How does one rationalise faith in a Christian God when the overwhelming evidence of evolution seems to nullify most of the teachings of the bible?
Belief in God
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because evolution is only a theory and you cannot prove the bible is false
Most of the creation story is a metaphor. Read the articles from this creation theistic evolutionist website:
Also read Physicist Francis S Collins book The language of God, in it he argues for theistic evolution
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Faith isn't about rationality, it's about loyalty.
I get that but I need some mental gymnastics for me to get on board.
Which aspects of the bible? You believe every word and not one embellishment is made?
Its not hard if you just reject naturalism
You believe every word and not one embellishment is made?
Easy to say if you have no knowledge of biology, or a willingness to learn.
How does biology prove naturalism?
Honestly don't mean to offend or allude to anything, but what's your IQ? That is, if you know it.
it isn't a fucking dichotomy you simple minded faggot. KYS.
When did you finally grow out of atheism, anons? Pic related.
Sorry, I misunderstood what you had meant. But, why does it have to black or white. Why can't God be behind the process of evolution?
Praying helps.
Not a very Christian way of responding to a query
>has been sufficient for billions of people even remains sufficeine for billions today
>WAH it's not enough for me, the system is flawed
I was in all of the gifted classes as a child
He could be but I would rather believe in the bible
Having a belief alone won't solve many of our planets issues. I mean, spiritual healers take that same view, thinking that praying to God can cure terminal illnesses. That is quite insane in my opinion.
You rationalize it by being a good goy and blindly following your jew prophet.
Remember the Israelites are literally God's Chosen People so consider a generous donation to better secure yourself in paradise.
Because there is ZERO evidence of evolution
Retard, the bible isn't a metaphor
only pagan idolatrous modern day Christians would deny the greatness of God and what he did.
He made the earth and everything on it, every living thing, the rocks, the trees in 6 days.
God changes a creature so that it may live. That is evolution.
Why do these issues need to be solved?
Before I found God I was a Nihilist
>implying the average normie Christian is as intelligent as your average redpilled Sup Forumsack
>when the overwhelming evidence of evolution seems to nullify most of the teachings of the bible?
Oh your one of those idiots who can't into reading. Got it.
The people of Israel, meaning his people. The modern day "Jew" (that is not the biblical Jew) are NOT his chosen, his chosen are those who believe him. How is pol so blind to the obvious, would his chosen have murdered his son? NO! And modern day Christians aren't his chosen either, they reject god, believe in the false trinity doctrine invented by Constantine in the 4th century, and reject the Torah. The fact is Jesus himself said not one jot of the law will be abolished, yet modern day Christians refuse to acknowledge what Christ (their supposed God) said! Insanity, the world is going to Hell this is a fact.
Prayer has saved me. Trust in God!
Keep sucking that Jew dick.
Slurp slurp slurping it up.
FALSE! When God made all life he said that it was good, if it was not good when he originally made it and needed improvements then this would mean God did not do good.
Faggots need to be whipped, they need to be hanged, the bible says to kill faggots
>I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars--I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you.
Dont see how anyone cannot read this and still think the bible isnt true
And yet you're still here?
Yes and I would say I'm the same and I'm trying to get out of it. It isn't simple enough for me to just believe everything. I need a theologian to rationalise certain things within it. Especially the Old Testament, which seems so focused on le Chosen Ones.
Gods chosen are Jews, but those that call themselves Jews are not Jews! This is not a hard concept to comprehend, the illegals living in America are not Americans for example, same as the modern day kikes not being Jews.
>It isn't simple enough for me to just believe everything.
everything is based on faith
I come here everyday to discuss the bible
My eye is your eye.
A whole heap of mental gymnastics, self loathing, hypocrisy, and lies.
So what type of Christian are you then? Outline your beliefs.
>The overwhelming evidence of creation seems to nullify most of the teachings of the bible
Have you even read the New Testament? 95% of the Bible has nothing to do with Creation.
>when the overwhelming evidence of evolution seems to nullify most of the teachings of the bible
You're gonna need something to back that up, mister.
>evolution is real
Prove macro evolution for me please.
Evolution is immaterial to the teachings of the bible.
You realise that "gifted" can also be just another term for Assburgers, right?
Praise Jesus Christ the Only-Begotten Son of God!
I believe in Jesus, I believe he is the messiah and that it's through him that we are saved, yet as Paul said himself should we sin because we are saved by grace? God forbid!
I believe we must be Torah observant, Jesus himself said not one jot of the law will be abolished until ALL BE FULFILLED
he then says, until heaven and earth pass not one jot of the Law is abolished.
