>"The officials said three Russian Tu-95 Bear bombers took off from a base in eastern Russia flying in the Sea of Japan and remained in international airspace."
>the bear will leave the cave forever

Other urls found in this thread:


nuclear CAPABLE
>C A P A B L E
Does NOT mean carrying a nuclear payload retard. Most bombers of nuclear nations are nuclear capable.

honk , game over kim

Counter fakenews copy pasta for retarded happenings spammer

>Satellite images show fresh activity at NK nuclear sites
In other news fresh rice was served to Kim this morning. There has been "fresh activity" at NK nuclear sites EVERY week for the last several months and it happens every few months even in calm times.

>China tells military to move to NK border
unconfirmed rumor claimed by
>The Information Center for Human Rights and Democracy, a nongovernmental organization in Hong Kong
which is a Syrian Observatory of Human Rights tier propaganda news outlet producing fakenews about China every day

>Pyongyang possibly being evacuated
Is a tabloid just citing pravdareport. Same source that pushed the already by US and China dismissed fake report about 150.000 soldiers on the Chinese-Korean border
Literally no source nor names of the "expert" claims for the report.

>>BREAKING: Foreign journalists in North Korea told to prepare for 'big event' - Reuters
told to reporters invited for
>105th birth anniversary of its founding president Kim Il Sung on April 15

>Does NOT mean carrying a nuclear payload retard
Yes it is Drumfy, the whole point of these patrols is to be called in action at a moment's notice.

>fly near japan
>game over kim
dumb bong

Dailystar also claimed hitler was a homosexual

What is some outdated pos gonna do against like 40 F-22s?

>they're gonna glass landing US and SK troops and their fleet

Japan and nk are literally next to eachother

Not Best Korea

>nuke japan
>anime happens
>nuke anime japan

Those bombs are for south korea/japan

>implying bombers would ever be nuclear vehicles in the age of the sub and ICBM

You're fucking dumb.

>nuking anybody with a plane

Yeah nah fuck you

>bruh everything will be alright trump know what he is doing

russia isn't going to attack nk. did you even read the article you linked

double anime?

Here's the twist!! They all nuke NK.

The fuck makes you think russia would nuke japan? are you retarded? russia nukes nk.. china can't say shit to trump.. we just parked and watched the show.. HAHAHAHAHAHA

>nuke anime japan
>anime becomes real life

Trump doesn't, but Mattis certainly does

If there was ever a good time in history for a backstab.

This is it.

>this will never happen

Too ballsy of a move, maybe if genghis khan was in charge of the nukes

And T-Rex had talks in Moscow

They will shoot them down


The perfect plan, what possible consequences could there be?

you know this is all a hoax to lull assad into a false sense of security...

as the govt and media talk about north korea doing things they've done every month since forever, american special ops are prepping to wipe out assad and family

Russia gets completlely BTFO'd by the world and have some gooks with sticks to protect them.

Stay out of this Russia

Why do you need to get involved?!


Seriously though, when's WW3 breaking out for real? I'm bored.

It's in our backyard ffs.

I know just messing with you ivan :^)

Aren't bears just their recon planes now? Who would send a 1950s propeller plane to actually bomb something when you have a large fleet of both missiles and supersonic strategic bombers?

The U.K intercepts Tu-95s near our airspace on a monthly basis, friend. We've not been turned into a puddle of glass... well, as of the present moment.

Is there any fucking hope for anyone in the UK if shit goes south with Russia?

>Is there any fucking hope for anyone on the planet if shit goes south with Russia?
The correct question.

M8 if they drop a nuke on that US task force there I doubt there'll be a Russia to worry about.

If it does, head North.

Apparently the Highlands will escape most of it. Being West Mids, I'm pretty much right on top of RAF Cosford and MOD Donnington. So I'm fucked.

Considering pulling out of the area and pooling money with friends for a shelter.

I dunno if you've heard the Brit's are polite, but they're not. We're self serving and, frankly, I don't want 25 toes on both feet.

Seriously, though, I would love to see an avoidance of this shit. I actually quite like Russia.

Good goys Russia. I always knew we were friends.

