I really like Ana as a Host. But she is weak on Foreign Policy and I would like to see Jon do a show all on his own

I really like Ana as a Host. But she is weak on Foreign Policy and I would like to see Jon do a show all on his own.

Especially during this time, I wish Cenk wasn't in Canada.

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If you unironically enjoy tyt please leave

Trying to silence opinions you disagree with?

Typical conservicuck

She looks like Mason Verger

No one is silencing you. You won't get banned here for enjoying gay stuff or having gay opinions. But if you can tolerate an entire episode of tyt then you probably won't be happy here and you're better suited for a place like reddit.

Tyt are the quintessence of hypocrisy. Ana is an angry, miserable cunt. Cenk is a genocide denier who named his show after a group of mass murderers. And I'm the bad guy. Hahahaha

And I'm happy to acknowledge that Ana is probably better than me. She's better than everyone. Now go away

Have you ever heard of Giuseppe Mazzini?

Do you know where the name "The Young Turks" comes from?

Front organization for color revolutionaries (i.e. modern CIA bullshit) back in the 19th century.

Cenk is literally trolling you and laughing that you are too fucking dumb to know he is an intelligence asset even though he puts it in the organization's name.

Is that why he started Wolf-Pac and Justice Democrats as populist solutions to political corruption?

What is the endgame of those as an intelligence asset?

For that matter, what's the endgame of TYT as a false flag? I am genuinely asking, if I'm being fooled I'd love to know how.

Quit promoting your shitty show on this board you fucking Turk. It's fucking dead, no one has watched your videos since Youtube introduced their new algorithm system in late 2016. It's over. You had a good run, but you need to let it drop.

If you want to know what it takes to fix America, all you have to do is go back to the last president that was assassinated.

(1) We need debt free currency. You know that the federal reserve issues currency into existence as debt right? JFK issued an executive order to end this before he was shot.

(2) We need to constantly invest in high tech industries and we need to make this sexy to the youth. Why did we stop at the Moon?

(3) We need cleaner, greener power and more more more. Energy is the basis of wealth. Ever heard of NAWAPA? JFK wanted to build it. It is shovel ready and would drop unemployment to 0% overnight. Guess what happens when there are more jobs than people? Wages go up because the worker has leverage. Lots of knock on effects like this. You waste time crying about the minimum wage if you are a YTY tier disinfo consumer. Want the red and blue states united to drive wages up? NAWAPA will get the entire bread basket on your side because it will make sure no farmer ever suffers drought again.

There are plenty of political issues you can take up with broad appeal across both parties and non-participants in the political process, but YTY is always pushing you to focus on "blue" issues rather than American issues. Uncuck yourself.

I like Ana too.

Can you explain to me how the mission of Wolf-Pac is a partisan Left issue?

I genuinely, truly want to see your answer.

Ana's Faux Valley Girl impressions are the best.

Fuck off, thunderf00t.

Thunderf00t is a fucking moron and I hate him. Just for the record.

Him and Lacigreen need to fuck already and then both go away.

Tell me about it.

I'd like to subscribe to your newsletter.

>I really like Ana
You're a huge fucking moron nigger. Most plants have better personalities.

>tfw ana will never peg your asshole while edging your cock

Everyone on TYT is a braindead partisan fucking subhuman who's only real policy position is "FuckDrumpf" lol, I wouldn't be surprised if they're funded by conservatives to make leftists look like idiots, literally controlled op. John has a sub 80 IQ, Ana is a dumb slut that talks about stories that dont matter

Jimmy Dore is redpilled as fuck and regularily calls out the kike media

only like 200 people watch the young amernian genocide deniers

its statistically unlikely you're one of them, this is a bait thread. abandon ship

>ageing badly
>man shoulders
>bffs with butch lesbian
>sexualizes children
>denies the Armenian genocide

Serious question why are her eyes so close together?

I'm so happy that Jimmy seems mostly red pilled. He's not good on every issue, but done a pretty awesome job on issues of late.


There are many problems with Wolf-Pac.

If you want the big picture, go back to the Treaty of 1213 where the English surrendered allodial title to their land. This carries forward a long way. Consider, for example, the treaty of 1783:

"It having pleased the Divine Providence to dispose the Hearts of the most Serene and most Potent Prince George the Third, by the Grace of God, King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, Duke of Brunswick and Lunebourg, Arch- Treasurer and Prince Elector of the Holy Roman Empire etc."

Didn't they teach you that the English broke away from the Roman Church in school? LOL, whoops!

We could go on and on, but you can see the fraud right? How did your history teachers get away with such a lie when our founding documents show that the English throne held Roman title?

The TL;DR is that the USA operates under corporate (admiralty) law. Wolf-Pac, when they purport to ban corporations from politics, are actually banning YOU from politics.

Of course TYT, being a disinformation operation, doesn't even tell you about stuff that anyone with a modicum of scholarly inclination knows.

Here's a quote from Abraham Lincoln basically saying the same thing (he got shot for it):

> I conceal what I know, on that subject, from the knowledge of the nation; for if the people knew the whole truth, this war would turn into a religious war, and it would, at once, take a tenfold more savage and bloody character, it would become merciless as all religious wars are. It would become a war of extermination on both sides. The Protestants of both the North and the South would surely unite to exterminate the priests and the Jesuits, if they could hear what Professor Morse has said to me of the plots made in the very city of Rome to destroy this Republic, and if they could learn how the priests, the nuns, and the monks, which daily land on our shores, under the pretext of preaching their religion, instructing the people in their schools, taking care of the sick in the hospitals, are nothing else but the emissaries of the Pope, of Napoleon, and the other despots of Europe, to undermine our institutions, alienate the hearts of our people from our constitution, and our laws, destroy our schools, and prepare a reign of anarchy here as they have done in Ireland, in Mexico, in Spain, and wherever there are any people who want to be free, ect."

nice tracing faggot

>silly pinko, reddit is on the roof, over the ledge

Alex Jones x Ana Kasparian erotic fanfic please

No, really. You have to go back faggot.

Go back where? I spend all of my time here.

Do you want your safe-space back my lovely snowflake?

This whole leftist raid isn't nearly as subversive as it is annoying. Snowflake doesn't really work on people who think the shit that makes you faggots special is degenerate. Piercings, blue hair, you know shit angsty teens do. That's why you're called snowflakes.

It's true. Liberals actually try to solve America's problems where as right wing retards are just useless, autistic trolls

Well you're Canadian sooo... America's what? Also what problems are you lefties trying to fix in Canadastan? Beastiality was the last big legal accomplishment right?

It's such a shame because she has the potential to be so beautiful.

Now she just looks like an angry old buzzard, complete with a beak and talons.

>pic related

Get your shit. You have to go back.
>I really like Ana as a Host.
>I wish Cenk wasn't in Canada.

$$$$$$, Idiot.

Is she balding?

preddy gud

>even this vaselined she's a 5/10 at best

She's decent looking, but she's never been that attractive. Best for her to focus on being a shrill cunt for lib-bucks.

She's aging poorly

Alright not to side track but....any hot picture of her? God damn.

>Unironically liking TYT,

gr8 b8

She's perfect.