Why the fuck is no one talking about this?

Trump says that our dollar is TOO STRONG and leaves open possibility of renominating Fed Chairwoman Janet Yellen. What a stupid thing to say.

Other urls found in this thread:


Why is backing away from everything he said during the campaign? It's pissing me off.

One more thing, if he starts appeasing the Fed I'll be completely done with him. He was one of the few candidates that actually pointed out the Federal Reserve was a problem. Rant over.

both faggots, hes making American products more competitively priced in the global market

you guys are out in full force hey

One man can't change the course of the empire.

if voting changed anything they would make it illegal.

elections are jsut a farce to keep you in the illusion that there is not one single continuous elite dominating ALL administrations.

Grow up faggot. If it wasn't for people like me, he'd have lost Pennsylvania. I didn't vote for this.

he's not backing away from anything, he's going forward FULL FORCE
I'm amazed he's survived this long

Oh look it's THIS thread again

sure you did

This is the first remotely anti-Trump thread I've ever made, fuck off.

But it ain't the first on this board shill

He'd have lost Pennsylvania without people who voted for Hillary?

Trump would have won without PA, he had Florida

his ban didn't even ban Turkey or SA.
This was BEFORE the courts weakened it, this mean he did not even DESIRE to upset those regimes, so he bans a bunch of shotty poor irrelevant Muslim countries instead.


There is a reason why too strong a dollar can be a bad thing but am engineerfag not econfag so I glossed over it.

Someone care to explain?


Shills post once with their b8 thread and then leave.

I bet you live in Philly you filthy commie

Get 'em Yeb!

>no citation

OP why are you such a MASSIVE FAGGOT?

Not necessarily paid, plenty of (((alt-right))) Spencerfags are shilling here for free.

Learn what "strong" vs. "weak" dollar means first.

It would be poor form to label your customer a currency manipulator when theyre about to buy all your coal and revitalize your industry

THIS is why I voted for trump.

>dollar too strong
>China isn't a currency manipulator

It's strong BECAUSE China is manipulating for fucks sake. China is artificially keeping their currency low to prop up their economy which is hitting a serious slow down.

The lower value of the Yuan the more people buy shit from them.

Sick of people thinking a "Strong" currency is beneficial to all. It's good for fucking importers and tourists and bad for people who sell shit over seas

>yay, we can become the (insert shithole third world economy that relies on exporting raw materials) of (insert raw material) to China.

See, You only do imports
I do exports
Well, importing and exporting
But mostly exports


You're a nigger, jerry

Care to leave some credible sources and facts? By now you have to know autists aren't swayed by emotional outbursts...

His credible source is fuck Trump and fuck white people

is that a direct quote or more fake news?

Wow you're a cuckfag

Why can't you faggots learn how to Google anything?

"Trump backs away from labeling China a currency manipulator" - reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-currency-idUSKBN17E2L8

You are defending inflation you dumbfuck.
Trump campaigned against rising inflation, now it seems the feds have begun to sink their claws into him.

At least he won't get JFK'd

>Needing spoonfed this fucking bad.

No wonder this board is shit. If it's not completely laid out flat for you dependent newfags, you will never get information. Google "Tr" and Trump will fill in, right with that, you will have all of the stories from today you lazy sacks of shit.

Bump. This is yet ANOTHER complete flip flop he's pulled in just a week. We we were all duped by a fraud.

You are all massive, massive faggots.

>Janet Yellen is "not toast"
>the dollar is too strong

Trump can claim whatever he wants. The dollar is slowly being abandoned and that's good.

>citing sources is spoonfeeding
do they just give you a list of meme buzzwords to spew over at shariablue

Because you gullible fucks got played. Trump neither has shame, nor any tangible principles. The only exception is possibly immigration, but that's about it.

Trump was the best choice out of all the other shitty politicians in your election. But he betrayed you.
What you need is a revolution, but I doubt today americans are brave enough to try that.

>The internet boogeyman meme

Save it cunt. We know, you're so tired of getting BTFO every other day by your own overlord, that all you can do is point and cry shill.

Do you fucks not know what "strong dollar" means?

It means the USD is worth more compared to other currencies which is good if you're buying shit overseas but BAD if you're exporting. Like an American factory selling American goods overseas.

A strong dollar is bad for American manufacturing which is what he wants to revitalize

Better to die fighting for what is truly right than not getting JFK'd and being a globalist cuck.


You idiots don't understand how the economy works
When the dollar is overvalued people stop spending and sit on cash
When the dollar starts declining people spend money which stimulates the economy

no, they don't. let them sperg out over nothing all the time just like the democrats. it'll just weaken their credibility

Agreed I'm done with Trump. I should've voted for Queen Hillary.

I'm against him doing this you dumbass
You need to step back from Sup Forums for awhile.

He always said he wanted to lower the dollar

he lied about everything

stfu tinfoil

>A strong dollar is bad for American manufacturing which is what he wants to revitalize

Does he realize this won't help ordinary Americans due to impending automation?

Why focus so much important national policy on chasing a wild goose?

American manufacturing may be great again, but it won't benefit average Americans like it used to.

Always having a strong dollar is pretty much a meme.

Sometimes have a weak dollar helps bring in foreign buyers and interest.

You realize having too strong of a dollar kills exports?

Fuck that make the dollar STRONGER and boot Yellen's ass!!! Everyone tweet Trump and message the Whitehouse. Whitehouse.gov petition anyone?