Modern day pagan Christians will justify their lack of observance in the Torah by saying Jesus fulfilled the law therefore we don't have to, well yes he fulfilled it but has ALL been fulfilled? No, earth still exists doesn't it? Heaven for sure still exists. Full observance of the law is impossible, it's very hard there are 613 commandments in the bible, for example physical contact with a woman during her flow is forbidden, even sitting on a seat she sat on is forbidden. Obviously we don't intend to break this law when we go on the bus or something, but we can't prevent it. This is why we need faith in Christ as well, he will help us.
I was referring to Genesis mostly. The New Testament would appear to be much easier to accept.
Evolution says that religion, at least, is an adaptation, and thus, most important teaching of the Bible works just fine.
Who cares if Jesus was or wasn't alive on a third day, if his teaching are true?
I grew into Santaism when I turned 21
>I believe we must be Torah observant
It's not often that I'll get angry with a self-professed Christian but YOU'RE WRONG AND ARE LEADING PEOPLE ASTRAY
Evolution is a dangerous concept, it makes children ignorant of God and believe they are an accident, this creates a degenerate generation. Imagine if the kid instead grows up believing his life is a gift, that he has a purpose, that God brought him on this earth for a reason. Do you think he would be formicating drug addict? Probably not
So you'd have the most Jewish form of Christianity possible? I've never heard a Christian say observe the Torah, can't say the idea appeals.
How? Jesus said not one jot of the law is abolished. I don't want to read biblegateway they're a degenerate website.
It's not abolished. It's fulfilled user. Jesus fulfilled the righteous requirement of the law that we could never fulfill.
Look up Galatians 2 in your own Bible.
Snakes don't talk
Why not? Why ignore God's commandments? Modern day Christians will spit on the floor and say fuck the Jews I love pork but the very God they profess to believe in has said that we cannot have it, it's forbidden to us. Why in an effort to distinguish themselves from the Talmudists will we push God away from us? It makes no sense, who cares if they're observant of the Torah? We should be too, God gave us these commandments for a good reason.
I started selling bibles to homeless people.
I'm about to start reading the old testament strictly for ancient history of kings
Exactly, it's not abolished it won't be until ALL BE FULFILLED
Matthew 5:18-19
For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
Maybe YOU believe heaven and earth have passed, maybe you want to be called least in the kingdom of heaven. That's your choice, God gave us free will do as you will. I will do as Jesus willed.
O foolish user, who has bewitched you, that you should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ has been evidently set forth, crucified among you? This only would I learn of you: did you receive the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?
Are you so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, are you now made perfect by the flesh?
expecting someone who believes in christianity to be rational about it is a mistake
Why should I believe in magic and faeries and dragons and ghosts exactly?
I never believed in it as a kid and I don't believe it now.
Even if scientific schools of thought do turn up flaws now and again why does that mean I should automatically believe in the tooth fairy and the bogeyman?
People are pathetic and afraid of death, so they fight for their beliefs whether they make sense or not. Though on Sup Forums it's also a lot of pussies afraid of being labeled as an edgy atheist. Either way, it seems to come from being cowardly. Or ignorant. Or both.
Ignore the law, go fornicate, go be a faggot, go murder, go steal, go lie and cheat. Do as you please then that's your choice.
So if I'm a confirmed Catholic (non practicing clearl), I'm effectively a heretic to you?
nothing wrong with drugs or sex
For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse: for it is written, Cursed is every one that continues not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them.
Belong to His Universal Church (Catholic) as His Church believes in the Big Bang Theory and the Theory Of Evolution. The start of His Church is found in Matthew. The Apostolic Succession needed to continue His Church is found in Acts. The truth is it is all a farce. Yeshua Ben Yosef and all the deities created by mankind are no more than mythical figures. The Abrahamic Religions are atrocious cancers to mankind. Seek the truth and the truth will set you free.
Fairies aren't real first of all, magic is in a sense, its influence from demons. God warns us that we need to kill wizards and witches. Dragons are real, go to the museum you'll see their bones. Ghosts aren't real, when you die your spirit can't leave heaven
Genesis is very easily accepted as metaphor by many, mostly because the language used in the book itself is very allegorical. "Day" for example can be translated to mean "era," especially since the word "day" is used before the Sun and Moon are created.
evolution is a meme circual reasoning theory. entirely unfalsifiable.
as scientific as the concept of internalized racism. brainlets and people weak in faith dont get that.
that being said, faith doesnt come out of ration, but from God opening you blind eyes.
