Iran vs Israel

Who would Sup Forums support in a war between Iran and Israel and why ?

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because they're jews



Iran. Israel needs to be wiped off the map.

there is no "vs" between those two labels. by this point in history israel should be considered as franchise of Iran where Iran is some sort of entity that is tied to indochina through all those TATA's and Taj-mahals in more ways than meets the forbidden fruit of your eye. Think of zionism doctrine as dry run paving the road for hordes of Genghis Khan as implemented through refugees and migrants and state of islam.

Israel probably

I don't want the Jews to come back to Europe.

They never left Hans. They bested you and have ruled since 1945.

The future we should have had is Iran and Israel burying the Saudis


>you got ass-cancer
>here take this pill, it'll give you brain cancer too
no thanks

Depends, do either tittyjews or qtpersians3.14s come offer their fertile wombs to me? This would form the entire foundation of my decision.

isreal, keep the jews there.

Why can't they both lose?

Iran. I don't mind Shia Islam nearly as much as Sunni, and they don't meddle in my governments affairs.

Fuck Jews.



>needing javascript to click on something
ultimate fucking trash

They are the best muslim country.
They're safe, stable, have pretty women, don't breed like rats, and if the last elections are anything to go by - are willing to move beyond the effects of the 1979 Islamic revolution to a more progressive mindset.

Unfortunately the US constantly portrays themselves as morons and gives a reason for the Ayatollah to point at them and exclaim "LOOK. LOOK AT HOW MUCH THE WEST HATE YOU. LOOK AT THEM" which obviously works because the US hint at regime change because that's what their leader (Netanyahu) wants.

Fucking Amerifats.
You're partly to blame for mudshits being so fucked up.




murrikkkan edumacation

Iran because they don't fund terrorism in the West like Israel and their Sunni allies do

Exactly. If Muslims agree to live entirely separate from us we can have peace. Persians have an honourable history and are decent people, provided they are separate they should be encouraged to share this planet with us. We can trade ideas/goods on mutually beneficial terms. Even Mohammad was a pretty incredible general and his caliphates that followed were the powerhouses of their day. Obviously not close to being European tier but still respectable.

We can't even keep the kikes in Israel off our Mongolian basketweaving board. Separation will only be the first step with them.

Not advocating genocide to be clear, I believe if we deport all the kikes and make no shipping/fly zones around/above Israel along with an internet cutoff I believe they wouldn't be able to hurt us and we could live in peace. They already have their ethnostate.

because pic related

go live there faggot

no fuck that and fuck Islam, fucking overthrow that islamic leader piece of shit and give us back our democracy,
but also fuck democracy

fuck Muslims and fuck Mohammed

you're going to plunge it into civil war within the next 20 years so I'd rather not


fuck you

Definitely Iran. Iran winning the proxy war (which they are at the moment) and gaining more influence in the region is the best case scenario for the future of the Middle East. Saudi Arabia, the true #1 state-sponsor of terrorism, fund Wahabbist extremist groups worldwide and Israel isn't far behind them. Shia Muslims can be considered white allies to a certain extent since they hate Sunnis and Jews with a burning passion. They're not a perfect ally but they're at least they're not barbarian animals like other ethnic groups in that region. Plus, they got better qts

I hate jews too but you're a cuck if you like Iran. listen to what their people say about us.

You're right. Muslims suck. But the Persian empire made enumerable contributions to society. Persians are the good guys. Iran > ((((Israel))))

Iran. Wouldn't even have to think about it. I'd be hoping for Iran to nuke Israel off the planet.

>Shia Muslims can be considered white allies to a certain extent

God I hate nu pol

that is one sexy Persian

Correction: Zoroastrian Persia made enumerable contributions to society.

no, your country is entirely to blame for creating israel

I would support anyone in a war against Israel.


Israel, Iran never did anything good than chant death to USA and are backwards.

Jews > Muslims - always

Iranian woman sucks dick so good. They are sluts.

Why is this even a question? Iranians are Aryans who need to be saved from Islam

Kikes belong in the oven

Iran, hands down.

Hezbollah and other armed Shia groups protect Christians in the ME, especially in Syria. Of course, they're not true white allies, I shouldn't have worded it like that, but at least they're on our side in the battle against Wahabbi Islam.


Israel. They have nukes and I fully expect if another Middle Eastern nation won, we'd end up seeing them either used or Iran becoming a nuclear state after capturing them.

I'd much rather see the rest of the Middle East glassed first.