A strong currency is never a good thing but I wouldn't expect a burger to understand that kind of thing.

grow up


Yeah, your purchasing power will be too great for the Jew overlords to keep you in the debt cycle

Are you retarded? Simple economics if the dollar is too strong which it is our goods look more expensive because they are and we export less.

Did you know that this dog was murdered? For no reason? New Zealand has to answer for it.

Because he's a liar, you moron. Always was. Only his idiot MAGA followers believed his crap.

Unfortunately, there's alot of these idiots.

>I didn't vote for this

actually, for the past couple of years it's been common courtesy that if you're going to make a claim or talk about a news story in the OP, you must provide a link as well. Archiving the link so we don't send business to media companies we don't like is appreciated as well.

you wouldn't know this, because you are a massive newfag cock eating bitchboii.

Hello Shareblue

He's been saying dollar is too strong.
He also left open possibility of nominating Romney LOL. Turns out he just doesn't like to show his hand

Muh shillz!

Strong dollar hurts US manufacturing and hurts our exports. It's the reason China has been keeping currency artificially low

we've all seen that image before, shareblue. make a new one, it's getting a bit stale.

Muh shillz!

The onus of proof is on the person who makes the claim you fucking retard it used to be that if someone posted some shit without a link it was disregarded god i fucking hate nu Sup Forums

I'm one of the few critizing Trump in this thread you stupid fuck.

If you had browsed Sup Forums for more than one election cycle you would have picked up on that. Mcfucking consider suicide.

considering immigration is the most important that isn't so bad. if they get to import 100 million shitskins like the left want it's game over no matter what. if trump can block that then there's hope for recovery.

>Turns out he just doesn't like to show his hand

Alternatively that he doesn't have any fucking idea what's going on.

But, y'know, just keep believing in increasing dimensions of chess as he sells out every value you thought he was good for. It's all part of the plan buddy. War with Russia and doing the bidding of Israel is just a big feint. You'll see. Give him 8 more years, it'll all make sense.

>trump is a russian agent! fucking traitors!
>drumpf didn't improve russian relations! haha dumb drumpfers BTFO

Strong dollar hurts exports, hurts manufacturing. There is such a thing as having currency be too strong.

Wrong. Take the limit as the dollar's value goes to infinity. Print $1, buy the rest of the world, #winning.

Trumpcucks are dumb and should shut up.

Dollar too strong = Yuan too weak
you fucking idiots

He promised on like 10 different occasions to name China a currency manipulator "on day one"

People ITT who don't understand that having a stronk dollar can be a bad thing are genuinely economically retarded.

Strong dollars do benefit existing wealth, however. So there is some of a trade-off.

>Janet Yellen

meet the new boss....

nu-Sup Forums are the people who support Trump no matter what, even when Trump refuses to do what we wanted, or sides against us.

Like you.

That's another campaign promise from his Contract With The American Voter chucked in the bin.

Yes, we must keep the (((dollar))) as strong as possible.

for those who have little understanding of international economics:


I know this is confusing to you all but this is why China manipulates it's currency. It keeps its currency WEAK so it has HIGH exports. This is verifiable with a simple google search (do it now!)
Of course, this board is filled with retards and shareblue employees so this comment will be ignored.

If Drumpf weakens the US currency, he will actually be fulfilling a campaign promise by increasing US exports. I know this is confusing to you but that's ok, we're not all intelligent.

>Does he realize this won't help ordinary Americans due to impending automation?

Automation is moving quite leisurely. Spend less time on the internet and check out meatspace now and then. American manufacturing is already fucking great by productivity measures, and there's very little unemployment unless you are an unskilled/wrongskilled loser.

Currently China is manipulating their currency to slow it's depreciation. They are manipulating the RMB to be stronger you dumbass.

Yes by devaluing the value of the savings of the average American while the big guy gains everything I'm sure (((You))) love that

So what will this mean for me? Will my purchasing power decrease?

>getting free stuff is bad

trade deficits are about as boss as boss gets

Why don't we just devalue our currency for 5 minutes down to .0000000000000000000% of current value, pay off our national debt, and then undo the devaluation?

Why are people getting mad about Trump saying the dollar is too strong relative to China...

Sup Forums anons are generally pretty smart hard to believe they are this ignorant in regard to economics.

Fracking also gives the US more freedom to weaken its dollar, in the past oil prices would screw us if we did that now with fracking its a lot less of a factor.

>Alternatively that he doesn't have any fucking idea what's going on.

Yea, that was the main theory BEFORE he got elected.
It kind of lost credibility afterwords though.

>Yes by devaluing the value of the savings of the average American while the big guy gains everything I'm sure (((You))) love that

Get an online brokerage account and get a hedge of some kind.

Trade deficits are not free, in effect CHYNA is collecting financial assets (dollars, T-bills) in exchange for cheap & worthless plastic crap. Plus we are losing US jobs.
Everything is bad in extremes. When the US currency is too strong (as it is now) it is bad, and when the US currency is too weak (as it would be under your suggestion) that is bad too.
Shareblue or retard which one?

>Falling for the hedge fund jew
Not even once watch them become the new S&L crisis of our time in a few years

Yes goyim left is now right and blue is now red!

You slipped up. Wanna know how I can tell you vote blue?

>collecting t-bills we can cancel whenever we want in exchange for tangible goods

sounds pretty good to me tbqh

Fuck you

You know if Trump (((caves))), we go full Ethnostate and start over, right? You really think we're gonna bend the knee and vote Bernie over gassing you trans faggots when the empire collapses? Think again. Trump is literally America's last chance to redeem itself before whites flip over the table and go postal on all the degenerate gibs and subverters. You better pray to David's cock that he shapes the fuck up