You can't save people from life covering em in 2000 years old blanket. I know a bunch of hardcore Mennonite guys who turns 18 and became drunkard thugs because of this.
Religious truth evolved throug tens of thousands years of human interaction and search for meaning, making it cold dogma is weakening you, children don't give a shit about God, as it presented to them as boring useless dead stuff.
Yes, Catholicism is the satanic Roman pagan church, it ignores the bible and claims there are three Gods. It needs to be outlawed, catholic teaching must be banned, catholic schools shut down and Catholic Churches converted to a real church, one that will teach Gods word, the words of the bible.
So in other words, you have no argument. You've asserted that your fairytales are true and others are not with no actual reasoning applied anywhere.
>Spouting this retarded rhetoric for the 1837th time
These are molymeme tier non arguments.
The world is 6,000 years old first of all, second of all they became drug addicted thugs because they rejected Gods word. That's their own fault for going against common sense
Dragon is symbolic representation of evil, powerful and predatory chaos. Do you believe in it?
The bible is Gods word.
>evidence of evolution
Such as...?
>m-muh interpretation
ie: the Word is full of nonsense and you desperately try and rationalise it because otherwise you look like a colossal cuck.
Whatever happened to God's Word being immutable?
By rational thought... MORON! (Hits your head with a bible)
Macroevolution is not provable. Its not mathematically viable and amino acids along with other proteins and cells actually disprove it.
Which denomination would you say fits the most with your professed truth?
Dragon isn't symbolic you idiot, stop saying God is a liar! All you pagan Christians are what's destroying our faith, not the degenerates, not the fags or Catholics or Muslims or Jews it's YOU you're your own enemy. Be telling the crictics oh this part isn't true, this part is just a metaphor blah blah blah you're killing our faith. Put your foot down, tell them dragons are real! if they refuse to believe, despite the overwhelming evidence that's their own fault, maybe when they are in Hell they'll finally believe.
Your entire argument is just 'I am right because'
Just quit while you're ahead man. You clearly don't understand this whole 'proving a point' business. Just go back to singing hymns.
>Holy spirit.
What do you believe?
Basic instructions before leaving earth is pretty obvious senpai.
>Gods word is so simple a fool can understand.
I'm in the middle of converting to a new church from being agnostic. One thing that I tell everyone about converting or trying to find God is that there is no faith without doubt. The deeper I got into it, the more I realized that science and religion do not have to contradict one another. They are separate entities that both need to be studied and respected.
It should be mentioned that many people think Darwin completely shook the foundations of Christian beliefs of Creation, he didn't. Origen and Augustine both made cases for an allegorical interpretation of Genesis way before any scientific evidence contradicted it.
you should try worshipping dionysus for a change, you seem like you could use some ritualistic drunken sex
None of them, I believe in the words of the bible and that's the end of it. No mainstream denomination believes the bible.
Catholic, orthodox and Anglican are all polytheistic, God is one that's the end of it.
None are Torah observant, Jesus did not abolish the law, the law will never be abolished heaven can never pass therefore the Law will never be abolished, God is eternal and so is his Kingdom and his words! The pagan Constantine destroyed the church when he converted Rome to Christianity and influenced it with his pagan beliefs
These are all separate, they are not God. Jesus is standing on the right hand of God in heaven. If they are one then why is there two? They must be two Gods or there is only one God and his son.
There CANNOT be a trinity, it's a physical impossibility
are you christian identity? tell me more, im interested. why no pork?
cool memes bro
I'd like to see this "overwhelming evidence"
But anyway, evolution is NOT contrary to the Bible's teaching. Watch some of Jordan Peterson's lectures on the book of genises, those stories are full of meaning outside of literal interpretation.
That being said, you will never find evidence of God, because He asks for faith. That a price, because faith cannot make you look smart in front of your edgy friends.
PLUS, the church's in his day accepted his truths and interpreted them as the way god had made earth, but Darwin denied any affiliation, and requested they not speak for his findings.
science has become corrupted by Satanic influence
>physical impossibility
that is the power of GOD our Lord Christ Jesus
> The Bible is true because the Bible is true
Lel. And who gave you the Bible? The Catholic church, that's who. You trust the Catholic church enough to give you the Bible, and then Martin Luther tears out seven books and now you claim to understand Jesus' teachings better than his disciple's direct students. You didn't happen to read a book titled "Christianity Reconsidered", did you?
Because God said it's unclean to us. Any fish that does not have fins and scales, any animal that does not chew the cud and have cloven feet, any animal that was found dead, the animals fat, blood there's a lot more that's forbidden than just pork.