>supporting Muslim expansion and the destruction of the sole nation in the region that's somewhat aligned with western values

Conspiracytards pls go, Israel being destroyed won't even get rid of subversive Marxist kikes in the west. It's also in the nature of Mudslimes to blame anyone other than themselves for all their problems, without the evil-joo scapegoat their #1 enemy will be the west and Christians

that is true.
But your country is entirely to blame for the continuation of support for Israel.

Take a look at this map.
Anyone not colored in green is your bitch.

I'm sure the US interference on behalf of Zionists has nothing to do with Iranian opinions on "Americans"

iran shills post the weirdest shit


Go move to Israel ziocuck

>semites fighting each other to death
>supporting one of them instead of hatemongering both

Jesus Christ you Ayatollah cocksuckers are brain damaged beyond belief

Where do they come from, it has to be diaspora or paid shills


>jews are aligned with western values
what the fuck do they teach you over there, I would trade one jew for twenty muslims, they may blow up a bus but it won't amount to white genocide like the fucking jews push

holy shit I am legit fucking mad

Are you retarded?


No doubt anymore.

I have room in my heart to hate both.

>white genocide
>global white population increasing
Truly retarded

Did you really for the Iran is full of persians meme?

Like 2% of them are, 98% are arabs


You must be fucking blind - she's ugly and like most middle-eastern women. And Iranians are Arabs.

>stormfronters actually thinks that the average Jew or Israeli hates the west and wants to kill all whites

Next up you're going to post a quote by some ultra-zionist nutjob or just a Marxist that happens to be Jewish in order to justify your largely irrational hatred

>Iran are PERSIANS and not at all like Arabs!!!

Since you live in a country that hasn't been enriched I can't blame you for falling for this meme, but really, Iranians, Iraqis and Syrians are interchangeable in 9/10 cases

Can I support the destruction of the entire region - the Christian part of Lebanon?

fuck this is why no one takes pol seriously


>Who would Sup Forums support in a war between Iran and Israel and why ?

Neither, dipshit. I don't care about "based Persian memes" or "Fascist Israelis".
Bottom line is, they're Jews and Muslims, so neither. I support the United States of America.

Go home Reza

>not all jews

Shut your fucking sandnigger lips up you filthy Iranian diaspora rat. You guys are fucking Arabs and that's that - OP pic would he considered an Arab an any fucking western country and your (((Persian))) language is 40% Arabic loan words kek

Enjoying yourself Schlomsky?

Iran. Make the ME Great Again.

>listen to what their people say about us
t. amerucuck
>go to foreign country
>topple their goverment
>replace it with your own
>government gets replaced with islam
>country becomes a shithole cause of islam
But listen to what they say about us


idk my favourite was a US flagged user a few months back who kept making long autistic posts about canadian-iranian sportspeople and cultural similarities etc

just bizarre desu

desu this is one weird form of colonialism. Instead of controlling third world shitholes, we control first world nations.

Both. Let them bomb eachother to hell.


implying the world isn't better off with a Middle East in shambles

Why does china recognize Palestine when they have Tibet issue? Isn't that the primary reason why they didn't recognize Kosovo?

Iranians are arabs you retard, same way modern egyptians are arabs.

Iran - to safe the few aryans who are left after centuries of islamic birth jihad. Poor Persia.

but also there are alot of shitskins in iran



Try again Ali.

no one so when they exhausted I'll follow the Chink investment there and work them to dead for my personal gain

There are even african tribes in the south of Iran (how have they ended up there) that have become something like a Tourist attraction for persians. They're living in straw hut villages.

Invasions and populational/cultural enrichment Persia went through:

>Arab Conquest
>Second and Third Arab conquests
>Mongol Invasion
>Seljuk Invasion
>the Black Plague killing 30% of its population
>Second Turco-Mongol invasions
>Safavids (Mix of Caucasus and Kurdish people)
>Migration of Caucasus muslims and ethnogroups

But please, tell how much aryans they are based on a linguistic data, i'm delighted to hear. You think ashkenazis are europeans too, right?

That's not a ethnic persian - just a mudslime kid Born in Iran to islamic invaders and emigrated to cucked europe.

Does your line of work happen to be within the military industrial complex?

Yes, not all Jews are in favor of wiping out their only allies and being entirely surrounded by people that hate them

Big shocker

This Iran fetishism is absurd, who tricked you into this meme? I never realized how much this shit is being peddled on this board until a couple of days ago

i support both of them to get in a nuclear war

>who win ?


ethnic Persians are browner than Mexicans senpai.

No but I'm happy to directly benefit from it.

dont post that fucking pic
only way to make ME great again is to dismantle islam

You're fucking right user. I'm sick of seeing these Persian we wuzzers on here.