The rest of the world can fucking burn for all I care. I just wanna know if there is a place in our poor island to survive you having a nuclear seizure.

I just wanna know my survival chances. Russia is the only non NATO country whose nukes I take seriously.

Cheers lad, by the looks of things I might seriously consider gtfo london.

stop being retarded, you guys are looking at the 2D chess angle. When has trump ever only used 2D???

>tfw comfy in Elgin Scotland

Don't quote me on the Highlands, thing. But I know the wilder parts of Scotland will, if not be totally unscathed, less bad than a lot of the U.K.

London? Dude, move out just because it's London, m8. Perhaps it's time to invest in a sail ship and fishing lines, with water purification gear. We could be in for a serious amount of shit.

In all seriousness though we'll be fine lad. No nuclear apocalypse will ever happen.

North Korea plays in 2D, and if they use a bomb, then MAD comes into play.

my plan b is tahiti or new caledonia
cant wait

I honestly don't think that shit will go down. There were much more dire political situations throughout the 20th century and we are still somehow alive.



this is the only chess game trump knows
you can be scarred

So what does this mean for us? Are with or against us?

ready to come play with us?

You sounds like an american

You can't expect me to have blind faith. It's just that his airfield attack was the first direct Western attack against Syria without even any UN shit whatsoever. As far as I know we are also on a lot more shaky ground than we were during cold war, at least back then they had procedures they had already worked out through experience to the point were proxy wars was like streamlined business between the two.

Not that I'm a happening fag. Don't want any of this shit.

>yfw China, Russia and Murrica nuke North Korea at the same time

>1000 D mahjong
I'm better than Trump.

They are just following us around like they always do.

Russian airplanes are danger to themselves considering how much they crash.
They better land soon.

cute post ww2 bomber

I've been promissed WW3 you faggots!
Kek better deliver!

I'm laughing like a retard at this


>What is some outdated pos gonna do against like 40 F-22s?

Keep your command occupied with laughter while their subs launch their ballistic load.

You could walk down the street and have a similar experience, Anders.

I'm not gonna travel to UK soon.

Shit this will be done as a scare tactic to make the japs go home. Shit shit shit. I was really hoping that the Russians would be on the U.S side by some miracle even after the shit that went down in Syria but I guess not. World vs Russia I guess

We're all gonna fucking die.

Then what? Rods from gods intercept ballistic load?

That is a REALLY cool plane

>still uses propellers

the best way for the US and Russia to build relations is a good old fashioned invasion of a common enemy.

>Tu-95 Bear bombers
>the bear will leave his cave forever
Holy shit, the world is literally about to end

I hadn't considered the bases. I'm working on the theory of population centres. If he hits Bham with a 50, or Leicester with a 100, I think I'm outside the blast, radiation, and even the 3rd degree burn zone.
But a 100 on bham (likely) and I'm done.

they're flying to japan mr. shitcunt

You dont need 2km/h to have effective bomber

The bear is the longest range bomber in the world for the exact reason it uses propellers...

>Rods from gods intercept ballistic load?

Citation on existing space weapons? Your country is signatory to an anti-space weaponization treaty

You can only reply to this comment if you have ever heard the comfy sound of B-52's flying overhead.

I hated that love shack shit

love it

your doing god's work user

This. Keep up the good work user. Niggas round here like gettin they own pulse up all night

And if it will, Vladivostok will be the first to be affected.

its pretty obvious that they are flying over japan

I know the x-37 is doing something up there, not sure what.


China,Russia,North Korea,South Korea, USA and Japan are involved now.



I would have said pic related was fake news before the syria strike. Now I think I've been had, or trump's lost his fucking mind.
Or he's under duress, but he ain't that good an actor.

>China,Russia, South Korea, USA and Japan
>North Korea

Trump needs to send a fleet of B-2s to fly over South Korea

that'll get some heads turning

North Korea going to get gangraped harder then Iraq was. The war is probably going to last a couple days tops.

shut it, luke

If it will, I just hope we have a bunch of nukes locked on China.


Just take a look at all MSM + alt news sites, it's happening user.

I hope rapefugeeistan gets fucking glassed.


When Americans are standing with a country they nuked.
That slaps me on the knee.