like that dude, so I could understand if it was an upper class place with a lot of booze.
>implying I don't tip the cook
He/she's the only one in the joint with any type of skill.
I wish they had drivers like you in my town ;)
>tipping culture
I really can't comprehend this. I'm going to be screwed when I visit America this year. If I just get dinner from fast food joints do I still have to tip there? How much do I need to tip?
This cunt should get reported to her employer. She would almost surely get fired.
>These folks are making $2.50/hour before tips.
Nice b8 m80
hahaha this.
Facts are now bait.
hahah I'm not getting tipped my worth which is at least 10% for each plate my lazy ass hauled haha
If I invited you in for a better 'tip' would you join me? No homo.
Can you fucking believe this shit? What kind of dumb country lets the employers pay their staff less than minimum wage and force them to rely on tips?
If you don't have solid worker rights, you aren't a first world country, PERIOD
I was loading tons of rock, fertilizer, pipe, and other assorted heavy shit for $12 an hour. Stupid cunt should kill herself.
"wahh. I had to write down a basic order while the servers did all the other work like pouring water and serving food, I demand more money"
Fucking entitled whores.
Why doesn't that bitch just get a better job? The US has loads of jobs ever since Trump took control.
Fuck that entitled whore.
I literally never leave a tip, anywhere
>These folks are making $2.50/hour before tips
Not everywhere. And it incentivizes the wrong shit in restaurants. They overstaff front of the house and understaff back of the house. Servers end up cooking food and cleaning toilets
A tip should be minimum 30% of the cost of your food.
50% is the standard.
Why is tipping culture legal in Burgerland? It should be fucking criminalised, the employer should cover yr wages and it should be included in the price of the meal, outsourcing it to customers means yr never gonna get paid
Black people never tip. This is coming from a waitress.
>Servers end up cooking food and cleaning toilets
As they should. Make those lazy millennials earn their wages.
You got $16 for a few minutes of work, not counting your salary. Quit bitching, Erica.
>go to Cracker Barrell to treat my parents to dinner (although we ended up ordering breakfast items)
>No service for 15 mins
>Young hoodrat server appears
>She takes our order
>40mins later, no food
> I ask what's the hold up
>She starts going on about how it is busy (it wasn't) and it takes a long time to make pancakes
>15 mins pass and i tell my issue to a white waitress
>Food appears in 3 minutes
>Everyone'sfood was just warm
>Hoodrat brings bill and starts suddenly chatting with us.
>We leave without giving a tip
Absolutely awful work
Tipping is such an outdated concept. The only reason servers were tipped is cause they could hook you up with booze during the prohibition era. Asshole owners need to pay their workers more so they don't have to rely on the kindness of strangers.
>Begs for money
>Doesnt get any
Jesus fucking Christ. The food better be dirt cheap to start with if I'm going to tip that much.
why should they?
they are generally poorer, from poorer backgrounds etc and more harsh environments
Actually most servers do much better on tips than they would on salary and when it's cash they usually don't pay taxes on it.
That user is pulling your leg. 10-20% is usually the standard.
Ah, America, land of the free.
The one western country still retarded enough to let employers trample over them because 'Muh tips are tradition' and 'if no muh tips, muh food prices are higher'. Guess what, if you're tipping you're already paying more
what the fuck?
He didn't have to tip anything at all, you ingrate.
i usually tip 75%
more if the waiter is a woman or POC
I tip only at places that I frequently visit like local pub/boardgame club and bowling ally. I dont think that waiters are excluded from rules of free market economy. Supply and demand.
>Asshole owners need to pay their workers more so they don't have to rely on the kindness of strangers
>Implying servers are providing more than $2.50/hr to the customer
They hand you food, that's an economically useless job.
Tell me again which state has a minimum wage of $2.50? I'll wait.
If you claim they are being paid under the table then they are retarded and deserve to make so little money. All they have to do is report that shit to the Better Business Bureau or the IRS if they want to be total dicks.
You're trolling.
>How much do I need to tip?
>Compliments don't pay my tuition
Your Women Studies & Student Affairs degrees?
To be a fair a restaurant meal in Ireland is a raw potato and six pints of Guinness so I can't fault you there.
Offer to gobble my knob while I enjoy my meal.
Tips lol
>they are generally poorer
That's because niggers are fucking stupid. 85 IQ.
I don't take political advice from Swedecucks
>Can you fucking believe this shit? What kind of a cheap fucking Jew faggot goes out to a restaurant and then tips ONLY 8%? If you can't afford to tip, you can't afford to eat out--PERIOD.
Your anger is misdirected. You chose to have gambling wages when you took that job. You could have been a cook, or cleaner, cashier, or some other low skilled job.
This is your life choices. There is no obligation to tip anyone. Check your privilege.
If enough people stop tipping, then the restaurants will be forced to pay a fair wage.
We should start a no tipping movement.
>We should start a no tipping movement.
I'm in
>Thank you for a wonderful experience...
This dude sounds like a Super Beta
fuck your tipping culture nignog, put correct prices from beginning
>If enough people stop tipping, then the restaurants will be forced to pay a fair wage.
(((fair))) wage
>overpriced food means the server works harder
Usually yes.
High class and low class serving jobs have significantly different side-work requirements and care requirements.
Also remember; they get paid 2.50 an hour + tips.
Most server jobs are not worth working at with the amount of endless bullshit you put up with.
Found the Jew.
When I was 13 I didn't know what a tip was so I told her specifically how much to return
Didn't know why everyone was so mad at me
With a bitchy ungrateful attitude like that I think it's safe to assume she wasn't worth a decent tip.
If you publicly post about your tips you should be fired.
Then order take out nigger kike.
Did they serve you? Then you should pay them for their service. If you want to walk to the kitchen and get your own shit go right ahead.
>16464048th thread about tipping
>1 post by this ID
keep being mad you waste of oxygen who can't find a proper job, saged and hidden
And these dumb fucking americans ALWAYS look at us like we're murdering someone when we TOTALLY FUCKING FORGET we must pay their TIP for doing their FUCKING JOB.
Really man, get over this: NO ONE ELSE ON EARTH DOES THIS. Don't get fucking angry at us when we travel there. The 5% of americans who travel the world don't tip anyone either.
>bitching when people pay you even tho they don't have to and already paid what they owed
wew to the jew
$15 is pretty good for 20 mins of work, erica can go fuck herself
>Tuition probs paid for by mommy and daddy.
>Spends the extra money ontop of her wage on drugs or alcohol
>Is a whore in both the real world and on snapchat.
They should check up on you more often. If I have to flag you down to get a drink refill, you're not doing your fucking job.